/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ using "basic.style"; using "ui/widgets/widgets.style"; mediaviewActiveOpacity: 1.; mediaviewInactiveOpacity: 0.78; mediaviewOverDuration: 150; mediaviewPlaybackActive: #ffffff; mediaviewPlaybackInactive: #474747; mediaviewPlayback: MediaSlider { width: 3px; activeFg: mediaviewPlaybackActive; inactiveFg: mediaviewPlaybackInactive; disabledActiveFg: mediaviewPlaybackActive; disabledInactiveFg: mediaviewPlaybackInactive; activeOpacity: mediaviewActiveOpacity; inactiveOpacity: mediaviewInactiveOpacity; seekSize: size(11px, 11px); duration: mediaviewOverDuration; } mediaviewControllerSize: size(600px, 50px); mediaviewPlayProgressLabel: LabelSimple(defaultLabelSimple) { font: semiboldFont; textFg: #ffffffc7; } mediaviewPlayProgressTop: 11px; mediaviewPlayButton: IconButton { width: 25px; height: 24px; opacity: mediaviewInactiveOpacity; overOpacity: mediaviewActiveOpacity; icon: icon {{ "media_play", #ffffff, point(3px, 0px) }}; iconPosition: point(3px, 1px); downIconPosition: point(3px, 1px); duration: mediaviewOverDuration; } mediaviewPauseIcon: icon {{ "media_pause", #ffffff, point(1px, 1px) }}; mediaviewPlayPauseLeft: 17px; mediaviewFullScreenLeft: 17px; mediaviewVolumeLeft: 15px; mediaviewFullScreenButton: IconButton(mediaviewPlayButton) { icon: icon {{ "media_fullscreen_to", #ffffff, point(0px, 0px) }}; iconPosition: point(0px, 1px); downIconPosition: point(0px, 1px); } mediaviewFullScreenOutIcon: icon {{ "media_fullscreen_from", #ffffff, point(0px, 0px) }}; mediaviewPlaybackTop: 28px; mediaviewVolumeSize: size(44px, 20px); mediaviewVolumeIcon: icon {{ "media_volume", mediaviewPlaybackInactive, point(0px, 0px) }}; mediaviewVolumeOnIcon: icon {{ "media_volume", mediaviewPlaybackActive, point(0px, 0px) }}; mediaviewVolumeIconTop: 8px; mediaviewControllerRadius: 25px; mediaviewLeft: icon {{ "mediaview_previous", #ffffff }}; mediaviewRight: icon {{ "mediaview_next", #ffffff }}; mediaviewClose: icon {{ "mediaview_close", #ffffff }}; mediaviewSave: icon {{ "mediaview_download", #ffffff }}; mediaviewMore: icon {{ "mediaview_more", #ffffff }}; mediaviewFileRedCornerFg: #d55959; mediaviewFileYellowCornerFg: #e8a659; mediaviewFileGreenCornerFg: #49a957; mediaviewFileBlueCornerFg: #599dcf; mediaviewFileRed: icon { { size(25px, 25px), #ffffff }, { "mediaview_file_corner", mediaviewFileRedCornerFg }, }; mediaviewFileYellow: icon { { size(25px, 25px), #ffffff }, { "mediaview_file_corner", mediaviewFileYellowCornerFg }, }; mediaviewFileGreen: icon { { size(25px, 25px), #ffffff }, { "mediaview_file_corner", mediaviewFileGreenCornerFg }, }; mediaviewFileBlue: icon { { size(25px, 25px), #ffffff }, { "mediaview_file_corner", mediaviewFileBlueCornerFg }, }; mediaviewTransparentBg: #ffffff; mediaviewTransparentFg: #cccccc; mediaviewTransparentSize: 4px; mediaviewMenu: Menu(defaultMenu) { itemBg: #383838; itemBgOver: #505050; itemFg: white; itemFgOver: white; itemFgDisabled: #999; itemFgShortcut: #eee; itemFgShortcutOver: #fff; itemFgShortcutDisabled: #999; separatorFg: #484848; } mediaviewPopupMenu: PopupMenu(defaultPopupMenu) { shadow: icon {}; menu: mediaviewMenu; } mediaviewDropdownMenu: DropdownMenu(defaultDropdownMenu) { menu: mediaviewMenu; } /* mvDropdown: dropdown(dropdownDef) { shadow: icon {}; padding: margins(11px, 12px, 11px, 12px); border: 0px; width: 182px; } mvButton: iconedButton(btnDefIconed) { bgColor: #383838; overBgColor: #505050; font: font(fsize); opacity: 1.; overOpacity: 1.; width: -32px; height: 36px; color: white; textPos: point(16px, 9px); downTextPos: point(16px, 10px); duration: 0; } */