/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "ui/rp_widget.h" #include "ui/ui_utility.h" #include "base/object_ptr.h" namespace Ui { template class Wrap; namespace details { struct UnwrapHelper { template < typename Widget, typename = typename std::decay_t::WrapParentType> static std::true_type Is(Widget &&widget); static std::false_type Is(...); template static auto Unwrap(Entity *entity, std::true_type) { return entity ? entity->entity() : nullptr; } template static Entity *Unwrap(Entity *entity, std::false_type) { return entity; } template static auto Unwrap(Entity *entity) { using Selector = decltype(Is(std::declval())); return Unwrap( entity, Selector()); } }; } // namespace details template class Wrap : public RpWidget { public: Wrap(QWidget *parent, object_ptr &&child); Widget *wrapped() { return _wrapped; } const Widget *wrapped() const { return _wrapped; } auto entity() { return details::UnwrapHelper::Unwrap(wrapped()); } auto entity() const { return details::UnwrapHelper::Unwrap(wrapped()); } QMargins getMargins() const override { if (auto weak = wrapped()) { return weak->getMargins(); } return RpWidget::getMargins(); } int naturalWidth() const override { if (auto weak = wrapped()) { return weak->naturalWidth(); } return RpWidget::naturalWidth(); } protected: int resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) override { if (auto weak = wrapped()) { weak->resizeToWidth(newWidth); return weak->heightNoMargins(); } return heightNoMargins(); } void visibleTopBottomUpdated( int visibleTop, int visibleBottom) override { setChildVisibleTopBottom( wrapped(), visibleTop, visibleBottom); } virtual void wrappedSizeUpdated(QSize size) { resize(size); } private: object_ptr _wrapped; }; template Wrap::Wrap( QWidget *parent, object_ptr &&child) : RpWidget(parent) , _wrapped(std::move(child)) { if (_wrapped) { _wrapped->sizeValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([this](const QSize &value) { wrappedSizeUpdated(value); }, lifetime()); AttachParentChild(this, _wrapped); _wrapped->move(0, 0); _wrapped->alive( ) | rpl::start_with_done([this] { _wrapped->setParent(nullptr); _wrapped = nullptr; delete this; }, lifetime()); } } template class Wrap : public ParentType { public: using ParentType::ParentType; Widget *wrapped() { return static_cast(ParentType::wrapped()); } const Widget *wrapped() const { return static_cast(ParentType::wrapped()); } auto entity() { return details::UnwrapHelper::Unwrap(wrapped()); } auto entity() const { return details::UnwrapHelper::Unwrap(wrapped()); } using WrapParentType = ParentType; }; class OverrideMargins : public Wrap { using Parent = Wrap; public: OverrideMargins( QWidget *parent, object_ptr &&child, QMargins margins = QMargins()) : Parent(parent, std::move(child)), _margins(margins) { if (auto weak = wrapped()) { auto margins = weak->getMargins(); resizeToWidth(weak->width() - margins.left() - margins.right()); } } QMargins getMargins() const override { return _margins; } protected: int resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) override { if (auto weak = wrapped()) { weak->resizeToWidth(newWidth); weak->moveToLeft(_margins.left(), _margins.top()); return weak->heightNoMargins(); } return height(); } private: void wrappedSizeUpdated(QSize size) override { auto margins = wrapped()->getMargins(); resize( (size.width() - margins.left() - margins.right() + _margins.left() + _margins.right()), (size.height() - margins.top() - margins.bottom() + _margins.top() + _margins.bottom())); } QMargins _margins; }; } // namespace Ui