/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ui/effects/panel_animation.h" #include "ui/effects/animation_value.h" #include "app.h" namespace Ui { void RoundShadowAnimation::start(int frameWidth, int frameHeight, float64 devicePixelRatio) { Assert(!started()); _frameWidth = frameWidth; _frameHeight = frameHeight; _frame = QImage(_frameWidth, _frameHeight, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); _frame.setDevicePixelRatio(devicePixelRatio); _frameIntsPerLine = (_frame.bytesPerLine() >> 2); _frameInts = reinterpret_cast(_frame.bits()); _frameIntsPerLineAdded = _frameIntsPerLine - _frameWidth; Assert(_frame.depth() == static_cast(sizeof(uint32) << 3)); Assert(_frame.bytesPerLine() == (_frameIntsPerLine << 2)); Assert(_frameIntsPerLineAdded >= 0); } void RoundShadowAnimation::setShadow(const style::Shadow &st) { _shadow.extend = st.extend * cIntRetinaFactor(); _shadow.left = cloneImage(st.left); if (_shadow.valid()) { _shadow.topLeft = cloneImage(st.topLeft); _shadow.top = cloneImage(st.top); _shadow.topRight = cloneImage(st.topRight); _shadow.right = cloneImage(st.right); _shadow.bottomRight = cloneImage(st.bottomRight); _shadow.bottom = cloneImage(st.bottom); _shadow.bottomLeft = cloneImage(st.bottomLeft); Assert(!_shadow.topLeft.isNull() && !_shadow.top.isNull() && !_shadow.topRight.isNull() && !_shadow.right.isNull() && !_shadow.bottomRight.isNull() && !_shadow.bottom.isNull() && !_shadow.bottomLeft.isNull()); } else { _shadow.topLeft = _shadow.top = _shadow.topRight = _shadow.right = _shadow.bottomRight = _shadow.bottom = _shadow.bottomLeft = QImage(); } } void RoundShadowAnimation::setCornerMasks(const QImage &topLeft, const QImage &topRight, const QImage &bottomLeft, const QImage &bottomRight) { setCornerMask(_topLeft, topLeft); setCornerMask(_topRight, topRight); setCornerMask(_bottomLeft, bottomLeft); setCornerMask(_bottomRight, bottomRight); } void RoundShadowAnimation::setCornerMask(Corner &corner, const QImage &image) { Assert(!started()); corner.image = image; if (corner.valid()) { corner.width = corner.image.width(); corner.height = corner.image.height(); corner.bytes = corner.image.constBits(); corner.bytesPerPixel = (corner.image.depth() >> 3); corner.bytesPerLineAdded = corner.image.bytesPerLine() - corner.width * corner.bytesPerPixel; Assert(corner.image.depth() == (corner.bytesPerPixel << 3)); Assert(corner.bytesPerLineAdded >= 0); } else { corner.width = corner.height = 0; } } QImage RoundShadowAnimation::cloneImage(const style::icon &source) { if (source.empty()) return QImage(); auto result = QImage(source.size() * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); result.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); result.fill(Qt::transparent); { Painter p(&result); source.paint(p, 0, 0, source.width()); } return result; } void RoundShadowAnimation::paintCorner(Corner &corner, int left, int top) { auto mask = corner.bytes; auto bytesPerPixel = corner.bytesPerPixel; auto bytesPerLineAdded = corner.bytesPerLineAdded; auto frameInts = _frameInts + top * _frameIntsPerLine + left; auto frameIntsPerLineAdd = _frameIntsPerLine - corner.width; for (auto y = 0; y != corner.height; ++y) { for (auto x = 0; x != corner.width; ++x) { auto alpha = static_cast(*mask) + 1; *frameInts = anim::unshifted(anim::shifted(*frameInts) * alpha); ++frameInts; mask += bytesPerPixel; } frameInts += frameIntsPerLineAdd; mask += bytesPerLineAdded; } } void RoundShadowAnimation::paintShadow(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { paintShadowCorner(left, top, _shadow.topLeft); paintShadowCorner(right - _shadow.topRight.width(), top, _shadow.topRight); paintShadowCorner(right - _shadow.bottomRight.width(), bottom - _shadow.bottomRight.height(), _shadow.bottomRight); paintShadowCorner(left, bottom - _shadow.bottomLeft.height(), _shadow.bottomLeft); paintShadowVertical(left, top + _shadow.topLeft.height(), bottom - _shadow.bottomLeft.height(), _shadow.left); paintShadowVertical(right - _shadow.right.width(), top + _shadow.topRight.height(), bottom - _shadow.bottomRight.height(), _shadow.right); paintShadowHorizontal(left + _shadow.topLeft.width(), right - _shadow.topRight.width(), top, _shadow.top); paintShadowHorizontal(left + _shadow.bottomLeft.width(), right - _shadow.bottomRight.width(), bottom - _shadow.bottom.height(), _shadow.bottom); } void RoundShadowAnimation::paintShadowCorner(int left, int top, const QImage &image) { auto imageWidth = image.width(); auto imageHeight = image.height(); auto imageInts = reinterpret_cast(image.constBits()); auto imageIntsPerLine = (image.bytesPerLine() >> 2); auto imageIntsPerLineAdded = imageIntsPerLine - imageWidth; if (left < 0) { auto shift = -base::take(left); imageWidth -= shift; imageInts += shift; } if (top < 0) { auto shift = -base::take(top); imageHeight -= shift; imageInts += shift * imageIntsPerLine; } if (left + imageWidth > _frameWidth) { imageWidth = _frameWidth - left; } if (top + imageHeight > _frameHeight) { imageHeight = _frameHeight - top; } if (imageWidth < 0 || imageHeight < 0) return; auto frameInts = _frameInts + top * _frameIntsPerLine + left; auto frameIntsPerLineAdd = _frameIntsPerLine - imageWidth; for (auto y = 0; y != imageHeight; ++y) { for (auto x = 0; x != imageWidth; ++x) { auto source = *frameInts; auto shadowAlpha = qMax(_frameAlpha - int(source >> 24), 0); *frameInts = anim::unshifted(anim::shifted(source) * 256 + anim::shifted(*imageInts) * shadowAlpha); ++frameInts; ++imageInts; } frameInts += frameIntsPerLineAdd; imageInts += imageIntsPerLineAdded; } } void RoundShadowAnimation::paintShadowVertical(int left, int top, int bottom, const QImage &image) { auto imageWidth = image.width(); auto imageInts = reinterpret_cast(image.constBits()); if (left < 0) { auto shift = -base::take(left); imageWidth -= shift; imageInts += shift; } if (top < 0) top = 0; accumulate_min(bottom, _frameHeight); accumulate_min(imageWidth, _frameWidth - left); if (imageWidth < 0 || bottom <= top) return; auto frameInts = _frameInts + top * _frameIntsPerLine + left; auto frameIntsPerLineAdd = _frameIntsPerLine - imageWidth; for (auto y = top; y != bottom; ++y) { for (auto x = 0; x != imageWidth; ++x) { auto source = *frameInts; auto shadowAlpha = _frameAlpha - (source >> 24); *frameInts = anim::unshifted(anim::shifted(source) * 256 + anim::shifted(*imageInts) * shadowAlpha); ++frameInts; ++imageInts; } frameInts += frameIntsPerLineAdd; imageInts -= imageWidth; } } void RoundShadowAnimation::paintShadowHorizontal(int left, int right, int top, const QImage &image) { auto imageHeight = image.height(); auto imageInts = reinterpret_cast(image.constBits()); auto imageIntsPerLine = (image.bytesPerLine() >> 2); if (top < 0) { auto shift = -base::take(top); imageHeight -= shift; imageInts += shift * imageIntsPerLine; } if (left < 0) left = 0; accumulate_min(right, _frameWidth); accumulate_min(imageHeight, _frameHeight - top); if (imageHeight < 0 || right <= left) return; auto frameInts = _frameInts + top * _frameIntsPerLine + left; auto frameIntsPerLineAdd = _frameIntsPerLine - (right - left); for (auto y = 0; y != imageHeight; ++y) { auto imagePattern = anim::shifted(*imageInts); for (auto x = left; x != right; ++x) { auto source = *frameInts; auto shadowAlpha = _frameAlpha - (source >> 24); *frameInts = anim::unshifted(anim::shifted(source) * 256 + imagePattern * shadowAlpha); ++frameInts; } frameInts += frameIntsPerLineAdd; imageInts += imageIntsPerLine; } } void PanelAnimation::setFinalImage(QImage &&finalImage, QRect inner) { Assert(!started()); _finalImage = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(finalImage).convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied)); Assert(!_finalImage.isNull()); _finalWidth = _finalImage.width(); _finalHeight = _finalImage.height(); Assert(!(_finalWidth % cIntRetinaFactor())); Assert(!(_finalHeight % cIntRetinaFactor())); _finalInnerLeft = inner.x(); _finalInnerTop = inner.y(); _finalInnerWidth = inner.width(); _finalInnerHeight = inner.height(); Assert(!(_finalInnerLeft % cIntRetinaFactor())); Assert(!(_finalInnerTop % cIntRetinaFactor())); Assert(!(_finalInnerWidth % cIntRetinaFactor())); Assert(!(_finalInnerHeight % cIntRetinaFactor())); _finalInnerRight = _finalInnerLeft + _finalInnerWidth; _finalInnerBottom = _finalInnerTop + _finalInnerHeight; Assert(QRect(0, 0, _finalWidth, _finalHeight).contains(inner)); setStartWidth(); setStartHeight(); setStartAlpha(); setStartFadeTop(); createFadeMask(); setWidthDuration(); setHeightDuration(); setAlphaDuration(); if (!_skipShadow) { setShadow(_st.shadow); } auto checkCorner = [this, inner](Corner &corner) { if (!corner.valid()) return; if ((_startWidth >= 0 && _startWidth < _finalWidth) || (_startHeight >= 0 && _startHeight < _finalHeight)) { Assert(corner.width <= inner.width()); Assert(corner.height <= inner.height()); } }; checkCorner(_topLeft); checkCorner(_topRight); checkCorner(_bottomLeft); checkCorner(_bottomRight); } void PanelAnimation::setStartWidth() { _startWidth = qRound(_st.startWidth * _finalInnerWidth); if (_startWidth >= 0) Assert(_startWidth <= _finalInnerWidth); } void PanelAnimation::setStartHeight() { _startHeight = qRound(_st.startHeight * _finalInnerHeight); if (_startHeight >= 0) Assert(_startHeight <= _finalInnerHeight); } void PanelAnimation::setStartAlpha() { _startAlpha = qRound(_st.startOpacity * 255); Assert(_startAlpha >= 0 && _startAlpha < 256); } void PanelAnimation::setStartFadeTop() { _startFadeTop = qRound(_st.startFadeTop * _finalInnerHeight); } void PanelAnimation::createFadeMask() { auto resultHeight = qRound(_finalImage.height() * _st.fadeHeight); if (auto remove = (resultHeight % cIntRetinaFactor())) { resultHeight -= remove; } auto finalAlpha = qRound(_st.fadeOpacity * 255); Assert(finalAlpha >= 0 && finalAlpha < 256); auto result = QImage(cIntRetinaFactor(), resultHeight, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); auto ints = reinterpret_cast(result.bits()); auto intsPerLineAdded = (result.bytesPerLine() >> 2) - cIntRetinaFactor(); auto up = (_origin == PanelAnimation::Origin::BottomLeft || _origin == PanelAnimation::Origin::BottomRight); auto from = up ? resultHeight : 0, to = resultHeight - from, delta = up ? -1 : 1; auto fadeFirstAlpha = up ? (finalAlpha + 1) : 1; auto fadeLastAlpha = up ? 1 : (finalAlpha + 1); _fadeFirst = QBrush(QColor(_st.fadeBg->c.red(), _st.fadeBg->c.green(), _st.fadeBg->c.blue(), (_st.fadeBg->c.alpha() * fadeFirstAlpha) >> 8)); _fadeLast = QBrush(QColor(_st.fadeBg->c.red(), _st.fadeBg->c.green(), _st.fadeBg->c.blue(), (_st.fadeBg->c.alpha() * fadeLastAlpha) >> 8)); for (auto y = from; y != to; y += delta) { auto alpha = static_cast(finalAlpha * y) / resultHeight; auto value = (0xFFU << 24) | (alpha << 16) | (alpha << 8) | alpha; for (auto x = 0; x != cIntRetinaFactor(); ++x) { *ints++ = value; } ints += intsPerLineAdded; } _fadeMask = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(style::colorizeImage(result, _st.fadeBg)); _fadeHeight = _fadeMask.height(); } void PanelAnimation::setSkipShadow(bool skipShadow) { Assert(!started()); _skipShadow = skipShadow; } void PanelAnimation::setWidthDuration() { _widthDuration = _st.widthDuration; Assert(_widthDuration >= 0.); Assert(_widthDuration <= 1.); } void PanelAnimation::setHeightDuration() { Assert(!started()); _heightDuration = _st.heightDuration; Assert(_heightDuration >= 0.); Assert(_heightDuration <= 1.); } void PanelAnimation::setAlphaDuration() { Assert(!started()); _alphaDuration = _st.opacityDuration; Assert(_alphaDuration >= 0.); Assert(_alphaDuration <= 1.); } void PanelAnimation::start() { Assert(!_finalImage.isNull()); RoundShadowAnimation::start(_finalWidth, _finalHeight, _finalImage.devicePixelRatio()); auto checkCorner = [this](const Corner &corner) { if (!corner.valid()) return; if (_startWidth >= 0) Assert(corner.width <= _startWidth); if (_startHeight >= 0) Assert(corner.height <= _startHeight); Assert(corner.width <= _finalInnerWidth); Assert(corner.height <= _finalInnerHeight); }; checkCorner(_topLeft); checkCorner(_topRight); checkCorner(_bottomLeft); checkCorner(_bottomRight); } void PanelAnimation::paintFrame(QPainter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, float64 dt, float64 opacity) { Assert(started()); Assert(dt >= 0.); auto &transition = anim::easeOutCirc; if (dt < _alphaDuration) opacity *= transition(1., dt / _alphaDuration); _frameAlpha = anim::interpolate(1, 256, opacity); auto frameWidth = (_startWidth < 0 || dt >= _widthDuration) ? _finalInnerWidth : anim::interpolate(_startWidth, _finalInnerWidth, transition(1., dt / _widthDuration)); auto frameHeight = (_startHeight < 0 || dt >= _heightDuration) ? _finalInnerHeight : anim::interpolate(_startHeight, _finalInnerHeight, transition(1., dt / _heightDuration)); if (auto decrease = (frameWidth % cIntRetinaFactor())) { frameWidth -= decrease; } if (auto decrease = (frameHeight % cIntRetinaFactor())) { frameHeight -= decrease; } auto frameLeft = (_origin == Origin::TopLeft || _origin == Origin::BottomLeft) ? _finalInnerLeft : (_finalInnerRight - frameWidth); auto frameTop = (_origin == Origin::TopLeft || _origin == Origin::TopRight) ? _finalInnerTop : (_finalInnerBottom - frameHeight); auto frameRight = frameLeft + frameWidth; auto frameBottom = frameTop + frameHeight; auto fadeTop = (_fadeHeight > 0) ? snap(anim::interpolate(_startFadeTop, _finalInnerHeight, transition(1., dt)), 0, frameHeight) : frameHeight; if (auto decrease = (fadeTop % cIntRetinaFactor())) { fadeTop -= decrease; } auto fadeBottom = (fadeTop < frameHeight) ? qMin(fadeTop + _fadeHeight, frameHeight) : frameHeight; auto fadeSkipLines = 0; if (_origin == Origin::BottomLeft || _origin == Origin::BottomRight) { fadeTop = frameHeight - fadeTop; fadeBottom = frameHeight - fadeBottom; qSwap(fadeTop, fadeBottom); fadeSkipLines = fadeTop + _fadeHeight - fadeBottom; } fadeTop += frameTop; fadeBottom += frameTop; if (opacity < 1.) { _frame.fill(Qt::transparent); } { Painter p(&_frame); p.setOpacity(opacity); auto painterFrameLeft = frameLeft / cIntRetinaFactor(); auto painterFrameTop = frameTop / cIntRetinaFactor(); auto painterFadeBottom = fadeBottom / cIntRetinaFactor(); p.drawPixmap(painterFrameLeft, painterFrameTop, _finalImage, frameLeft, frameTop, frameWidth, frameHeight); if (_fadeHeight) { if (frameTop != fadeTop) { p.fillRect(painterFrameLeft, painterFrameTop, frameWidth, fadeTop - frameTop, _fadeFirst); } if (fadeTop != fadeBottom) { auto painterFadeTop = fadeTop / cIntRetinaFactor(); auto painterFrameWidth = frameWidth / cIntRetinaFactor(); auto painterFrameHeight = frameHeight / cIntRetinaFactor(); p.drawPixmap(painterFrameLeft, painterFadeTop, painterFrameWidth, painterFadeBottom - painterFadeTop, _fadeMask, 0, fadeSkipLines, cIntRetinaFactor(), fadeBottom - fadeTop); } if (fadeBottom != frameBottom) { p.fillRect(painterFrameLeft, painterFadeBottom, frameWidth, frameBottom - fadeBottom, _fadeLast); } } } auto frameInts = _frameInts + frameLeft + frameTop * _frameIntsPerLine; auto frameIntsPerLineAdd = (_finalWidth - frameWidth) + _frameIntsPerLineAdded; // Draw corners paintCorner(_topLeft, frameLeft, frameTop); paintCorner(_topRight, frameRight - _topRight.width, frameTop); paintCorner(_bottomLeft, frameLeft, frameBottom - _bottomLeft.height); paintCorner(_bottomRight, frameRight - _bottomRight.width, frameBottom - _bottomRight.height); // Draw shadow upon the transparent auto outerLeft = frameLeft; auto outerTop = frameTop; auto outerRight = frameRight; auto outerBottom = frameBottom; if (_shadow.valid()) { outerLeft -= _shadow.extend.left(); outerTop -= _shadow.extend.top(); outerRight += _shadow.extend.right(); outerBottom += _shadow.extend.bottom(); } if (cIntRetinaFactor() > 1) { if (auto skipLeft = (outerLeft % cIntRetinaFactor())) { outerLeft -= skipLeft; } if (auto skipTop = (outerTop % cIntRetinaFactor())) { outerTop -= skipTop; } if (auto skipRight = (outerRight % cIntRetinaFactor())) { outerRight += (cIntRetinaFactor() - skipRight); } if (auto skipBottom = (outerBottom % cIntRetinaFactor())) { outerBottom += (cIntRetinaFactor() - skipBottom); } } if (opacity == 1.) { // Fill above the frame top with transparent. auto fillTopInts = (_frameInts + outerTop * _frameIntsPerLine + outerLeft); auto fillWidth = (outerRight - outerLeft) * sizeof(uint32); for (auto fillTop = frameTop - outerTop; fillTop != 0; --fillTop) { memset(fillTopInts, 0, fillWidth); fillTopInts += _frameIntsPerLine; } // Fill to the left and to the right of the frame with transparent. auto fillLeft = (frameLeft - outerLeft) * sizeof(uint32); auto fillRight = (outerRight - frameRight) * sizeof(uint32); if (fillLeft || fillRight) { auto fillInts = _frameInts + frameTop * _frameIntsPerLine; for (auto y = frameTop; y != frameBottom; ++y) { memset(fillInts + outerLeft, 0, fillLeft); memset(fillInts + frameRight, 0, fillRight); fillInts += _frameIntsPerLine; } } // Fill below the frame bottom with transparent. auto fillBottomInts = (_frameInts + frameBottom * _frameIntsPerLine + outerLeft); for (auto fillBottom = outerBottom - frameBottom; fillBottom != 0; --fillBottom) { memset(fillBottomInts, 0, fillWidth); fillBottomInts += _frameIntsPerLine; } } if (_shadow.valid()) { paintShadow(outerLeft, outerTop, outerRight, outerBottom); } // Debug //frameInts = _frameInts; //auto pattern = anim::shifted((static_cast(0xFF) << 24) | (static_cast(0xFF) << 16) | (static_cast(0xFF) << 8) | static_cast(0xFF)); //for (auto y = 0; y != _finalHeight; ++y) { // for (auto x = 0; x != _finalWidth; ++x) { // auto source = *frameInts; // auto sourceAlpha = (source >> 24); // *frameInts = anim::unshifted(anim::shifted(source) * 256 + pattern * (256 - sourceAlpha)); // ++frameInts; // } // frameInts += _frameIntsPerLineAdded; //} p.drawImage(rtlpoint(x + (outerLeft / cIntRetinaFactor()), y + (outerTop / cIntRetinaFactor()), outerWidth), _frame, QRect(outerLeft, outerTop, outerRight - outerLeft, outerBottom - outerTop)); } } // namespace Ui