@echo OFF setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set "FullScriptPath=%~dp0" set "FullExecPath=%cd%" set "Silence=>nul" if "%1" == "-v" set "Silence=" rem strangely linking of Release Telegram build complains about the absence of lib.pdb if exist "%FullScriptPath%..\..\..\Libraries\openssl\tmp32\lib.pdb" ( if not exist "%FullScriptPath%..\..\..\Libraries\openssl\Release\lib\lib.pdb" ( xcopy "%FullScriptPath%..\..\..\Libraries\openssl\tmp32\lib.pdb" "%FullScriptPath%..\..\..\Libraries\openssl\Release\lib\" %Silence% ) ) set BUILD_DEFINES= if not "%TDESKTOP_BUILD_DEFINES%" == "" ( set "BUILD_DEFINES=-Dbuild_defines=%TDESKTOP_BUILD_DEFINES%" echo [INFO] Set build defines to !BUILD_DEFINES! ) set GYP_MSVS_VERSION=2015 cd "%FullScriptPath%" call gyp --depth=. --generator-output=../.. -Goutput_dir=out !BUILD_DEFINES! Telegram.gyp --format=ninja if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error call gyp --depth=. --generator-output=../.. -Goutput_dir=out !BUILD_DEFINES! Telegram.gyp --format=msvs-ninja if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error cd ../.. rem looks like ninja build works without sdk 7.1 which was used by generating custom environment.arch files rem cd "%FullScriptPath%" rem call gyp --depth=. --generator-output=../.. -Goutput_dir=out -Gninja_use_custom_environment_files=1 Telegram.gyp --format=ninja rem if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error rem call gyp --depth=. --generator-output=../.. -Goutput_dir=out -Gninja_use_custom_environment_files=1 Telegram.gyp --format=msvs-ninja rem if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error rem cd ../.. rem call msbuild /target:SetBuildDefaultEnvironmentVariables Telegram.vcxproj /fileLogger %Silence% rem if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error rem call python "%FullScriptPath%create_env.py" rem if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error rem call move environment.x86 out\Debug\ %Silence% rem if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error cd "%FullExecPath%" exit /b :error echo FAILED if exist "%FullScriptPath%..\..\msbuild.log" del "%FullScriptPath%..\..\msbuild.log" if exist "%FullScriptPath%..\..\environment.x86" del "%FullScriptPath%..\..\environment.x86" cd "%FullExecPath%" exit /b 1