/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "boxes/peers/edit_linked_chat_box.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "ui/wrap/vertical_layout.h" #include "info/profile/info_profile_button.h" #include "info/profile/info_profile_values.h" #include "boxes/peer_list_box.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "boxes/add_contact_box.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_info.h" namespace { constexpr auto kEnableSearchRowsCount = 10; TextWithEntities BoldText(const QString &text) { auto result = TextWithEntities{ text }; result.entities.push_back( EntityInText(EntityType::Bold, 0, text.size())); return result; } class Controller : public PeerListController, public base::has_weak_ptr { public: Controller( not_null channel, ChannelData *chat, const std::vector> &chats, Fn callback); void prepare() override; void rowClicked(not_null row) override; int contentWidth() const override; private: void choose(not_null chat); void choose(not_null chat); not_null _channel; ChannelData *_chat = nullptr; std::vector> _chats; Fn _callback; ChannelData *_waitForFull = nullptr; }; Controller::Controller( not_null channel, ChannelData *chat, const std::vector> &chats, Fn callback) : _channel(channel) , _chat(chat) , _chats(std::move(chats)) , _callback(std::move(callback)) { base::ObservableViewer( channel->session().api().fullPeerUpdated() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](PeerData *peer) { if (peer == _waitForFull) { choose(std::exchange(_waitForFull, nullptr)); } }, lifetime()); } int Controller::contentWidth() const { return st::boxWidth; } void Controller::prepare() { const auto appendRow = [&](not_null chat) { if (delegate()->peerListFindRow(chat->id)) { return; } auto row = std::make_unique(chat); const auto username = chat->userName(); row->setCustomStatus(username.isEmpty() ? lang(lng_manage_discussion_group_private) : ('@' + username)); delegate()->peerListAppendRow(std::move(row)); }; if (_chat) { appendRow(_chat); } else { for (const auto chat : _chats) { appendRow(chat); } if (_chats.size() >= kEnableSearchRowsCount) { delegate()->peerListSetSearchMode(PeerListSearchMode::Enabled); } } } void Controller::rowClicked(not_null row) { if (_chat != nullptr) { Ui::showPeerHistory(_chat, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); return; } const auto peer = row->peer(); if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { if (channel->wasFullUpdated()) { choose(channel); return; } _waitForFull = channel; channel->updateFull(); } else if (const auto chat = peer->asChat()) { choose(chat); } } void Controller::choose(not_null chat) { auto text = lng_manage_discussion_group_sure__generic< TextWithEntities >( lt_group, BoldText(chat->name), lt_channel, BoldText(_channel->name)); if (!_channel->isPublic()) { text.append( "\n\n" + lang(lng_manage_linked_channel_private)); } if (chat->hiddenPreHistory()) { text.append("\n\n"); text.append(lng_manage_discussion_group_warning__generic( lt_visible, BoldText(lang(lng_manage_discussion_group_visible)))); } const auto box = std::make_shared>(); const auto sure = [=] { if (*box) { (*box)->closeBox(); } const auto onstack = _callback; onstack(chat); }; *box = Ui::show( Box( text, lang(lng_manage_discussion_group_link), sure), LayerOption::KeepOther); } void Controller::choose(not_null chat) { auto text = lng_manage_discussion_group_sure__generic< TextWithEntities >( lt_group, BoldText(chat->name), lt_channel, BoldText(_channel->name)); if (!_channel->isPublic()) { text.append( "\n\n" + lang(lng_manage_linked_channel_private)); } text.append("\n\n"); text.append(lng_manage_discussion_group_warning__generic( lt_visible, BoldText(lang(lng_manage_discussion_group_visible)))); const auto box = std::make_shared>(); const auto sure = [=] { if (*box) { (*box)->closeBox(); } const auto done = [=](not_null chat) { const auto onstack = _callback; onstack(chat); }; chat->session().api().migrateChat(chat, crl::guard(this, done)); }; *box = Ui::show( Box( text, lang(lng_manage_discussion_group_link), sure), LayerOption::KeepOther); } object_ptr SetupAbout( not_null parent, not_null channel, ChannelData *chat) { auto about = object_ptr( parent, QString(), Ui::FlatLabel::InitType::Simple, st::linkedChatAbout); about->setMarkedText([&]() -> TextWithEntities { if (!channel->isBroadcast()) { return lng_manage_linked_channel_about__generic< TextWithEntities >(lt_channel, BoldText(chat->name)); } else if (chat != nullptr) { return lng_manage_discussion_group_about_chosen__generic< TextWithEntities >(lt_group, BoldText(chat->name)); } else { return { lang(lng_manage_discussion_group_about) }; } }()); return std::move(about); } object_ptr SetupFooter( not_null parent, not_null channel) { return object_ptr( parent, lang(channel->isBroadcast() ? lng_manage_discussion_group_posted : lng_manage_linked_channel_posted), Ui::FlatLabel::InitType::Simple, st::linkedChatAbout); } object_ptr SetupCreateGroup( not_null parent, not_null channel, Fn callback) { Expects(channel->isBroadcast()); auto result = object_ptr( parent, Lang::Viewer( lng_manage_discussion_group_create ) | Info::Profile::ToUpperValue(), st::infoCreateLinkedChatButton); result->addClickHandler([=] { const auto guarded = crl::guard(parent, callback); Ui::show( Box( GroupInfoBox::Type::Megagroup, channel->name + " Chat", guarded), LayerOption::KeepOther); }); return result; } object_ptr SetupUnlink( not_null parent, not_null channel, Fn callback) { auto result = object_ptr( parent, Lang::Viewer(channel->isBroadcast() ? lng_manage_discussion_group_unlink : lng_manage_linked_channel_unlink ) | Info::Profile::ToUpperValue(), st::infoUnlinkChatButton); result->addClickHandler([=] { callback(nullptr); }); return result; } object_ptr EditLinkedChatBox( not_null channel, ChannelData *chat, std::vector> &&chats, Fn callback) { Expects(channel->isBroadcast() || (chat != nullptr)); const auto init = [=](not_null box) { auto above = object_ptr(box); above->add( SetupAbout(above, channel, chat), st::linkedChatAboutPadding); if (!chat) { above->add(SetupCreateGroup(above, channel, callback)); } box->peerListSetAboveWidget(std::move(above)); auto below = object_ptr(box); if (chat) { below->add(SetupUnlink(below, channel, callback)); } below->add( SetupFooter(below, channel), st::linkedChatAboutPadding); box->peerListSetBelowWidget(std::move(below)); box->setTitle(langFactory(channel->isBroadcast() ? lng_manage_discussion_group : lng_manage_linked_channel)); box->addButton(langFactory(lng_close), [=] { box->closeBox(); }); }; auto controller = std::make_unique( channel, chat, std::move(chats), std::move(callback)); return Box(std::move(controller), init); } } // namespace object_ptr EditLinkedChatBox( not_null channel, std::vector> &&chats, Fn callback) { return EditLinkedChatBox(channel, nullptr, std::move(chats), callback); } object_ptr EditLinkedChatBox( not_null channel, not_null chat, Fn callback) { return EditLinkedChatBox(channel, chat, {}, callback); }