/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "boxes/background_box.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "window/themes/window_theme.h" #include "ui/effects/round_checkbox.h" #include "ui/toast/toast.h" #include "ui/image/image.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_message.h" #include "history/view/history_view_message.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "messenger.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "styles/style_overview.h" #include "styles/style_history.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" namespace { constexpr auto kBackgroundsInRow = 3; constexpr auto kMaxWallPaperSlugLength = 255; [[nodiscard]] bool IsValidWallPaperSlug(const QString &slug) { if (slug.isEmpty() || slug.size() > kMaxWallPaperSlugLength) { return false; } return ranges::find_if(slug, [](QChar ch) { return (ch != '.') && (ch != '_') && (ch != '-') && (ch < '0' || ch > '9') && (ch < 'a' || ch > 'z') && (ch < 'A' || ch > 'Z'); }) == slug.end(); } AdminLog::OwnedItem GenerateTextItem( not_null delegate, not_null history, const QString &text, bool out) { Expects(history->peer->isUser()); using Flag = MTPDmessage::Flag; const auto id = ServerMaxMsgId + (ServerMaxMsgId / 3) + (out ? 1 : 0); const auto flags = Flag::f_entities | Flag::f_from_id | (out ? Flag::f_out : Flag(0)); const auto replyTo = 0; const auto viaBotId = 0; const auto item = new HistoryMessage( history, id, flags, replyTo, viaBotId, unixtime(), out ? history->session().userId() : peerToUser(history->peer->id), QString(), TextWithEntities{ TextUtilities::Clean(text) }); return AdminLog::OwnedItem(delegate, item); } QImage PrepareScaledFromFull( const QImage &image, Images::Option blur = Images::Option(0)) { const auto size = st::boxWideWidth; const auto width = std::max(image.width(), 1); const auto height = std::max(image.height(), 1); const auto takeWidth = (width > height) ? (width * size / height) : size; const auto takeHeight = (width > height) ? size : (height * size / width); return Images::prepare( image, takeWidth, takeHeight, Images::Option::Smooth | blur, size, size); } QPixmap PrepareScaledFromThumb(ImagePtr thumb) { return thumb->loaded() ? App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(PrepareScaledFromFull( thumb->original(), Images::Option::Blurred)) : QPixmap(); } } // namespace class BackgroundBox::Inner : public Ui::RpWidget , private MTP::Sender , private base::Subscriber { public: Inner(QWidget *parent); void setBackgroundChosenCallback(Fn callback) { _backgroundChosenCallback = std::move(callback); } ~Inner(); protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; private: void updateWallpapers(); Fn _backgroundChosenCallback; int _over = -1; int _overDown = -1; std::unique_ptr _check; // this is not a widget }; BackgroundBox::BackgroundBox(QWidget*) { } void BackgroundBox::prepare() { setTitle(langFactory(lng_backgrounds_header)); addButton(langFactory(lng_close), [=] { closeBox(); }); setDimensions(st::boxWideWidth, st::boxMaxListHeight); _inner = setInnerWidget(object_ptr(this), st::backgroundScroll); _inner->setBackgroundChosenCallback([=](int index) { backgroundChosen(index); }); } void BackgroundBox::backgroundChosen(int index) { const auto &papers = Auth().data().wallpapers(); if (index >= 0 && index < papers.size()) { Ui::show( Box(papers[index]), LayerOption::KeepOther); } } BackgroundBox::Inner::Inner(QWidget *parent) : RpWidget(parent) , _check(std::make_unique(st::overviewCheck, [=] { update(); })) { _check->setChecked(true, Ui::RoundCheckbox::SetStyle::Fast); if (Auth().data().wallpapers().empty()) { resize(kBackgroundsInRow * (st::backgroundSize.width() + st::backgroundPadding) + st::backgroundPadding, 2 * (st::backgroundSize.height() + st::backgroundPadding) + st::backgroundPadding); } else { updateWallpapers(); } request(MTPaccount_GetWallPapers( MTP_int(Auth().data().wallpapersHash()) )).done([=](const MTPaccount_WallPapers &result) { if (Auth().data().updateWallpapers(result)) { updateWallpapers(); } }).send(); subscribe(Auth().downloaderTaskFinished(), [=] { update(); }); subscribe(Window::Theme::Background(), [=](const Window::Theme::BackgroundUpdate &update) { if (update.paletteChanged()) { _check->invalidateCache(); } }); setMouseTracking(true); } void BackgroundBox::Inner::updateWallpapers() { const auto &papers = Auth().data().wallpapers(); const auto count = papers.size(); const auto rows = (count / kBackgroundsInRow) + (count % kBackgroundsInRow ? 1 : 0); resize(kBackgroundsInRow * (st::backgroundSize.width() + st::backgroundPadding) + st::backgroundPadding, rows * (st::backgroundSize.height() + st::backgroundPadding) + st::backgroundPadding); const auto preload = kBackgroundsInRow * 3; for (const auto &paper : papers | ranges::view::take(preload)) { paper.thumb->load(Data::FileOrigin()); } } void BackgroundBox::Inner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QRect r(e->rect()); Painter p(this); const auto &papers = Auth().data().wallpapers(); if (papers.empty()) { p.setFont(st::noContactsFont); p.setPen(st::noContactsColor); p.drawText(QRect(0, 0, width(), st::noContactsHeight), lang(lng_contacts_loading), style::al_center); return; } auto row = 0; auto column = 0; for (const auto &paper : papers) { const auto increment = gsl::finally([&] { ++column; if (column == kBackgroundsInRow) { column = 0; ++row; } }); if ((st::backgroundSize.height() + st::backgroundPadding) * (row + 1) <= r.top()) { continue; } paper.thumb->load(Data::FileOrigin()); int x = st::backgroundPadding + column * (st::backgroundSize.width() + st::backgroundPadding); int y = st::backgroundPadding + row * (st::backgroundSize.height() + st::backgroundPadding); const auto &pix = paper.thumb->pix( Data::FileOrigin(), st::backgroundSize.width(), st::backgroundSize.height()); p.drawPixmap(x, y, pix); if (paper.id == Window::Theme::Background()->id()) { auto checkLeft = x + st::backgroundSize.width() - st::overviewCheckSkip - st::overviewCheck.size; auto checkTop = y + st::backgroundSize.height() - st::overviewCheckSkip - st::overviewCheck.size; _check->paint(p, getms(), checkLeft, checkTop, width()); } } } void BackgroundBox::Inner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { const auto newOver = [&] { const auto x = e->pos().x(); const auto y = e->pos().y(); const auto width = st::backgroundSize.width(); const auto height = st::backgroundSize.height(); const auto skip = st::backgroundPadding; const auto row = int((y - skip) / (height + skip)); const auto column = int((x - skip) / (width + skip)); if (y - row * (height + skip) > skip + height) { return -1; } else if (x - column * (width + skip) > skip + width) { return -1; } const auto result = row * kBackgroundsInRow + column; return (result < Auth().data().wallpapers().size()) ? result : -1; }(); if (_over != newOver) { _over = newOver; setCursor((_over >= 0 || _overDown >= 0) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } } void BackgroundBox::Inner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _overDown = _over; } void BackgroundBox::Inner::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_overDown == _over && _over >= 0) { if (_backgroundChosenCallback) { _backgroundChosenCallback(_over); } } else if (_over < 0) { setCursor(style::cur_default); } } BackgroundBox::Inner::~Inner() = default; BackgroundPreviewBox::BackgroundPreviewBox( QWidget*, const Data::WallPaper &paper) : _text1(GenerateTextItem( this, Auth().data().history(peerFromUser(ServiceUserId)), lang(lng_background_text1), false)) , _text2(GenerateTextItem( this, Auth().data().history(peerFromUser(ServiceUserId)), lang(lng_background_text2), true)) , _paper(paper) , _radial(animation(this, &BackgroundPreviewBox::step_radial)) { subscribe(Auth().downloaderTaskFinished(), [=] { update(); }); } void BackgroundPreviewBox::prepare() { setTitle(langFactory(lng_background_header)); addButton(langFactory(lng_background_apply), [=] { apply(); }); addButton(langFactory(lng_cancel), [=] { closeBox(); }); if (!_paper.slug.isEmpty()) { addLeftButton(langFactory(lng_background_share), [=] { share(); }); } _scaled = PrepareScaledFromThumb(_paper.thumb); checkLoadedDocument(); if (_paper.thumb && !_paper.thumb->loaded()) { _paper.thumb->loadEvenCancelled(Data::FileOriginWallpaper( _paper.id, _paper.accessHash)); } if (_paper.document) { _paper.document->save(Data::FileOriginWallpaper( _paper.id, _paper.accessHash), QString()); if (_paper.document->loading()) { _radial.start(_paper.document->progress()); } } _text1->setDisplayDate(true); _text1->initDimensions(); _text1->resizeGetHeight(st::boxWideWidth); _text2->initDimensions(); _text2->resizeGetHeight(st::boxWideWidth); setDimensions(st::boxWideWidth, st::boxWideWidth); } void BackgroundPreviewBox::apply() { App::main()->setChatBackground(_paper, std::move(_full)); closeBox(); } void BackgroundPreviewBox::share() { Expects(!_paper.slug.isEmpty()); QApplication::clipboard()->setText( Messenger::Instance().createInternalLinkFull("bg/" + _paper.slug)); Ui::Toast::Show(lang(lng_background_link_copied)); } void BackgroundPreviewBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); const auto ms = getms(); if (const auto color = Window::Theme::GetWallPaperColor(_paper.slug)) { p.fillRect(e->rect(), *color); } else { if (_scaled.isNull()) { _scaled = PrepareScaledFromThumb(_paper.thumb); if (_scaled.isNull()) { p.fillRect(e->rect(), st::boxBg); return; } } paintImage(p); paintRadial(p, ms); } paintTexts(p, ms); } void BackgroundPreviewBox::paintImage(Painter &p) { Expects(!_scaled.isNull()); const auto factor = cIntRetinaFactor(); const auto size = st::boxWideWidth; const auto from = QRect( 0, (size - height()) / 2 * factor, size * factor, height() * factor); p.drawPixmap(rect(), _scaled, from); } void BackgroundPreviewBox::paintRadial(Painter &p, TimeMs ms) { bool radial = false; float64 radialOpacity = 0; if (_radial.animating()) { _radial.step(ms); radial = _radial.animating(); radialOpacity = _radial.opacity(); } if (!radial) { return; } auto inner = radialRect(); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setOpacity(radialOpacity); p.setBrush(st::radialBg); { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.drawEllipse(inner); } p.setOpacity(1); QRect arc(inner.marginsRemoved(QMargins(st::radialLine, st::radialLine, st::radialLine, st::radialLine))); _radial.draw(p, arc, st::radialLine, st::radialFg); } QRect BackgroundPreviewBox::radialRect() const { const auto available = height() - st::historyPaddingBottom - _text1->height() - _text2->height() - st::historyPaddingBottom; return QRect( QPoint( (width() - st::radialSize.width()) / 2, (available - st::radialSize.height()) / 2), st::radialSize); } void BackgroundPreviewBox::paintTexts(Painter &p, TimeMs ms) { const auto height1 = _text1->height(); const auto height2 = _text2->height(); const auto top = height() - height1 - height2 - st::historyPaddingBottom; p.translate(0, top); _text1->draw(p, rect(), TextSelection(), ms); p.translate(0, height1); _text2->draw(p, rect(), TextSelection(), ms); p.translate(0, height2); } void BackgroundPreviewBox::step_radial(TimeMs ms, bool timer) { Expects(_paper.document != nullptr); const auto document = _paper.document; const auto wasAnimating = _radial.animating(); const auto updated = _radial.update( document->progress(), !document->loading(), ms); if (timer && (wasAnimating || _radial.animating()) && (!anim::Disabled() || updated)) { update(radialRect()); } checkLoadedDocument(); } void BackgroundPreviewBox::checkLoadedDocument() { const auto document = _paper.document; if (!document || !document->loaded(DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked) || _generating) { return; } _generating = Data::ReadImageAsync(document, [=]( QImage &&image) mutable { auto [left, right] = base::make_binary_guard(); _generating = std::move(left); crl::async([ this, image = std::move(image), guard = std::move(right) ]() mutable { auto scaled = PrepareScaledFromFull(image); crl::on_main([ this, image = std::move(image), scaled = std::move(scaled), guard = std::move(guard) ]() mutable { if (!guard) { return; } _scaled = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(scaled)); _full = std::move(image); update(); }); }); }); } bool BackgroundPreviewBox::Start(const QString &slug, const QString &mode) { if (Window::Theme::GetWallPaperColor(slug)) { Ui::show(Box(Data::WallPaper{ Window::Theme::kCustomBackground, 0ULL, // accessHash MTPDwallPaper::Flags(0), slug, })); return true; } if (!IsValidWallPaperSlug(slug)) { Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_background_bad_link))); return false; } Auth().api().requestWallPaper(slug, [](const Data::WallPaper &result) { Ui::show(Box(result)); }, [](const RPCError &error) { Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_background_bad_link))); }); return true; } HistoryView::Context BackgroundPreviewBox::elementContext() { return HistoryView::Context::ContactPreview; } std::unique_ptr BackgroundPreviewBox::elementCreate( not_null message) { return std::make_unique(this, message); } std::unique_ptr BackgroundPreviewBox::elementCreate( not_null message) { Unexpected("Service message in BackgroundPreviewBox."); } bool BackgroundPreviewBox::elementUnderCursor( not_null view) { return false; } void BackgroundPreviewBox::elementAnimationAutoplayAsync( not_null element) { } TimeMs BackgroundPreviewBox::elementHighlightTime( not_null element) { return TimeMs(); } bool BackgroundPreviewBox::elementInSelectionMode() { return false; }