/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ui/effects/widget_slide_wrap.h" namespace Ui { PaddingWrap::PaddingWrap( QWidget *parent, object_ptr child, const style::margins &padding) : Parent(parent, std::move(child)) , _padding(padding) { if (auto weak = wrapped()) { auto margins = weak->getMargins(); weak->sizeValue() | rpl::on_next([this](QSize&&) { updateSize(); }) | rpl::start(lifetime()); weak->moveToLeft(_padding.left() + margins.left(), _padding.top() + margins.top()); } } void PaddingWrap::updateSize() { auto inner = [this] { if (auto weak = wrapped()) { return weak->rect(); } return QRect(0, 0, _innerWidth, 0); }(); resize(inner.marginsAdded(_padding).size()); } int PaddingWrap::naturalWidth() const { auto inner = [this] { if (auto weak = wrapped()) { return weak->naturalWidth(); } return RpWidget::naturalWidth(); }(); return (inner < 0) ? inner : (_padding.left() + inner + _padding.right()); } int PaddingWrap::resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) { _innerWidth = newWidth; if (auto weak = wrapped()) { weak->resizeToWidth(newWidth - _padding.left() - _padding.right()); } else { updateSize(); } return height(); } SlideWrap::SlideWrap( QWidget *parent, object_ptr child) : SlideWrap( parent, std::move(child), style::margins(), st::slideWrapDuration) { } SlideWrap::SlideWrap( QWidget *parent, object_ptr child, const style::margins &padding) : SlideWrap( parent, std::move(child), padding, st::slideWrapDuration) { } SlideWrap::SlideWrap( QWidget *parent, object_ptr child, int duration) : SlideWrap(parent, std::move(child), style::margins(), duration) { } SlideWrap::SlideWrap( QWidget *parent, object_ptr child, const style::margins &padding, int duration) : Parent(parent, object_ptr>(parent, std::move(child), padding)) , _duration(duration * 10) { if (auto weak = wrapped()) { weak->heightValue() | rpl::on_next([this](int newHeight) { if (_slideAnimation.animating()) { animationStep(); } else if (_visible) { resize(width(), newHeight); } }) | rpl::start(lifetime()); } } void SlideWrap::animationStep() { if (wrapped()) { auto margins = getMargins(); wrapped()->moveToLeft(margins.left(), margins.top()); } auto current = _slideAnimation.current(_visible ? 1. : 0.); auto newHeight = wrapped() ? (_slideAnimation.animating() ? anim::interpolate(0, wrapped()->heightNoMargins(), current) : (_visible ? wrapped()->height() : 0)) : 0; if (newHeight != height()) { resize(width(), newHeight); } auto shouldBeHidden = !_visible && !_slideAnimation.animating(); if (shouldBeHidden != isHidden()) { setVisible(!shouldBeHidden); } } void SlideWrap::toggleAnimated(bool visible) { if (_visible == visible) { animationStep(); return; } _visible = visible; _slideAnimation.start( [this] { animationStep(); }, _visible ? 0. : 1., _visible ? 1. : 0., _duration, anim::linear); animationStep(); } void SlideWrap::toggleFast(bool visible) { _visible = visible; finishAnimations(); } void SlideWrap::finishAnimations() { _slideAnimation.finish(); animationStep(); } QMargins SlideWrap::getMargins() const { auto result = wrapped()->getMargins(); return (animating() || !_visible) ? QMargins(result.left(), 0, result.right(), 0) : result; } int SlideWrap::resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) { if (wrapped()) { wrapped()->resizeToWidth(newWidth); } return height(); } } // namespace Ui