/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "data/data_web_page.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_photo.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "ui/image/image.h" #include "ui/image/image_source.h" #include "ui/text/text_entity.h" namespace { QString SiteNameFromUrl(const QString &url) { QUrl u(url); QString pretty = u.isValid() ? u.toDisplayString() : url; QRegularExpressionMatch m = QRegularExpression(qsl("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+://")).match(pretty); if (m.hasMatch()) pretty = pretty.mid(m.capturedLength()); int32 slash = pretty.indexOf('/'); if (slash > 0) pretty = pretty.mid(0, slash); QStringList components = pretty.split('.', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (components.size() >= 2) { components = components.mid(components.size() - 2); return components.at(0).at(0).toUpper() + components.at(0).mid(1) + '.' + components.at(1); } return QString(); } WebPageCollage ExtractCollage( const QVector<MTPPageBlock> &items, const QVector<MTPPhoto> &photos, const QVector<MTPDocument> &documents) { const auto count = items.size(); if (count < 2) { return {}; } const auto bad = ranges::find_if(items, [](mtpTypeId type) { return (type != mtpc_pageBlockPhoto && type != mtpc_pageBlockVideo); }, [](const MTPPageBlock &item) { return item.type(); }); if (bad != items.end()) { return {}; } auto &storage = Auth().data(); for (const auto &photo : photos) { storage.processPhoto(photo); } for (const auto &document : documents) { storage.processDocument(document); } auto result = WebPageCollage(); result.items.reserve(count); for (const auto &item : items) { const auto good = item.match([&](const MTPDpageBlockPhoto &data) { const auto photo = storage.photo(data.vphoto_id.v); if (photo->isNull()) { return false; } result.items.push_back(photo); return true; }, [&](const MTPDpageBlockVideo &data) { const auto document = storage.document(data.vvideo_id.v); if (!document->isVideoFile()) { return false; } result.items.push_back(document); return true; }, [](const auto &) -> bool { Unexpected("Type of block in Collage."); }); if (!good) { return {}; } } return result; } WebPageCollage ExtractCollage(const MTPDwebPage &data) { if (!data.has_cached_page()) { return {}; } const auto processMedia = [&] { if (data.has_photo()) { Auth().data().processPhoto(data.vphoto); } if (data.has_document()) { Auth().data().processDocument(data.vdocument); } }; return data.vcached_page.match([&](const auto &page) { for (const auto &block : page.vblocks.v) { switch (block.type()) { case mtpc_pageBlockPhoto: case mtpc_pageBlockVideo: case mtpc_pageBlockCover: case mtpc_pageBlockEmbed: case mtpc_pageBlockEmbedPost: case mtpc_pageBlockAudio: return WebPageCollage(); case mtpc_pageBlockSlideshow: processMedia(); return ExtractCollage( block.c_pageBlockSlideshow().vitems.v, page.vphotos.v, page.vdocuments.v); case mtpc_pageBlockCollage: processMedia(); return ExtractCollage( block.c_pageBlockCollage().vitems.v, page.vphotos.v, page.vdocuments.v); default: break; } } return WebPageCollage(); }); } } // namespace WebPageType ParseWebPageType(const MTPDwebPage &page) { const auto type = page.has_type() ? qs(page.vtype) : QString(); if (type == qstr("video") || page.has_embed_url()) { return WebPageType::Video; } else if (type == qstr("photo")) { return WebPageType::Photo; } else if (type == qstr("profile")) { return WebPageType::Profile; } else if (type == qstr("telegram_background")) { return WebPageType::WallPaper; } else if (page.has_cached_page()) { return WebPageType::ArticleWithIV; } else { return WebPageType::Article; } } WebPageCollage::WebPageCollage(const MTPDwebPage &data) : WebPageCollage(ExtractCollage(data)) { } bool WebPageData::applyChanges( WebPageType newType, const QString &newUrl, const QString &newDisplayUrl, const QString &newSiteName, const QString &newTitle, const TextWithEntities &newDescription, PhotoData *newPhoto, DocumentData *newDocument, WebPageCollage &&newCollage, int newDuration, const QString &newAuthor, int newPendingTill) { if (newPendingTill != 0 && (!url.isEmpty() || pendingTill < 0) && (!pendingTill || pendingTill == newPendingTill || newPendingTill < -1)) { return false; } const auto resultUrl = TextUtilities::Clean(newUrl); const auto resultDisplayUrl = TextUtilities::Clean( newDisplayUrl); const auto possibleSiteName = TextUtilities::Clean( newSiteName); const auto resultTitle = TextUtilities::SingleLine( newTitle); const auto resultAuthor = TextUtilities::Clean(newAuthor); const auto viewTitleText = resultTitle.isEmpty() ? TextUtilities::SingleLine(resultAuthor) : resultTitle; const auto resultSiteName = [&] { if (!possibleSiteName.isEmpty()) { return possibleSiteName; } else if (!newDescription.text.isEmpty() && viewTitleText.isEmpty() && !resultUrl.isEmpty()) { return SiteNameFromUrl(resultUrl); } return QString(); }(); if (type == newType && url == resultUrl && displayUrl == resultDisplayUrl && siteName == resultSiteName && title == resultTitle && description.text == newDescription.text && photo == newPhoto && document == newDocument && collage.items == newCollage.items && duration == newDuration && author == resultAuthor && pendingTill == newPendingTill) { return false; } if (pendingTill > 0 && newPendingTill <= 0) { Auth().api().clearWebPageRequest(this); } type = newType; url = resultUrl; displayUrl = resultDisplayUrl; siteName = resultSiteName; title = resultTitle; description = newDescription; photo = newPhoto; document = newDocument; collage = std::move(newCollage); duration = newDuration; author = resultAuthor; pendingTill = newPendingTill; ++version; if (type == WebPageType::WallPaper && document) { document->checkWallPaperProperties(); } replaceDocumentGoodThumbnail(); return true; } void WebPageData::replaceDocumentGoodThumbnail() { if (!document || !photo || !document->goodThumbnail()) { return; } const auto &location = photo->large()->location(); if (location.valid()) { document->replaceGoodThumbnail( std::make_unique<Images::StorageSource>( location, photo->large()->bytesSize())); } }