/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "history/media/history_media_grouped.h" #include "history/history_item_components.h" #include "history/history_message.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/view/history_view_element.h" #include "history/view/history_view_cursor_state.h" #include "data/data_media_types.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "storage/storage_shared_media.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "ui/grouped_layout.h" #include "ui/text_options.h" #include "layout.h" #include "styles/style_history.h" namespace { using TextState = HistoryView::TextState; using PointState = HistoryView::PointState; } // namespace HistoryGroupedMedia::Part::Part( not_null parent, not_null media) : item(media->parent()) , content(media->createView(parent, item)) { Assert(media->canBeGrouped()); } HistoryGroupedMedia::HistoryGroupedMedia( not_null parent, const std::vector> &medias) : HistoryMedia(parent) , _caption(st::minPhotoSize - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right()) { const auto truncated = ranges::view::all( medias ) | ranges::view::transform([](const std::unique_ptr &v) { return not_null(v.get()); }) | ranges::view::take(kMaxSize); const auto result = applyGroup(truncated); Ensures(result); } HistoryGroupedMedia::HistoryGroupedMedia( not_null parent, const std::vector> &items) : HistoryMedia(parent) , _caption(st::minPhotoSize - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right()) { const auto medias = ranges::view::all( items ) | ranges::view::transform([](not_null item) { return item->media(); }) | ranges::view::take(kMaxSize); const auto result = applyGroup(medias); Ensures(result); } QSize HistoryGroupedMedia::countOptimalSize() { if (_caption.hasSkipBlock()) { _caption.updateSkipBlock( _parent->skipBlockWidth(), _parent->skipBlockHeight()); } std::vector sizes; sizes.reserve(_parts.size()); for (const auto &part : _parts) { const auto &media = part.content; media->initDimensions(); sizes.push_back(media->sizeForGrouping()); } const auto layout = Ui::LayoutMediaGroup( sizes, st::historyGroupWidthMax, st::historyGroupWidthMin, st::historyGroupSkip); Assert(layout.size() == _parts.size()); auto maxWidth = 0; auto minHeight = 0; for (auto i = 0, count = int(layout.size()); i != count; ++i) { const auto &item = layout[i]; accumulate_max(maxWidth, item.geometry.x() + item.geometry.width()); accumulate_max(minHeight, item.geometry.y() + item.geometry.height()); _parts[i].initialGeometry = item.geometry; _parts[i].sides = item.sides; } if (!_caption.isEmpty()) { auto captionw = maxWidth - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right(); minHeight += st::mediaCaptionSkip + _caption.countHeight(captionw); if (isBubbleBottom()) { minHeight += st::msgPadding.bottom(); } } return { maxWidth, minHeight }; } QSize HistoryGroupedMedia::countCurrentSize(int newWidth) { accumulate_min(newWidth, maxWidth()); auto newHeight = 0; if (newWidth < st::historyGroupWidthMin) { return { newWidth, newHeight }; } const auto initialSpacing = st::historyGroupSkip; const auto factor = newWidth / float64(maxWidth()); const auto scale = [&](int value) { return int(std::round(value * factor)); }; const auto spacing = scale(initialSpacing); for (auto &part : _parts) { const auto sides = part.sides; const auto initialGeometry = part.initialGeometry; const auto needRightSkip = !(sides & RectPart::Right); const auto needBottomSkip = !(sides & RectPart::Bottom); const auto initialLeft = initialGeometry.x(); const auto initialTop = initialGeometry.y(); const auto initialRight = initialLeft + initialGeometry.width() + (needRightSkip ? initialSpacing : 0); const auto initialBottom = initialTop + initialGeometry.height() + (needBottomSkip ? initialSpacing : 0); const auto left = scale(initialLeft); const auto top = scale(initialTop); const auto width = scale(initialRight) - left - (needRightSkip ? spacing : 0); const auto height = scale(initialBottom) - top - (needBottomSkip ? spacing : 0); part.geometry = QRect(left, top, width, height); accumulate_max(newHeight, top + height); } if (!_caption.isEmpty()) { const auto captionw = newWidth - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right(); newHeight += st::mediaCaptionSkip + _caption.countHeight(captionw); if (isBubbleBottom()) { newHeight += st::msgPadding.bottom(); } } return { newWidth, newHeight }; } void HistoryGroupedMedia::refreshParentId( not_null realParent) { for (const auto &part : _parts) { part.content->refreshParentId(part.item); } } void HistoryGroupedMedia::draw( Painter &p, const QRect &clip, TextSelection selection, crl::time ms) const { for (auto i = 0, count = int(_parts.size()); i != count; ++i) { const auto &part = _parts[i]; const auto partSelection = (selection == FullSelection) ? FullSelection : IsGroupItemSelection(selection, i) ? FullSelection : TextSelection(); auto corners = Ui::GetCornersFromSides(part.sides); if (!isBubbleTop()) { corners &= ~(RectPart::TopLeft | RectPart::TopRight); } if (!isBubbleBottom() || !_caption.isEmpty()) { corners &= ~(RectPart::BottomLeft | RectPart::BottomRight); } part.content->drawGrouped( p, clip, partSelection, ms, part.geometry, corners, &part.cacheKey, &part.cache); } // date const auto selected = (selection == FullSelection); if (!_caption.isEmpty()) { const auto captionw = width() - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right(); const auto outbg = _parent->hasOutLayout(); const auto captiony = height() - (isBubbleBottom() ? st::msgPadding.bottom() : 0) - _caption.countHeight(captionw); p.setPen(outbg ? (selected ? st::historyTextOutFgSelected : st::historyTextOutFg) : (selected ? st::historyTextInFgSelected : st::historyTextInFg)); _caption.draw(p, st::msgPadding.left(), captiony, captionw, style::al_left, 0, -1, selection); } else if (_parent->media() == this) { auto fullRight = width(); auto fullBottom = height(); if (needInfoDisplay()) { _parent->drawInfo(p, fullRight, fullBottom, width(), selected, InfoDisplayType::Image); } if (!_parent->hasBubble() && _parent->displayRightAction()) { auto fastShareLeft = (fullRight + st::historyFastShareLeft); auto fastShareTop = (fullBottom - st::historyFastShareBottom - st::historyFastShareSize); _parent->drawRightAction(p, fastShareLeft, fastShareTop, width()); } } } TextState HistoryGroupedMedia::getPartState( QPoint point, StateRequest request) const { for (const auto &part : _parts) { if (part.geometry.contains(point)) { auto result = part.content->getStateGrouped( part.geometry, point, request); result.itemId = part.item->fullId(); return result; } } return TextState(_parent->data()); } PointState HistoryGroupedMedia::pointState(QPoint point) const { if (!QRect(0, 0, width(), height()).contains(point)) { return PointState::Outside; } for (const auto &part : _parts) { if (part.geometry.contains(point)) { return PointState::GroupPart; } } return PointState::Inside; } HistoryView::TextState HistoryGroupedMedia::textState( QPoint point, StateRequest request) const { auto result = getPartState(point, request); if (!result.link && !_caption.isEmpty()) { const auto captionw = width() - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right(); const auto captiony = height() - (isBubbleBottom() ? st::msgPadding.bottom() : 0) - _caption.countHeight(captionw); if (QRect(st::msgPadding.left(), captiony, captionw, height() - captiony).contains(point)) { return TextState(_parent->data(), _caption.getState( point - QPoint(st::msgPadding.left(), captiony), captionw, request.forText())); } } else if (_parent->media() == this) { auto fullRight = width(); auto fullBottom = height(); if (_parent->pointInTime(fullRight, fullBottom, point, InfoDisplayType::Image)) { result.cursor = CursorState::Date; } if (!_parent->hasBubble() && _parent->displayRightAction()) { auto fastShareLeft = (fullRight + st::historyFastShareLeft); auto fastShareTop = (fullBottom - st::historyFastShareBottom - st::historyFastShareSize); if (QRect(fastShareLeft, fastShareTop, st::historyFastShareSize, st::historyFastShareSize).contains(point)) { result.link = _parent->rightActionLink(); } } } return result; } bool HistoryGroupedMedia::toggleSelectionByHandlerClick( const ClickHandlerPtr &p) const { for (const auto &part : _parts) { if (part.content->toggleSelectionByHandlerClick(p)) { return true; } } return false; } bool HistoryGroupedMedia::dragItemByHandler(const ClickHandlerPtr &p) const { for (const auto &part : _parts) { if (part.content->dragItemByHandler(p)) { return true; } } return false; } TextSelection HistoryGroupedMedia::adjustSelection( TextSelection selection, TextSelectType type) const { return _caption.adjustSelection(selection, type); } TextForMimeData HistoryGroupedMedia::selectedText( TextSelection selection) const { return _caption.toTextForMimeData(selection); } void HistoryGroupedMedia::clickHandlerActiveChanged( const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) { for (const auto &part : _parts) { part.content->clickHandlerActiveChanged(p, active); } } void HistoryGroupedMedia::clickHandlerPressedChanged( const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) { for (const auto &part : _parts) { part.content->clickHandlerPressedChanged(p, pressed); if (pressed && part.content->dragItemByHandler(p)) { // #TODO drag by item from album // App::pressedLinkItem(part.view); } } } template bool HistoryGroupedMedia::applyGroup(const DataMediaRange &medias) { if (validateGroupParts(medias)) { return true; } for (const auto media : medias) { _parts.push_back(Part(_parent, media)); } if (_parts.empty()) { return false; } Ensures(_parts.size() <= kMaxSize); return true; } template bool HistoryGroupedMedia::validateGroupParts( const DataMediaRange &medias) const { auto i = 0; const auto count = _parts.size(); for (const auto media : medias) { if (i >= count || _parts[i].item != media->parent()) { return false; } ++i; } return (i == count); } not_null HistoryGroupedMedia::main() const { Expects(!_parts.empty()); return _parts.back().content.get(); } TextWithEntities HistoryGroupedMedia::getCaption() const { return main()->getCaption(); } Storage::SharedMediaTypesMask HistoryGroupedMedia::sharedMediaTypes() const { return main()->sharedMediaTypes(); } PhotoData *HistoryGroupedMedia::getPhoto() const { return main()->getPhoto(); } DocumentData *HistoryGroupedMedia::getDocument() const { return main()->getDocument(); } HistoryMessageEdited *HistoryGroupedMedia::displayedEditBadge() const { if (!_caption.isEmpty()) { return _parts.front().item->Get(); } return nullptr; } void HistoryGroupedMedia::updateNeedBubbleState() { const auto captionItem = [&]() -> HistoryItem* { auto result = (HistoryItem*)nullptr; for (const auto &part : _parts) { if (!part.item->emptyText()) { if (result) { return nullptr; } else { result = part.item; } } } return result; }(); if (captionItem) { _caption = createCaption(captionItem); } _needBubble = computeNeedBubble(); } void HistoryGroupedMedia::parentTextUpdated() { history()->owner().requestViewResize(_parent); } bool HistoryGroupedMedia::needsBubble() const { return _needBubble; } bool HistoryGroupedMedia::computeNeedBubble() const { if (!_caption.isEmpty()) { return true; } if (const auto item = _parent->data()) { if (item->viaBot() || item->Has() || _parent->displayForwardedFrom() || _parent->displayFromName() ) { return true; } } return false; } bool HistoryGroupedMedia::needInfoDisplay() const { return (_parent->data()->id < 0 || _parent->isUnderCursor()); }