/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "boxes/send_files_box.h" #include "lang.h" #include "localstorage.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "history/history_media_types.h" #include "ui/filedialog.h" #include "ui/widgets/checkbox.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/input_fields.h" #include "styles/style_history.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" namespace { constexpr auto kMinPreviewWidth = 20; } // namespace SendFilesBox::SendFilesBox(const QString &filepath, QImage image, CompressConfirm compressed, bool animated) : AbstractBox(st::boxWideWidth) , _files(filepath) , _image(image) , _compressConfirm(compressed) , _animated(image.isNull() ? false : animated) , _caption(this, st::confirmCaptionArea, lang(lng_photo_caption)) , _send(this, lang(lng_send_button), st::defaultBoxButton) , _cancel(this, lang(lng_cancel), st::cancelBoxButton) { if (!image.isNull()) { if (!_animated && _compressConfirm == CompressConfirm::None) { auto originalWidth = image.width(); auto originalHeight = image.height(); auto thumbWidth = st::msgFileThumbSize; if (originalWidth > originalHeight) { thumbWidth = (originalWidth * st::msgFileThumbSize) / originalHeight; } auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::RoundedSmall | Images::Option::RoundedTopLeft | Images::Option::RoundedTopRight | Images::Option::RoundedBottomLeft | Images::Option::RoundedBottomRight; _fileThumb = Images::pixmap(image, thumbWidth * cIntRetinaFactor(), 0, options, st::msgFileThumbSize, st::msgFileThumbSize); } else { auto maxW = 0; auto maxH = 0; if (_animated) { auto limitW = width() - st::boxPhotoPadding.left() - st::boxPhotoPadding.right(); auto limitH = st::confirmMaxHeight; maxW = qMax(image.width(), 1); maxH = qMax(image.height(), 1); if (maxW * limitH > maxH * limitW) { if (maxW < limitW) { maxH = maxH * limitW / maxW; maxW = limitW; } } else { if (maxH < limitH) { maxW = maxW * limitH / maxH; maxH = limitH; } } image = Images::prepare(image, maxW * cIntRetinaFactor(), maxH * cIntRetinaFactor(), Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::Blurred, maxW, maxH); } auto originalWidth = image.width(); auto originalHeight = image.height(); if (!originalWidth || !originalHeight) { originalWidth = originalHeight = 1; } _previewWidth = width() - st::boxPhotoPadding.left() - st::boxPhotoPadding.right(); if (image.width() < _previewWidth) { _previewWidth = qMax(image.width(), kMinPreviewWidth); } auto maxthumbh = qMin(qRound(1.5 * _previewWidth), st::confirmMaxHeight); _previewHeight = qRound(originalHeight * float64(_previewWidth) / originalWidth); if (_previewHeight > maxthumbh) { _previewWidth = qRound(_previewWidth * float64(maxthumbh) / _previewHeight); accumulate_max(_previewWidth, kMinPreviewWidth); _previewHeight = maxthumbh; } _previewLeft = (width() - _previewWidth) / 2; image = std_::move(image).scaled(_previewWidth * cIntRetinaFactor(), _previewHeight * cIntRetinaFactor(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); image = Images::prepareOpaque(std_::move(image)); _preview = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std_::move(image)); _preview.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); } } if (_preview.isNull()) { if (filepath.isEmpty()) { auto filename = filedialogDefaultName(qsl("image"), qsl(".png"), QString(), true); _nameText.setText(st::semiboldFont, filename, _textNameOptions); _statusText = qsl("%1x%2").arg(_image.width()).arg(_image.height()); _statusWidth = qMax(_nameText.maxWidth(), st::normalFont->width(_statusText)); _fileIsImage = true; } else { auto fileinfo = QFileInfo(filepath); auto filename = fileinfo.fileName(); _nameText.setText(st::semiboldFont, filename, _textNameOptions); _statusText = formatSizeText(fileinfo.size()); _statusWidth = qMax(_nameText.maxWidth(), st::normalFont->width(_statusText)); _fileIsImage = fileIsImage(filename, mimeTypeForFile(fileinfo).name()); } } setup(); } SendFilesBox::SendFilesBox(const QStringList &files, CompressConfirm compressed) : AbstractBox(st::boxWideWidth) , _files(files) , _compressConfirm(compressed) , _caption(this, st::confirmCaptionArea, lang(lng_photos_comment)) , _send(this, lang(lng_send_button), st::defaultBoxButton) , _cancel(this, lang(lng_cancel), st::cancelBoxButton) { updateTitleText(); setup(); } SendFilesBox::SendFilesBox(const QString &phone, const QString &firstname, const QString &lastname) : AbstractBox(st::boxWideWidth) , _contactPhone(phone) , _contactFirstName(firstname) , _contactLastName(lastname) , _send(this, lang(lng_send_button), st::defaultBoxButton) , _cancel(this, lang(lng_cancel), st::cancelBoxButton) { _nameText.setText(st::semiboldFont, lng_full_name(lt_first_name, _contactFirstName, lt_last_name, _contactLastName), _textNameOptions); _statusText = _contactPhone; _statusWidth = qMax(_nameText.maxWidth(), st::normalFont->width(_statusText)); setup(); } void SendFilesBox::setup() { _send->setClickedCallback([this] { onSend(); }); _cancel->setClickedCallback([this] { onClose(); }); if (_compressConfirm != CompressConfirm::None) { auto compressed = (_compressConfirm == CompressConfirm::Auto) ? cCompressPastedImage() : (_compressConfirm == CompressConfirm::Yes); auto text = lng_send_images_compress(lt_count, _files.size()); _compressed.create(this, text, compressed, st::defaultBoxCheckbox); connect(_compressed, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(onCompressedChange())); } if (_caption) { _caption->setMaxLength(MaxPhotoCaption); _caption->setCtrlEnterSubmit(Ui::CtrlEnterSubmitBoth); connect(_caption, SIGNAL(resized()), this, SLOT(onCaptionResized())); connect(_caption, SIGNAL(submitted(bool)), this, SLOT(onSend(bool))); connect(_caption, SIGNAL(cancelled()), this, SLOT(onClose())); } _send->setText(getSendButtonText()); updateBoxSize(); } QString SendFilesBox::getSendButtonText() const { if (!_contactPhone.isEmpty()) { return lang(lng_send_button); } else if (_compressed && _compressed->checked()) { return lng_send_photos(lt_count, _files.size()); } return lng_send_files(lt_count, _files.size()); } void SendFilesBox::onCompressedChange() { doSetInnerFocus(); _send->setText(getSendButtonText()); updateControlsGeometry(); } void SendFilesBox::onCaptionResized() { updateBoxSize(); updateControlsGeometry(); update(); } void SendFilesBox::updateTitleText() { _titleText = (_compressConfirm == CompressConfirm::None) ? lng_send_files_selected(lt_count, _files.size()) : lng_send_images_selected(lt_count, _files.size()); update(); } void SendFilesBox::updateBoxSize() { auto newHeight = 0; if (!_preview.isNull()) { newHeight += st::boxPhotoPadding.top() + _previewHeight; } else if (!_fileThumb.isNull()) { newHeight += st::boxPhotoPadding.top() + st::msgFileThumbPadding.top() + st::msgFileThumbSize + st::msgFileThumbPadding.bottom(); } else if (_files.size() > 1) { newHeight += titleHeight(); } else { newHeight += st::boxPhotoPadding.top() + st::msgFilePadding.top() + st::msgFileSize + st::msgFilePadding.bottom(); } if (_compressed) { newHeight += st::boxPhotoCompressedSkip + _compressed->heightNoMargins(); } if (_caption) { newHeight += st::boxPhotoCaptionSkip + _caption->height(); } newHeight += st::boxButtonPadding.top() + _send->height() + st::boxButtonPadding.bottom(); setMaxHeight(newHeight); } void SendFilesBox::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || e->key() == Qt::Key_Return) { onSend((e->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier) || e->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::MetaModifier)) && e->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::ShiftModifier)); } else { AbstractBox::keyPressEvent(e); } } void SendFilesBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { AbstractBox::paintEvent(e); Painter p(this); if (!_titleText.isEmpty()) { p.setFont(st::boxPhotoTitleFont); p.setPen(st::boxTitleFg); p.drawTextLeft(st::boxPhotoTitlePosition.x(), st::boxPhotoTitlePosition.y(), width(), _titleText); } if (!_preview.isNull()) { if (_previewLeft > st::boxPhotoPadding.left()) { p.fillRect(st::boxPhotoPadding.left(), st::boxPhotoPadding.top(), _previewLeft - st::boxPhotoPadding.left(), _previewHeight, st::confirmBg); } if (_previewLeft + _previewWidth < width() - st::boxPhotoPadding.right()) { p.fillRect(_previewLeft + _previewWidth, st::boxPhotoPadding.top(), width() - st::boxPhotoPadding.right() - _previewLeft - _previewWidth, _previewHeight, st::confirmBg); } p.drawPixmap(_previewLeft, st::boxPhotoPadding.top(), _preview); if (_animated) { auto inner = QRect(_previewLeft + (_previewWidth - st::msgFileSize) / 2, st::boxPhotoPadding.top() + (_previewHeight - st::msgFileSize) / 2, st::msgFileSize, st::msgFileSize); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(st::msgDateImgBg); { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.drawEllipse(inner); } auto icon = &st::historyFileInPlay; icon->paintInCenter(p, inner); } } else if (_files.size() < 2) { auto w = width() - st::boxPhotoPadding.left() - st::boxPhotoPadding.right(); auto h = _fileThumb.isNull() ? (st::msgFilePadding.top() + st::msgFileSize + st::msgFilePadding.bottom()) : (st::msgFileThumbPadding.top() + st::msgFileThumbSize + st::msgFileThumbPadding.bottom()); auto nameleft = 0, nametop = 0, nameright = 0, statustop = 0, linktop = 0; if (_fileThumb.isNull()) { nameleft = st::msgFilePadding.left() + st::msgFileSize + st::msgFilePadding.right(); nametop = st::msgFileNameTop; nameright = st::msgFilePadding.left(); statustop = st::msgFileStatusTop; } else { nameleft = st::msgFileThumbPadding.left() + st::msgFileThumbSize + st::msgFileThumbPadding.right(); nametop = st::msgFileThumbNameTop; nameright = st::msgFileThumbPadding.left(); statustop = st::msgFileThumbStatusTop; linktop = st::msgFileThumbLinkTop; } auto namewidth = w - nameleft - (_fileThumb.isNull() ? st::msgFilePadding.left() : st::msgFileThumbPadding.left()); int32 x = (width() - w) / 2, y = st::boxPhotoPadding.top(); App::roundRect(p, x, y, w, h, st::msgOutBg, MessageOutCorners, &st::msgOutShadow); if (_fileThumb.isNull()) { if (_contactPhone.isNull()) { QRect inner(rtlrect(x + st::msgFilePadding.left(), y + st::msgFilePadding.top(), st::msgFileSize, st::msgFileSize, width())); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(st::msgFileOutBg); { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.drawEllipse(inner); } auto &icon = _fileIsImage ? st::historyFileOutImage : st::historyFileOutDocument; icon.paintInCenter(p, inner); } else { p.drawPixmapLeft(x + st::msgFilePadding.left(), y + st::msgFilePadding.top(), width(), userDefPhoto(1)->pixCircled(st::msgFileSize)); } } else { QRect rthumb(rtlrect(x + st::msgFileThumbPadding.left(), y + st::msgFileThumbPadding.top(), st::msgFileThumbSize, st::msgFileThumbSize, width())); p.drawPixmap(rthumb.topLeft(), _fileThumb); } p.setFont(st::semiboldFont); p.setPen(st::historyFileNameOutFg); _nameText.drawLeftElided(p, x + nameleft, y + nametop, namewidth, width()); auto &status = st::mediaOutFg; p.setFont(st::normalFont); p.setPen(status); p.drawTextLeft(x + nameleft, y + statustop, width(), _statusText); } } void SendFilesBox::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { updateControlsGeometry(); AbstractBox::resizeEvent(e); } void SendFilesBox::updateControlsGeometry() { _send->moveToRight(st::boxButtonPadding.right(), height() - st::boxButtonPadding.bottom() - _send->height()); _cancel->moveToRight(st::boxButtonPadding.right() + _send->width() + st::boxButtonPadding.left(), _send->y()); auto bottom = _send->y() - st::boxButtonPadding.top(); if (_caption) { _caption->resize(st::boxWideWidth - st::boxPhotoPadding.left() - st::boxPhotoPadding.right(), _caption->height()); _caption->moveToLeft(st::boxPhotoPadding.left(), bottom - _caption->height()); bottom -= st::boxPhotoCaptionSkip + _caption->height(); } if (_compressed) { _compressed->moveToLeft(st::boxPhotoPadding.left(), bottom - _compressed->heightNoMargins()); bottom -= st::boxPhotoCompressedSkip + _compressed->heightNoMargins(); } } void SendFilesBox::doSetInnerFocus() { if (!_caption || _caption->isHidden()) { setFocus(); } else { _caption->setFocus(); } } void SendFilesBox::onSend(bool ctrlShiftEnter) { if (_compressed && _compressConfirm == CompressConfirm::Auto && _compressed->checked() != cCompressPastedImage()) { cSetCompressPastedImage(_compressed->checked()); Local::writeUserSettings(); } _confirmed = true; if (_confirmedCallback) { auto compressed = _compressed ? _compressed->checked() : false; auto caption = _caption ? prepareText(_caption->getLastText(), true) : QString(); _confirmedCallback(_files, compressed, caption, ctrlShiftEnter); } onClose(); } void SendFilesBox::closePressed() { if (!_confirmed && _cancelledCallback) { _cancelledCallback(); } } EditCaptionBox::EditCaptionBox(HistoryItem *msg) : AbstractBox(st::boxWideWidth) , _msgId(msg->fullId()) , _animated(false) , _photo(false) , _doc(false) , _save(this, lang(lng_settings_save), st::defaultBoxButton) , _cancel(this, lang(lng_cancel), st::cancelBoxButton) , _thumbx(0) , _thumby(0) , _thumbw(0) , _thumbh(0) , _statusw(0) , _isImage(false) , _previewCancelled(false) , _saveRequestId(0) { connect(_save, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSave())); connect(_cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClose())); QSize dimensions; ImagePtr image; QString caption; DocumentData *doc = 0; if (HistoryMedia *media = msg->getMedia()) { HistoryMediaType t = media->type(); switch (t) { case MediaTypeGif: { _animated = true; doc = static_cast(media)->getDocument(); dimensions = doc->dimensions; image = doc->thumb; } break; case MediaTypePhoto: { _photo = true; PhotoData *photo = static_cast(media)->photo(); dimensions = QSize(photo->full->width(), photo->full->height()); image = photo->full; } break; case MediaTypeVideo: { _animated = true; doc = static_cast(media)->getDocument(); dimensions = doc->dimensions; image = doc->thumb; } break; case MediaTypeFile: case MediaTypeMusicFile: case MediaTypeVoiceFile: { _doc = true; doc = static_cast(media)->getDocument(); image = doc->thumb; } break; } caption = media->getCaption().text; } if ((!_animated && (dimensions.isEmpty() || doc)) || image->isNull()) { _animated = false; if (image->isNull()) { _thumbw = 0; } else { int32 tw = image->width(), th = image->height(); if (tw > th) { _thumbw = (tw * st::msgFileThumbSize) / th; } else { _thumbw = st::msgFileThumbSize; } auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::RoundedSmall | Images::Option::RoundedTopLeft | Images::Option::RoundedTopRight | Images::Option::RoundedBottomLeft | Images::Option::RoundedBottomRight; _thumb = Images::pixmap(image->pix().toImage(), _thumbw * cIntRetinaFactor(), 0, options, st::msgFileThumbSize, st::msgFileThumbSize); } if (doc) { if (doc->voice()) { _name.setText(st::semiboldFont, lang(lng_media_audio), _textNameOptions); } else { _name.setText(st::semiboldFont, documentName(doc), _textNameOptions); } _status = formatSizeText(doc->size); _statusw = qMax(_name.maxWidth(), st::normalFont->width(_status)); _isImage = doc->isImage(); } } else { int32 maxW = 0, maxH = 0; if (_animated) { int32 limitW = width() - st::boxPhotoPadding.left() - st::boxPhotoPadding.right(); int32 limitH = st::confirmMaxHeight; maxW = qMax(dimensions.width(), 1); maxH = qMax(dimensions.height(), 1); if (maxW * limitH > maxH * limitW) { if (maxW < limitW) { maxH = maxH * limitW / maxW; maxW = limitW; } } else { if (maxH < limitH) { maxW = maxW * limitH / maxH; maxH = limitH; } } _thumb = image->pixNoCache(maxW * cIntRetinaFactor(), maxH * cIntRetinaFactor(), Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::Blurred, maxW, maxH); } else { maxW = dimensions.width(); maxH = dimensions.height(); _thumb = image->pixNoCache(maxW * cIntRetinaFactor(), maxH * cIntRetinaFactor(), Images::Option::Smooth, maxW, maxH); } int32 tw = _thumb.width(), th = _thumb.height(); if (!tw || !th) { tw = th = 1; } _thumbw = width() - st::boxPhotoPadding.left() - st::boxPhotoPadding.right(); if (_thumb.width() < _thumbw) { _thumbw = (_thumb.width() > 20) ? _thumb.width() : 20; } int32 maxthumbh = qMin(qRound(1.5 * _thumbw), int(st::confirmMaxHeight)); _thumbh = qRound(th * float64(_thumbw) / tw); if (_thumbh > maxthumbh) { _thumbw = qRound(_thumbw * float64(maxthumbh) / _thumbh); _thumbh = maxthumbh; if (_thumbw < 10) { _thumbw = 10; } } _thumbx = (width() - _thumbw) / 2; _thumb = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(_thumb.toImage().scaled(_thumbw * cIntRetinaFactor(), _thumbh * cIntRetinaFactor(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); _thumb.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); } if (_animated || _photo || _doc) { _field.create(this, st::confirmCaptionArea, lang(lng_photo_caption), caption); _field->setMaxLength(MaxPhotoCaption); _field->setCtrlEnterSubmit(Ui::CtrlEnterSubmitBoth); } else { auto original = msg->originalText(); QString text = textApplyEntities(original.text, original.entities); _field.create(this, st::editTextArea, lang(lng_photo_caption), text); // _field->setMaxLength(MaxMessageSize); // entities can make text in input field larger but still valid _field->setCtrlEnterSubmit(cCtrlEnter() ? Ui::CtrlEnterSubmitCtrlEnter : Ui::CtrlEnterSubmitEnter); } updateBoxSize(); connect(_field, SIGNAL(submitted(bool)), this, SLOT(onSave(bool))); connect(_field, SIGNAL(cancelled()), this, SLOT(onClose())); connect(_field, SIGNAL(resized()), this, SLOT(onCaptionResized())); QTextCursor c(_field->textCursor()); c.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); _field->setTextCursor(c); } bool EditCaptionBox::captionFound() const { return _animated || _photo || _doc; } void EditCaptionBox::onCaptionResized() { updateBoxSize(); resizeEvent(0); update(); } void EditCaptionBox::updateBoxSize() { auto bottomh = st::boxPhotoCaptionSkip + _field->height() + st::normalFont->height + st::boxButtonPadding.top() + _save->height() + st::boxButtonPadding.bottom(); if (_photo || _animated) { setMaxHeight(st::boxPhotoPadding.top() + _thumbh + bottomh); } else if (_thumbw) { setMaxHeight(st::boxPhotoPadding.top() + 0 + st::msgFileThumbSize + 0 + bottomh); } else if (_doc) { setMaxHeight(st::boxPhotoPadding.top() + 0 + st::msgFileSize + 0 + bottomh); } else { setMaxHeight(st::boxPhotoPadding.top() + st::boxTitleFont->height + bottomh); } } void EditCaptionBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { AbstractBox::paintEvent(e); Painter p(this); if (_photo || _animated) { if (_thumbx > st::boxPhotoPadding.left()) { p.fillRect(st::boxPhotoPadding.left(), st::boxPhotoPadding.top(), _thumbx - st::boxPhotoPadding.left(), _thumbh, st::confirmBg->b); } if (_thumbx + _thumbw < width() - st::boxPhotoPadding.right()) { p.fillRect(_thumbx + _thumbw, st::boxPhotoPadding.top(), width() - st::boxPhotoPadding.right() - _thumbx - _thumbw, _thumbh, st::confirmBg->b); } p.drawPixmap(_thumbx, st::boxPhotoPadding.top(), _thumb); if (_animated) { QRect inner(_thumbx + (_thumbw - st::msgFileSize) / 2, st::boxPhotoPadding.top() + (_thumbh - st::msgFileSize) / 2, st::msgFileSize, st::msgFileSize); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(st::msgDateImgBg); { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.drawEllipse(inner); } auto icon = &st::historyFileInPlay; icon->paintInCenter(p, inner); } } else if (_doc) { int32 w = width() - st::boxPhotoPadding.left() - st::boxPhotoPadding.right(); int32 h = _thumbw ? (0 + st::msgFileThumbSize + 0) : (0 + st::msgFileSize + 0); int32 nameleft = 0, nametop = 0, nameright = 0, statustop = 0; if (_thumbw) { nameleft = 0 + st::msgFileThumbSize + st::msgFileThumbPadding.right(); nametop = st::msgFileThumbNameTop - st::msgFileThumbPadding.top(); nameright = 0; statustop = st::msgFileThumbStatusTop - st::msgFileThumbPadding.top(); } else { nameleft = 0 + st::msgFileSize + st::msgFilePadding.right(); nametop = st::msgFileNameTop - st::msgFilePadding.top(); nameright = 0; statustop = st::msgFileStatusTop - st::msgFilePadding.top(); } int32 namewidth = w - nameleft - 0; if (namewidth > _statusw) { //w -= (namewidth - _statusw); //namewidth = _statusw; } int32 x = (width() - w) / 2, y = st::boxPhotoPadding.top(); // App::roundRect(p, x, y, w, h, st::msgInBg, MessageInCorners, &st::msgInShadow); if (_thumbw) { QRect rthumb(rtlrect(x + 0, y + 0, st::msgFileThumbSize, st::msgFileThumbSize, width())); p.drawPixmap(rthumb.topLeft(), _thumb); } else { QRect inner(rtlrect(x + 0, y + 0, st::msgFileSize, st::msgFileSize, width())); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(st::msgFileInBg); { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.drawEllipse(inner); } auto icon = &(_isImage ? st::historyFileInImage : st::historyFileInDocument); icon->paintInCenter(p, inner); } p.setFont(st::semiboldFont); p.setPen(st::historyFileNameInFg); _name.drawLeftElided(p, x + nameleft, y + nametop, namewidth, width()); auto &status = st::mediaInFg; p.setFont(st::normalFont); p.setPen(status); p.drawTextLeft(x + nameleft, y + statustop, width(), _status); } else { p.setFont(st::boxTitleFont); p.setPen(st::boxTextFg); p.drawTextLeft(_field->x(), st::boxPhotoPadding.top(), width(), lang(lng_edit_message)); } if (!_error.isEmpty()) { p.setFont(st::normalFont); p.setPen(st::boxTextFgError); p.drawTextLeft(_field->x(), _field->y() + _field->height() + (st::boxButtonPadding.top() / 2), width(), _error); } } void EditCaptionBox::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { _save->moveToRight(st::boxButtonPadding.right(), height() - st::boxButtonPadding.bottom() - _save->height()); _cancel->moveToRight(st::boxButtonPadding.right() + _save->width() + st::boxButtonPadding.left(), _save->y()); _field->resize(st::boxWideWidth - st::boxPhotoPadding.left() - st::boxPhotoPadding.right(), _field->height()); _field->moveToLeft(st::boxPhotoPadding.left(), _save->y() - st::boxButtonPadding.top() - st::normalFont->height - _field->height()); AbstractBox::resizeEvent(e); } void EditCaptionBox::doSetInnerFocus() { _field->setFocus(); } void EditCaptionBox::onSave(bool ctrlShiftEnter) { if (_saveRequestId) return; HistoryItem *item = App::histItemById(_msgId); if (!item) { _error = lang(lng_edit_deleted); update(); return; } MTPmessages_EditMessage::Flags flags = MTPmessages_EditMessage::Flag::f_message; if (_previewCancelled) { flags |= MTPmessages_EditMessage::Flag::f_no_webpage; } MTPVector sentEntities; if (!sentEntities.c_vector().v.isEmpty()) { flags |= MTPmessages_EditMessage::Flag::f_entities; } auto text = prepareText(_field->getLastText(), true); _saveRequestId = MTP::send(MTPmessages_EditMessage(MTP_flags(flags), item->history()->peer->input, MTP_int(item->id), MTP_string(text), MTPnullMarkup, sentEntities), rpcDone(&EditCaptionBox::saveDone), rpcFail(&EditCaptionBox::saveFail)); } void EditCaptionBox::saveDone(const MTPUpdates &updates) { _saveRequestId = 0; onClose(); if (App::main()) { App::main()->sentUpdatesReceived(updates); } } bool EditCaptionBox::saveFail(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; _saveRequestId = 0; QString err = error.type(); if (err == qstr("MESSAGE_ID_INVALID") || err == qstr("CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED") || err == qstr("MESSAGE_EDIT_TIME_EXPIRED")) { _error = lang(lng_edit_error); } else if (err == qstr("MESSAGE_NOT_MODIFIED")) { onClose(); return true; } else if (err == qstr("MESSAGE_EMPTY")) { _field->setFocus(); _field->showError(); } else { _error = lang(lng_edit_error); } update(); return true; }