/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "platform/linux/main_window_linux.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include "platform/linux/linux_libs.h" #include "platform/platform_notifications_manager.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "application.h" #include "lang.h" #include "localstorage.h" namespace Platform { namespace { bool noQtTrayIcon = false, tryAppIndicator = false; bool useGtkBase = false, useAppIndicator = false, useStatusIcon = false, trayIconChecked = false, useUnityCount = false; AppIndicator *_trayIndicator = 0; GtkStatusIcon *_trayIcon = 0; GtkWidget *_trayMenu = 0; GdkPixbuf *_trayPixbuf = 0; QByteArray _trayPixbufData; QList > _trayItems; int32 _trayIconSize = 22; bool _trayIconMuted = true; int32 _trayIconCount = 0; QImage _trayIconImageBack, _trayIconImage; void _trayIconPopup(GtkStatusIcon *status_icon, guint button, guint32 activate_time, gpointer popup_menu) { Libs::gtk_menu_popup(Libs::gtk_menu_cast(popup_menu), NULL, NULL, Libs::gtk_status_icon_position_menu, status_icon, button, activate_time); } void _trayIconActivate(GtkStatusIcon *status_icon, gpointer popup_menu) { if (App::wnd()->isActiveWindow() && App::wnd()->isVisible()) { Libs::gtk_menu_popup(Libs::gtk_menu_cast(popup_menu), NULL, NULL, Libs::gtk_status_icon_position_menu, status_icon, 0, Libs::gtk_get_current_event_time()); } else { App::wnd()->showFromTray(); } } gboolean _trayIconResized(GtkStatusIcon *status_icon, gint size, gpointer popup_menu) { _trayIconSize = size; if (Global::started()) Notify::unreadCounterUpdated(); return FALSE; } #define QT_RED 0 #define QT_GREEN 1 #define QT_BLUE 2 #define QT_ALPHA 3 #define GTK_RED 2 #define GTK_GREEN 1 #define GTK_BLUE 0 #define GTK_ALPHA 3 QImage _trayIconImageGen() { int32 counter = App::histories().unreadBadge(), counterSlice = (counter >= 1000) ? (1000 + (counter % 100)) : counter; bool muted = App::histories().unreadOnlyMuted(); if (_trayIconImage.isNull() || _trayIconImage.width() != _trayIconSize || muted != _trayIconMuted || counterSlice != _trayIconCount) { if (_trayIconImageBack.isNull() || _trayIconImageBack.width() != _trayIconSize) { _trayIconImageBack = App::wnd()->iconLarge().scaled(_trayIconSize, _trayIconSize, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); _trayIconImageBack = _trayIconImageBack.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32); int w = _trayIconImageBack.width(), h = _trayIconImageBack.height(), perline = _trayIconImageBack.bytesPerLine(); uchar *bytes = _trayIconImageBack.bits(); for (int32 y = 0; y < h; ++y) { for (int32 x = 0; x < w; ++x) { int32 srcoff = y * perline + x * 4; bytes[srcoff + QT_RED ] = qMax(bytes[srcoff + QT_RED ], uchar(224)); bytes[srcoff + QT_GREEN] = qMax(bytes[srcoff + QT_GREEN], uchar(165)); bytes[srcoff + QT_BLUE ] = qMax(bytes[srcoff + QT_BLUE ], uchar(44)); } } } _trayIconImage = _trayIconImageBack; if (counter > 0) { QPainter p(&_trayIconImage); int32 layerSize = -16; if (_trayIconSize >= 48) { layerSize = -32; } else if (_trayIconSize >= 36) { layerSize = -24; } else if (_trayIconSize >= 32) { layerSize = -20; } auto &bg = (muted ? st::trayCounterBgMute : st::trayCounterBg); auto &fg = st::trayCounterFg; auto layer = App::wnd()->iconWithCounter(layerSize, counter, bg, fg, false); p.drawImage(_trayIconImage.width() - layer.width() - 1, _trayIconImage.height() - layer.height() - 1, layer); } } return _trayIconImage; } QString _trayIconImageFile() { int32 counter = App::histories().unreadBadge(), counterSlice = (counter >= 1000) ? (1000 + (counter % 100)) : counter; bool muted = App::histories().unreadOnlyMuted(); QString name = cWorkingDir() + qsl("tdata/ticons/ico%1_%2_%3.png").arg(muted ? "mute" : "").arg(_trayIconSize).arg(counterSlice); QFileInfo info(name); if (info.exists()) return name; QImage img = _trayIconImageGen(); if (img.save(name, "PNG")) return name; QDir dir(info.absoluteDir()); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkpath(dir.absolutePath()); if (img.save(name, "PNG")) return name; } return QString(); } void loadPixbuf(QImage image) { int w = image.width(), h = image.height(), perline = image.bytesPerLine(), s = image.byteCount(); _trayPixbufData.resize(w * h * 4); uchar *result = (uchar*)_trayPixbufData.data(), *bytes = image.bits(); for (int32 y = 0; y < h; ++y) { for (int32 x = 0; x < w; ++x) { int32 offset = (y * w + x) * 4, srcoff = y * perline + x * 4; result[offset + GTK_RED ] = bytes[srcoff + QT_RED ]; result[offset + GTK_GREEN] = bytes[srcoff + QT_GREEN]; result[offset + GTK_BLUE ] = bytes[srcoff + QT_BLUE ]; result[offset + GTK_ALPHA] = bytes[srcoff + QT_ALPHA]; } } if (_trayPixbuf) Libs::g_object_unref(_trayPixbuf); _trayPixbuf = Libs::gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data(result, GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, true, 8, w, h, w * 4, 0, 0); } void _trayMenuCallback(GtkMenu *menu, gpointer data) { for (int32 i = 0, l = _trayItems.size(); i < l; ++i) { if ((void*)_trayItems.at(i).first == (void*)menu) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_trayItems.at(i).second, "triggered"); } } } static gboolean _trayIconCheck(gpointer/* pIn*/) { if (useStatusIcon && !trayIconChecked) { if (Libs::gtk_status_icon_is_embedded(_trayIcon)) { trayIconChecked = true; cSetSupportTray(true); if (App::wnd()) { App::wnd()->psUpdateWorkmode(); Notify::unreadCounterUpdated(); App::wnd()->updateTrayMenu(); } } } return FALSE; } #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_UNITY_INTEGRATION UnityLauncherEntry *_psUnityLauncherEntry = nullptr; #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_UNITY_INTEGRATION } // namespace MainWindow::MainWindow() : icon256(qsl(":/gui/art/icon256.png")) , iconbig256(icon256) , wndIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("telegram", QIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(icon256, Qt::ColorOnly)))) { connect(&_psCheckStatusIconTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(psStatusIconCheck())); _psCheckStatusIconTimer.setSingleShot(false); connect(&_psUpdateIndicatorTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(psUpdateIndicator())); _psUpdateIndicatorTimer.setSingleShot(true); } void MainWindow::initHook() { setWindowIcon(wndIcon); } bool MainWindow::psHasTrayIcon() const { return trayIcon || ((useAppIndicator || (useStatusIcon && trayIconChecked)) && (cWorkMode() != dbiwmWindowOnly)); } void MainWindow::psStatusIconCheck() { _trayIconCheck(0); if (cSupportTray() || !--_psCheckStatusIconLeft) { _psCheckStatusIconTimer.stop(); return; } } void MainWindow::psShowTrayMenu() { } void MainWindow::psTrayMenuUpdated() { if (noQtTrayIcon && (useAppIndicator || useStatusIcon)) { const QList &actions = trayIconMenu->actions(); if (_trayItems.isEmpty()) { DEBUG_LOG(("Creating tray menu!")); for (int32 i = 0, l = actions.size(); i != l; ++i) { GtkWidget *item = Libs::gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(actions.at(i)->text().toUtf8()); Libs::gtk_menu_shell_append(Libs::gtk_menu_shell_cast(_trayMenu), item); Libs::g_signal_connect_helper(item, "activate", G_CALLBACK(_trayMenuCallback), this); Libs::gtk_widget_show(item); Libs::gtk_widget_set_sensitive(item, actions.at(i)->isEnabled()); _trayItems.push_back(qMakePair(item, actions.at(i))); } } else { DEBUG_LOG(("Updating tray menu!")); for (int32 i = 0, l = actions.size(); i != l; ++i) { if (i < _trayItems.size()) { Libs::gtk_menu_item_set_label(reinterpret_cast(_trayItems.at(i).first), actions.at(i)->text().toUtf8()); Libs::gtk_widget_set_sensitive(_trayItems.at(i).first, actions.at(i)->isEnabled()); } } } } } void MainWindow::psSetupTrayIcon() { if (noQtTrayIcon) { if (!cSupportTray()) return; updateIconCounters(); } else { LOG(("Using Qt tray icon.")); if (!trayIcon) { trayIcon = new QSystemTrayIcon(this); QIcon icon; QFileInfo iconFile(_trayIconImageFile()); if (iconFile.exists()) { QByteArray path = QFile::encodeName(iconFile.absoluteFilePath()); icon = QIcon(path.constData()); } else { icon = QIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(App::wnd()->iconLarge(), Qt::ColorOnly)); } trayIcon->setIcon(icon); trayIcon->setToolTip(str_const_toString(AppName)); connect(trayIcon, SIGNAL(activated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)), this, SLOT(toggleTray(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)), Qt::UniqueConnection); // This is very important for native notifications via libnotify! // Some notification servers compose several notifications with a "Reply" // action into one and after that a click on "Reply" button does not call // the specified callback from any of the sent notification - libnotify // just ignores ibus messages, but Qt tray icon at least emits this signal. connect(trayIcon, SIGNAL(messageClicked()), this, SLOT(showFromTray())); App::wnd()->updateTrayMenu(); } updateIconCounters(); trayIcon->show(); } } void MainWindow::psUpdateWorkmode() { if (!cSupportTray()) return; if (cWorkMode() == dbiwmWindowOnly) { if (noQtTrayIcon) { if (useAppIndicator) { Libs::app_indicator_set_status(_trayIndicator, APP_INDICATOR_STATUS_PASSIVE); } else if (useStatusIcon) { Libs::gtk_status_icon_set_visible(_trayIcon, false); } } else { if (trayIcon) { trayIcon->setContextMenu(0); trayIcon->deleteLater(); } trayIcon = 0; } } else { if (noQtTrayIcon) { if (useAppIndicator) { Libs::app_indicator_set_status(_trayIndicator, APP_INDICATOR_STATUS_ACTIVE); } else if (useStatusIcon) { Libs::gtk_status_icon_set_visible(_trayIcon, true); } } else { psSetupTrayIcon(); } } } void MainWindow::psUpdateIndicator() { _psUpdateIndicatorTimer.stop(); _psLastIndicatorUpdate = getms(); QFileInfo iconFile(_trayIconImageFile()); if (iconFile.exists()) { QByteArray path = QFile::encodeName(iconFile.absoluteFilePath()), name = QFile::encodeName(iconFile.fileName()); name = name.mid(0, name.size() - 4); Libs::app_indicator_set_icon_full(_trayIndicator, path.constData(), name); } else { useAppIndicator = false; } } void MainWindow::unreadCounterChangedHook() { setWindowTitle(titleText()); updateIconCounters(); } void MainWindow::updateIconCounters() { setWindowIcon(wndIcon); int32 counter = App::histories().unreadBadge(); #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_UNITY_INTEGRATION if (_psUnityLauncherEntry) { if (counter > 0) { Libs::unity_launcher_entry_set_count(_psUnityLauncherEntry, (counter > 9999) ? 9999 : counter); Libs::unity_launcher_entry_set_count_visible(_psUnityLauncherEntry, TRUE); } else { Libs::unity_launcher_entry_set_count_visible(_psUnityLauncherEntry, FALSE); } } #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_UNITY_INTEGRATION if (noQtTrayIcon) { if (useAppIndicator) { if (getms() > _psLastIndicatorUpdate + 1000) { psUpdateIndicator(); } else if (!_psUpdateIndicatorTimer.isActive()) { _psUpdateIndicatorTimer.start(100); } } else if (useStatusIcon && trayIconChecked) { QFileInfo iconFile(_trayIconImageFile()); if (iconFile.exists()) { QByteArray path = QFile::encodeName(iconFile.absoluteFilePath()); Libs::gtk_status_icon_set_from_file(_trayIcon, path.constData()); } else { loadPixbuf(_trayIconImageGen()); Libs::gtk_status_icon_set_from_pixbuf(_trayIcon, _trayPixbuf); } } } else if (trayIcon) { QIcon icon; QFileInfo iconFile(_trayIconImageFile()); if (iconFile.exists()) { QByteArray path = QFile::encodeName(iconFile.absoluteFilePath()); icon = QIcon(path.constData()); } else { int32 counter = App::histories().unreadBadge(); bool muted = App::histories().unreadOnlyMuted(); auto &bg = (muted ? st::trayCounterBgMute : st::trayCounterBg); auto &fg = st::trayCounterFg; icon.addPixmap(App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(iconWithCounter(16, counter, bg, fg, true))); icon.addPixmap(App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(iconWithCounter(32, counter, bg, fg, true))); } trayIcon->setIcon(icon); } } bool MainWindow::psHasNativeNotifications() { return Notifications::supported(); } void MainWindow::LibsLoaded() { QStringList cdesktop = QString(getenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP")).toLower().split(':'); noQtTrayIcon = (cdesktop.contains(qstr("pantheon"))) || (cdesktop.contains(qstr("gnome"))); tryAppIndicator = cdesktop.contains(qstr("xfce")); if (noQtTrayIcon) cSetSupportTray(false); useGtkBase = (Libs::gtk_init_check != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_menu_new != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_menu_get_type != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_menu_item_new_with_label != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_menu_item_set_label != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_menu_shell_append != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_menu_shell_get_type != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_widget_show != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_widget_get_toplevel != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_widget_get_visible != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_widget_set_sensitive != nullptr) && (Libs::g_type_check_instance_cast != nullptr) && (Libs::g_signal_connect_data != nullptr) && (Libs::g_object_ref_sink != nullptr) && (Libs::g_object_unref != nullptr); useAppIndicator = useGtkBase && (Libs::app_indicator_new != nullptr) && (Libs::app_indicator_set_status != nullptr) && (Libs::app_indicator_set_menu != nullptr) && (Libs::app_indicator_set_icon_full != nullptr); if (tryAppIndicator && useGtkBase && useAppIndicator) { noQtTrayIcon = true; cSetSupportTray(false); } useStatusIcon = (Libs::gdk_init_check != nullptr) && (Libs::gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_status_icon_new_from_pixbuf != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_status_icon_set_from_pixbuf != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_status_icon_new_from_file != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_status_icon_set_from_file != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_status_icon_set_title != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_status_icon_set_tooltip_text != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_status_icon_set_visible != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_status_icon_is_embedded != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_status_icon_get_geometry != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_status_icon_position_menu != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_menu_popup != nullptr) && (Libs::gtk_get_current_event_time != nullptr) && (Libs::g_idle_add != nullptr); if (useStatusIcon) { DEBUG_LOG(("Status icon api loaded!")); } #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_UNITY_INTEGRATION useUnityCount = (Libs::unity_launcher_entry_get_for_desktop_id != nullptr) && (Libs::unity_launcher_entry_set_count != nullptr) && (Libs::unity_launcher_entry_set_count_visible != nullptr); if (useUnityCount) { DEBUG_LOG(("Unity count api loaded!")); } #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_UNITY_INTEGRATION } void MainWindow::psCreateTrayIcon() { if (!noQtTrayIcon) { cSetSupportTray(QSystemTrayIcon::isSystemTrayAvailable()); return; } if (useAppIndicator) { DEBUG_LOG(("Trying to create AppIndicator")); _trayMenu = Libs::gtk_menu_new(); if (_trayMenu) { DEBUG_LOG(("Created gtk menu for appindicator!")); QFileInfo iconFile(_trayIconImageFile()); if (iconFile.exists()) { QByteArray path = QFile::encodeName(iconFile.absoluteFilePath()); _trayIndicator = Libs::app_indicator_new("Telegram Desktop", path.constData(), APP_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_APPLICATION_STATUS); if (_trayIndicator) { LOG(("Using appindicator tray icon.")); } else { DEBUG_LOG(("Failed to app_indicator_new()!")); } } else { useAppIndicator = false; DEBUG_LOG(("Failed to create image file!")); } } else { DEBUG_LOG(("Failed to gtk_menu_new()!")); } if (_trayMenu && _trayIndicator) { Libs::app_indicator_set_status(_trayIndicator, APP_INDICATOR_STATUS_ACTIVE); Libs::app_indicator_set_menu(_trayIndicator, Libs::gtk_menu_cast(_trayMenu)); useStatusIcon = false; } else { DEBUG_LOG(("AppIndicator failed!")); useAppIndicator = false; } } if (useStatusIcon) { if (Libs::gdk_init_check(0, 0)) { if (!_trayMenu) _trayMenu = Libs::gtk_menu_new(); if (_trayMenu) { QFileInfo iconFile(_trayIconImageFile()); if (iconFile.exists()) { QByteArray path = QFile::encodeName(iconFile.absoluteFilePath()); _trayIcon = Libs::gtk_status_icon_new_from_file(path.constData()); } else { loadPixbuf(_trayIconImageGen()); _trayIcon = Libs::gtk_status_icon_new_from_pixbuf(_trayPixbuf); } if (_trayIcon) { LOG(("Using GTK status tray icon.")); Libs::g_signal_connect_helper(_trayIcon, "popup-menu", GCallback(_trayIconPopup), _trayMenu); Libs::g_signal_connect_helper(_trayIcon, "activate", GCallback(_trayIconActivate), _trayMenu); Libs::g_signal_connect_helper(_trayIcon, "size-changed", GCallback(_trayIconResized), _trayMenu); Libs::gtk_status_icon_set_title(_trayIcon, "Telegram Desktop"); Libs::gtk_status_icon_set_tooltip_text(_trayIcon, "Telegram Desktop"); Libs::gtk_status_icon_set_visible(_trayIcon, true); } else { useStatusIcon = false; } } else { useStatusIcon = false; } } else { useStatusIcon = false; } } if (!useStatusIcon && !useAppIndicator) { if (_trayMenu) { Libs::g_object_ref_sink(_trayMenu); Libs::g_object_unref(_trayMenu); _trayMenu = 0; } } cSetSupportTray(useAppIndicator); if (useStatusIcon) { Libs::g_idle_add((GSourceFunc)_trayIconCheck, 0); _psCheckStatusIconTimer.start(100); } else { psUpdateWorkmode(); } } void MainWindow::psFirstShow() { psCreateTrayIcon(); #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_UNITY_INTEGRATION if (useUnityCount) { _psUnityLauncherEntry = Libs::unity_launcher_entry_get_for_desktop_id("telegramdesktop.desktop"); if (_psUnityLauncherEntry) { LOG(("Found Unity Launcher entry telegramdesktop.desktop!")); } else { _psUnityLauncherEntry = Libs::unity_launcher_entry_get_for_desktop_id("Telegram.desktop"); if (_psUnityLauncherEntry) { LOG(("Found Unity Launcher entry Telegram.desktop!")); } else { LOG(("Could not get Unity Launcher entry!")); } } } else { LOG(("Not using Unity Launcher count.")); } #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_UNITY_INTEGRATION psUpdateMargins(); bool showShadows = true; show(); //_private.enableShadow(winId()); if (cWindowPos().maximized) { setWindowState(Qt::WindowMaximized); } if ((cLaunchMode() == LaunchModeAutoStart && cStartMinimized()) || cStartInTray()) { setWindowState(Qt::WindowMinimized); if (cWorkMode() == dbiwmTrayOnly || cWorkMode() == dbiwmWindowAndTray) { hide(); } else { show(); } showShadows = false; } else { show(); } setPositionInited(); } void MainWindow::psInitSysMenu() { } void MainWindow::psUpdateSysMenu(Qt::WindowState state) { } void MainWindow::psUpdateMargins() { } void MainWindow::psFlash() { } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { if (_trayIcon) { Libs::g_object_unref(_trayIcon); _trayIcon = nullptr; } if (_trayPixbuf) { Libs::g_object_unref(_trayPixbuf); _trayPixbuf = nullptr; } if (_trayMenu) { Libs::g_object_ref_sink(_trayMenu); Libs::g_object_unref(_trayMenu); _trayMenu = nullptr; } } } // namespace Platform