/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "boxes/contactsbox.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_indexed_list.h" #include "lang.h" #include "boxes/addcontactbox.h" #include "boxes/contactsbox.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "application.h" #include "ui/filedialog.h" #include "boxes/photocropbox.h" #include "boxes/confirmbox.h" #include "observer_peer.h" #include "apiwrap.h" QString cantInviteError() { return lng_cant_invite_not_contact(lt_more_info, textcmdLink(qsl("https://telegram.me/spambot"), lang(lng_cant_more_info))); } ContactsInner::ContactsInner(CreatingGroupType creating) : TWidget() , _rowHeight(st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsPhotoSize + st::contactsPadding.bottom()) , _newItemHeight(creating == CreatingGroupNone ? st::contactsNewItemHeight : 0) , _creating(creating) , _allAdmins(this, lang(lng_chat_all_members_admins), false, st::contactsAdminCheckbox) , _contacts(App::main()->contactsList()) , _addContactLnk(this, lang(lng_add_contact_button)) { init(); } ContactsInner::ContactsInner(ChannelData *channel, MembersFilter membersFilter, const MembersAlreadyIn &already) : TWidget() , _rowHeight(st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsPhotoSize + st::contactsPadding.bottom()) , _channel(channel) , _membersFilter(membersFilter) , _creating(CreatingGroupChannel) , _already(already) , _allAdmins(this, lang(lng_chat_all_members_admins), false, st::contactsAdminCheckbox) , _contacts(App::main()->contactsList()) , _addContactLnk(this, lang(lng_add_contact_button)) { init(); } namespace { bool _sortByName(UserData *a, UserData *b) { return a->name.compare(b->name, Qt::CaseInsensitive) < 0; } } ContactsInner::ContactsInner(ChatData *chat, MembersFilter membersFilter) : TWidget() , _rowHeight(st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsPhotoSize + st::contactsPadding.bottom()) , _chat(chat) , _membersFilter(membersFilter) , _allAdmins(this, lang(lng_chat_all_members_admins), !_chat->adminsEnabled(), st::contactsAdminCheckbox) , _aboutWidth(st::boxWideWidth - st::contactsPadding.left() - st::contactsPadding.right() - st::contactsCheckPosition.x() * 2 - st::contactsCheckIcon.pxWidth()) , _aboutAllAdmins(st::boxTextFont, lang(lng_chat_about_all_admins), _defaultOptions, _aboutWidth) , _aboutAdmins(st::boxTextFont, lang(lng_chat_about_admins), _defaultOptions, _aboutWidth) , _customList((membersFilter == MembersFilterRecent) ? std_::unique_ptr() : std_::make_unique(Dialogs::SortMode::Add)) , _contacts((membersFilter == MembersFilterRecent) ? App::main()->contactsList() : _customList.get()) , _addContactLnk(this, lang(lng_add_contact_button)) { initList(); if (membersFilter == MembersFilterAdmins) { _newItemHeight = st::contactsNewItemHeight + qMax(_aboutAllAdmins.countHeight(_aboutWidth), _aboutAdmins.countHeight(_aboutWidth)) + st::contactsAboutHeight; if (_contacts->isEmpty()) { App::api()->requestFullPeer(_chat); } } init(); } ContactsInner::ContactsInner(UserData *bot) : TWidget() , _rowHeight(st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsPhotoSize + st::contactsPadding.bottom()) , _bot(bot) , _allAdmins(this, lang(lng_chat_all_members_admins), false, st::contactsAdminCheckbox) , _customList(std_::make_unique(Dialogs::SortMode::Add)) , _contacts(_customList.get()) , _addContactLnk(this, lang(lng_add_contact_button)) { auto v = App::main()->dialogsList(); for_const (auto row, *v) { auto peer = row->history()->peer; if (peer->isChat() && peer->asChat()->canEdit()) { _contacts->addToEnd(row->history()); } else if (peer->isMegagroup() && (peer->asChannel()->amCreator() || peer->asChannel()->amEditor())) { _contacts->addToEnd(row->history()); } } init(); } void ContactsInner::init() { connect(App::wnd(), SIGNAL(imageLoaded()), this, SLOT(update())); connect(&_addContactLnk, SIGNAL(clicked()), App::wnd(), SLOT(onShowAddContact())); connect(&_allAdmins, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(onAllAdminsChanged())); setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); for_const (auto row, _contacts->all()) { row->attached = nullptr; } _filter = qsl("a"); updateFilter(); connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(dialogRowReplaced(Dialogs::Row*,Dialogs::Row*)), this, SLOT(onDialogRowReplaced(Dialogs::Row*,Dialogs::Row*))); connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(peerUpdated(PeerData*)), this, SLOT(peerUpdated(PeerData *))); connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(peerNameChanged(PeerData*,const PeerData::Names&,const PeerData::NameFirstChars&)), this, SLOT(onPeerNameChanged(PeerData*,const PeerData::Names&,const PeerData::NameFirstChars&))); connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(peerPhotoChanged(PeerData*)), this, SLOT(peerUpdated(PeerData*))); } void ContactsInner::initList() { if (!_chat || _membersFilter != MembersFilterAdmins) return; QList admins, others; admins.reserve(_chat->admins.size() + 1); if (!_chat->participants.isEmpty()) { others.reserve(_chat->participants.size()); } for (ChatData::Participants::const_iterator i = _chat->participants.cbegin(), e = _chat->participants.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i.key()->id == peerFromUser(_chat->creator)) continue; if (!_allAdmins.checked() && _chat->admins.contains(i.key())) { admins.push_back(i.key()); _checkedContacts.insert(i.key(), true); } else { others.push_back(i.key()); } } std::sort(admins.begin(), admins.end(), _sortByName); std::sort(others.begin(), others.end(), _sortByName); if (UserData *creator = App::userLoaded(_chat->creator)) { if (_chat->participants.contains(creator)) { admins.push_front(creator); } } for (int32 i = 0, l = admins.size(); i < l; ++i) { _contacts->addToEnd(App::history(admins.at(i)->id)); } for (int32 i = 0, l = others.size(); i < l; ++i) { _contacts->addToEnd(App::history(others.at(i)->id)); } } void ContactsInner::onPeerNameChanged(PeerData *peer, const PeerData::Names &oldNames, const PeerData::NameFirstChars &oldChars) { if (bot()) { _contacts->peerNameChanged(peer, oldNames, oldChars); } peerUpdated(peer); } void ContactsInner::onAddBot() { if (_bot->botInfo && !_bot->botInfo->startGroupToken.isEmpty()) { MTP::send(MTPmessages_StartBot(_bot->inputUser, _addToPeer->input, MTP_long(rand_value()), MTP_string(_bot->botInfo->startGroupToken)), App::main()->rpcDone(&MainWidget::sentUpdatesReceived), App::main()->rpcFail(&MainWidget::addParticipantFail, _bot)); } else { App::main()->addParticipants(_addToPeer, QVector(1, _bot)); } Ui::hideLayer(); Ui::showPeerHistory(_addToPeer, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); } void ContactsInner::onAddAdmin() { if (_addAdminRequestId) return; _addAdminRequestId = MTP::send(MTPchannels_EditAdmin(_channel->inputChannel, _addAdmin->inputUser, MTP_channelRoleEditor()), rpcDone(&ContactsInner::addAdminDone), rpcFail(&ContactsInner::addAdminFail)); } void ContactsInner::onNoAddAdminBox(QObject *obj) { if (obj == _addAdminBox) { _addAdminBox = 0; } } void ContactsInner::onAllAdminsChanged() { if (_saving) { if (_allAdmins.checked() != _allAdminsChecked) { _allAdmins.setChecked(_allAdminsChecked); } } update(); } void ContactsInner::addAdminDone(const MTPUpdates &result, mtpRequestId req) { if (App::main()) App::main()->sentUpdatesReceived(result); if (req != _addAdminRequestId) return; _addAdminRequestId = 0; if (_addAdmin && _channel && _channel->isMegagroup()) { Notify::PeerUpdate update(_channel); if (_channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants.indexOf(_addAdmin) < 0) { _channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants.push_front(_addAdmin); update.flags |= Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::MembersChanged; } _channel->mgInfo->lastAdmins.insert(_addAdmin); update.flags |= Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::AdminsChanged; if (_addAdmin->botInfo) { _channel->mgInfo->bots.insert(_addAdmin); if (_channel->mgInfo->botStatus != 0 && _channel->mgInfo->botStatus < 2) { _channel->mgInfo->botStatus = 2; } } Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(update); } if (_addAdminBox) _addAdminBox->onClose(); emit adminAdded(); } bool ContactsInner::addAdminFail(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; if (req != _addAdminRequestId) return true; _addAdminRequestId = 0; if (_addAdminBox) _addAdminBox->onClose(); if (error.type() == "USERS_TOO_MUCH") { Ui::showLayer(new MaxInviteBox(_channel->inviteLink()), KeepOtherLayers); } else if (error.type() == "ADMINS_TOO_MUCH") { Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(lang(lng_channel_admins_too_much)), KeepOtherLayers); } else if (error.type() == qstr("USER_RESTRICTED")) { Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(lang(lng_cant_do_this)), KeepOtherLayers); } else { emit adminAdded(); } return true; } void ContactsInner::saving(bool flag) { _saving = flag; _allAdminsChecked = _allAdmins.checked(); update(); } void ContactsInner::peerUpdated(PeerData *peer) { if (_chat && (!peer || peer == _chat)) { bool inited = false; if (_membersFilter == MembersFilterAdmins && _contacts->isEmpty() && !_chat->participants.isEmpty()) { initList(); inited = true; } if (!_chat->canEdit()) { Ui::hideLayer(); } else if (!_chat->participants.isEmpty()) { for (ContactsData::iterator i = _contactsData.begin(), e = _contactsData.end(); i != e; ++i) { delete i.value(); } _contactsData.clear(); for_const (auto row, _contacts->all()) { row->attached = nullptr; } if (!_filter.isEmpty()) { for (int32 j = 0, s = _filtered.size(); j < s; ++j) { _filtered[j]->attached = 0; } } } if (inited) { _filter += 'a'; updateFilter(_lastQuery); } update(); } else { ContactsData::iterator i = _contactsData.find(peer); if (i != _contactsData.cend()) { for_const (auto row, _contacts->all()) { if (row->attached == i.value()) { row->attached = nullptr; update(0, _newItemHeight + _rowHeight * row->pos(), width(), _rowHeight); } } if (!_filter.isEmpty()) { for (int32 j = 0, s = _filtered.size(); j < s; ++j) { if (_filtered[j]->attached == i.value()) { _filtered[j]->attached = 0; update(0, _rowHeight * j, width(), _rowHeight); } } } delete i.value(); _contactsData.erase(i); } } } void ContactsInner::loadProfilePhotos(int32 yFrom) { int32 yTo = yFrom + (parentWidget() ? parentWidget()->height() : App::wnd()->height()) * 5; MTP::clearLoaderPriorities(); if (yTo < 0) return; if (yFrom < 0) yFrom = 0; if (_filter.isEmpty()) { if (!_contacts->isEmpty()) { auto i = _contacts->cfind(yFrom - _newItemHeight, _rowHeight); for (auto end = _contacts->cend(); i != end; ++i) { if ((_newItemHeight + (*i)->pos() * _rowHeight) >= yTo) { break; } (*i)->history()->peer->loadUserpic(); } } } else if (!_filtered.isEmpty()) { int32 from = yFrom / _rowHeight; if (from < 0) from = 0; if (from < _filtered.size()) { int32 to = (yTo / _rowHeight) + 1; if (to > _filtered.size()) to = _filtered.size(); for (; from < to; ++from) { _filtered[from]->history()->peer->loadUserpic(); } } } } ContactsInner::ContactData *ContactsInner::contactData(Dialogs::Row *row) { ContactData *data = (ContactData*)row->attached; if (!data) { PeerData *peer = row->history()->peer; ContactsData::const_iterator i = _contactsData.constFind(peer); if (i == _contactsData.cend()) { _contactsData.insert(peer, data = new ContactData()); if (peer->isUser()) { if (_chat) { if (_membersFilter == MembersFilterRecent) { data->inchat = _chat->participants.contains(peer->asUser()); } else { data->inchat = false; } } else if (_creating == CreatingGroupGroup) { data->inchat = (peerToUser(peer->id) == MTP::authedId()); } else if (_channel) { data->inchat = (peerToUser(peer->id) == MTP::authedId()) || _already.contains(peer->asUser()); } else { data->inchat = false; } } else { data->inchat = false; } data->onlineColor = false; data->check = _checkedContacts.contains(peer); data->name.setText(st::contactsNameFont, peer->name, _textNameOptions); if (peer->isUser()) { data->online = App::onlineText(peer->asUser(), _time); data->onlineColor = App::onlineColorUse(peer->asUser(), _time); } else if (peer->isChat()) { ChatData *chat = peer->asChat(); if (!chat->amIn()) { data->online = lang(lng_chat_status_unaccessible); } else { data->online = lng_chat_status_members(lt_count, chat->count); } } else if (peer->isMegagroup()) { data->online = lang(lng_group_status); } else if (peer->isChannel()) { data->online = lang(lng_channel_status); } } else { data = i.value(); } row->attached = data; } return data; } void ContactsInner::paintDialog(Painter &p, PeerData *peer, ContactData *data, bool sel) { UserData *user = peer->asUser(); bool inverse = data->inchat || data->check; if (_chat && _membersFilter == MembersFilterAdmins) { inverse = false; if (_allAdmins.checked() || peer->id == peerFromUser(_chat->creator) || _saving) { sel = false; } } else { if (data->inchat || data->check || selectedCount() >= Global::MegagroupSizeMax()) { sel = false; } } p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), _rowHeight, inverse ? st::contactsBgActive : (sel ? st::contactsBgOver : st::white)); p.setPen(inverse ? st::white : st::black); peer->paintUserpicLeft(p, st::contactsPhotoSize, st::contactsPadding.left(), st::contactsPadding.top(), width()); int32 namex = st::contactsPadding.left() + st::contactsPhotoSize + st::contactsPadding.left(); int32 iconw = (_chat || _creating != CreatingGroupNone) ? (st::contactsCheckPosition.x() * 2 + st::contactsCheckIcon.pxWidth()) : 0; int32 namew = width() - namex - st::contactsPadding.right() - iconw; if (peer->isVerified()) { namew -= st::verifiedCheck.pxWidth() + st::verifiedCheckPos.x(); p.drawSpriteLeft(namex + qMin(data->name.maxWidth(), namew) + st::verifiedCheckPos.x(), st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsNameTop + st::verifiedCheckPos.y(), width(), st::verifiedCheck); } data->name.drawLeftElided(p, namex, st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsNameTop, namew, width()); if (_chat || (_creating != CreatingGroupNone && (!_channel || _membersFilter != MembersFilterAdmins))) { if (_chat && _membersFilter == MembersFilterAdmins) { if (sel || data->check || peer->id == peerFromUser(_chat->creator) || _allAdmins.checked()) { if (!data->check || peer->id == peerFromUser(_chat->creator) || _allAdmins.checked()) p.setOpacity(0.5); p.drawSpriteRight(st::contactsPadding.right() + st::contactsCheckPosition.x(), st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsCheckPosition.y(), width(), st::contactsCheckIcon); if (!data->check || peer->id == peerFromUser(_chat->creator) || _allAdmins.checked()) p.setOpacity(1); } } else if (sel || data->check) { p.drawSpriteRight(st::contactsPadding.right() + st::contactsCheckPosition.x(), st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsCheckPosition.y(), width(), (data->check ? st::contactsCheckActiveIcon : st::contactsCheckIcon)); } } bool uname = (user || peer->isChannel()) && (data->online.at(0) == '@'); p.setFont(st::contactsStatusFont->f); if (uname && !data->inchat && !data->check && !_lastQuery.isEmpty() && peer->userName().startsWith(_lastQuery, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { int32 availw = width() - namex - st::contactsPadding.right() - iconw; QString first = '@' + peer->userName().mid(0, _lastQuery.size()), second = peer->userName().mid(_lastQuery.size()); int32 w = st::contactsStatusFont->width(first); if (w >= availw || second.isEmpty()) { p.setPen(st::contactsStatusFgOnline); p.drawTextLeft(namex, st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsStatusTop, width(), st::contactsStatusFont->elided(first, availw)); } else { second = st::contactsStatusFont->elided(second, availw - w); int32 secondw = st::contactsStatusFont->width(second); p.setPen(st::contactsStatusFgOnline); p.drawTextLeft(namex, st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsStatusTop, width() - secondw, first); p.setPen(sel ? st::contactsStatusFgOver : st::contactsStatusFg); p.drawTextLeft(namex + w, st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsStatusTop, width() + w, second); } } else { if (inverse) { p.setPen(st::white); } else if ((user && (uname || data->onlineColor)) || (peer->isChannel() && uname)) { p.setPen(st::contactsStatusFgOnline); } else { p.setPen(sel ? st::contactsStatusFgOver : st::contactsStatusFg); } p.drawTextLeft(namex, st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsStatusTop, width(), data->online); } } void ContactsInner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QRect r(e->rect()); Painter p(this); p.setClipRect(r); _time = unixtime(); p.fillRect(r, st::white->b); int32 yFrom = r.y(), yTo = r.y() + r.height(); if (_filter.isEmpty()) { if (!_contacts->isEmpty() || !_byUsername.isEmpty()) { if (_newItemHeight) { if (_chat) { p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), _newItemHeight - st::contactsPadding.bottom() - st::lineWidth, st::contactsAboutBg); p.fillRect(0, _newItemHeight - st::contactsPadding.bottom() - st::lineWidth, width(), st::lineWidth, st::shadowColor); p.setPen(st::black); p.drawTextLeft(st::contactsPadding.left(), st::contactsNewItemTop, width(), lang(lng_chat_all_members_admins)); int32 iconw = st::contactsCheckPosition.x() * 2 + st::contactsCheckIcon.pxWidth(); int32 aboutw = width() - st::contactsPadding.left() - st::contactsPadding.right() - iconw; (_allAdmins.checked() ? _aboutAllAdmins : _aboutAdmins).draw(p, st::contactsPadding.left(), st::contactsNewItemHeight + st::contactsAboutTop, aboutw); } else { p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), st::contactsNewItemHeight, (_newItemSel ? st::contactsBgOver : st::white)->b); p.setFont(st::contactsNameFont); p.drawSpriteLeft(st::contactsNewItemIconPosition.x(), st::contactsNewItemIconPosition.y(), width(), st::contactsNewItemIcon); p.setPen(st::contactsNewItemFg); p.drawTextLeft(st::contactsPadding.left() + st::contactsPhotoSize + st::contactsPadding.left(), st::contactsNewItemTop, width(), lang(lng_add_contact_button)); } yFrom -= _newItemHeight; yTo -= _newItemHeight; p.translate(0, _newItemHeight); } if (!_contacts->isEmpty()) { auto i = _contacts->cfind(yFrom, _rowHeight); p.translate(0, (*i)->pos() * _rowHeight); for (auto end = _contacts->cend(); i != end; ++i) { if ((*i)->pos() * _rowHeight >= yTo) { break; } paintDialog(p, (*i)->history()->peer, contactData(*i), (*i == _sel)); p.translate(0, _rowHeight); } yFrom -= _contacts->size() * _rowHeight; yTo -= _contacts->size() * _rowHeight; } if (!_byUsername.isEmpty()) { p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), st::searchedBarHeight, st::searchedBarBG->b); p.setFont(st::searchedBarFont->f); p.setPen(st::searchedBarColor->p); p.drawText(QRect(0, 0, width(), st::searchedBarHeight), lang(lng_search_global_results), style::al_center); yFrom -= st::searchedBarHeight; yTo -= st::searchedBarHeight; p.translate(0, st::searchedBarHeight); int32 from = floorclamp(yFrom, _rowHeight, 0, _byUsername.size()); int32 to = ceilclamp(yTo, _rowHeight, 0, _byUsername.size()); p.translate(0, from * _rowHeight); for (; from < to; ++from) { paintDialog(p, _byUsername[from], d_byUsername[from], (_byUsernameSel == from)); p.translate(0, _rowHeight); } } } else { QString text; int32 skip = 0; if (bot()) { text = lang(cDialogsReceived() ? lng_bot_no_groups : lng_contacts_loading); } else if (_chat && _membersFilter == MembersFilterAdmins) { text = lang(lng_contacts_loading); p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), _newItemHeight - st::contactsPadding.bottom() - st::lineWidth, st::contactsAboutBg); p.fillRect(0, _newItemHeight - st::contactsPadding.bottom() - st::lineWidth, width(), st::lineWidth, st::shadowColor); p.setPen(st::black); p.drawTextLeft(st::contactsPadding.left(), st::contactsNewItemTop, width(), lang(lng_chat_all_members_admins)); int32 iconw = st::contactsCheckPosition.x() * 2 + st::contactsCheckIcon.pxWidth(); int32 aboutw = width() - st::contactsPadding.left() - st::contactsPadding.right() - iconw; (_allAdmins.checked() ? _aboutAllAdmins : _aboutAdmins).draw(p, st::contactsPadding.left(), st::contactsNewItemHeight + st::contactsAboutTop, aboutw); p.translate(0, _newItemHeight); } else if (cContactsReceived() && !_searching) { text = lang(lng_no_contacts); skip = st::noContactsFont->height; } else { text = lang(lng_contacts_loading); } p.setFont(st::noContactsFont->f); p.setPen(st::noContactsColor->p); p.drawText(QRect(0, 0, width(), st::noContactsHeight - skip), text, style::al_center); } } else { if (_filtered.isEmpty() && _byUsernameFiltered.isEmpty()) { p.setFont(st::noContactsFont->f); p.setPen(st::noContactsColor->p); QString text; if (bot()) { text = lang(cDialogsReceived() ? lng_bot_groups_not_found : lng_contacts_loading); } else if (_chat && _membersFilter == MembersFilterAdmins) { text = lang(_chat->participants.isEmpty() ? lng_contacts_loading : lng_contacts_not_found); } else { text = lang((cContactsReceived() && !_searching) ? lng_contacts_not_found : lng_contacts_loading); } p.drawText(QRect(0, 0, width(), st::noContactsHeight), text, style::al_center); } else { if (!_filtered.isEmpty()) { int32 from = floorclamp(yFrom, _rowHeight, 0, _filtered.size()); int32 to = ceilclamp(yTo, _rowHeight, 0, _filtered.size()); p.translate(0, from * _rowHeight); for (; from < to; ++from) { paintDialog(p, _filtered[from]->history()->peer, contactData(_filtered[from]), (_filteredSel == from)); p.translate(0, _rowHeight); } } if (!_byUsernameFiltered.isEmpty()) { p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), st::searchedBarHeight, st::searchedBarBG->b); p.setFont(st::searchedBarFont->f); p.setPen(st::searchedBarColor->p); p.drawText(QRect(0, 0, width(), st::searchedBarHeight), lang(lng_search_global_results), style::al_center); p.translate(0, st::searchedBarHeight); yFrom -= _filtered.size() * _rowHeight + st::searchedBarHeight; yTo -= _filtered.size() * _rowHeight + st::searchedBarHeight; int32 from = floorclamp(yFrom, _rowHeight, 0, _byUsernameFiltered.size()); int32 to = ceilclamp(yTo, _rowHeight, 0, _byUsernameFiltered.size()); p.translate(0, from * _rowHeight); for (; from < to; ++from) { paintDialog(p, _byUsernameFiltered[from], d_byUsernameFiltered[from], (_byUsernameSel == from)); p.translate(0, _rowHeight); } } } } } void ContactsInner::enterEvent(QEvent *e) { setMouseTracking(true); } void ContactsInner::updateSelectedRow() { if (_filter.isEmpty()) { if (_newItemSel) { update(0, 0, width(), st::contactsNewItemHeight); } if (_sel) { update(0, _newItemHeight + _sel->pos() * _rowHeight, width(), _rowHeight); } if (_byUsernameSel >= 0) { update(0, _newItemHeight + _contacts->size() * _rowHeight + st::searchedBarHeight + _byUsernameSel * _rowHeight, width(), _rowHeight); } } else { if (_filteredSel >= 0) { update(0, _filteredSel * _rowHeight, width(), _rowHeight); } if (_byUsernameSel >= 0) { update(0, _filtered.size() * _rowHeight + st::searchedBarHeight + _byUsernameSel * _rowHeight, width(), _rowHeight); } } } void ContactsInner::leaveEvent(QEvent *e) { _mouseSel = false; setMouseTracking(false); if (_newItemSel || _sel || _filteredSel >= 0 || _byUsernameSel >= 0) { updateSelectedRow(); _sel = 0; _newItemSel = false; _filteredSel = _byUsernameSel = -1; } } void ContactsInner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _mouseSel = true; _lastMousePos = e->globalPos(); updateSel(); } void ContactsInner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _mouseSel = true; _lastMousePos = e->globalPos(); updateSel(); if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { chooseParticipant(); } } void ContactsInner::chooseParticipant() { if (_saving) return; bool addingAdmin = (_channel && _membersFilter == MembersFilterAdmins); if (!addingAdmin && (_chat || _creating != CreatingGroupNone)) { _time = unixtime(); if (_filter.isEmpty()) { if (_byUsernameSel >= 0 && _byUsernameSel < _byUsername.size()) { if (d_byUsername[_byUsernameSel]->inchat) return; changeCheckState(d_byUsername[_byUsernameSel], _byUsername[_byUsernameSel]); } else { if (!_sel || contactData(_sel)->inchat) return; changeCheckState(_sel); } } else { if (_byUsernameSel >= 0 && _byUsernameSel < _byUsernameFiltered.size()) { if (d_byUsernameFiltered[_byUsernameSel]->inchat) return; changeCheckState(d_byUsernameFiltered[_byUsernameSel], _byUsernameFiltered[_byUsernameSel]); ContactData *moving = d_byUsernameFiltered[_byUsernameSel]; int32 i = 0, l = d_byUsername.size(); for (; i < l; ++i) { if (d_byUsername[i] == moving) { break; } } if (i == l) { d_byUsername.push_back(moving); _byUsername.push_back(_byUsernameFiltered[_byUsernameSel]); for (i = 0, l = _byUsernameDatas.size(); i < l;) { if (_byUsernameDatas[i] == moving) { _byUsernameDatas.removeAt(i); --l; } else { ++i; } } } } else { if (_filteredSel < 0 || _filteredSel >= _filtered.size() || contactData(_filtered[_filteredSel])->inchat) return; changeCheckState(_filtered[_filteredSel]); } emit selectAllQuery(); } } else { PeerData *peer = 0; if (_filter.isEmpty()) { if (_newItemSel) { emit addRequested(); return; } if (_byUsernameSel >= 0 && _byUsernameSel < _byUsername.size()) { peer = _byUsername[_byUsernameSel]; } else if (_sel) { peer = _sel->history()->peer; } } else { if (_byUsernameSel >= 0 && _byUsernameSel < _byUsernameFiltered.size()) { peer = _byUsernameFiltered[_byUsernameSel]; } else { if (_filteredSel < 0 || _filteredSel >= _filtered.size()) return; peer = _filtered[_filteredSel]->history()->peer; } } if (peer) { if (addingAdmin) { _addAdmin = peer->asUser(); if (_addAdminRequestId) { MTP::cancel(_addAdminRequestId); _addAdminRequestId = 0; } if (_addAdminBox) _addAdminBox->deleteLater(); _addAdminBox = new ConfirmBox(lng_channel_admin_sure(lt_user, _addAdmin->firstName)); connect(_addAdminBox, SIGNAL(confirmed()), this, SLOT(onAddAdmin())); connect(_addAdminBox, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(onNoAddAdminBox(QObject*))); Ui::showLayer(_addAdminBox, KeepOtherLayers); } else if (bot() && (peer->isChat() || peer->isMegagroup())) { _addToPeer = peer; ConfirmBox *box = new ConfirmBox(lng_bot_sure_invite(lt_group, peer->name)); connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), this, SLOT(onAddBot())); Ui::showLayer(box, KeepOtherLayers); } else { Ui::hideSettingsAndLayer(true); App::main()->choosePeer(peer->id, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); } } } update(); } void ContactsInner::changeCheckState(Dialogs::Row *row) { changeCheckState(contactData(row), row->history()->peer); } void ContactsInner::changeCheckState(ContactData *data, PeerData *peer) { int32 cnt = _selCount; if (data->check) { data->check = false; _checkedContacts.remove(peer); --_selCount; } else if (selectedCount() < ((_channel && _channel->isMegagroup()) ? Global::MegagroupSizeMax() : Global::ChatSizeMax())) { data->check = true; _checkedContacts.insert(peer, true); ++_selCount; } else if (_channel && !_channel->isMegagroup()) { Ui::showLayer(new MaxInviteBox(_channel->inviteLink()), KeepOtherLayers); } else if (!_channel && selectedCount() >= Global::ChatSizeMax() && selectedCount() < Global::MegagroupSizeMax()) { Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(lng_profile_add_more_after_upgrade(lt_count, Global::MegagroupSizeMax())), KeepOtherLayers); } if (cnt != _selCount) emit chosenChanged(); } int32 ContactsInner::selectedCount() const { int32 result = _selCount; if (_chat) { result += qMax(_chat->count, 1); } else if (_channel) { result += qMax(_channel->membersCount(), _already.size()); } else if (_creating == CreatingGroupGroup) { result += 1; } return result; } void ContactsInner::updateSel() { if (!_mouseSel) return; QPoint p(mapFromGlobal(_lastMousePos)); bool in = parentWidget()->rect().contains(parentWidget()->mapFromGlobal(_lastMousePos)); if (_filter.isEmpty()) { bool newItemSel = false; if (_newItemHeight) { if (in && (p.y() >= 0) && (p.y() < _newItemHeight) && !(_chat && _membersFilter == MembersFilterAdmins)) { newItemSel = true; } p.setY(p.y() - _newItemHeight); } Dialogs::Row *newSel = (in && !newItemSel && (p.y() >= 0) && (p.y() < _contacts->size() * _rowHeight)) ? _contacts->rowAtY(p.y(), _rowHeight) : nullptr; int32 byUsernameSel = (in && !newItemSel && p.y() >= _contacts->size() * _rowHeight + st::searchedBarHeight) ? ((p.y() - _contacts->size() * _rowHeight - st::searchedBarHeight) / _rowHeight) : -1; if (byUsernameSel >= _byUsername.size()) byUsernameSel = -1; if (newSel != _sel || byUsernameSel != _byUsernameSel || newItemSel != _newItemSel) { updateSelectedRow(); _newItemSel = newItemSel; _sel = newSel; _byUsernameSel = byUsernameSel; updateSelectedRow(); } } else { int32 newFilteredSel = (in && p.y() >= 0 && p.y() < _filtered.size() * _rowHeight) ? (p.y() / _rowHeight) : -1; int32 byUsernameSel = (in && p.y() >= _filtered.size() * _rowHeight + st::searchedBarHeight) ? ((p.y() - _filtered.size() * _rowHeight - st::searchedBarHeight) / _rowHeight) : -1; if (byUsernameSel >= _byUsernameFiltered.size()) byUsernameSel = -1; if (newFilteredSel != _filteredSel || byUsernameSel != _byUsernameSel) { updateSelectedRow(); _filteredSel = newFilteredSel; _byUsernameSel = byUsernameSel; updateSelectedRow(); } } } void ContactsInner::updateFilter(QString filter) { _lastQuery = filter.toLower().trimmed(); filter = textSearchKey(filter); _time = unixtime(); QStringList f; if (!filter.isEmpty()) { QStringList filterList = filter.split(cWordSplit(), QString::SkipEmptyParts); int l = filterList.size(); f.reserve(l); for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) { QString filterName = filterList[i].trimmed(); if (filterName.isEmpty()) continue; f.push_back(filterName); } filter = f.join(' '); } if (_filter != filter) { _filter = filter; _byUsernameFiltered.clear(); d_byUsernameFiltered.clear(); for (int i = 0, l = _byUsernameDatas.size(); i < l; ++i) { delete _byUsernameDatas[i]; } _byUsernameDatas.clear(); if (_filter.isEmpty()) { _sel = 0; refresh(); } else { if (!_addContactLnk.isHidden()) _addContactLnk.hide(); if (!_allAdmins.isHidden()) _allAdmins.hide(); QStringList::const_iterator fb = f.cbegin(), fe = f.cend(), fi; _filtered.clear(); if (!f.isEmpty()) { const Dialogs::List *toFilter = nullptr; if (!_contacts->isEmpty()) { for (fi = fb; fi != fe; ++fi) { auto found = _contacts->filtered(fi->at(0)); if (found->isEmpty()) { toFilter = nullptr; break; } if (!toFilter || toFilter->size() > found->size()) { toFilter = found; } } } if (toFilter) { _filtered.reserve(toFilter->size()); for_const (auto row, *toFilter) { const PeerData::Names &names(row->history()->peer->names); PeerData::Names::const_iterator nb = names.cbegin(), ne = names.cend(), ni; for (fi = fb; fi != fe; ++fi) { QString filterName(*fi); for (ni = nb; ni != ne; ++ni) { if (ni->startsWith(*fi)) { break; } } if (ni == ne) { break; } } if (fi == fe) { row->attached = nullptr; _filtered.push_back(row); } } } _byUsernameFiltered.reserve(_byUsername.size()); d_byUsernameFiltered.reserve(d_byUsername.size()); for (int32 i = 0, l = _byUsername.size(); i < l; ++i) { const PeerData::Names &names(_byUsername[i]->names); PeerData::Names::const_iterator nb = names.cbegin(), ne = names.cend(), ni; for (fi = fb; fi != fe; ++fi) { QString filterName(*fi); for (ni = nb; ni != ne; ++ni) { if (ni->startsWith(*fi)) { break; } } if (ni == ne) { break; } } if (fi == fe) { _byUsernameFiltered.push_back(_byUsername[i]); d_byUsernameFiltered.push_back(d_byUsername[i]); } } } _filteredSel = -1; if (!_filtered.isEmpty()) { for (_filteredSel = 0; (_filteredSel < _filtered.size()) && contactData(_filtered[_filteredSel])->inchat;) { ++_filteredSel; } if (_filteredSel == _filtered.size()) _filteredSel = -1; } _byUsernameSel = -1; if (_filteredSel < 0 && !_byUsernameFiltered.isEmpty()) { for (_byUsernameSel = 0; (_byUsernameSel < _byUsernameFiltered.size()) && d_byUsernameFiltered[_byUsernameSel]->inchat;) { ++_byUsernameSel; } if (_byUsernameSel == _byUsernameFiltered.size()) _byUsernameSel = -1; } _mouseSel = false; refresh(); if (!bot() && (!_chat || _membersFilter != MembersFilterAdmins)) { _searching = true; emit searchByUsername(); } } update(); loadProfilePhotos(0); } } void ContactsInner::onDialogRowReplaced(Dialogs::Row *oldRow, Dialogs::Row *newRow) { if (!_filter.isEmpty()) { for (FilteredDialogs::iterator i = _filtered.begin(), e = _filtered.end(); i != e;) { if (*i == oldRow) { // this row is shown in filtered and maybe is in contacts! if (newRow) { *i = newRow; ++i; } else { i = _filtered.erase(i); } } else { ++i; } } if (_filteredSel >= _filtered.size()) { _filteredSel = -1; } } else { if (_sel == oldRow) { _sel = newRow; } } _mouseSel = false; int cnt = (_filter.isEmpty() ? _contacts->size() : _filtered.size()); int newh = cnt ? (cnt * _rowHeight) : st::noContactsHeight; resize(width(), newh); } void ContactsInner::peopleReceived(const QString &query, const QVector &people) { _lastQuery = query.toLower().trimmed(); if (_lastQuery.at(0) == '@') _lastQuery = _lastQuery.mid(1); int32 already = _byUsernameFiltered.size(); _byUsernameFiltered.reserve(already + people.size()); d_byUsernameFiltered.reserve(already + people.size()); for (QVector::const_iterator i = people.cbegin(), e = people.cend(); i != e; ++i) { PeerId peerId = peerFromMTP(*i); int32 j = 0; for (; j < already; ++j) { if (_byUsernameFiltered[j]->id == peerId) break; } if (j == already) { PeerData *p = App::peer(peerId); if (!p) continue; if (_channel || _chat || _creating != CreatingGroupNone) { if (p->isUser()) { if (p->asUser()->botInfo) { if (_chat || _creating == CreatingGroupGroup) { // skip bot's that can't be invited to groups if (p->asUser()->botInfo->cantJoinGroups) continue; } if (_channel) { if (!_channel->isMegagroup() && _membersFilter != MembersFilterAdmins) continue; } } } else { continue; // skip } } ContactData *d = new ContactData(); _byUsernameDatas.push_back(d); d->inchat = _chat ? _chat->participants.contains(p->asUser()) : ((_creating == CreatingGroupGroup || _channel) ? (p == App::self()) : false); d->check = _checkedContacts.contains(p); d->name.setText(st::contactsNameFont, p->name, _textNameOptions); d->online = '@' + p->userName(); _byUsernameFiltered.push_back(p); d_byUsernameFiltered.push_back(d); } } _searching = false; refresh(); } void ContactsInner::refresh() { if (_filter.isEmpty()) { if (_chat && _membersFilter == MembersFilterAdmins) { if (_allAdmins.isHidden()) _allAdmins.show(); } else { if (!_allAdmins.isHidden()) _allAdmins.hide(); } if (!_contacts->isEmpty() || !_byUsername.isEmpty()) { if (!_addContactLnk.isHidden()) _addContactLnk.hide(); resize(width(), _newItemHeight + (_contacts->size() * _rowHeight) + (_byUsername.isEmpty() ? 0 : (st::searchedBarHeight + _byUsername.size() * _rowHeight))); } else if (_chat && _membersFilter == MembersFilterAdmins) { if (!_addContactLnk.isHidden()) _addContactLnk.hide(); resize(width(), _newItemHeight + st::noContactsHeight); } else { if (cContactsReceived() && !bot()) { if (_addContactLnk.isHidden()) _addContactLnk.show(); } else { if (!_addContactLnk.isHidden()) _addContactLnk.hide(); } resize(width(), st::noContactsHeight); } } else { if (!_allAdmins.isHidden()) _allAdmins.hide(); if (_filtered.isEmpty() && _byUsernameFiltered.isEmpty()) { if (!_addContactLnk.isHidden()) _addContactLnk.hide(); resize(width(), st::noContactsHeight); } else { resize(width(), (_filtered.size() * _rowHeight) + (_byUsernameFiltered.isEmpty() ? 0 : (st::searchedBarHeight + _byUsernameFiltered.size() * _rowHeight))); } } update(); } ChatData *ContactsInner::chat() const { return _chat; } ChannelData *ContactsInner::channel() const { return _channel; } MembersFilter ContactsInner::membersFilter() const { return _membersFilter; } UserData *ContactsInner::bot() const { return _bot; } CreatingGroupType ContactsInner::creating() const { return _creating; } ContactsInner::~ContactsInner() { for (ContactsData::iterator i = _contactsData.begin(), e = _contactsData.end(); i != e; ++i) { delete *i; } if (_bot || (_chat && _membersFilter == MembersFilterAdmins)) { if (_bot && _bot->botInfo) _bot->botInfo->startGroupToken = QString(); } } void ContactsInner::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { _addContactLnk.move((width() - _addContactLnk.width()) / 2, (st::noContactsHeight + st::noContactsFont->height) / 2); _allAdmins.moveToLeft(st::contactsPadding.left(), st::contactsNewItemTop); } void ContactsInner::selectSkip(int32 dir) { _time = unixtime(); _mouseSel = false; if (_filter.isEmpty()) { int cur = 0; if (_sel) { for (auto i = _contacts->cbegin(); *i != _sel; ++i) { ++cur; } if (_newItemHeight) ++cur; } else if (_byUsernameSel >= 0) { cur = (_contacts->size() + _byUsernameSel); if (_newItemHeight) ++cur; } else if (!_newItemSel) { cur = -1; } cur += dir; if (cur <= 0) { _newItemSel = (_chat && _membersFilter == MembersFilterAdmins) ? false : (_newItemHeight ? true : false); _sel = (!_newItemHeight && !_contacts->isEmpty()) ? *_contacts->cbegin() : nullptr; _byUsernameSel = (!_newItemHeight && _contacts->isEmpty() && !_byUsername.isEmpty()) ? 0 : -1; } else if (cur >= _contacts->size() + (_newItemHeight ? 1 : 0)) { _newItemSel = false; if (_byUsername.isEmpty()) { _sel = _contacts->isEmpty() ? nullptr : *(_contacts->cend() - 1); _byUsernameSel = -1; } else { _sel = nullptr; _byUsernameSel = cur - _contacts->size(); if (_byUsernameSel >= _byUsername.size()) _byUsernameSel = _byUsername.size() - 1; } } else { _newItemSel = false; if (_newItemHeight) --cur; for (auto i = _contacts->cbegin(); ; ++i) { _sel = *i; if (!cur) { break; } else { --cur; } } _byUsernameSel = -1; } if (dir > 0) { for (auto i = _contacts->cfind(_sel), end = _contacts->cend(); i != end && contactData(*i)->inchat; ++i) { _sel = *i; } if (_sel && contactData(_sel)->inchat) { _sel = nullptr; } if (!_sel) { if (!_byUsername.isEmpty()) { if (_byUsernameSel < 0) _byUsernameSel = 0; for (; _byUsernameSel < _byUsername.size() && d_byUsername[_byUsernameSel]->inchat;) { ++_byUsernameSel; } if (_byUsernameSel == _byUsername.size()) _byUsernameSel = -1; } } } else { while (_byUsernameSel >= 0 && d_byUsername[_byUsernameSel]->inchat) { --_byUsernameSel; } if (_byUsernameSel < 0) { if (!_contacts->isEmpty()) { if (!_newItemSel && !_sel) _sel = *(_contacts->cend() - 1); if (_sel) { for (auto i = _contacts->cfind(_sel), b = _contacts->cbegin(); i != b && contactData(*i)->inchat; --i) { _sel = *i; } if (contactData(_sel)->inchat) { _sel = nullptr; } } } } } if (_newItemSel) { emit mustScrollTo(0, _newItemHeight); } else if (_sel) { emit mustScrollTo(_newItemHeight + _sel->pos() * _rowHeight, _newItemHeight + (_sel->pos() + 1) * _rowHeight); } else if (_byUsernameSel >= 0) { emit mustScrollTo(_newItemHeight + (_contacts->size() + _byUsernameSel) * _rowHeight + st::searchedBarHeight, _newItemHeight + (_contacts->size() + _byUsernameSel + 1) * _rowHeight + st::searchedBarHeight); } } else { int cur = (_filteredSel >= 0) ? _filteredSel : ((_byUsernameSel >= 0) ? (_filtered.size() + _byUsernameSel) : -1); cur += dir; if (cur <= 0) { _filteredSel = _filtered.isEmpty() ? -1 : 0; _byUsernameSel = (_filtered.isEmpty() && !_byUsernameFiltered.isEmpty()) ? 0 : -1; } else if (cur >= _filtered.size()) { _filteredSel = -1; _byUsernameSel = cur - _filtered.size(); if (_byUsernameSel >= _byUsernameFiltered.size()) _byUsernameSel = _byUsernameFiltered.size() - 1; } else { _filteredSel = cur; _byUsernameSel = -1; } if (dir > 0) { while (_filteredSel >= 0 && _filteredSel < _filtered.size() && contactData(_filtered[_filteredSel])->inchat) { ++_filteredSel; } if (_filteredSel < 0 || _filteredSel >= _filtered.size()) { _filteredSel = -1; if (!_byUsernameFiltered.isEmpty()) { if (_byUsernameSel < 0) _byUsernameSel = 0; for (; _byUsernameSel < _byUsernameFiltered.size() && d_byUsernameFiltered[_byUsernameSel]->inchat;) { ++_byUsernameSel; } if (_byUsernameSel == _byUsernameFiltered.size()) _byUsernameSel = -1; } } } else { while (_byUsernameSel >= 0 && d_byUsernameFiltered[_byUsernameSel]->inchat) { --_byUsernameSel; } if (_byUsernameSel < 0) { if (!_filtered.isEmpty()) { if (_filteredSel < 0) _filteredSel = _filtered.size() - 1; for (; _filteredSel >= 0 && contactData(_filtered[_filteredSel])->inchat;) { --_filteredSel; } } } } if (_filteredSel >= 0) { emit mustScrollTo(_filteredSel * _rowHeight, (_filteredSel + 1) * _rowHeight); } else if (_byUsernameSel >= 0) { int skip = _filtered.size() * _rowHeight + st::searchedBarHeight; emit mustScrollTo(skip + _byUsernameSel * _rowHeight, skip + (_byUsernameSel + 1) * _rowHeight); } } update(); } void ContactsInner::selectSkipPage(int32 h, int32 dir) { int32 points = h / _rowHeight; if (!points) return; selectSkip(points * dir); } QVector ContactsInner::selected() { QVector result; for_const (auto row, *_contacts) { if (_checkedContacts.contains(row->history()->peer)) { contactData(row); // fill _contactsData } } result.reserve(_contactsData.size()); for (ContactsData::const_iterator i = _contactsData.cbegin(), e = _contactsData.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i.value()->check && i.key()->isUser()) { result.push_back(i.key()->asUser()); } } for (int32 i = 0, l = _byUsername.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (d_byUsername[i]->check && _byUsername[i]->isUser()) { result.push_back(_byUsername[i]->asUser()); } } return result; } QVector ContactsInner::selectedInputs() { QVector result; for_const (auto row, *_contacts) { if (_checkedContacts.contains(row->history()->peer)) { contactData(row); // fill _contactsData } } result.reserve(_contactsData.size()); for (ContactsData::const_iterator i = _contactsData.cbegin(), e = _contactsData.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i.value()->check && i.key()->isUser()) { result.push_back(i.key()->asUser()->inputUser); } } for (int32 i = 0, l = _byUsername.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (d_byUsername[i]->check && _byUsername[i]->isUser()) { result.push_back(_byUsername[i]->asUser()->inputUser); } } return result; } PeerData *ContactsInner::selectedUser() { for_const (auto row, *_contacts) { if (_checkedContacts.contains(row->history()->peer)) { contactData(row); // fill _contactsData } } for (ContactsData::const_iterator i = _contactsData.cbegin(), e = _contactsData.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i.value()->check) { return i.key(); } } for (int32 i = 0, l = _byUsername.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (d_byUsername[i]->check) { return _byUsername[i]; } } return 0; } ContactsBox::ContactsBox() : ItemListBox(st::contactsScroll) , _inner(CreatingGroupNone) , _filter(this, st::boxSearchField, lang(lng_participant_filter)) , _filterCancel(this, st::boxSearchCancel) , _next(this, lang(lng_create_group_next), st::defaultBoxButton) , _cancel(this, lang(lng_cancel), st::cancelBoxButton) , _topShadow(this) , _bottomShadow(0) , _saveRequestId(0) { init(); } ContactsBox::ContactsBox(const QString &name, const QImage &photo) : ItemListBox(st::boxScroll) , _inner(CreatingGroupGroup) , _filter(this, st::boxSearchField, lang(lng_participant_filter)) , _filterCancel(this, st::boxSearchCancel) , _next(this, lang(lng_create_group_create), st::defaultBoxButton) , _cancel(this, lang(lng_create_group_back), st::cancelBoxButton) , _topShadow(this) , _bottomShadow(0) , _saveRequestId(0) , _creationName(name) , _creationPhoto(photo) { init(); } ContactsBox::ContactsBox(ChannelData *channel) : ItemListBox(st::boxScroll) , _inner(channel, MembersFilterRecent, MembersAlreadyIn()) , _filter(this, st::boxSearchField, lang(lng_participant_filter)) , _filterCancel(this, st::boxSearchCancel) , _next(this, lang(lng_participant_invite), st::defaultBoxButton) , _cancel(this, lang(lng_create_group_skip), st::cancelBoxButton) , _topShadow(this) , _bottomShadow(0) , _saveRequestId(0) { init(); } ContactsBox::ContactsBox(ChannelData *channel, MembersFilter filter, const MembersAlreadyIn &already) : ItemListBox((filter == MembersFilterAdmins) ? st::contactsScroll : st::boxScroll) , _inner(channel, filter, already) , _filter(this, st::boxSearchField, lang(lng_participant_filter)) , _filterCancel(this, st::boxSearchCancel) , _next(this, lang(lng_participant_invite), st::defaultBoxButton) , _cancel(this, lang(lng_cancel), st::cancelBoxButton) , _topShadow(this) , _bottomShadow(0) , _saveRequestId(0) { init(); } ContactsBox::ContactsBox(ChatData *chat, MembersFilter filter) : ItemListBox(st::boxScroll) , _inner(chat, filter) , _filter(this, st::boxSearchField, lang(lng_participant_filter)) , _filterCancel(this, st::boxSearchCancel) , _next(this, lang((filter == MembersFilterAdmins) ? lng_settings_save : lng_participant_invite), st::defaultBoxButton) , _cancel(this, lang(lng_cancel), st::cancelBoxButton) , _topShadow(this) , _bottomShadow(0) , _saveRequestId(0) { init(); } ContactsBox::ContactsBox(UserData *bot) : ItemListBox(st::contactsScroll) , _inner(bot) , _filter(this, st::boxSearchField, lang(lng_participant_filter)) , _filterCancel(this, st::boxSearchCancel) , _next(this, lang(lng_create_group_next), st::defaultBoxButton) , _cancel(this, lang(lng_cancel), st::cancelBoxButton) , _topShadow(this) , _bottomShadow(0) , _saveRequestId(0) { init(); } void ContactsBox::init() { bool inviting = (_inner.creating() == CreatingGroupGroup) || (_inner.channel() && _inner.membersFilter() == MembersFilterRecent) || _inner.chat(); int32 topSkip = st::boxTitleHeight + _filter.height(); int32 bottomSkip = inviting ? (st::boxButtonPadding.top() + _next.height() + st::boxButtonPadding.bottom()) : st::boxScrollSkip; ItemListBox::init(&_inner, bottomSkip, topSkip); connect(&_inner, SIGNAL(chosenChanged()), this, SLOT(onChosenChanged())); connect(&_inner, SIGNAL(addRequested()), App::wnd(), SLOT(onShowAddContact())); if (_inner.channel() && _inner.membersFilter() == MembersFilterAdmins) { _next.hide(); _cancel.hide(); } else if (_inner.chat() && _inner.membersFilter() == MembersFilterAdmins) { connect(&_next, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSaveAdmins())); _bottomShadow = new ScrollableBoxShadow(this); } else if (_inner.chat() || _inner.channel()) { connect(&_next, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onInvite())); _bottomShadow = new ScrollableBoxShadow(this); } else if (_inner.creating() != CreatingGroupNone) { connect(&_next, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onCreate())); _bottomShadow = new ScrollableBoxShadow(this); } else { _next.hide(); _cancel.hide(); } connect(&_cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClose())); connect(&_scroll, SIGNAL(scrolled()), this, SLOT(onScroll())); connect(&_filter, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(onFilterUpdate())); connect(&_filter, SIGNAL(submitted(bool)), this, SLOT(onSubmit())); connect(&_filterCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onFilterCancel())); connect(&_inner, SIGNAL(mustScrollTo(int, int)), &_scroll, SLOT(scrollToY(int, int))); connect(&_inner, SIGNAL(selectAllQuery()), &_filter, SLOT(selectAll())); connect(&_inner, SIGNAL(searchByUsername()), this, SLOT(onNeedSearchByUsername())); connect(&_inner, SIGNAL(adminAdded()), this, SIGNAL(adminAdded())); _filterCancel.setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); _searchTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_searchTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onSearchByUsername())); prepare(); } bool ContactsBox::onSearchByUsername(bool searchCache) { QString q = _filter.getLastText().trimmed(); if (q.isEmpty()) { if (_peopleRequest) { _peopleRequest = 0; } return true; } if (q.size() >= MinUsernameLength) { if (searchCache) { PeopleCache::const_iterator i = _peopleCache.constFind(q); if (i != _peopleCache.cend()) { _peopleQuery = q; _peopleRequest = 0; peopleReceived(i.value(), 0); return true; } } else if (_peopleQuery != q) { _peopleQuery = q; _peopleFull = false; _peopleRequest = MTP::send(MTPcontacts_Search(MTP_string(_peopleQuery), MTP_int(SearchPeopleLimit)), rpcDone(&ContactsBox::peopleReceived), rpcFail(&ContactsBox::peopleFailed)); _peopleQueries.insert(_peopleRequest, _peopleQuery); } } return false; } void ContactsBox::onNeedSearchByUsername() { if (!onSearchByUsername(true)) { _searchTimer.start(AutoSearchTimeout); } } void ContactsBox::peopleReceived(const MTPcontacts_Found &result, mtpRequestId req) { QString q = _peopleQuery; PeopleQueries::iterator i = _peopleQueries.find(req); if (i != _peopleQueries.cend()) { q = i.value(); _peopleCache[q] = result; _peopleQueries.erase(i); } if (_peopleRequest == req) { switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_contacts_found: { App::feedUsers(result.c_contacts_found().vusers); App::feedChats(result.c_contacts_found().vchats); _inner.peopleReceived(q, result.c_contacts_found().vresults.c_vector().v); } break; } _peopleRequest = 0; _inner.updateSel(); onScroll(); } } bool ContactsBox::peopleFailed(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; if (_peopleRequest == req) { _peopleRequest = 0; _peopleFull = true; } return true; } void ContactsBox::showAll() { _filter.show(); if (_filter.getLastText().isEmpty()) { _filterCancel.hide(); } else { _filterCancel.show(); } if (_inner.channel() && _inner.membersFilter() == MembersFilterAdmins) { _next.hide(); _cancel.hide(); } else if (_inner.chat() || _inner.channel()) { _next.show(); _cancel.show(); } else if (_inner.creating() != CreatingGroupNone) { _next.show(); _cancel.show(); } else { _next.hide(); _cancel.hide(); } _topShadow.show(); if (_bottomShadow) _bottomShadow->show(); ItemListBox::showAll(); } void ContactsBox::doSetInnerFocus() { _filter.setFocus(); } void ContactsBox::onSubmit() { _inner.chooseParticipant(); } void ContactsBox::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (_filter.hasFocus()) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Down) { _inner.selectSkip(1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Up) { _inner.selectSkip(-1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown) { _inner.selectSkipPage(_scroll.height(), 1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp) { _inner.selectSkipPage(_scroll.height(), -1); } else { ItemListBox::keyPressEvent(e); } } else { ItemListBox::keyPressEvent(e); } } void ContactsBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); if (paint(p)) return; bool addingAdmin = _inner.channel() && _inner.membersFilter() == MembersFilterAdmins; if (_inner.chat() && _inner.membersFilter() == MembersFilterAdmins) { paintTitle(p, lang(lng_channel_admins)); } else if (_inner.chat() || _inner.creating() != CreatingGroupNone) { QString title(lang(addingAdmin ? lng_channel_add_admin : lng_profile_add_participant)); QString additional((addingAdmin || (_inner.channel() && !_inner.channel()->isMegagroup())) ? QString() : QString("%1 / %2").arg(_inner.selectedCount()).arg(Global::MegagroupSizeMax())); paintTitle(p, title, additional); } else if (_inner.bot()) { paintTitle(p, lang(lng_bot_choose_group)); } else { paintTitle(p, lang(lng_contacts_header)); } } void ContactsBox::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { ItemListBox::resizeEvent(e); _filter.resize(width(), _filter.height()); _filter.moveToLeft(0, st::boxTitleHeight); _filterCancel.moveToRight(0, st::boxTitleHeight); _inner.resize(width(), _inner.height()); _next.moveToRight(st::boxButtonPadding.right(), height() - st::boxButtonPadding.bottom() - _next.height()); _cancel.moveToRight(st::boxButtonPadding.right() + _next.width() + st::boxButtonPadding.left(), _next.y()); _topShadow.setGeometry(0, st::boxTitleHeight + _filter.height(), width(), st::lineWidth); if (_bottomShadow) _bottomShadow->setGeometry(0, height() - st::boxButtonPadding.bottom() - _next.height() - st::boxButtonPadding.top() - st::lineWidth, width(), st::lineWidth); } void ContactsBox::closePressed() { if (_inner.channel() && !_inner.hasAlreadyMembersInChannel()) { Ui::showPeerHistory(_inner.channel(), ShowAtTheEndMsgId); } } void ContactsBox::onFilterCancel() { _filter.setText(QString()); } void ContactsBox::onFilterUpdate() { _scroll.scrollToY(0); if (_filter.getLastText().isEmpty()) { _filterCancel.hide(); } else { _filterCancel.show(); } _inner.updateFilter(_filter.getLastText()); } void ContactsBox::onChosenChanged() { update(); } void ContactsBox::onInvite() { QVector users(_inner.selected()); if (users.isEmpty()) { _filter.setFocus(); _filter.showError(); return; } App::main()->addParticipants(_inner.chat() ? (PeerData*)_inner.chat() : _inner.channel(), users); if (_inner.chat()) { Ui::hideLayer(); Ui::showPeerHistory(_inner.chat(), ShowAtTheEndMsgId); } else { onClose(); } } void ContactsBox::onCreate() { if (_saveRequestId) return; MTPVector users(MTP_vector(_inner.selectedInputs())); const auto &v(users.c_vector().v); if (v.isEmpty() || (v.size() == 1 && v.at(0).type() == mtpc_inputUserSelf)) { _filter.setFocus(); _filter.showError(); return; } _saveRequestId = MTP::send(MTPmessages_CreateChat(MTP_vector(v), MTP_string(_creationName)), rpcDone(&ContactsBox::creationDone), rpcFail(&ContactsBox::creationFail)); } void ContactsBox::onSaveAdmins() { if (_saveRequestId) return; _inner.saving(true); _saveRequestId = MTP::send(MTPmessages_ToggleChatAdmins(_inner.chat()->inputChat, MTP_bool(!_inner.allAdmins())), rpcDone(&ContactsBox::saveAdminsDone), rpcFail(&ContactsBox::saveAdminsFail)); } void ContactsBox::saveAdminsDone(const MTPUpdates &result) { App::main()->sentUpdatesReceived(result); saveSelectedAdmins(); } void ContactsBox::saveSelectedAdmins() { if (_inner.allAdmins() && !_inner.chat()->participants.isEmpty()) { onClose(); } else { _saveRequestId = MTP::send(MTPmessages_GetFullChat(_inner.chat()->inputChat), rpcDone(&ContactsBox::getAdminsDone), rpcFail(&ContactsBox::saveAdminsFail)); } } void ContactsBox::getAdminsDone(const MTPmessages_ChatFull &result) { App::api()->processFullPeer(_inner.chat(), result); if (_inner.allAdmins()) { onClose(); return; } ChatData::Admins curadmins = _inner.chat()->admins; QVector newadmins = _inner.selected(), appoint; if (!newadmins.isEmpty()) { appoint.reserve(newadmins.size()); for (int32 i = 0, l = newadmins.size(); i < l; ++i) { ChatData::Admins::iterator c = curadmins.find(newadmins.at(i)); if (c == curadmins.cend()) { if (newadmins.at(i)->id != peerFromUser(_inner.chat()->creator)) { appoint.push_back(newadmins.at(i)); } } else { curadmins.erase(c); } } } _saveRequestId = 0; for_const (UserData *user, curadmins) { MTP::send(MTPmessages_EditChatAdmin(_inner.chat()->inputChat, user->inputUser, MTP_boolFalse()), rpcDone(&ContactsBox::removeAdminDone, user), rpcFail(&ContactsBox::editAdminFail), 0, 10); } for_const (UserData *user, appoint) { MTP::send(MTPmessages_EditChatAdmin(_inner.chat()->inputChat, user->inputUser, MTP_boolTrue()), rpcDone(&ContactsBox::setAdminDone, user), rpcFail(&ContactsBox::editAdminFail), 0, 10); } MTP::sendAnything(); _saveRequestId = curadmins.size() + appoint.size(); if (!_saveRequestId) { onClose(); } } void ContactsBox::setAdminDone(UserData *user, const MTPBool &result) { if (mtpIsTrue(result)) { if (_inner.chat()->noParticipantInfo()) { App::api()->requestFullPeer(_inner.chat()); } else { _inner.chat()->admins.insert(user); } } --_saveRequestId; if (!_saveRequestId) { emit App::main()->peerUpdated(_inner.chat()); onClose(); } } void ContactsBox::removeAdminDone(UserData *user, const MTPBool &result) { if (mtpIsTrue(result)) { _inner.chat()->admins.remove(user); } --_saveRequestId; if (!_saveRequestId) { emit App::main()->peerUpdated(_inner.chat()); onClose(); } } bool ContactsBox::saveAdminsFail(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return true; _saveRequestId = 0; _inner.saving(false); if (error.type() == qstr("CHAT_NOT_MODIFIED")) { saveSelectedAdmins(); } return false; } bool ContactsBox::editAdminFail(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return true; --_saveRequestId; _inner.chat()->invalidateParticipants(); if (!_saveRequestId) { if (error.type() == qstr("USER_RESTRICTED")) { Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(lang(lng_cant_do_this))); return true; } onClose(); } return false; } void ContactsBox::onScroll() { _inner.loadProfilePhotos(_scroll.scrollTop()); } void ContactsBox::creationDone(const MTPUpdates &updates) { Ui::hideLayer(); App::main()->sentUpdatesReceived(updates); const QVector *v = 0; switch (updates.type()) { case mtpc_updates: v = &updates.c_updates().vchats.c_vector().v; break; case mtpc_updatesCombined: v = &updates.c_updatesCombined().vchats.c_vector().v; break; default: LOG(("API Error: unexpected update cons %1 (ContactsBox::creationDone)").arg(updates.type())); break; } PeerData *peer = 0; if (v && !v->isEmpty() && v->front().type() == mtpc_chat) { peer = App::chat(v->front().c_chat().vid.v); if (peer) { if (!_creationPhoto.isNull()) { App::app()->uploadProfilePhoto(_creationPhoto, peer->id); } Ui::showPeerHistory(peer, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); } } else { LOG(("API Error: chat not found in updates (ContactsBox::creationDone)")); } } bool ContactsBox::creationFail(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; _saveRequestId = 0; if (error.type() == "NO_CHAT_TITLE") { onClose(); return true; } else if (error.type() == "USERS_TOO_FEW") { _filter.setFocus(); _filter.showError(); return true; } else if (error.type() == "PEER_FLOOD") { Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(cantInviteError()), KeepOtherLayers); return true; } else if (error.type() == qstr("USER_RESTRICTED")) { Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(lang(lng_cant_do_this))); return true; } return false; } MembersInner::MembersInner(ChannelData *channel, MembersFilter filter) : TWidget() , _rowHeight(st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsPhotoSize + st::contactsPadding.bottom()) , _newItemHeight((channel->amCreator() && (channel->membersCount() < (channel->isMegagroup() ? Global::MegagroupSizeMax() : Global::ChatSizeMax()) || (!channel->isMegagroup() && !channel->isPublic()) || filter == MembersFilterAdmins)) ? st::contactsNewItemHeight : 0) , _newItemSel(false) , _channel(channel) , _filter(filter) , _kickText(lang(lng_profile_kick)) , _time(0) , _kickWidth(st::normalFont->width(_kickText)) , _sel(-1) , _kickSel(-1) , _kickDown(-1) , _mouseSel(false) , _kickConfirm(0) , _kickRequestId(0) , _kickBox(0) , _loading(true) , _loadingRequestId(0) , _aboutWidth(st::boxWideWidth - st::contactsPadding.left() - st::contactsPadding.right()) , _about(_aboutWidth) , _aboutHeight(0) { connect(App::wnd(), SIGNAL(imageLoaded()), this, SLOT(update())); connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(peerNameChanged(PeerData*,const PeerData::Names&,const PeerData::NameFirstChars&)), this, SLOT(onPeerNameChanged(PeerData*, const PeerData::Names&, const PeerData::NameFirstChars&))); connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(peerPhotoChanged(PeerData*)), this, SLOT(peerUpdated(PeerData*))); refresh(); load(); } void MembersInner::load() { if (!_loadingRequestId) { _loadingRequestId = MTP::send(MTPchannels_GetParticipants(_channel->inputChannel, (_filter == MembersFilterRecent) ? MTP_channelParticipantsRecent() : MTP_channelParticipantsAdmins(), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(Global::ChatSizeMax())), rpcDone(&MembersInner::membersReceived), rpcFail(&MembersInner::membersFailed)); } } void MembersInner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QRect r(e->rect()); Painter p(this); _time = unixtime(); p.fillRect(r, st::white->b); int32 yFrom = r.y() - st::membersPadding.top(), yTo = r.y() + r.height() - st::membersPadding.top(); p.translate(0, st::membersPadding.top()); if (_rows.isEmpty()) { p.setFont(st::noContactsFont->f); p.setPen(st::noContactsColor->p); p.drawText(QRect(0, 0, width(), st::noContactsHeight), lang(lng_contacts_loading), style::al_center); } else { if (_newItemHeight) { p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), _newItemHeight, (_newItemSel ? st::contactsBgOver : st::white)->b); p.drawSpriteLeft(st::contactsNewItemIconPosition.x(), st::contactsNewItemIconPosition.y(), width(), st::contactsNewItemIcon); p.setFont(st::contactsNameFont); p.setPen(st::contactsNewItemFg); p.drawTextLeft(st::contactsPadding.left() + st::contactsPhotoSize + st::contactsPadding.left(), st::contactsNewItemTop, width(), lang(_filter == MembersFilterAdmins ? lng_channel_add_admins : lng_channel_add_members)); yFrom -= _newItemHeight; yTo -= _newItemHeight; p.translate(0, _newItemHeight); } int32 from = floorclamp(yFrom, _rowHeight, 0, _rows.size()); int32 to = ceilclamp(yTo, _rowHeight, 0, _rows.size()); p.translate(0, from * _rowHeight); for (; from < to; ++from) { bool sel = (from == _sel); bool kickSel = (from == _kickSel && (_kickDown < 0 || from == _kickDown)); bool kickDown = kickSel && (from == _kickDown); paintDialog(p, _rows[from], data(from), sel, kickSel, kickDown); p.translate(0, _rowHeight); } if (to == _rows.size() && _filter == MembersFilterRecent && (_rows.size() < _channel->membersCount() || _rows.size() >= Global::ChatSizeMax())) { p.setPen(st::stickersReorderFg); _about.draw(p, st::contactsPadding.left(), st::stickersReorderPadding.top(), _aboutWidth, style::al_center); } } } void MembersInner::enterEvent(QEvent *e) { setMouseTracking(true); } void MembersInner::leaveEvent(QEvent *e) { _mouseSel = false; setMouseTracking(false); if (_sel >= 0) { clearSel(); } } void MembersInner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _mouseSel = true; _lastMousePos = e->globalPos(); updateSel(); } void MembersInner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _mouseSel = true; _lastMousePos = e->globalPos(); updateSel(); if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton && _kickSel < 0) { chooseParticipant(); } _kickDown = _kickSel; update(); } void MembersInner::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _mouseSel = true; _lastMousePos = e->globalPos(); updateSel(); if (_kickDown >= 0 && _kickDown == _kickSel && !_kickRequestId) { _kickConfirm = _rows.at(_kickSel); if (_kickBox) _kickBox->deleteLater(); _kickBox = new ConfirmBox((_filter == MembersFilterRecent ? (_channel->isMegagroup() ? lng_profile_sure_kick : lng_profile_sure_kick_channel) : lng_profile_sure_kick_admin)(lt_user, _kickConfirm->firstName)); connect(_kickBox, SIGNAL(confirmed()), this, SLOT(onKickConfirm())); connect(_kickBox, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(onKickBoxDestroyed(QObject*))); Ui::showLayer(_kickBox, KeepOtherLayers); } _kickDown = -1; } void MembersInner::onKickBoxDestroyed(QObject *obj) { if (_kickBox == obj) { _kickBox = 0; } } void MembersInner::onKickConfirm() { if (_filter == MembersFilterRecent) { _kickRequestId = MTP::send(MTPchannels_KickFromChannel(_channel->inputChannel, _kickConfirm->inputUser, MTP_bool(true)), rpcDone(&MembersInner::kickDone), rpcFail(&MembersInner::kickFail)); } else { _kickRequestId = MTP::send(MTPchannels_EditAdmin(_channel->inputChannel, _kickConfirm->inputUser, MTP_channelRoleEmpty()), rpcDone(&MembersInner::kickAdminDone), rpcFail(&MembersInner::kickFail)); } } void MembersInner::paintDialog(Painter &p, PeerData *peer, MemberData *data, bool sel, bool kickSel, bool kickDown) { UserData *user = peer->asUser(); p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), _rowHeight, (sel ? st::contactsBgOver : st::white)->b); peer->paintUserpicLeft(p, st::contactsPhotoSize, st::contactsPadding.left(), st::contactsPadding.top(), width()); p.setPen(st::black); int32 namex = st::contactsPadding.left() + st::contactsPhotoSize + st::contactsPadding.left(); int32 namew = width() - namex - st::contactsPadding.right() - (data->canKick ? (_kickWidth + st::contactsCheckPosition.x() * 2) : 0); if (peer->isVerified()) { namew -= st::verifiedCheck.pxWidth() + st::verifiedCheckPos.x(); p.drawSpriteLeft(namex + qMin(data->name.maxWidth(), namew) + st::verifiedCheckPos.x(), st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsNameTop + st::verifiedCheckPos.y(), width(), st::verifiedCheck); } data->name.drawLeftElided(p, namex, st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsNameTop, namew, width()); if (data->canKick) { p.setFont((kickSel ? st::linkOverFont : st::linkFont)->f); if (kickDown) { p.setPen(st::btnDefLink.downColor->p); } else { p.setPen(st::btnDefLink.color->p); } p.drawTextRight(st::contactsPadding.right() + st::contactsCheckPosition.x(), st::contactsPadding.top() + (st::contactsPhotoSize - st::normalFont->height) / 2, width(), _kickText, _kickWidth); } p.setFont(st::contactsStatusFont->f); p.setPen(data->onlineColor ? st::contactsStatusFgOnline : (sel ? st::contactsStatusFgOver : st::contactsStatusFg)); p.drawTextLeft(namex, st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsStatusTop, width(), data->online); } void MembersInner::selectSkip(int32 dir) { _time = unixtime(); _mouseSel = false; int cur = -1; if (_newItemHeight && _newItemSel) { cur = 0; } else if (_sel >= 0) { cur = _sel + (_newItemHeight ? 1 : 0); } cur += dir; if (cur <= 0) { _newItemSel = _newItemHeight ? true : false; _sel = (_newItemSel || _rows.isEmpty()) ? -1 : 0; } else if (cur >= _rows.size() + (_newItemHeight ? 1 : 0)) { _sel = -1; } else { _sel = cur - (_newItemHeight ? 1 : 0); } if (dir > 0) { if (_sel < 0 || _sel >= _rows.size()) { _sel = -1; } } else { if (!_rows.isEmpty()) { if (_sel < 0 && !_newItemSel) _sel = _rows.size() - 1; } } if (_newItemSel) { emit mustScrollTo(0, _newItemHeight); } else if (_sel >= 0) { emit mustScrollTo(_newItemHeight + _sel * _rowHeight, _newItemHeight + (_sel + 1) * _rowHeight); } update(); } void MembersInner::selectSkipPage(int32 h, int32 dir) { int32 points = h / _rowHeight; if (!points) return; selectSkip(points * dir); } void MembersInner::loadProfilePhotos(int32 yFrom) { int32 yTo = yFrom + (parentWidget() ? parentWidget()->height() : App::wnd()->height()) * 5; MTP::clearLoaderPriorities(); if (yTo < 0) return; if (yFrom < 0) yFrom = 0; if (!_rows.isEmpty()) { int32 from = (yFrom - _newItemHeight) / _rowHeight; if (from < 0) from = 0; if (from < _rows.size()) { int32 to = ((yTo - _newItemHeight) / _rowHeight) + 1; if (to > _rows.size()) to = _rows.size(); for (; from < to; ++from) { _rows[from]->loadUserpic(); } } } } void MembersInner::chooseParticipant() { if (_newItemSel) { emit addRequested(); return; } if (_sel < 0 || _sel >= _rows.size()) return; if (PeerData *peer = _rows[_sel]) { Ui::hideLayer(); Ui::showPeerProfile(peer); } } void MembersInner::refresh() { if (_rows.isEmpty()) { resize(width(), st::membersPadding.top() + st::noContactsHeight + st::membersPadding.bottom()); _aboutHeight = 0; } else { _about.setText(st::boxTextFont, lng_channel_only_last_shown(lt_count, _rows.size())); _aboutHeight = st::stickersReorderPadding.top() + _about.countHeight(_aboutWidth) + st::stickersReorderPadding.bottom(); if (_filter != MembersFilterRecent || (_rows.size() >= _channel->membersCount() && _rows.size() < Global::ChatSizeMax())) { _aboutHeight = 0; } resize(width(), st::membersPadding.top() + _newItemHeight + _rows.size() * _rowHeight + st::membersPadding.bottom() + _aboutHeight); } update(); } ChannelData *MembersInner::channel() const { return _channel; } MembersFilter MembersInner::filter() const { return _filter; } MembersAlreadyIn MembersInner::already() const { MembersAlreadyIn result; for_const (auto peer, _rows) { if (peer->isUser()) { result.insert(peer->asUser()); } } return result; } void MembersInner::clearSel() { updateSelectedRow(); _newItemSel = false; _sel = _kickSel = _kickDown = -1; _lastMousePos = QCursor::pos(); updateSel(); } MembersInner::MemberData *MembersInner::data(int32 index) { if (MemberData *result = _datas.at(index)) { return result; } MemberData *result = _datas[index] = new MemberData(); result->name.setText(st::contactsNameFont, _rows[index]->name, _textNameOptions); int32 t = unixtime(); result->online = App::onlineText(_rows[index], t);// lng_mediaview_date_time(lt_date, _dates[index].date().toString(qsl("dd.MM.yy")), lt_time, _dates[index].time().toString(cTimeFormat())); result->onlineColor = App::onlineColorUse(_rows[index], t); if (_filter == MembersFilterRecent) { result->canKick = (_channel->amCreator() || _channel->amEditor() || _channel->amModerator()) ? (_roles[index] == MemberRoleNone) : false; } else if (_filter == MembersFilterAdmins) { result->canKick = _channel->amCreator() ? (_roles[index] == MemberRoleEditor || _roles[index] == MemberRoleModerator) : false; } else { result->canKick = false; } return result; } void MembersInner::clear() { for (int32 i = 0, l = _datas.size(); i < l; ++i) { delete _datas.at(i); } _datas.clear(); _rows.clear(); _dates.clear(); _roles.clear(); if (_kickBox) _kickBox->deleteLater(); clearSel(); } MembersInner::~MembersInner() { clear(); } void MembersInner::updateSel() { if (!_mouseSel) return; QPoint p(mapFromGlobal(_lastMousePos)); p.setY(p.y() - st::membersPadding.top()); bool in = parentWidget()->rect().contains(parentWidget()->mapFromGlobal(_lastMousePos)); bool newItemSel = (in && p.y() >= 0 && p.y() < _newItemHeight); int32 newSel = (in && !newItemSel && p.y() >= _newItemHeight && p.y() < _newItemHeight + _rows.size() * _rowHeight) ? ((p.y() - _newItemHeight) / _rowHeight) : -1; int32 newKickSel = newSel; if (newSel >= 0 && (!data(newSel)->canKick || !QRect(width() - _kickWidth - st::contactsPadding.right() - st::contactsCheckPosition.x(), _newItemHeight + newSel * _rowHeight + st::contactsPadding.top() + (st::contactsPhotoSize - st::normalFont->height) / 2, _kickWidth, st::normalFont->height).contains(p))) { newKickSel = -1; } if (newSel != _sel || newKickSel != _kickSel || newItemSel != _newItemSel) { updateSelectedRow(); _newItemSel = newItemSel; _sel = newSel; _kickSel = newKickSel; updateSelectedRow(); setCursor(_kickSel >= 0 ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } } void MembersInner::peerUpdated(PeerData *peer) { update(); } void MembersInner::updateSelectedRow() { if (_newItemSel) { update(0, st::membersPadding.top(), width(), _newItemHeight); } if (_sel >= 0) { update(0, st::membersPadding.top() + _newItemHeight + _sel * _rowHeight, width(), _rowHeight); } } void MembersInner::onPeerNameChanged(PeerData *peer, const PeerData::Names &oldNames, const PeerData::NameFirstChars &oldChars) { for (int32 i = 0, l = _rows.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (_rows.at(i) == peer) { if (_datas.at(i)) { _datas.at(i)->name.setText(st::contactsNameFont, peer->name, _textNameOptions); update(0, st::membersPadding.top() + i * _rowHeight, width(), _rowHeight); } else { break; } } } } void MembersInner::membersReceived(const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result, mtpRequestId req) { clear(); _loadingRequestId = 0; if (result.type() == mtpc_channels_channelParticipants) { const auto &d(result.c_channels_channelParticipants()); const auto &v(d.vparticipants.c_vector().v); _rows.reserve(v.size()); _datas.reserve(v.size()); _dates.reserve(v.size()); _roles.reserve(v.size()); if (_filter == MembersFilterRecent && _channel->membersCount() < d.vcount.v) { _channel->setMembersCount(d.vcount.v); if (App::main()) emit App::main()->peerUpdated(_channel); } else if (_filter == MembersFilterAdmins && _channel->adminsCount() < d.vcount.v) { _channel->setAdminsCount(d.vcount.v); if (App::main()) emit App::main()->peerUpdated(_channel); } App::feedUsers(d.vusers); for (QVector::const_iterator i = v.cbegin(), e = v.cend(); i != e; ++i) { int32 userId = 0, addedTime = 0; MemberRole role = MemberRoleNone; switch (i->type()) { case mtpc_channelParticipant: userId = i->c_channelParticipant().vuser_id.v; addedTime = i->c_channelParticipant().vdate.v; break; case mtpc_channelParticipantSelf: role = MemberRoleSelf; userId = i->c_channelParticipantSelf().vuser_id.v; addedTime = i->c_channelParticipantSelf().vdate.v; break; case mtpc_channelParticipantModerator: role = MemberRoleModerator; userId = i->c_channelParticipantModerator().vuser_id.v; addedTime = i->c_channelParticipantModerator().vdate.v; break; case mtpc_channelParticipantEditor: role = MemberRoleEditor; userId = i->c_channelParticipantEditor().vuser_id.v; addedTime = i->c_channelParticipantEditor().vdate.v; break; case mtpc_channelParticipantKicked: userId = i->c_channelParticipantKicked().vuser_id.v; addedTime = i->c_channelParticipantKicked().vdate.v; role = MemberRoleKicked; break; case mtpc_channelParticipantCreator: userId = i->c_channelParticipantCreator().vuser_id.v; addedTime = _channel->date; role = MemberRoleCreator; break; } if (UserData *user = App::userLoaded(userId)) { _rows.push_back(user); _dates.push_back(date(addedTime)); _roles.push_back(role); _datas.push_back(0); } } // update admins if we got all of them if (_filter == MembersFilterAdmins && _channel->isMegagroup() && _rows.size() < Global::ChatSizeMax()) { _channel->mgInfo->lastAdmins.clear(); for (int32 i = 0, l = _rows.size(); i != l; ++i) { if (_roles.at(i) == MemberRoleCreator || _roles.at(i) == MemberRoleEditor) { _channel->mgInfo->lastAdmins.insert(_rows.at(i)); } } Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(_channel, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::AdminsChanged); } } if (_rows.isEmpty()) { _rows.push_back(App::self()); _dates.push_back(date(MTP_int(_channel->date))); _roles.push_back(MemberRoleSelf); _datas.push_back(0); } clearSel(); _loading = false; refresh(); emit loaded(); } bool MembersInner::membersFailed(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; Ui::hideLayer(); return true; } void MembersInner::kickDone(const MTPUpdates &result, mtpRequestId req) { App::main()->sentUpdatesReceived(result); if (_kickRequestId != req) return; removeKicked(); if (_kickBox) _kickBox->onClose(); } void MembersInner::kickAdminDone(const MTPUpdates &result, mtpRequestId req) { if (_kickRequestId != req) return; if (App::main()) App::main()->sentUpdatesReceived(result); removeKicked(); if (_kickBox) _kickBox->onClose(); } bool MembersInner::kickFail(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; if (_kickBox) _kickBox->onClose(); load(); return true; } void MembersInner::removeKicked() { _kickRequestId = 0; int32 index = _rows.indexOf(_kickConfirm); if (index >= 0) { _rows.removeAt(index); delete _datas.at(index); _datas.removeAt(index); _dates.removeAt(index); _roles.removeAt(index); clearSel(); if (_filter == MembersFilterRecent && _channel->membersCount() > 1) { _channel->setMembersCount(_channel->membersCount() - 1); if (App::main()) emit App::main()->peerUpdated(_channel); } else if (_filter == MembersFilterAdmins && _channel->adminsCount() > 1) { _channel->setAdminsCount(_channel->adminsCount() - 1); if (App::main()) emit App::main()->peerUpdated(_channel); } refresh(); } _kickConfirm = 0; } MembersBox::MembersBox(ChannelData *channel, MembersFilter filter) : ItemListBox(st::boxScroll) , _inner(channel, filter) , _addBox(0) { ItemListBox::init(&_inner); connect(&_inner, SIGNAL(addRequested()), this, SLOT(onAdd())); connect(&_scroll, SIGNAL(scrolled()), this, SLOT(onScroll())); connect(&_inner, SIGNAL(mustScrollTo(int, int)), &_scroll, SLOT(scrollToY(int, int))); connect(&_inner, SIGNAL(loaded()), this, SLOT(onLoaded())); connect(&_loadTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), &_inner, SLOT(load())); prepare(); } void MembersBox::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Down) { _inner.selectSkip(1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Up) { _inner.selectSkip(-1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown) { _inner.selectSkipPage(_scroll.height(), 1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp) { _inner.selectSkipPage(_scroll.height(), -1); } else { ItemListBox::keyPressEvent(e); } } void MembersBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); if (paint(p)) return; QString title(lang(_inner.filter() == MembersFilterRecent ? lng_channel_members : lng_channel_admins)); paintTitle(p, title); } void MembersBox::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { ItemListBox::resizeEvent(e); _inner.resize(width(), _inner.height()); } void MembersBox::onScroll() { _inner.loadProfilePhotos(_scroll.scrollTop()); } void MembersBox::onAdd() { if (_inner.filter() == MembersFilterRecent && _inner.channel()->membersCount() >= (_inner.channel()->isMegagroup() ? Global::MegagroupSizeMax() : Global::ChatSizeMax())) { Ui::showLayer(new MaxInviteBox(_inner.channel()->inviteLink()), KeepOtherLayers); return; } ContactsBox *box = new ContactsBox(_inner.channel(), _inner.filter(), _inner.already()); if (_inner.filter() == MembersFilterRecent) { Ui::showLayer(box); } else { _addBox = box; connect(_addBox, SIGNAL(adminAdded()), this, SLOT(onAdminAdded())); Ui::showLayer(_addBox, KeepOtherLayers); } } void MembersBox::onAdminAdded() { if (!_addBox) return; _addBox->onClose(); _addBox = 0; _loadTimer.start(ReloadChannelMembersTimeout); }