/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "data/data_session.h" #include "observer_peer.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/crash_reports.h" // for CrashReports::SetAnnotation #include "ui/image/image.h" #include "ui/image/image_source.h" // for Images::LocalFileSource #include "export/export_controller.h" #include "export/view/export_view_panel_controller.h" #include "window/notifications_manager.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item_components.h" #include "history/media/history_media.h" #include "history/view/history_view_element.h" #include "inline_bots/inline_bot_layout_item.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "storage/storage_encrypted_file.h" #include "media/player/media_player_instance.h" // for instance()->play(). #include "boxes/abstract_box.h" #include "passport/passport_form_controller.h" #include "window/themes/window_theme.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" // for lang(lng_deleted) in user name. #include "data/data_media_types.h" #include "data/data_feed.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_file_origin.h" #include "data/data_photo.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_web_page.h" #include "data/data_game.h" #include "data/data_poll.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" // for st::backgroundSize namespace Data { namespace { constexpr auto kMaxNotifyCheckDelay = 24 * 3600 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kMaxWallpaperSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024; using ViewElement = HistoryView::Element; // s: box 100x100 // m: box 320x320 // x: box 800x800 // y: box 1280x1280 // w: box 2560x2560 // if loading this fix HistoryPhoto::updateFrom // a: crop 160x160 // b: crop 320x320 // c: crop 640x640 // d: crop 1280x1280 const auto InlineLevels = QByteArray::fromRawData("i", 1); const auto SmallLevels = QByteArray::fromRawData("sambcxydwi", 10); const auto ThumbnailLevels = QByteArray::fromRawData("mbcxasydwi", 10); const auto LargeLevels = QByteArray::fromRawData("yxwmsdcbai", 10); void CheckForSwitchInlineButton(not_null item) { if (item->out() || !item->hasSwitchInlineButton()) { return; } if (const auto user = item->history()->peer->asUser()) { if (!user->botInfo || !user->botInfo->inlineReturnPeerId) { return; } if (const auto markup = item->Get()) { for (const auto &row : markup->rows) { for (const auto &button : row) { using ButtonType = HistoryMessageMarkupButton::Type; if (button.type == ButtonType::SwitchInline) { Notify::switchInlineBotButtonReceived( QString::fromUtf8(button.data)); return; } } } } } } // We should get a full restriction in "{full}: {reason}" format and we // need to find an "-all" tag in {full}, otherwise ignore this restriction. QString ExtractUnavailableReason(const QString &restriction) { const auto fullEnd = restriction.indexOf(':'); if (fullEnd <= 0) { return QString(); } // {full} is in "{type}-{tag}-{tag}-{tag}" format // if we find "all" tag we return the restriction string const auto typeTags = restriction.mid(0, fullEnd).split('-').mid(1); #ifndef OS_MAC_STORE const auto restrictionApplies = typeTags.contains(qsl("all")); #else // OS_MAC_STORE const auto restrictionApplies = typeTags.contains(qsl("all")) || typeTags.contains(qsl("ios")); #endif // OS_MAC_STORE if (restrictionApplies) { return restriction.midRef(fullEnd + 1).trimmed().toString(); } return QString(); } MTPPhotoSize FindDocumentInlineThumbnail(const MTPDdocument &data) { const auto &thumbs = data.vthumbs.v; const auto i = ranges::find( thumbs, mtpc_photoStrippedSize, &MTPPhotoSize::type); return (i != thumbs.end()) ? (*i) : MTPPhotoSize(MTP_photoSizeEmpty(MTP_string(""))); } MTPPhotoSize FindDocumentThumbnail(const MTPDdocument &data) { const auto area = [](const MTPPhotoSize &size) { static constexpr auto kInvalid = 0; return size.match([](const MTPDphotoSizeEmpty &) { return kInvalid; }, [](const MTPDphotoStrippedSize &) { return kInvalid; }, [](const auto &data) { return (data.vw.v * data.vh.v); }); }; const auto &thumbs = data.vthumbs.v; const auto i = ranges::max_element(thumbs, std::less<>(), area); return (i != thumbs.end() && area(*i) > 0) ? (*i) : MTPPhotoSize(MTP_photoSizeEmpty(MTP_string(""))); } } // namespace Session::Session(not_null session) : _session(session) , _cache(Core::App().databases().get( Local::cachePath(), Local::cacheSettings())) , _bigFileCache(Core::App().databases().get( Local::cacheBigFilePath(), Local::cacheBigFileSettings())) , _selfDestructTimer([=] { checkSelfDestructItems(); }) , _sendActionsAnimation([=](crl::time now) { return sendActionsAnimationCallback(now); }) , _groups(this) , _unmuteByFinishedTimer([=] { unmuteByFinished(); }) { _cache->open(Local::cacheKey()); _bigFileCache->open(Local::cacheBigFileKey()); setupContactViewsViewer(); setupChannelLeavingViewer(); } void Session::clear() { _sendActions.clear(); for (const auto &[peerId, history] : _histories) { history->unloadBlocks(); } App::historyClearMsgs(); _histories.clear(); App::historyClearItems(); } not_null Session::peer(PeerId id) { const auto i = _peers.find(id); if (i != _peers.cend()) { return i->second.get(); } auto result = [&]() -> std::unique_ptr { if (peerIsUser(id)) { return std::make_unique(this, id); } else if (peerIsChat(id)) { return std::make_unique(this, id); } else if (peerIsChannel(id)) { return std::make_unique(this, id); } Unexpected("Peer id type."); }(); result->input = MTPinputPeer(MTP_inputPeerEmpty()); return _peers.emplace(id, std::move(result)).first->second.get(); } not_null Session::user(UserId id) { return peer(peerFromUser(id))->asUser(); } not_null Session::chat(ChatId id) { return peer(peerFromChat(id))->asChat(); } not_null Session::channel(ChannelId id) { return peer(peerFromChannel(id))->asChannel(); } PeerData *Session::peerLoaded(PeerId id) const { const auto i = _peers.find(id); if (i == end(_peers)) { return nullptr; } else if (i->second->loadedStatus != PeerData::FullLoaded) { return nullptr; } return i->second.get(); } UserData *Session::userLoaded(UserId id) const { if (const auto peer = peerLoaded(peerFromUser(id))) { return peer->asUser(); } return nullptr; } ChatData *Session::chatLoaded(ChatId id) const { if (const auto peer = peerLoaded(peerFromChat(id))) { return peer->asChat(); } return nullptr; } ChannelData *Session::channelLoaded(ChannelId id) const { if (const auto peer = peerLoaded(peerFromChannel(id))) { return peer->asChannel(); } return nullptr; } not_null Session::processUser(const MTPUser &data) { const auto result = user(data.match([](const auto &data) { return data.vid.v; })); auto minimal = false; const MTPUserStatus *status = nullptr; const MTPUserStatus emptyStatus = MTP_userStatusEmpty(); Notify::PeerUpdate update; using UpdateFlag = Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag; data.match([&](const MTPDuserEmpty &data) { const auto canShareThisContact = result->canShareThisContactFast(); result->input = MTP_inputPeerUser(data.vid, MTP_long(0)); result->inputUser = MTP_inputUser(data.vid, MTP_long(0)); result->setName(lang(lng_deleted), QString(), QString(), QString()); result->setPhoto(MTP_userProfilePhotoEmpty()); //result->setFlags(MTPDuser_ClientFlag::f_inaccessible | 0); result->setFlags(MTPDuser::Flag::f_deleted); if (!result->phone().isEmpty()) { result->setPhone(QString()); update.flags |= UpdateFlag::UserPhoneChanged; } result->setBotInfoVersion(-1); status = &emptyStatus; result->setContactStatus(UserData::ContactStatus::PhoneUnknown); if (canShareThisContact != result->canShareThisContactFast()) { update.flags |= UpdateFlag::UserCanShareContact; } }, [&](const MTPDuser &data) { minimal = data.is_min(); const auto canShareThisContact = result->canShareThisContactFast(); if (minimal) { const auto mask = 0 //| MTPDuser_ClientFlag::f_inaccessible | MTPDuser::Flag::f_deleted; result->setFlags((result->flags() & ~mask) | (data.vflags.v & mask)); } else { result->setFlags(data.vflags.v); if (data.is_self()) { result->input = MTP_inputPeerSelf(); result->inputUser = MTP_inputUserSelf(); } else if (!data.has_access_hash()) { result->input = MTP_inputPeerUser(data.vid, MTP_long(result->accessHash())); result->inputUser = MTP_inputUser(data.vid, MTP_long(result->accessHash())); } else { result->input = MTP_inputPeerUser(data.vid, data.vaccess_hash); result->inputUser = MTP_inputUser(data.vid, data.vaccess_hash); } result->setUnavailableReason(data.is_restricted() ? ExtractUnavailableReason(qs(data.vrestriction_reason)) : QString()); } if (data.is_deleted()) { if (!result->phone().isEmpty()) { result->setPhone(QString()); update.flags |= UpdateFlag::UserPhoneChanged; } result->setName(lang(lng_deleted), QString(), QString(), QString()); result->setPhoto(MTP_userProfilePhotoEmpty()); status = &emptyStatus; } else { // apply first_name and last_name from minimal user only if we don't have // local values for first name and last name already, otherwise skip bool noLocalName = result->firstName.isEmpty() && result->lastName.isEmpty(); QString fname = (!minimal || noLocalName) ? (data.has_first_name() ? TextUtilities::SingleLine(qs(data.vfirst_name)) : QString()) : result->firstName; QString lname = (!minimal || noLocalName) ? (data.has_last_name() ? TextUtilities::SingleLine(qs(data.vlast_name)) : QString()) : result->lastName; QString phone = minimal ? result->phone() : (data.has_phone() ? qs(data.vphone) : QString()); QString uname = minimal ? result->username : (data.has_username() ? TextUtilities::SingleLine(qs(data.vusername)) : QString()); const auto phoneChanged = (result->phone() != phone); if (phoneChanged) { result->setPhone(phone); update.flags |= UpdateFlag::UserPhoneChanged; } const auto nameChanged = (result->firstName != fname) || (result->lastName != lname); auto showPhone = !result->isServiceUser() && !data.is_support() && !data.is_self() && !data.is_contact() && !data.is_mutual_contact(); auto showPhoneChanged = !result->isServiceUser() && !data.is_self() && ((showPhone && result->contactStatus() == UserData::ContactStatus::Contact) || (!showPhone && result->contactStatus() == UserData::ContactStatus::CanAdd)); if (minimal) { showPhoneChanged = false; showPhone = !result->isServiceUser() && (result->id != _session->userPeerId()) && (result->contactStatus() == UserData::ContactStatus::CanAdd); } // see also Local::readPeer const auto pname = (showPhoneChanged || phoneChanged || nameChanged) ? ((showPhone && !phone.isEmpty()) ? App::formatPhone(phone) : QString()) : result->nameOrPhone; if (!minimal && data.is_self() && uname != result->username) { CrashReports::SetAnnotation("Username", uname); } result->setName(fname, lname, pname, uname); if (data.has_photo()) { result->setPhoto(data.vphoto); } else { result->setPhoto(MTP_userProfilePhotoEmpty()); } if (data.has_access_hash()) { result->setAccessHash(data.vaccess_hash.v); } status = data.has_status() ? &data.vstatus : &emptyStatus; } if (!minimal) { if (data.has_bot_info_version()) { result->setBotInfoVersion(data.vbot_info_version.v); result->botInfo->readsAllHistory = data.is_bot_chat_history(); if (result->botInfo->cantJoinGroups != data.is_bot_nochats()) { result->botInfo->cantJoinGroups = data.is_bot_nochats(); update.flags |= UpdateFlag::BotCanAddToGroups; } result->botInfo->inlinePlaceholder = data.has_bot_inline_placeholder() ? '_' + qs(data.vbot_inline_placeholder) : QString(); } else { result->setBotInfoVersion(-1); } result->setContactStatus((data.is_contact() || data.is_mutual_contact()) ? UserData::ContactStatus::Contact : result->phone().isEmpty() ? UserData::ContactStatus::PhoneUnknown : UserData::ContactStatus::CanAdd); } if (canShareThisContact != result->canShareThisContactFast()) { update.flags |= UpdateFlag::UserCanShareContact; } }); if (minimal) { if (result->loadedStatus == PeerData::NotLoaded) { result->loadedStatus = PeerData::MinimalLoaded; } } else if (result->loadedStatus != PeerData::FullLoaded && (!result->isSelf() || !result->phone().isEmpty())) { result->loadedStatus = PeerData::FullLoaded; } if (status && !minimal) { const auto oldOnlineTill = result->onlineTill; const auto newOnlineTill = ApiWrap::OnlineTillFromStatus( *status, oldOnlineTill); if (oldOnlineTill != newOnlineTill) { result->onlineTill = newOnlineTill; update.flags |= UpdateFlag::UserOnlineChanged; } } if (result->contactStatus() == UserData::ContactStatus::PhoneUnknown && !result->phone().isEmpty() && !result->isSelf()) { result->setContactStatus(UserData::ContactStatus::CanAdd); } if (App::main()) { if (update.flags) { update.peer = result; Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(update); } } return result; } not_null Session::processChat(const MTPChat &data) { const auto result = data.match([&](const MTPDchat &data) { return peer(peerFromChat(data.vid.v)); }, [&](const MTPDchatForbidden &data) { return peer(peerFromChat(data.vid.v)); }, [&](const MTPDchatEmpty &data) { return peer(peerFromChat(data.vid.v)); }, [&](const MTPDchannel &data) { return peer(peerFromChannel(data.vid.v)); }, [&](const MTPDchannelForbidden &data) { return peer(peerFromChannel(data.vid.v)); }); auto minimal = false; Notify::PeerUpdate update; using UpdateFlag = Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag; data.match([&](const MTPDchat &data) { const auto chat = result->asChat(); const auto canAddMembers = chat->canAddMembers(); if (chat->version() < data.vversion.v) { chat->setVersion(data.vversion.v); chat->invalidateParticipants(); } chat->input = MTP_inputPeerChat(data.vid); chat->setName(qs(data.vtitle)); chat->setPhoto(data.vphoto); chat->date = data.vdate.v; chat->setAdminRights(data.has_admin_rights() ? data.vadmin_rights : MTPChatAdminRights(MTP_chatAdminRights(MTP_flags(0)))); chat->setDefaultRestrictions(data.has_default_banned_rights() ? data.vdefault_banned_rights : MTPChatBannedRights( MTP_chatBannedRights(MTP_flags(0), MTP_int(0)))); const auto &migratedTo = data.has_migrated_to() ? data.vmigrated_to : MTPInputChannel(MTP_inputChannelEmpty()); migratedTo.match([&](const MTPDinputChannel &input) { const auto channel = this->channel(input.vchannel_id.v); channel->addFlags(MTPDchannel::Flag::f_megagroup); if (!channel->access) { channel->input = MTP_inputPeerChannel( input.vchannel_id, input.vaccess_hash); channel->inputChannel = migratedTo; channel->access = input.vaccess_hash.v; } ApplyMigration(chat, channel); }, [](const MTPDinputChannelEmpty &) { }); chat->setFlags(data.vflags.v); chat->count = data.vparticipants_count.v; if (canAddMembers != chat->canAddMembers()) { update.flags |= UpdateFlag::RightsChanged; } }, [&](const MTPDchatForbidden &data) { const auto chat = result->asChat(); const auto canAddMembers = chat->canAddMembers(); chat->input = MTP_inputPeerChat(data.vid); chat->setName(qs(data.vtitle)); chat->setPhoto(MTP_chatPhotoEmpty()); chat->date = 0; chat->count = -1; chat->invalidateParticipants(); chat->setFlags(MTPDchat_ClientFlag::f_forbidden | 0); chat->setAdminRights(MTP_chatAdminRights(MTP_flags(0))); chat->setDefaultRestrictions( MTP_chatBannedRights(MTP_flags(0), MTP_int(0))); if (canAddMembers != chat->canAddMembers()) { update.flags |= UpdateFlag::RightsChanged; } }, [&](const MTPDchannel &data) { const auto channel = result->asChannel(); minimal = data.is_min(); if (minimal) { if (result->loadedStatus != PeerData::FullLoaded) { LOG(("API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.")); } } else { const auto accessHash = data.has_access_hash() ? data.vaccess_hash : MTP_long(0); channel->input = MTP_inputPeerChannel(data.vid, accessHash); } const auto wasInChannel = channel->amIn(); const auto canViewAdmins = channel->canViewAdmins(); const auto canViewMembers = channel->canViewMembers(); const auto canAddMembers = channel->canAddMembers(); if (data.has_participants_count()) { channel->setMembersCount(data.vparticipants_count.v); } channel->setDefaultRestrictions(data.has_default_banned_rights() ? data.vdefault_banned_rights : MTPChatBannedRights( MTP_chatBannedRights(MTP_flags(0), MTP_int(0)))); if (minimal) { auto mask = 0 | MTPDchannel::Flag::f_broadcast | MTPDchannel::Flag::f_verified | MTPDchannel::Flag::f_megagroup | MTPDchannel_ClientFlag::f_forbidden; channel->setFlags((channel->flags() & ~mask) | (data.vflags.v & mask)); } else { if (data.has_admin_rights()) { channel->setAdminRights(data.vadmin_rights); } else if (channel->hasAdminRights()) { channel->setAdminRights(MTP_chatAdminRights(MTP_flags(0))); } if (data.has_banned_rights()) { channel->setRestrictions(data.vbanned_rights); } else if (channel->hasRestrictions()) { channel->setRestrictions(MTP_chatBannedRights(MTP_flags(0), MTP_int(0))); } channel->inputChannel = MTP_inputChannel(data.vid, data.vaccess_hash); channel->access = data.vaccess_hash.v; channel->date = data.vdate.v; if (channel->version() < data.vversion.v) { channel->setVersion(data.vversion.v); } channel->setUnavailableReason(data.is_restricted() ? ExtractUnavailableReason(qs(data.vrestriction_reason)) : QString()); channel->setFlags(data.vflags.v); //if (data.has_feed_id()) { // #feed // channel->setFeed(feed(data.vfeed_id.v)); //} else { // channel->clearFeed(); //} } QString uname = data.has_username() ? TextUtilities::SingleLine(qs(data.vusername)) : QString(); channel->setName(qs(data.vtitle), uname); channel->setPhoto(data.vphoto); if (wasInChannel != channel->amIn()) { update.flags |= UpdateFlag::ChannelAmIn; } if (canViewAdmins != channel->canViewAdmins() || canViewMembers != channel->canViewMembers() || canAddMembers != channel->canAddMembers()) { update.flags |= UpdateFlag::RightsChanged; } }, [&](const MTPDchannelForbidden &data) { const auto channel = result->asChannel(); channel->input = MTP_inputPeerChannel(data.vid, data.vaccess_hash); auto wasInChannel = channel->amIn(); auto canViewAdmins = channel->canViewAdmins(); auto canViewMembers = channel->canViewMembers(); auto canAddMembers = channel->canAddMembers(); channel->inputChannel = MTP_inputChannel(data.vid, data.vaccess_hash); auto mask = mtpCastFlags(MTPDchannelForbidden::Flag::f_broadcast | MTPDchannelForbidden::Flag::f_megagroup); channel->setFlags((channel->flags() & ~mask) | (mtpCastFlags(data.vflags) & mask) | MTPDchannel_ClientFlag::f_forbidden); if (channel->hasAdminRights()) { channel->setAdminRights(MTP_chatAdminRights(MTP_flags(0))); } if (channel->hasRestrictions()) { channel->setRestrictions(MTP_chatBannedRights(MTP_flags(0), MTP_int(0))); } channel->setName(qs(data.vtitle), QString()); channel->access = data.vaccess_hash.v; channel->setPhoto(MTP_chatPhotoEmpty()); channel->date = 0; channel->setMembersCount(0); if (wasInChannel != channel->amIn()) { update.flags |= UpdateFlag::ChannelAmIn; } if (canViewAdmins != channel->canViewAdmins() || canViewMembers != channel->canViewMembers() || canAddMembers != channel->canAddMembers()) { update.flags |= UpdateFlag::RightsChanged; } }, [](const MTPDchatEmpty &) { }); if (minimal) { if (result->loadedStatus == PeerData::NotLoaded) { result->loadedStatus = PeerData::MinimalLoaded; } } else if (result->loadedStatus != PeerData::FullLoaded) { result->loadedStatus = PeerData::FullLoaded; } if (update.flags) { update.peer = result; Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(update); } return result; } UserData *Session::processUsers(const MTPVector &data) { auto result = (UserData*)nullptr; for (const auto &user : data.v) { result = processUser(user); } return result; } PeerData *Session::processChats(const MTPVector &data) { auto result = (PeerData*)nullptr; for (const auto &chat : data.v) { result = processChat(chat); } return result; } void Session::applyMaximumChatVersions(const MTPVector &data) { for (const auto &chat : data.v) { chat.match([&](const MTPDchat &data) { if (const auto chat = chatLoaded(data.vid.v)) { if (data.vversion.v < chat->version()) { chat->setVersion(data.vversion.v); } } }, [&](const MTPDchannel &data) { if (const auto channel = channelLoaded(data.vid.v)) { if (data.vversion.v < channel->version()) { channel->setVersion(data.vversion.v); } } }, [](const auto &) { }); } } PeerData *Session::peerByUsername(const QString &username) const { const auto uname = username.trimmed(); for (const auto &[peerId, peer] : _peers) { if (!peer->userName().compare(uname, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return peer.get(); } } return nullptr; } void Session::enumerateUsers(Fn)> action) const { for (const auto &[peerId, peer] : _peers) { if (const auto user = peer->asUser()) { action(user); } } } void Session::enumerateGroups(Fn)> action) const { for (const auto &[peerId, peer] : _peers) { if (peer->isChat() || peer->isMegagroup()) { action(peer.get()); } } } void Session::enumerateChannels( Fn)> action) const { for (const auto &[peerId, peer] : _peers) { if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { if (!channel->isMegagroup()) { action(channel); } } } } not_null Session::history(PeerId peerId) { Expects(peerId != 0); if (const auto result = historyLoaded(peerId)) { return result; } const auto [i, ok] = _histories.emplace( peerId, std::make_unique(this, peerId)); return i->second.get(); } History *Session::historyLoaded(PeerId peerId) const { const auto i = peerId ? _histories.find(peerId) : end(_histories); return (i != end(_histories)) ? i->second.get() : nullptr; } not_null Session::history(not_null peer) { return history(peer->id); } History *Session::historyLoaded(const PeerData *peer) { return peer ? historyLoaded(peer->id) : nullptr; } void Session::deleteConversationLocally(not_null peer) { const auto history = historyLoaded(peer); if (history) { setPinnedDialog(history, false); App::main()->removeDialog(history); history->clear(); } if (const auto channel = peer->asMegagroup()) { channel->addFlags(MTPDchannel::Flag::f_left); if (const auto from = channel->getMigrateFromChat()) { if (const auto migrated = historyLoaded(from)) { migrated->updateChatListExistence(); } } } else if (history) { history->markFullyLoaded(); } } void Session::registerSendAction( not_null history, not_null user, const MTPSendMessageAction &action, TimeId when) { if (history->updateSendActionNeedsAnimating(user, action)) { user->madeAction(when); const auto i = _sendActions.find(history); if (!_sendActions.contains(history)) { _sendActions.emplace(history, crl::now()); _sendActionsAnimation.start(); } } } bool Session::sendActionsAnimationCallback(crl::time now) { for (auto i = begin(_sendActions); i != end(_sendActions);) { if (i->first->updateSendActionNeedsAnimating(now)) { ++i; } else { i = _sendActions.erase(i); } } return !_sendActions.empty(); } Storage::Cache::Database &Session::cache() { return *_cache; } Storage::Cache::Database &Session::cacheBigFile() { return *_bigFileCache; } void Session::startExport(PeerData *peer) { startExport(peer ? peer->input : MTP_inputPeerEmpty()); } void Session::startExport(const MTPInputPeer &singlePeer) { if (_exportPanel) { _exportPanel->activatePanel(); return; } _export = std::make_unique(singlePeer); _exportPanel = std::make_unique( _export.get()); _exportViewChanges.fire(_exportPanel.get()); _exportPanel->stopRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { LOG(("Export Info: Stop requested.")); stopExport(); }, _export->lifetime()); } void Session::suggestStartExport(TimeId availableAt) { _exportAvailableAt = availableAt; suggestStartExport(); } void Session::clearExportSuggestion() { _exportAvailableAt = 0; if (_exportSuggestion) { _exportSuggestion->closeBox(); } } void Session::suggestStartExport() { if (_exportAvailableAt <= 0) { return; } const auto now = unixtime(); const auto left = (_exportAvailableAt <= now) ? 0 : (_exportAvailableAt - now); if (left) { App::CallDelayed( std::min(left + 5, 3600) * crl::time(1000), _session, [=] { suggestStartExport(); }); } else if (_export) { Export::View::ClearSuggestStart(); } else { _exportSuggestion = Export::View::SuggestStart(); } } rpl::producer Session::currentExportView( ) const { return _exportViewChanges.events_starting_with(_exportPanel.get()); } bool Session::exportInProgress() const { return _export != nullptr; } void Session::stopExportWithConfirmation(FnMut callback) { if (!_exportPanel) { callback(); return; } auto closeAndCall = [=, callback = std::move(callback)]() mutable { auto saved = std::move(callback); LOG(("Export Info: Stop With Confirmation.")); stopExport(); if (saved) { saved(); } }; _exportPanel->stopWithConfirmation(std::move(closeAndCall)); } void Session::stopExport() { if (_exportPanel) { LOG(("Export Info: Destroying.")); _exportPanel = nullptr; _exportViewChanges.fire(nullptr); } _export = nullptr; } const Passport::SavedCredentials *Session::passportCredentials() const { return _passportCredentials ? &_passportCredentials->first : nullptr; } void Session::rememberPassportCredentials( Passport::SavedCredentials data, crl::time rememberFor) { Expects(rememberFor > 0); static auto generation = 0; _passportCredentials = std::make_unique( std::move(data), ++generation); App::CallDelayed(rememberFor, _session, [=, check = generation] { if (_passportCredentials && _passportCredentials->second == check) { forgetPassportCredentials(); } }); } void Session::forgetPassportCredentials() { _passportCredentials = nullptr; } void Session::setupContactViewsViewer() { Notify::PeerUpdateViewer( Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::UserIsContact ) | rpl::map([](const Notify::PeerUpdate &update) { return update.peer->asUser(); }) | rpl::filter([](UserData *user) { return user != nullptr; }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null user) { userIsContactUpdated(user); }, _lifetime); } void Session::setupChannelLeavingViewer() { Notify::PeerUpdateViewer( Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::ChannelAmIn ) | rpl::map([](const Notify::PeerUpdate &update) { return update.peer->asChannel(); }) | rpl::filter([](ChannelData *channel) { return (channel != nullptr) && !(channel->amIn()); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null channel) { channel->clearFeed(); if (const auto history = historyLoaded(channel->id)) { history->removeJoinedMessage(); history->updateChatListExistence(); history->updateChatListSortPosition(); } }, _lifetime); } Session::~Session() { // Optimization: clear notifications before destroying items. _session->notifications().clearAllFast(); clear(); Images::ClearRemote(); } template void Session::enumerateItemViews( not_null item, Method method) { if (const auto i = _views.find(item); i != _views.end()) { for (const auto view : i->second) { method(view); } } } void Session::photoLoadSettingsChanged() { for (const auto &[id, photo] : _photos) { photo->automaticLoadSettingsChanged(); } } void Session::documentLoadSettingsChanged() { for (const auto &[id, document] : _documents) { document->automaticLoadSettingsChanged(); } } void Session::notifyPhotoLayoutChanged(not_null photo) { if (const auto i = _photoItems.find(photo); i != end(_photoItems)) { for (const auto item : i->second) { notifyItemLayoutChange(item); } } } void Session::notifyDocumentLayoutChanged( not_null document) { const auto i = _documentItems.find(document); if (i != end(_documentItems)) { for (const auto item : i->second) { notifyItemLayoutChange(item); } } if (const auto items = InlineBots::Layout::documentItems()) { if (const auto i = items->find(document); i != items->end()) { for (const auto item : i->second) { item->layoutChanged(); } } } } void Session::requestDocumentViewRepaint( not_null document) { const auto i = _documentItems.find(document); if (i != end(_documentItems)) { for (const auto item : i->second) { requestItemRepaint(item); } } } void Session::requestPollViewRepaint(not_null poll) { if (const auto i = _pollViews.find(poll); i != _pollViews.end()) { for (const auto view : i->second) { requestViewResize(view); } } } void Session::markMediaRead(not_null document) { const auto i = _documentItems.find(document); if (i != end(_documentItems)) { _session->api().markMediaRead({ begin(i->second), end(i->second) }); } } void Session::notifyItemLayoutChange(not_null item) { _itemLayoutChanges.fire_copy(item); enumerateItemViews(item, [&](not_null view) { notifyViewLayoutChange(view); }); } rpl::producer> Session::itemLayoutChanged() const { return _itemLayoutChanges.events(); } void Session::notifyViewLayoutChange(not_null view) { _viewLayoutChanges.fire_copy(view); } rpl::producer> Session::viewLayoutChanged() const { return _viewLayoutChanges.events(); } void Session::notifyItemIdChange(IdChange event) { _itemIdChanges.fire_copy(event); const auto refreshViewDataId = [](not_null view) { view->refreshDataId(); }; enumerateItemViews(event.item, refreshViewDataId); if (const auto group = groups().find(event.item)) { const auto leader = group->items.back(); if (leader != event.item) { enumerateItemViews(leader, refreshViewDataId); } } } rpl::producer Session::itemIdChanged() const { return _itemIdChanges.events(); } void Session::requestItemRepaint(not_null item) { _itemRepaintRequest.fire_copy(item); enumerateItemViews(item, [&](not_null view) { requestViewRepaint(view); }); } rpl::producer> Session::itemRepaintRequest() const { return _itemRepaintRequest.events(); } void Session::requestViewRepaint(not_null view) { _viewRepaintRequest.fire_copy(view); } rpl::producer> Session::viewRepaintRequest() const { return _viewRepaintRequest.events(); } void Session::requestItemResize(not_null item) { _itemResizeRequest.fire_copy(item); enumerateItemViews(item, [&](not_null view) { requestViewResize(view); }); } rpl::producer> Session::itemResizeRequest() const { return _itemResizeRequest.events(); } void Session::requestViewResize(not_null view) { view->setPendingResize(); _viewResizeRequest.fire_copy(view); notifyViewLayoutChange(view); } rpl::producer> Session::viewResizeRequest() const { return _viewResizeRequest.events(); } void Session::requestItemViewRefresh(not_null item) { if (const auto view = item->mainView()) { view->setPendingResize(); } _itemViewRefreshRequest.fire_copy(item); } rpl::producer> Session::itemViewRefreshRequest() const { return _itemViewRefreshRequest.events(); } void Session::requestItemTextRefresh(not_null item) { if (const auto i = _views.find(item); i != _views.end()) { for (const auto view : i->second) { if (const auto media = view->media()) { media->parentTextUpdated(); } } } } void Session::requestAnimationPlayInline(not_null item) { _animationPlayInlineRequest.fire_copy(item); if (const auto media = item->media()) { if (const auto data = media->document()) { if (data && data->isVideoMessage()) { const auto msgId = item->fullId(); ::Media::Player::instance()->playPause({ data, msgId }); } } } } rpl::producer> Session::animationPlayInlineRequest() const { return _animationPlayInlineRequest.events(); } void Session::notifyItemRemoved(not_null item) { _itemRemoved.fire_copy(item); groups().unregisterMessage(item); } rpl::producer> Session::itemRemoved() const { return _itemRemoved.events(); } void Session::notifyViewRemoved(not_null view) { _viewRemoved.fire_copy(view); } rpl::producer> Session::viewRemoved() const { return _viewRemoved.events(); } void Session::notifyHistoryUnloaded(not_null history) { _historyUnloaded.fire_copy(history); } rpl::producer> Session::historyUnloaded() const { return _historyUnloaded.events(); } void Session::notifyHistoryCleared(not_null history) { _historyCleared.fire_copy(history); } rpl::producer> Session::historyCleared() const { return _historyCleared.events(); } void Session::notifyHistoryChangeDelayed(not_null history) { history->setHasPendingResizedItems(); _historiesChanged.insert(history); } rpl::producer> Session::historyChanged() const { return _historyChanged.events(); } void Session::sendHistoryChangeNotifications() { for (const auto history : base::take(_historiesChanged)) { _historyChanged.fire_copy(history); } } void Session::removeMegagroupParticipant( not_null channel, not_null user) { _megagroupParticipantRemoved.fire({ channel, user }); } auto Session::megagroupParticipantRemoved() const -> rpl::producer { return _megagroupParticipantRemoved.events(); } rpl::producer> Session::megagroupParticipantRemoved( not_null channel) const { return megagroupParticipantRemoved( ) | rpl::filter([channel](auto updateChannel, auto user) { return (updateChannel == channel); }) | rpl::map([](auto updateChannel, auto user) { return user; }); } void Session::addNewMegagroupParticipant( not_null channel, not_null user) { _megagroupParticipantAdded.fire({ channel, user }); } auto Session::megagroupParticipantAdded() const -> rpl::producer { return _megagroupParticipantAdded.events(); } rpl::producer> Session::megagroupParticipantAdded( not_null channel) const { return megagroupParticipantAdded( ) | rpl::filter([channel](auto updateChannel, auto user) { return (updateChannel == channel); }) | rpl::map([](auto updateChannel, auto user) { return user; }); } void Session::notifyFeedUpdated( not_null feed, FeedUpdateFlag update) { _feedUpdates.fire({ feed, update }); } rpl::producer Session::feedUpdated() const { return _feedUpdates.events(); } void Session::notifyStickersUpdated() { _stickersUpdated.fire({}); } rpl::producer<> Session::stickersUpdated() const { return _stickersUpdated.events(); } void Session::notifySavedGifsUpdated() { _savedGifsUpdated.fire({}); } rpl::producer<> Session::savedGifsUpdated() const { return _savedGifsUpdated.events(); } void Session::userIsContactUpdated(not_null user) { const auto i = _contactViews.find(peerToUser(user->id)); if (i != _contactViews.end()) { for (const auto view : i->second) { requestViewResize(view); } } } HistoryItemsList Session::idsToItems( const MessageIdsList &ids) const { return ranges::view::all( ids ) | ranges::view::transform([](const FullMsgId &fullId) { return App::histItemById(fullId); }) | ranges::view::filter([](HistoryItem *item) { return item != nullptr; }) | ranges::view::transform([](HistoryItem *item) { return not_null(item); }) | ranges::to_vector; } MessageIdsList Session::itemsToIds( const HistoryItemsList &items) const { return ranges::view::all( items ) | ranges::view::transform([](not_null item) { return item->fullId(); }) | ranges::to_vector; } MessageIdsList Session::itemOrItsGroup(not_null item) const { if (const auto group = groups().find(item)) { return itemsToIds(group->items); } return { 1, item->fullId() }; } void Session::setPinnedDialog(const Dialogs::Key &key, bool pinned) { setIsPinned(key, pinned); } void Session::applyPinnedDialogs(const QVector &list) { clearPinnedDialogs(); for (auto i = list.size(); i != 0;) { const auto &dialog = list[--i]; switch (dialog.type()) { case mtpc_dialog: { const auto &dialogData = dialog.c_dialog(); if (const auto peer = peerFromMTP(dialogData.vpeer)) { setPinnedDialog(history(peer), true); } } break; //case mtpc_dialogFeed: { // #feed // const auto &feedData = dialog.c_dialogFeed(); // const auto feedId = feedData.vfeed_id.v; // setPinnedDialog(feed(feedId), true); //} break; default: Unexpected("Type in ApiWrap::applyDialogsPinned."); } } } void Session::applyPinnedDialogs(const QVector &list) { clearPinnedDialogs(); for (auto i = list.size(); i != 0;) { const auto &dialogPeer = list[--i]; switch (dialogPeer.type()) { case mtpc_dialogPeer: { const auto &peerData = dialogPeer.c_dialogPeer(); if (const auto peerId = peerFromMTP(peerData.vpeer)) { setPinnedDialog(history(peerId), true); } } break; //case mtpc_dialogPeerFeed: { // #feed // const auto &feedData = dialogPeer.c_dialogPeerFeed(); // const auto feedId = feedData.vfeed_id.v; // setPinnedDialog(feed(feedId), true); //} break; } } } int Session::pinnedDialogsCount() const { return _pinnedDialogs.size(); } const std::deque &Session::pinnedDialogsOrder() const { return _pinnedDialogs; } void Session::clearPinnedDialogs() { while (!_pinnedDialogs.empty()) { setPinnedDialog(_pinnedDialogs.back(), false); } } void Session::reorderTwoPinnedDialogs( const Dialogs::Key &key1, const Dialogs::Key &key2) { const auto &order = pinnedDialogsOrder(); const auto index1 = ranges::find(order, key1) - begin(order); const auto index2 = ranges::find(order, key2) - begin(order); Assert(index1 >= 0 && index1 < order.size()); Assert(index2 >= 0 && index2 < order.size()); Assert(index1 != index2); std::swap(_pinnedDialogs[index1], _pinnedDialogs[index2]); key1.entry()->cachePinnedIndex(index2 + 1); key2.entry()->cachePinnedIndex(index1 + 1); } void Session::setIsPinned(const Dialogs::Key &key, bool pinned) { const auto already = ranges::find(_pinnedDialogs, key); if (pinned) { if (already != end(_pinnedDialogs)) { auto saved = std::move(*already); const auto alreadyIndex = already - end(_pinnedDialogs); const auto count = int(size(_pinnedDialogs)); Assert(alreadyIndex < count); for (auto index = alreadyIndex + 1; index != count; ++index) { _pinnedDialogs[index - 1] = std::move(_pinnedDialogs[index]); _pinnedDialogs[index - 1].entry()->cachePinnedIndex(index); } _pinnedDialogs.back() = std::move(saved); _pinnedDialogs.back().entry()->cachePinnedIndex(count); } else { _pinnedDialogs.push_back(key); if (_pinnedDialogs.size() > Global::PinnedDialogsCountMax()) { _pinnedDialogs.front().entry()->cachePinnedIndex(0); _pinnedDialogs.pop_front(); auto index = 0; for (const auto &pinned : _pinnedDialogs) { pinned.entry()->cachePinnedIndex(++index); } } else { key.entry()->cachePinnedIndex(_pinnedDialogs.size()); } } } else if (!pinned && already != end(_pinnedDialogs)) { key.entry()->cachePinnedIndex(0); _pinnedDialogs.erase(already); auto index = 0; for (const auto &pinned : _pinnedDialogs) { pinned.entry()->cachePinnedIndex(++index); } } } NotifySettings &Session::defaultNotifySettings( not_null peer) { return peer->isUser() ? _defaultUserNotifySettings : _defaultChatNotifySettings; } const NotifySettings &Session::defaultNotifySettings( not_null peer) const { return peer->isUser() ? _defaultUserNotifySettings : _defaultChatNotifySettings; } void Session::updateNotifySettingsLocal(not_null peer) { const auto history = historyLoaded(peer->id); auto changesIn = crl::time(0); const auto muted = notifyIsMuted(peer, &changesIn); if (history && history->changeMute(muted)) { // Notification already sent. } else { Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed( peer, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::NotificationsEnabled); } if (muted) { _mutedPeers.emplace(peer); unmuteByFinishedDelayed(changesIn); if (history) { _session->notifications().clearFromHistory(history); } } else { _mutedPeers.erase(peer); } } void Session::unmuteByFinishedDelayed(crl::time delay) { accumulate_min(delay, kMaxNotifyCheckDelay); if (!_unmuteByFinishedTimer.isActive() || _unmuteByFinishedTimer.remainingTime() > delay) { _unmuteByFinishedTimer.callOnce(delay); } } void Session::unmuteByFinished() { auto changesInMin = crl::time(0); for (auto i = begin(_mutedPeers); i != end(_mutedPeers);) { const auto history = historyLoaded((*i)->id); auto changesIn = crl::time(0); const auto muted = notifyIsMuted(*i, &changesIn); if (muted) { if (history) { history->changeMute(true); } if (!changesInMin || changesInMin > changesIn) { changesInMin = changesIn; } ++i; } else { if (history) { history->changeMute(false); } i = _mutedPeers.erase(i); } } if (changesInMin) { unmuteByFinishedDelayed(changesInMin); } } HistoryItem *Session::addNewMessage( const MTPMessage &data, NewMessageType type) { const auto peerId = PeerFromMessage(data); if (!peerId) { return nullptr; } const auto result = history(peerId)->addNewMessage(data, type); if (result && type == NewMessageUnread) { CheckForSwitchInlineButton(result); } return result; } auto Session::sendActionAnimationUpdated() const -> rpl::producer { return _sendActionAnimationUpdate.events(); } void Session::updateSendActionAnimation( SendActionAnimationUpdate &&update) { _sendActionAnimationUpdate.fire(std::move(update)); } int Session::unreadBadge() const { return computeUnreadBadge( _unreadFull, _unreadMuted, _unreadEntriesFull, _unreadEntriesMuted); } bool Session::unreadBadgeMuted() const { return computeUnreadBadgeMuted( _unreadFull, _unreadMuted, _unreadEntriesFull, _unreadEntriesMuted); } int Session::unreadBadgeIgnoreOne(History *history) const { const auto removeCount = (history && history->inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All)) ? history->unreadCount() : 0; if (!removeCount) { return unreadBadge(); } const auto removeMuted = history->mute(); return computeUnreadBadge( _unreadFull - removeCount, _unreadMuted - (removeMuted ? removeCount : 0), _unreadEntriesFull - 1, _unreadEntriesMuted - (removeMuted ? 1 : 0)); } bool Session::unreadBadgeMutedIgnoreOne(History *history) const { const auto removeCount = (history && history->inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All)) ? history->unreadCount() : 0; if (!removeCount) { return unreadBadgeMuted(); } const auto removeMuted = history->mute(); return computeUnreadBadgeMuted( _unreadFull - removeCount, _unreadMuted - (removeMuted ? removeCount : 0), _unreadEntriesFull - 1, _unreadEntriesMuted - (removeMuted ? 1 : 0)); } int Session::unreadOnlyMutedBadge() const { return _session->settings().countUnreadMessages() ? _unreadMuted : _unreadEntriesMuted; } int Session::computeUnreadBadge( int full, int muted, int entriesFull, int entriesMuted) const { const auto withMuted = _session->settings().includeMutedCounter(); return _session->settings().countUnreadMessages() ? (full - (withMuted ? 0 : muted)) : (entriesFull - (withMuted ? 0 : entriesMuted)); } bool Session::computeUnreadBadgeMuted( int full, int muted, int entriesFull, int entriesMuted) const { if (!_session->settings().includeMutedCounter()) { return false; } return _session->settings().countUnreadMessages() ? (muted >= full) : (entriesMuted >= entriesFull); } void Session::unreadIncrement(int count, bool muted) { if (!count) { return; } _unreadFull += count; if (muted) { _unreadMuted += count; } if (_session->settings().countUnreadMessages()) { if (!muted || _session->settings().includeMutedCounter()) { Notify::unreadCounterUpdated(); } } } void Session::unreadMuteChanged(int count, bool muted) { const auto wasAll = (_unreadMuted == _unreadFull); if (muted) { _unreadMuted += count; } else { _unreadMuted -= count; } if (_session->settings().countUnreadMessages()) { const auto nowAll = (_unreadMuted == _unreadFull); const auto changed = !_session->settings().includeMutedCounter() || (wasAll != nowAll); if (changed) { Notify::unreadCounterUpdated(); } } } void Session::unreadEntriesChanged( int withUnreadDelta, int mutedWithUnreadDelta) { if (!withUnreadDelta && !mutedWithUnreadDelta) { return; } const auto wasAll = (_unreadEntriesMuted == _unreadEntriesFull); _unreadEntriesFull += withUnreadDelta; _unreadEntriesMuted += mutedWithUnreadDelta; if (!_session->settings().countUnreadMessages()) { const auto nowAll = (_unreadEntriesMuted == _unreadEntriesFull); const auto withMuted = _session->settings().includeMutedCounter(); const auto withMutedChanged = withMuted && (withUnreadDelta != 0 || wasAll != nowAll); const auto withoutMutedChanged = !withMuted && (withUnreadDelta != mutedWithUnreadDelta); if (withMutedChanged || withoutMutedChanged) { Notify::unreadCounterUpdated(); } } } void Session::selfDestructIn(not_null item, crl::time delay) { _selfDestructItems.push_back(item->fullId()); if (!_selfDestructTimer.isActive() || _selfDestructTimer.remainingTime() > delay) { _selfDestructTimer.callOnce(delay); } } void Session::checkSelfDestructItems() { auto now = crl::now(); auto nextDestructIn = crl::time(0); for (auto i = _selfDestructItems.begin(); i != _selfDestructItems.cend();) { if (auto item = App::histItemById(*i)) { if (auto destructIn = item->getSelfDestructIn(now)) { if (nextDestructIn > 0) { accumulate_min(nextDestructIn, destructIn); } else { nextDestructIn = destructIn; } ++i; } else { i = _selfDestructItems.erase(i); } } else { i = _selfDestructItems.erase(i); } } if (nextDestructIn > 0) { _selfDestructTimer.callOnce(nextDestructIn); } } not_null Session::photo(PhotoId id) { auto i = _photos.find(id); if (i == _photos.end()) { i = _photos.emplace( id, std::make_unique(this, id)).first; } return i->second.get(); } not_null Session::processPhoto(const MTPPhoto &data) { return data.match([&](const MTPDphoto &data) { return processPhoto(data); }, [&](const MTPDphotoEmpty &data) { return photo(data.vid.v); }); } not_null Session::processPhoto(const MTPDphoto &data) { const auto result = photo(data.vid.v); photoApplyFields(result, data); return result; } not_null Session::processPhoto( const MTPPhoto &data, const PreparedPhotoThumbs &thumbs) { Expects(!thumbs.empty()); const auto find = [&](const QByteArray &levels) { const auto kInvalidIndex = int(levels.size()); const auto level = [&](const auto &pair) { const auto letter = pair.first; const auto index = levels.indexOf(letter); return (index >= 0) ? index : kInvalidIndex; }; const auto result = ranges::max_element( thumbs, std::greater<>(), level); return (level(*result) == kInvalidIndex) ? thumbs.end() : result; }; const auto image = [&](const QByteArray &levels) { const auto i = find(levels); return (i == thumbs.end()) ? ImagePtr() : Images::Create(base::duplicate(i->second), "JPG"); }; const auto thumbnailInline = image(InlineLevels); const auto thumbnailSmall = image(SmallLevels); const auto thumbnail = image(ThumbnailLevels); const auto large = image(LargeLevels); return data.match([&](const MTPDphoto &data) { return photo( data.vid.v, data.vaccess_hash.v, data.vfile_reference.v, data.vdate.v, data.vdc_id.v, data.is_has_stickers(), thumbnailInline, thumbnailSmall, thumbnail, large); }, [&](const MTPDphotoEmpty &data) { return photo(data.vid.v); }); } not_null Session::photo( PhotoId id, const uint64 &access, const QByteArray &fileReference, TimeId date, int32 dc, bool hasSticker, const ImagePtr &thumbnailInline, const ImagePtr &thumbnailSmall, const ImagePtr &thumbnail, const ImagePtr &large) { const auto result = photo(id); photoApplyFields( result, access, fileReference, date, dc, hasSticker, thumbnailInline, thumbnailSmall, thumbnail, large); return result; } void Session::photoConvert( not_null original, const MTPPhoto &data) { const auto id = data.match([](const auto &data) { return data.vid.v; }); if (original->id != id) { auto i = _photos.find(id); if (i == _photos.end()) { const auto j = _photos.find(original->id); Assert(j != _photos.end()); auto owned = std::move(j->second); _photos.erase(j); i = _photos.emplace(id, std::move(owned)).first; } original->id = id; original->uploadingData = nullptr; if (i->second.get() != original) { photoApplyFields(i->second.get(), data); } } photoApplyFields(original, data); } PhotoData *Session::photoFromWeb( const MTPWebDocument &data, ImagePtr thumbnail, bool willBecomeNormal) { const auto large = Images::Create(data); const auto thumbnailInline = ImagePtr(); if (large->isNull()) { return nullptr; } auto thumbnailSmall = large; if (willBecomeNormal) { const auto width = large->width(); const auto height = large->height(); auto thumbsize = shrinkToKeepAspect(width, height, 100, 100); thumbnailSmall = Images::Create(thumbsize.width(), thumbsize.height()); if (thumbnail->isNull()) { auto mediumsize = shrinkToKeepAspect(width, height, 320, 320); thumbnail = Images::Create(mediumsize.width(), mediumsize.height()); } } else if (thumbnail->isNull()) { thumbnail = large; } return photo( rand_value(), uint64(0), QByteArray(), unixtime(), 0, false, thumbnailInline, thumbnailSmall, thumbnail, large); } void Session::photoApplyFields( not_null photo, const MTPPhoto &data) { if (data.type() == mtpc_photo) { photoApplyFields(photo, data.c_photo()); } } void Session::photoApplyFields( not_null photo, const MTPDphoto &data) { const auto &sizes = data.vsizes.v; const auto find = [&](const QByteArray &levels) { const auto kInvalidIndex = int(levels.size()); const auto level = [&](const MTPPhotoSize &size) { const auto letter = size.match([](const MTPDphotoSizeEmpty &) { return char(0); }, [](const auto &size) { return size.vtype.v.isEmpty() ? char(0) : size.vtype.v[0]; }); const auto index = levels.indexOf(letter); return (index >= 0) ? index : kInvalidIndex; }; const auto result = ranges::max_element( sizes, std::greater<>(), level); return (level(*result) == kInvalidIndex) ? sizes.end() : result; }; const auto image = [&](const QByteArray &levels) { const auto i = find(levels); return (i == sizes.end()) ? ImagePtr() : Images::Create(data, *i); }; const auto thumbnailInline = image(InlineLevels); const auto thumbnailSmall = image(SmallLevels); const auto thumbnail = image(ThumbnailLevels); const auto large = image(LargeLevels); if (thumbnailSmall && thumbnail && large) { photoApplyFields( photo, data.vaccess_hash.v, data.vfile_reference.v, data.vdate.v, data.vdc_id.v, data.is_has_stickers(), thumbnailInline, thumbnailSmall, thumbnail, large); } } void Session::photoApplyFields( not_null photo, const uint64 &access, const QByteArray &fileReference, TimeId date, int32 dc, bool hasSticker, const ImagePtr &thumbnailInline, const ImagePtr &thumbnailSmall, const ImagePtr &thumbnail, const ImagePtr &large) { if (!date) { return; } photo->setRemoteLocation(dc, access, fileReference); photo->date = date; photo->hasSticker = hasSticker; photo->updateImages( thumbnailInline, thumbnailSmall, thumbnail, large); } not_null Session::document(DocumentId id) { auto i = _documents.find(id); if (i == _documents.cend()) { i = _documents.emplace( id, std::make_unique(this, id)).first; } return i->second.get(); } not_null Session::processDocument(const MTPDocument &data) { switch (data.type()) { case mtpc_document: return processDocument(data.c_document()); case mtpc_documentEmpty: return document(data.c_documentEmpty().vid.v); } Unexpected("Type in Session::document()."); } not_null Session::processDocument(const MTPDdocument &data) { const auto result = document(data.vid.v); documentApplyFields(result, data); return result; } not_null Session::processDocument( const MTPdocument &data, QImage &&thumb) { switch (data.type()) { case mtpc_documentEmpty: return document(data.c_documentEmpty().vid.v); case mtpc_document: { const auto &fields = data.c_document(); return document( fields.vid.v, fields.vaccess_hash.v, fields.vfile_reference.v, fields.vdate.v, fields.vattributes.v, qs(fields.vmime_type), ImagePtr(), Images::Create(std::move(thumb), "JPG"), fields.vdc_id.v, fields.vsize.v, StorageImageLocation()); } break; } Unexpected("Type in Session::document() with thumb."); } not_null Session::document( DocumentId id, const uint64 &access, const QByteArray &fileReference, TimeId date, const QVector &attributes, const QString &mime, const ImagePtr &thumbnailInline, const ImagePtr &thumbnail, int32 dc, int32 size, const StorageImageLocation &thumbLocation) { const auto result = document(id); documentApplyFields( result, access, fileReference, date, attributes, mime, thumbnailInline, thumbnail, dc, size, thumbLocation); return result; } void Session::documentConvert( not_null original, const MTPDocument &data) { const auto id = [&] { switch (data.type()) { case mtpc_document: return data.c_document().vid.v; case mtpc_documentEmpty: return data.c_documentEmpty().vid.v; } Unexpected("Type in Session::documentConvert()."); }(); const auto oldKey = original->mediaKey(); const auto oldCacheKey = original->cacheKey(); const auto idChanged = (original->id != id); const auto sentSticker = idChanged && (original->sticker() != nullptr); if (idChanged) { auto i = _documents.find(id); if (i == _documents.end()) { const auto j = _documents.find(original->id); Assert(j != _documents.end()); auto owned = std::move(j->second); _documents.erase(j); i = _documents.emplace(id, std::move(owned)).first; } original->id = id; original->status = FileReady; original->uploadingData = nullptr; if (i->second.get() != original) { documentApplyFields(i->second.get(), data); } } documentApplyFields(original, data); if (idChanged) { cache().moveIfEmpty(oldCacheKey, original->cacheKey()); if (savedGifs().indexOf(original) >= 0) { Local::writeSavedGifs(); } } } DocumentData *Session::documentFromWeb( const MTPWebDocument &data, ImagePtr thumb) { switch (data.type()) { case mtpc_webDocument: return documentFromWeb(data.c_webDocument(), thumb); case mtpc_webDocumentNoProxy: return documentFromWeb(data.c_webDocumentNoProxy(), thumb); } Unexpected("Type in Session::documentFromWeb."); } DocumentData *Session::documentFromWeb( const MTPDwebDocument &data, ImagePtr thumb) { const auto result = document( rand_value(), uint64(0), QByteArray(), unixtime(), data.vattributes.v, data.vmime_type.v, ImagePtr(), thumb, MTP::maindc(), int32(0), // data.vsize.v StorageImageLocation()); result->setWebLocation(WebFileLocation( data.vurl.v, data.vaccess_hash.v)); return result; } DocumentData *Session::documentFromWeb( const MTPDwebDocumentNoProxy &data, ImagePtr thumb) { const auto result = document( rand_value(), uint64(0), QByteArray(), unixtime(), data.vattributes.v, data.vmime_type.v, ImagePtr(), thumb, MTP::maindc(), int32(0), // data.vsize.v StorageImageLocation()); result->setContentUrl(qs(data.vurl)); return result; } void Session::documentApplyFields( not_null document, const MTPDocument &data) { if (data.type() == mtpc_document) { documentApplyFields(document, data.c_document()); } } void Session::documentApplyFields( not_null document, const MTPDdocument &data) { const auto thumbnailInline = FindDocumentInlineThumbnail(data); const auto thumbnailSize = FindDocumentThumbnail(data); const auto thumbnail = Images::Create(data, thumbnailSize); documentApplyFields( document, data.vaccess_hash.v, data.vfile_reference.v, data.vdate.v, data.vattributes.v, qs(data.vmime_type), Images::Create(data, thumbnailInline), thumbnail, data.vdc_id.v, data.vsize.v, thumbnail->location()); } void Session::documentApplyFields( not_null document, const uint64 &access, const QByteArray &fileReference, TimeId date, const QVector &attributes, const QString &mime, const ImagePtr &thumbnailInline, const ImagePtr &thumbnail, int32 dc, int32 size, const StorageImageLocation &thumbLocation) { if (!date) { return; } document->setattributes(attributes); if (dc != 0 && access != 0) { document->setRemoteLocation(dc, access, fileReference); } document->date = date; document->setMimeString(mime); document->updateThumbnails(thumbnailInline, thumbnail); document->size = size; document->recountIsImage(); if (document->sticker() && !document->sticker()->loc.valid() && thumbLocation.valid()) { document->sticker()->loc = thumbLocation; } } not_null Session::webpage(WebPageId id) { auto i = _webpages.find(id); if (i == _webpages.cend()) { i = _webpages.emplace(id, std::make_unique(id)).first; } return i->second.get(); } not_null Session::processWebpage(const MTPWebPage &data) { switch (data.type()) { case mtpc_webPage: return processWebpage(data.c_webPage()); case mtpc_webPageEmpty: { const auto result = webpage(data.c_webPageEmpty().vid.v); if (result->pendingTill > 0) { result->pendingTill = -1; // failed } return result; } break; case mtpc_webPagePending: return processWebpage(data.c_webPagePending()); case mtpc_webPageNotModified: LOG(("API Error: " "webPageNotModified is unexpected in Session::webpage().")); return webpage(0); } Unexpected("Type in Session::webpage()."); } not_null Session::processWebpage(const MTPDwebPage &data) { const auto result = webpage(data.vid.v); webpageApplyFields(result, data); return result; } not_null Session::processWebpage(const MTPDwebPagePending &data) { constexpr auto kDefaultPendingTimeout = 60; const auto result = webpage(data.vid.v); webpageApplyFields( result, WebPageType::Article, QString(), QString(), QString(), QString(), TextWithEntities(), nullptr, nullptr, WebPageCollage(), 0, QString(), data.vdate.v ? data.vdate.v : (unixtime() + kDefaultPendingTimeout)); return result; } not_null Session::webpage( WebPageId id, const QString &siteName, const TextWithEntities &content) { return webpage( id, WebPageType::Article, QString(), QString(), siteName, QString(), content, nullptr, nullptr, WebPageCollage(), 0, QString(), TimeId(0)); } not_null Session::webpage( WebPageId id, WebPageType type, const QString &url, const QString &displayUrl, const QString &siteName, const QString &title, const TextWithEntities &description, PhotoData *photo, DocumentData *document, WebPageCollage &&collage, int duration, const QString &author, TimeId pendingTill) { const auto result = webpage(id); webpageApplyFields( result, type, url, displayUrl, siteName, title, description, photo, document, std::move(collage), duration, author, pendingTill); return result; } void Session::webpageApplyFields( not_null page, const MTPDwebPage &data) { auto description = TextWithEntities { data.has_description() ? TextUtilities::Clean(qs(data.vdescription)) : QString() }; const auto siteName = data.has_site_name() ? qs(data.vsite_name) : QString(); auto parseFlags = TextParseLinks | TextParseMultiline | TextParseRichText; if (siteName == qstr("Twitter") || siteName == qstr("Instagram")) { parseFlags |= TextParseHashtags | TextParseMentions; } TextUtilities::ParseEntities(description, parseFlags); const auto pendingTill = TimeId(0); webpageApplyFields( page, ParseWebPageType(data), qs(data.vurl), qs(data.vdisplay_url), siteName, data.has_title() ? qs(data.vtitle) : QString(), description, data.has_photo() ? processPhoto(data.vphoto).get() : nullptr, (data.has_document() ? processDocument(data.vdocument).get() : nullptr), WebPageCollage(data), data.has_duration() ? data.vduration.v : 0, data.has_author() ? qs(data.vauthor) : QString(), pendingTill); } void Session::webpageApplyFields( not_null page, WebPageType type, const QString &url, const QString &displayUrl, const QString &siteName, const QString &title, const TextWithEntities &description, PhotoData *photo, DocumentData *document, WebPageCollage &&collage, int duration, const QString &author, TimeId pendingTill) { const auto requestPending = (!page->pendingTill && pendingTill > 0); const auto changed = page->applyChanges( type, url, displayUrl, siteName, title, description, photo, document, std::move(collage), duration, author, pendingTill); if (requestPending) { _session->api().requestWebPageDelayed(page); } if (changed) { notifyWebPageUpdateDelayed(page); } } not_null Session::game(GameId id) { auto i = _games.find(id); if (i == _games.cend()) { i = _games.emplace(id, std::make_unique(id)).first; } return i->second.get(); } not_null Session::processGame(const MTPDgame &data) { const auto result = game(data.vid.v); gameApplyFields(result, data); return result; } not_null Session::game( GameId id, const uint64 &accessHash, const QString &shortName, const QString &title, const QString &description, PhotoData *photo, DocumentData *document) { const auto result = game(id); gameApplyFields( result, accessHash, shortName, title, description, photo, document); return result; } void Session::gameConvert( not_null original, const MTPGame &data) { Expects(data.type() == mtpc_game); const auto id = data.c_game().vid.v; if (original->id != id) { auto i = _games.find(id); if (i == _games.end()) { const auto j = _games.find(original->id); Assert(j != _games.end()); auto owned = std::move(j->second); _games.erase(j); i = _games.emplace(id, std::move(owned)).first; } original->id = id; original->accessHash = 0; if (i->second.get() != original) { gameApplyFields(i->second.get(), data.c_game()); } } gameApplyFields(original, data.c_game()); } void Session::gameApplyFields( not_null game, const MTPDgame &data) { gameApplyFields( game, data.vaccess_hash.v, qs(data.vshort_name), qs(data.vtitle), qs(data.vdescription), processPhoto(data.vphoto), (data.has_document() ? processDocument(data.vdocument).get() : nullptr)); } void Session::gameApplyFields( not_null game, const uint64 &accessHash, const QString &shortName, const QString &title, const QString &description, PhotoData *photo, DocumentData *document) { if (game->accessHash) { return; } game->accessHash = accessHash; game->shortName = TextUtilities::Clean(shortName); game->title = TextUtilities::SingleLine(title); game->description = TextUtilities::Clean(description); game->photo = photo; game->document = document; notifyGameUpdateDelayed(game); } not_null Session::poll(PollId id) { auto i = _polls.find(id); if (i == _polls.cend()) { i = _polls.emplace(id, std::make_unique(id)).first; } return i->second.get(); } not_null Session::processPoll(const MTPPoll &data) { return data.match([&](const MTPDpoll &data) { const auto id = data.vid.v; const auto result = poll(id); const auto changed = result->applyChanges(data); if (changed) { notifyPollUpdateDelayed(result); } return result; }); } not_null Session::processPoll(const MTPDmessageMediaPoll &data) { const auto result = processPoll(data.vpoll); const auto changed = result->applyResults(data.vresults); if (changed) { notifyPollUpdateDelayed(result); } return result; } void Session::applyUpdate(const MTPDupdateMessagePoll &update) { const auto updated = [&] { const auto i = _polls.find(update.vpoll_id.v); return (i == end(_polls)) ? nullptr : update.has_poll() ? processPoll(update.vpoll).get() : i->second.get(); }(); if (updated && updated->applyResults(update.vresults)) { notifyPollUpdateDelayed(updated); } } void Session::applyUpdate(const MTPDupdateChatParticipants &update) { const auto chatId = update.vparticipants.match([](const auto &update) { return update.vchat_id.v; }); if (const auto chat = chatLoaded(chatId)) { ApplyChatUpdate(chat, update); for (const auto user : chat->participants) { if (user->botInfo && !user->botInfo->inited) { _session->api().requestFullPeer(user); } } } } void Session::applyUpdate(const MTPDupdateChatParticipantAdd &update) { if (const auto chat = chatLoaded(update.vchat_id.v)) { ApplyChatUpdate(chat, update); } } void Session::applyUpdate(const MTPDupdateChatParticipantDelete &update) { if (const auto chat = chatLoaded(update.vchat_id.v)) { ApplyChatUpdate(chat, update); } } void Session::applyUpdate(const MTPDupdateChatParticipantAdmin &update) { if (const auto chat = chatLoaded(update.vchat_id.v)) { ApplyChatUpdate(chat, update); } } void Session::applyUpdate(const MTPDupdateChatDefaultBannedRights &update) { if (const auto peer = peerLoaded(peerFromMTP(update.vpeer))) { if (const auto chat = peer->asChat()) { ApplyChatUpdate(chat, update); } else if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { ApplyChannelUpdate(channel, update); } else { LOG(("API Error: " "User received in updateChatDefaultBannedRights.")); } } } not_null Session::location(const LocationCoords &coords) { auto i = _locations.find(coords); if (i == _locations.cend()) { i = _locations.emplace( coords, std::make_unique(coords)).first; } return i->second.get(); } void Session::registerPhotoItem( not_null photo, not_null item) { _photoItems[photo].insert(item); } void Session::unregisterPhotoItem( not_null photo, not_null item) { const auto i = _photoItems.find(photo); if (i != _photoItems.end()) { auto &items = i->second; if (items.remove(item) && items.empty()) { _photoItems.erase(i); } } } void Session::registerDocumentItem( not_null document, not_null item) { _documentItems[document].insert(item); } void Session::unregisterDocumentItem( not_null document, not_null item) { const auto i = _documentItems.find(document); if (i != _documentItems.end()) { auto &items = i->second; if (items.remove(item) && items.empty()) { _documentItems.erase(i); } } } void Session::registerWebPageView( not_null page, not_null view) { _webpageViews[page].insert(view); } void Session::unregisterWebPageView( not_null page, not_null view) { const auto i = _webpageViews.find(page); if (i != _webpageViews.end()) { auto &items = i->second; if (items.remove(view) && items.empty()) { _webpageViews.erase(i); } } } void Session::registerWebPageItem( not_null page, not_null item) { _webpageItems[page].insert(item); } void Session::unregisterWebPageItem( not_null page, not_null item) { const auto i = _webpageItems.find(page); if (i != _webpageItems.end()) { auto &items = i->second; if (items.remove(item) && items.empty()) { _webpageItems.erase(i); } } } void Session::registerGameView( not_null game, not_null view) { _gameViews[game].insert(view); } void Session::unregisterGameView( not_null game, not_null view) { const auto i = _gameViews.find(game); if (i != _gameViews.end()) { auto &items = i->second; if (items.remove(view) && items.empty()) { _gameViews.erase(i); } } } void Session::registerPollView( not_null poll, not_null view) { _pollViews[poll].insert(view); } void Session::unregisterPollView( not_null poll, not_null view) { const auto i = _pollViews.find(poll); if (i != _pollViews.end()) { auto &items = i->second; if (items.remove(view) && items.empty()) { _pollViews.erase(i); } } } void Session::registerContactView( UserId contactId, not_null view) { if (!contactId) { return; } _contactViews[contactId].insert(view); } void Session::unregisterContactView( UserId contactId, not_null view) { if (!contactId) { return; } const auto i = _contactViews.find(contactId); if (i != _contactViews.end()) { auto &items = i->second; if (items.remove(view) && items.empty()) { _contactViews.erase(i); } } } void Session::registerContactItem( UserId contactId, not_null item) { if (!contactId) { return; } const auto contact = userLoaded(contactId); const auto canShare = contact ? contact->canShareThisContact() : false; _contactItems[contactId].insert(item); if (contact && canShare != contact->canShareThisContact()) { Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed( contact, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::UserCanShareContact); } if (const auto i = _views.find(item); i != _views.end()) { for (const auto view : i->second) { if (const auto media = view->media()) { media->updateSharedContactUserId(contactId); } } } } void Session::unregisterContactItem( UserId contactId, not_null item) { if (!contactId) { return; } const auto contact = userLoaded(contactId); const auto canShare = contact ? contact->canShareThisContact() : false; const auto i = _contactItems.find(contactId); if (i != _contactItems.end()) { auto &items = i->second; if (items.remove(item) && items.empty()) { _contactItems.erase(i); } } if (contact && canShare != contact->canShareThisContact()) { Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed( contact, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::UserCanShareContact); } } void Session::registerAutoplayAnimation( not_null<::Media::Clip::Reader*> reader, not_null view) { _autoplayAnimations.emplace(reader, view); } void Session::unregisterAutoplayAnimation( not_null<::Media::Clip::Reader*> reader) { _autoplayAnimations.remove(reader); } void Session::stopAutoplayAnimations() { for (const auto [reader, view] : base::take(_autoplayAnimations)) { if (const auto media = view->media()) { media->stopAnimation(); } } } HistoryItem *Session::findWebPageItem(not_null page) const { const auto i = _webpageItems.find(page); if (i != _webpageItems.end()) { for (const auto item : i->second) { if (IsServerMsgId(item->id)) { return item; } } } return nullptr; } QString Session::findContactPhone(not_null contact) const { const auto result = contact->phone(); return result.isEmpty() ? findContactPhone(contact->bareId()) : App::formatPhone(result); } QString Session::findContactPhone(UserId contactId) const { const auto i = _contactItems.find(contactId); if (i != _contactItems.end()) { if (const auto media = (*begin(i->second))->media()) { if (const auto contact = media->sharedContact()) { return contact->phoneNumber; } } } return QString(); } bool Session::hasPendingWebPageGamePollNotification() const { return !_webpagesUpdated.empty() || !_gamesUpdated.empty() || !_pollsUpdated.empty(); } void Session::notifyWebPageUpdateDelayed(not_null page) { const auto invoke = !hasPendingWebPageGamePollNotification(); _webpagesUpdated.insert(page); if (invoke) { crl::on_main(_session, [=] { sendWebPageGamePollNotifications(); }); } } void Session::notifyGameUpdateDelayed(not_null game) { const auto invoke = !hasPendingWebPageGamePollNotification(); _gamesUpdated.insert(game); if (invoke) { crl::on_main(_session, [=] { sendWebPageGamePollNotifications(); }); } } void Session::notifyPollUpdateDelayed(not_null poll) { const auto invoke = !hasPendingWebPageGamePollNotification(); _pollsUpdated.insert(poll); if (invoke) { crl::on_main(_session, [=] { sendWebPageGamePollNotifications(); }); } } void Session::sendWebPageGamePollNotifications() { for (const auto page : base::take(_webpagesUpdated)) { const auto i = _webpageViews.find(page); if (i != _webpageViews.end()) { for (const auto view : i->second) { requestViewResize(view); } } } for (const auto game : base::take(_gamesUpdated)) { if (const auto i = _gameViews.find(game); i != _gameViews.end()) { for (const auto view : i->second) { requestViewResize(view); } } } for (const auto poll : base::take(_pollsUpdated)) { if (const auto i = _pollViews.find(poll); i != _pollViews.end()) { for (const auto view : i->second) { requestViewResize(view); } } } } void Session::registerItemView(not_null view) { _views[view->data()].push_back(view); } void Session::unregisterItemView(not_null view) { const auto i = _views.find(view->data()); if (i != end(_views)) { auto &list = i->second; list.erase(ranges::remove(list, view), end(list)); if (list.empty()) { _views.erase(i); } } if (App::hoveredItem() == view) { App::hoveredItem(nullptr); } if (App::pressedItem() == view) { App::pressedItem(nullptr); } if (App::hoveredLinkItem() == view) { App::hoveredLinkItem(nullptr); } if (App::pressedLinkItem() == view) { App::pressedLinkItem(nullptr); } if (App::mousedItem() == view) { App::mousedItem(nullptr); } } not_null Session::feed(FeedId id) { if (const auto result = feedLoaded(id)) { return result; } const auto [it, ok] = _feeds.emplace( id, std::make_unique(this, id)); return it->second.get(); } Feed *Session::feedLoaded(FeedId id) { const auto it = _feeds.find(id); return (it == end(_feeds)) ? nullptr : it->second.get(); } void Session::setDefaultFeedId(FeedId id) { _defaultFeedId = id; } FeedId Session::defaultFeedId() const { return _defaultFeedId.current(); } rpl::producer Session::defaultFeedIdValue() const { return _defaultFeedId.value(); } void Session::requestNotifySettings(not_null peer) { if (peer->notifySettingsUnknown()) { _session->api().requestNotifySettings( MTP_inputNotifyPeer(peer->input)); } if (defaultNotifySettings(peer).settingsUnknown()) { _session->api().requestNotifySettings(peer->isUser() ? MTP_inputNotifyUsers() : (peer->isChat() || peer->isMegagroup()) ? MTP_inputNotifyChats() : MTP_inputNotifyBroadcasts()); } } void Session::applyNotifySetting( const MTPNotifyPeer ¬ifyPeer, const MTPPeerNotifySettings &settings) { switch (notifyPeer.type()) { case mtpc_notifyUsers: { if (_defaultUserNotifySettings.change(settings)) { _defaultUserNotifyUpdates.fire({}); enumerateUsers([&](not_null user) { if (!user->notifySettingsUnknown() && ((!user->notifyMuteUntil() && _defaultUserNotifySettings.muteUntil()) || (!user->notifySilentPosts() && _defaultUserNotifySettings.silentPosts()))) { updateNotifySettingsLocal(user); } }); } } break; case mtpc_notifyChats: { if (_defaultChatNotifySettings.change(settings)) { _defaultChatNotifyUpdates.fire({}); enumerateGroups([&](not_null peer) { if (!peer->notifySettingsUnknown() && ((!peer->notifyMuteUntil() && _defaultChatNotifySettings.muteUntil()) || (!peer->notifySilentPosts() && _defaultChatNotifySettings.silentPosts()))) { updateNotifySettingsLocal(peer); } }); } } break; case mtpc_notifyBroadcasts: { if (_defaultBroadcastNotifySettings.change(settings)) { _defaultBroadcastNotifyUpdates.fire({}); enumerateChannels([&](not_null channel) { if (!channel->notifySettingsUnknown() && ((!channel->notifyMuteUntil() && _defaultBroadcastNotifySettings.muteUntil()) || (!channel->notifySilentPosts() && _defaultBroadcastNotifySettings.silentPosts()))) { updateNotifySettingsLocal(channel); } }); } } break; case mtpc_notifyPeer: { const auto &data = notifyPeer.c_notifyPeer(); if (const auto peer = peerLoaded(peerFromMTP(data.vpeer))) { if (peer->notifyChange(settings)) { updateNotifySettingsLocal(peer); } } } break; } } void Session::updateNotifySettings( not_null peer, std::optional muteForSeconds, std::optional silentPosts) { if (peer->notifyChange(muteForSeconds, silentPosts)) { updateNotifySettingsLocal(peer); _session->api().updateNotifySettingsDelayed(peer); } } bool Session::notifyIsMuted( not_null peer, crl::time *changesIn) const { const auto resultFromUntil = [&](TimeId until) { const auto now = unixtime(); const auto result = (until > now) ? (until - now) : 0; if (changesIn) { *changesIn = (result > 0) ? std::min(result * crl::time(1000), kMaxNotifyCheckDelay) : kMaxNotifyCheckDelay; } return (result > 0); }; if (const auto until = peer->notifyMuteUntil()) { return resultFromUntil(*until); } const auto &settings = defaultNotifySettings(peer); if (const auto until = settings.muteUntil()) { return resultFromUntil(*until); } return true; } bool Session::notifySilentPosts(not_null peer) const { if (const auto silent = peer->notifySilentPosts()) { return *silent; } const auto &settings = defaultNotifySettings(peer); if (const auto silent = settings.silentPosts()) { return *silent; } return false; } bool Session::notifyMuteUnknown(not_null peer) const { if (peer->notifySettingsUnknown()) { return true; } else if (const auto nonDefault = peer->notifyMuteUntil()) { return false; } return defaultNotifySettings(peer).settingsUnknown(); } bool Session::notifySilentPostsUnknown( not_null peer) const { if (peer->notifySettingsUnknown()) { return true; } else if (const auto nonDefault = peer->notifySilentPosts()) { return false; } return defaultNotifySettings(peer).settingsUnknown(); } bool Session::notifySettingsUnknown(not_null peer) const { return notifyMuteUnknown(peer) || notifySilentPostsUnknown(peer); } rpl::producer<> Session::defaultUserNotifyUpdates() const { return _defaultUserNotifyUpdates.events(); } rpl::producer<> Session::defaultChatNotifyUpdates() const { return _defaultChatNotifyUpdates.events(); } rpl::producer<> Session::defaultBroadcastNotifyUpdates() const { return _defaultBroadcastNotifyUpdates.events(); } rpl::producer<> Session::defaultNotifyUpdates( not_null peer) const { return peer->isUser() ? defaultUserNotifyUpdates() : (peer->isChat() || peer->isMegagroup()) ? defaultChatNotifyUpdates() : defaultBroadcastNotifyUpdates(); } void Session::serviceNotification( const TextWithEntities &message, const MTPMessageMedia &media) { const auto date = unixtime(); if (!peerLoaded(PeerData::kServiceNotificationsId)) { processUser(MTP_user( MTP_flags( MTPDuser::Flag::f_first_name | MTPDuser::Flag::f_phone | MTPDuser::Flag::f_status | MTPDuser::Flag::f_verified), MTP_int(peerToUser(PeerData::kServiceNotificationsId)), MTPlong(), MTP_string("Telegram"), MTPstring(), MTPstring(), MTP_string("42777"), MTP_userProfilePhotoEmpty(), MTP_userStatusRecently(), MTPint(), MTPstring(), MTPstring(), MTPstring())); } const auto history = this->history(PeerData::kServiceNotificationsId); if (!history->lastMessageKnown()) { _session->api().requestDialogEntry(history, [=] { insertCheckedServiceNotification(message, media, date); }); } else { insertCheckedServiceNotification(message, media, date); } } void Session::checkNewAuthorization() { _newAuthorizationChecks.fire({}); } rpl::producer<> Session::newAuthorizationChecks() const { return _newAuthorizationChecks.events(); } void Session::insertCheckedServiceNotification( const TextWithEntities &message, const MTPMessageMedia &media, TimeId date) { const auto history = this->history(PeerData::kServiceNotificationsId); if (!history->isReadyFor(ShowAtUnreadMsgId)) { history->setUnreadCount(0); history->getReadyFor(ShowAtTheEndMsgId); } const auto flags = MTPDmessage::Flag::f_entities | MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id | MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_clientside_unread | MTPDmessage::Flag::f_media; auto sending = TextWithEntities(), left = message; while (TextUtilities::CutPart(sending, left, MaxMessageSize)) { addNewMessage( MTP_message( MTP_flags(flags), MTP_int(clientMsgId()), MTP_int(peerToUser(PeerData::kServiceNotificationsId)), MTP_peerUser(MTP_int(_session->userId())), MTPMessageFwdHeader(), MTPint(), MTPint(), MTP_int(date), MTP_string(sending.text), media, MTPReplyMarkup(), TextUtilities::EntitiesToMTP(sending.entities), MTPint(), MTPint(), MTPstring(), MTPlong()), NewMessageUnread); } sendHistoryChangeNotifications(); } void Session::setMimeForwardIds(MessageIdsList &&list) { _mimeForwardIds = std::move(list); } MessageIdsList Session::takeMimeForwardIds() { return std::move(_mimeForwardIds); } void Session::setProxyPromoted(PeerData *promoted) { if (_proxyPromoted != promoted) { if (const auto history = historyLoaded(_proxyPromoted)) { history->cacheProxyPromoted(false); } const auto old = std::exchange(_proxyPromoted, promoted); if (_proxyPromoted) { const auto history = this->history(_proxyPromoted); history->cacheProxyPromoted(true); history->requestChatListMessage(); Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed( _proxyPromoted, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::ChannelPromotedChanged); } if (old) { Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed( old, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::ChannelPromotedChanged); } } } PeerData *Session::proxyPromoted() const { return _proxyPromoted; } bool Session::updateWallpapers(const MTPaccount_WallPapers &data) { return data.match([&](const MTPDaccount_wallPapers &data) { setWallpapers(data.vwallpapers.v, data.vhash.v); return true; }, [&](const MTPDaccount_wallPapersNotModified &) { return false; }); } void Session::setWallpapers(const QVector &data, int32 hash) { _wallpapersHash = hash; _wallpapers.clear(); _wallpapers.reserve(data.size() + 2); _wallpapers.push_back(Data::Legacy1DefaultWallPaper()); _wallpapers.back().setLocalImageAsThumbnail(std::make_shared( std::make_unique( qsl(":/gui/art/bg_initial.jpg"), QByteArray(), "JPG"))); for (const auto &paper : data) { paper.match([&](const MTPDwallPaper &paper) { if (const auto parsed = Data::WallPaper::Create(paper)) { _wallpapers.push_back(*parsed); } }); } const auto defaultFound = ranges::find_if( _wallpapers, Data::IsDefaultWallPaper); if (defaultFound == end(_wallpapers)) { _wallpapers.push_back(Data::DefaultWallPaper()); _wallpapers.back().setLocalImageAsThumbnail(std::make_shared( std::make_unique( qsl(":/gui/arg/bg.jpg"), QByteArray(), "JPG"))); } } void Session::removeWallpaper(const WallPaper &paper) { const auto i = ranges::find(_wallpapers, paper.id(), &WallPaper::id); if (i != end(_wallpapers)) { _wallpapers.erase(i); } } const std::vector &Session::wallpapers() const { return _wallpapers; } int32 Session::wallpapersHash() const { return _wallpapersHash; } void Session::clearLocalStorage() { clear(); _cache->close(); _cache->clear(); } } // namespace Data