/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" namespace style { namespace internal { namespace { using ModulesList = QList; NeverFreedPointer styleModules; void startModules() { if (!styleModules) return; for_const (auto module, *styleModules) { module->start(); } } void stopModules() { if (!styleModules) return; for_const (auto module, *styleModules) { module->stop(); } } } // namespace void registerModule(ModuleBase *module) { styleModules.createIfNull(); styleModules->push_back(module); } void unregisterModule(ModuleBase *module) { styleModules->removeOne(module); if (styleModules->isEmpty()) { styleModules.clear(); } } } // namespace internal void startManager() { if (cRetina()) { cSetRealScale(dbisOne); } internal::registerFontFamily(qsl("Open Sans")); internal::startModules(); } void stopManager() { internal::stopModules(); internal::destroyFonts(); internal::destroyIcons(); } void colorizeImage(const QImage &src, QColor c, QImage *outResult, QRect srcRect, QPoint dstPoint) { if (srcRect.isNull()) { srcRect = src.rect(); } else { t_assert(src.rect().contains(srcRect)); } auto width = srcRect.width(); auto height = srcRect.height(); t_assert(outResult && outResult->rect().contains(QRect(dstPoint, srcRect.size()))); auto pattern = anim::shifted(c); auto resultBytesPerPixel = (src.depth() >> 3); constexpr auto resultIntsPerPixel = 1; auto resultIntsPerLine = (outResult->bytesPerLine() >> 2); auto resultIntsAdded = resultIntsPerLine - width * resultIntsPerPixel; auto resultInts = reinterpret_cast(outResult->bits()) + dstPoint.y() * resultIntsPerLine + dstPoint.x() * resultIntsPerPixel; t_assert(resultIntsAdded >= 0); t_assert(outResult->depth() == static_cast((resultIntsPerPixel * sizeof(uint32)) << 3)); t_assert(outResult->bytesPerLine() == (resultIntsPerLine << 2)); auto maskBytesPerPixel = (src.depth() >> 3); auto maskBytesPerLine = src.bytesPerLine(); auto maskBytesAdded = maskBytesPerLine - width * maskBytesPerPixel; auto maskBytes = src.constBits() + srcRect.y() * maskBytesPerLine + srcRect.x() * maskBytesPerPixel; t_assert(maskBytesAdded >= 0); t_assert(src.depth() == (maskBytesPerPixel << 3)); for (int y = 0; y != height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x != width; ++x) { auto maskOpacity = static_cast(*maskBytes) + 1; *resultInts = anim::unshifted(pattern * maskOpacity); maskBytes += maskBytesPerPixel; resultInts += resultIntsPerPixel; } maskBytes += maskBytesAdded; resultInts += resultIntsAdded; } outResult->setDevicePixelRatio(src.devicePixelRatio()); } QBrush transparentPlaceholderBrush() { auto size = st::transparentPlaceholderSize * cIntRetinaFactor(); auto transparent = QImage(2 * size, 2 * size, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); transparent.fill(st::mediaviewTransparentBg->c); { Painter p(&transparent); p.fillRect(rtlrect(0, size, size, size, 2 * size), st::mediaviewTransparentFg); p.fillRect(rtlrect(size, 0, size, size, 2 * size), st::mediaviewTransparentFg); } transparent.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); return QBrush(transparent); } namespace internal { QImage createCircleMask(int size, QColor bg, QColor fg) { int realSize = size * cIntRetinaFactor(); #ifndef OS_MAC_OLD auto result = QImage(realSize, realSize, QImage::Format::Format_Grayscale8); #else // OS_MAC_OLD auto result = QImage(realSize, realSize, QImage::Format::Format_RGB32); #endif // OS_MAC_OLD { Painter p(&result); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.fillRect(0, 0, realSize, realSize, bg); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(fg); p.drawEllipse(0, 0, realSize, realSize); } result.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); return result; } } // namespace internal } // namespace style