/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "ui/effects/round_checkbox.h" namespace Ui { namespace { static constexpr int kWideScale = 3; void prepareCheckCaches(const style::RoundCheckbox *st, bool displayInactive, QPixmap &checkBgCache, QPixmap &checkFullCache) { auto size = st->size; auto wideSize = size * kWideScale; auto cache = QImage(wideSize * cIntRetinaFactor(), wideSize * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); cache.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); cache.fill(Qt::transparent); { Painter p(&cache); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); if (displayInactive) { p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); } else { auto pen = st->border->p; pen.setWidth(st->width); p.setPen(pen); } p.setBrush(st->bgActive); auto ellipse = QRect((wideSize - size) / 2, (wideSize - size) / 2, size, size); p.drawEllipse(ellipse); } auto cacheIcon = cache; { Painter p(&cacheIcon); auto ellipse = QRect((wideSize - size) / 2, (wideSize - size) / 2, size, size); st->check.paint(p, ellipse.topLeft(), wideSize); } checkBgCache = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(cache)); checkFullCache = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(cacheIcon)); } } // namespace RoundCheckbox::RoundCheckbox(const style::RoundCheckbox &st, base::lambda updateCallback) : _st(st) , _updateCallback(updateCallback) { } QRect RoundCheckbox::cacheDestRect(int x, int y, float64 scale) const { auto iconSizeFull = kWideScale * _st.size; auto iconSize = qRound(iconSizeFull * scale); if (iconSize % 2 != iconSizeFull % 2) { ++iconSize; } auto iconShift = (iconSizeFull - iconSize) / 2; auto iconLeft = x - (kWideScale - 1) * _st.size / 2 + iconShift; auto iconTop = y - (kWideScale - 1) * _st.size / 2 + iconShift; return QRect(iconLeft, iconTop, iconSize, iconSize); } void RoundCheckbox::paint(Painter &p, TimeMs ms, int x, int y, int outerWidth, float64 masterScale) { for (auto &icon : _icons) { icon.fadeIn.step(ms); icon.fadeOut.step(ms); } removeFadeOutedIcons(); auto cacheSize = kWideScale * _st.size * cIntRetinaFactor(); auto cacheFrom = QRect(0, 0, cacheSize, cacheSize); auto displayInactive = !_inactiveCacheBg.isNull(); auto inactiveTo = cacheDestRect(x, y, masterScale); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); if (!_inactiveCacheBg.isNull()) { p.drawPixmap(inactiveTo, _inactiveCacheBg, cacheFrom); } for (auto &icon : _icons) { auto fadeIn = icon.fadeIn.current(1.); auto fadeOut = icon.fadeOut.current(1.); auto to = cacheDestRect(x, y, (1. - (1. - _st.sizeSmall) * (1. - fadeOut)) * masterScale); p.setOpacity(fadeIn * fadeOut); if (fadeOut < 1.) { p.drawPixmapLeft(to, outerWidth, icon.wideCheckCache, cacheFrom); } else if (fadeIn == 1.) { p.drawPixmapLeft(to, outerWidth, _wideCheckFullCache, cacheFrom); } else { auto realDivider = ((kWideScale - 1) * _st.size / 2 + qMax(fadeIn - 0.5, 0.) * 2. * _st.size); auto divider = qRound(realDivider * masterScale); auto cacheDivider = qRound(realDivider) * cIntRetinaFactor(); p.drawPixmapLeft(QRect(to.x(), to.y(), divider, to.height()), outerWidth, _wideCheckFullCache, QRect(0, 0, cacheDivider, cacheFrom.height())); p.drawPixmapLeft(QRect(to.x() + divider, to.y(), to.width() - divider, to.height()), outerWidth, _wideCheckBgCache, QRect(cacheDivider, 0, cacheFrom.width() - cacheDivider, _wideCheckBgCache.height())); } } p.setOpacity(1.); if (!_inactiveCacheFg.isNull()) { p.drawPixmap(inactiveTo, _inactiveCacheFg, cacheFrom); } } void RoundCheckbox::setChecked(bool newChecked, SetStyle speed) { if (_checked == newChecked) { if (speed != SetStyle::Animated && !_icons.empty()) { _icons.back().fadeIn.finish(); _icons.back().fadeOut.finish(); } return; } _checked = newChecked; if (_checked) { if (_wideCheckBgCache.isNull()) { prepareCheckCaches(&_st, _displayInactive, _wideCheckBgCache, _wideCheckFullCache); } _icons.push_back(Icon()); _icons.back().fadeIn.start(_updateCallback, 0, 1, _st.duration); if (speed != SetStyle::Animated) { _icons.back().fadeIn.finish(); } } else { if (speed == SetStyle::Animated) { prepareWideCheckIconCache(&_icons.back()); } _icons.back().fadeOut.start(_updateCallback, 1, 0, _st.duration); if (speed != SetStyle::Animated) { _icons.back().fadeOut.finish(); } } } void RoundCheckbox::invalidateCache() { if (!_wideCheckBgCache.isNull() || !_wideCheckFullCache.isNull()) { prepareCheckCaches(&_st, _displayInactive, _wideCheckBgCache, _wideCheckFullCache); } if (!_inactiveCacheBg.isNull() || !_inactiveCacheFg.isNull()) { prepareInactiveCache(); } } void RoundCheckbox::setDisplayInactive(bool displayInactive) { if (_displayInactive != displayInactive) { _displayInactive = displayInactive; if (_displayInactive) { prepareInactiveCache(); } else { _inactiveCacheBg = _inactiveCacheFg = QPixmap(); } if (!_wideCheckBgCache.isNull()) { prepareCheckCaches(&_st, _displayInactive, _wideCheckBgCache, _wideCheckFullCache); } for (auto &icon : _icons) { if (!icon.wideCheckCache.isNull()) { prepareWideCheckIconCache(&icon); } } } } void RoundCheckbox::removeFadeOutedIcons() { while (!_icons.empty() && !_icons.front().fadeIn.animating() && !_icons.front().fadeOut.animating()) { if (_icons.size() > 1 || !_checked) { _icons.erase(_icons.begin()); } else { break; } } } void RoundCheckbox::prepareWideCheckIconCache(Icon *icon) { auto cacheWidth = _wideCheckBgCache.width() / _wideCheckBgCache.devicePixelRatio(); auto cacheHeight = _wideCheckBgCache.height() / _wideCheckBgCache.devicePixelRatio(); auto wideCache = QImage(cacheWidth * cIntRetinaFactor(), cacheHeight * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); wideCache.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); { Painter p(&wideCache); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); auto iconSize = kWideScale * _st.size; auto realDivider = ((kWideScale - 1) * _st.size / 2 + qMax(icon->fadeIn.current(1.) - 0.5, 0.) * 2. * _st.size); auto divider = qRound(realDivider); auto cacheDivider = qRound(realDivider) * cIntRetinaFactor(); p.drawPixmapLeft(QRect(0, 0, divider, iconSize), cacheWidth, _wideCheckFullCache, QRect(0, 0, divider * cIntRetinaFactor(), _wideCheckFullCache.height())); p.drawPixmapLeft(QRect(divider, 0, iconSize - divider, iconSize), cacheWidth, _wideCheckBgCache, QRect(cacheDivider, 0, _wideCheckBgCache.width() - cacheDivider, _wideCheckBgCache.height())); } icon->wideCheckCache = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(wideCache)); icon->wideCheckCache.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); } void RoundCheckbox::prepareInactiveCache() { auto wideSize = _st.size * kWideScale; auto ellipse = QRect((wideSize - _st.size) / 2, (wideSize - _st.size) / 2, _st.size, _st.size); auto cacheBg = QImage(wideSize * cIntRetinaFactor(), wideSize * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); cacheBg.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); cacheBg.fill(Qt::transparent); auto cacheFg = cacheBg; if (_st.bgInactive) { Painter p(&cacheBg); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(_st.bgInactive); p.drawEllipse(ellipse); } _inactiveCacheBg = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(cacheBg)); { Painter p(&cacheFg); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); auto pen = _st.border->p; pen.setWidth(_st.width); p.setPen(pen); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); p.drawEllipse(ellipse); } _inactiveCacheFg = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(cacheFg)); } RoundImageCheckbox::RoundImageCheckbox(const style::RoundImageCheckbox &st, base::lambda updateCallback, PaintRoundImage &&paintRoundImage) : _st(st) , _updateCallback(updateCallback) , _paintRoundImage(std::move(paintRoundImage)) , _check(_st.check, _updateCallback) { } void RoundImageCheckbox::paint(Painter &p, TimeMs ms, int x, int y, int outerWidth) { _selection.step(ms); auto selectionLevel = _selection.current(checked() ? 1. : 0.); if (_selection.animating()) { auto userpicRadius = qRound(kWideScale * (_st.imageRadius + (_st.imageSmallRadius - _st.imageRadius) * selectionLevel)); auto userpicShift = kWideScale * _st.imageRadius - userpicRadius; auto userpicLeft = x - (kWideScale - 1) * _st.imageRadius + userpicShift; auto userpicTop = y - (kWideScale - 1) * _st.imageRadius + userpicShift; auto to = QRect(userpicLeft, userpicTop, userpicRadius * 2, userpicRadius * 2); auto from = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), _wideCache.size()); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.drawPixmapLeft(to, outerWidth, _wideCache, from); } else { if (!_wideCache.isNull()) { _wideCache = QPixmap(); } auto userpicRadius = checked() ? _st.imageSmallRadius : _st.imageRadius; auto userpicShift = _st.imageRadius - userpicRadius; auto userpicLeft = x + userpicShift; auto userpicTop = y + userpicShift; _paintRoundImage(p, userpicLeft, userpicTop, outerWidth, userpicRadius * 2); } if (selectionLevel > 0) { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setOpacity(snap(selectionLevel, 0., 1.)); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); auto pen = _st.selectFg->p; pen.setWidth(_st.selectWidth); p.setPen(pen); p.drawEllipse(rtlrect(x, y, _st.imageRadius * 2, _st.imageRadius * 2, outerWidth)); p.setOpacity(1.); } auto iconLeft = x + 2 * _st.imageRadius + _st.selectWidth - _st.check.size; auto iconTop = y + 2 * _st.imageRadius + _st.selectWidth - _st.check.size; _check.paint(p, ms, iconLeft, iconTop, outerWidth); } float64 RoundImageCheckbox::checkedAnimationRatio() const { return snap(_selection.current(checked() ? 1. : 0.), 0., 1.); } void RoundImageCheckbox::setChecked(bool newChecked, SetStyle speed) { auto changed = (checked() != newChecked); _check.setChecked(newChecked, speed); if (!changed) { if (speed != SetStyle::Animated) { _selection.finish(); } return; } if (speed == SetStyle::Animated) { prepareWideCache(); _selection.start(_updateCallback, checked() ? 0 : 1, checked() ? 1 : 0, _st.selectDuration, anim::bumpy(1.25)); } else { _selection.finish(); } } void RoundImageCheckbox::prepareWideCache() { if (_wideCache.isNull()) { auto size = _st.imageRadius * 2; auto wideSize = size * kWideScale; QImage cache(wideSize * cIntRetinaFactor(), wideSize * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); cache.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); { Painter p(&cache); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.fillRect(0, 0, wideSize, wideSize, Qt::transparent); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver); _paintRoundImage(p, (wideSize - size) / 2, (wideSize - size) / 2, wideSize, size); } _wideCache = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(cache)); } } } // namespace Ui