/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, an unofficial desktop messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://tdesktop.com */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "lang.h" #include "addparticipantbox.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "window.h" AddParticipantInner::AddParticipantInner(ChatData *chat) : _chat(chat), _contacts(&App::main()->contactsList()), _sel(0), _filteredSel(-1), _mouseSel(false), _selCount(0) { _filter = qsl("a"); updateFilter(); for (DialogRow *r = _contacts->list.begin; r != _contacts->list.end; r = r->next) { r->attached = 0; } connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(dialogRowReplaced(DialogRow *, DialogRow *)), this, SLOT(onDialogRowReplaced(DialogRow *, DialogRow *))); connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(peerUpdated(PeerData*)), this, SLOT(peerUpdated(PeerData *))); connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(peerNameChanged(PeerData *, const PeerData::Names &, const PeerData::NameFirstChars &)), this, SLOT(peerUpdated(PeerData *))); connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(peerPhotoChanged(PeerData *)), this, SLOT(peerUpdated(PeerData *))); } void AddParticipantInner::peerUpdated(PeerData *peer) { if (!peer || peer == _chat) { if (_chat->forbidden) { App::wnd()->hideLayer(); } else if (!_chat->participants.isEmpty() || _chat->count <= 0) { for (ContactsData::iterator i = _contactsData.begin(), e = _contactsData.end(); i != e; ++i ) { delete i.value(); } _contactsData.clear(); for (DialogRow *row = _contacts->list.begin; row->next; row = row->next) { row->attached = 0; } if (!_filter.isEmpty()) { for (int32 j = 0, s = _filtered.size(); j < s; ++j) { _filtered[j]->attached = 0; } } } } else if (!peer->chat) { ContactsData::iterator i = _contactsData.find(peer->asUser()); if (i != _contactsData.cend()) { for (DialogRow *row = _contacts->list.begin; row->next; row = row->next) { if (row->attached == i.value()) row->attached = 0; } if (!_filter.isEmpty()) { for (int32 j = 0, s = _filtered.size(); j < s; ++j) { if (_filtered[j]->attached == i.value()) _filtered[j]->attached = 0; } } delete i.value(); _contactsData.erase(i); } } parentWidget()->update(); } void AddParticipantInner::loadProfilePhotos(int32 yFrom) { int32 yTo = yFrom + (parentWidget() ? parentWidget()->height() : App::wnd()->height()) * 5; MTP::clearLoaderPriorities(); if (yTo < 0) return; if (yFrom < 0) yFrom = 0; int32 rh = st::profileListPhotoSize + st::profileListPadding.height() * 2; if (_filter.isEmpty()) { if (_contacts->list.count) { _contacts->list.adjustCurrent(yFrom, rh); for ( DialogRow *preloadFrom = _contacts->list.current; preloadFrom != _contacts->list.end && preloadFrom->pos * rh < yTo; preloadFrom = preloadFrom->next ) { preloadFrom->history->peer->photo->load(); } } } else if (!_filtered.isEmpty()) { int32 from = yFrom / rh; if (from < 0) from = 0; if (from < _filtered.size()) { int32 to = (yTo / rh) + 1; if (to > _filtered.size()) to = _filtered.size(); for (; from < to; ++from) { _filtered[from]->history->peer->photo->load(); } } } } AddParticipantInner::ContactData *AddParticipantInner::contactData(DialogRow *row) { ContactData *data = (ContactData*)row->attached; if (!data) { UserData *user = row->history->peer->asUser(); ContactsData::const_iterator i = _contactsData.constFind(user); if (i == _contactsData.cend()) { _contactsData.insert(user, data = new ContactData()); data->inchat = _chat->participants.constFind(user) != _chat->participants.cend(); data->check = false; data->name.setText(st::profileListNameFont, user->name, _textNameOptions); data->online = App::onlineText(user->onlineTill, _time); } else { data = i.value(); } row->attached = data; } return data; } void AddParticipantInner::paintDialog(QPainter &p, DialogRow *row, bool sel) { int32 left = st::profileListPadding.width(); UserData *user = row->history->peer->asUser(); ContactData *data = contactData(row); if (data->inchat || data->check || _selCount + _chat->count >= cMaxGroupCount()) { sel = false; } if (sel || data->inchat || data->check) { p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), 2 * st::profileListPadding.height() + st::profileListPhotoSize, ((data->inchat || data->check) ? st::profileActiveBG : st::profileHoverBG)->b); } p.drawPixmap(left, st::profileListPadding.height(), user->photo->pix(st::profileListPhotoSize)); if (data->inchat || data->check) { p.setPen(st::white->p); } else { p.setPen(st::profileListNameColor->p); } data->name.drawElided(p, left + st::profileListPhotoSize + st::profileListPadding.width(), st::profileListNameTop, width() - st::participantDelta - st::profileListPadding.width() * 2 - st::profileListPhotoSize - st::profileListPadding.width() * 2); if (sel || data->check) { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(width() - st::profileCheckRect.pxWidth() - st::profileCheckDeltaX, st::profileListPadding.height() + (st::profileListPhotoSize - st::profileCheckRect.pxHeight()) / 2 - st::profileCheckDeltaY), App::sprite(), (data->check ? st::profileCheckActiveRect : st::profileCheckRect)); } p.setFont(st::profileSubFont->f); if (data->inchat || data->check) { p.setPen(st::white->p); } else { p.setPen((user->onlineTill >= _time ? st::profileOnlineColor : st::profileOfflineColor)->p); } p.drawText(left + st::profileListPhotoSize + st::profileListPadding.width(), st::profileListPadding.height() + st::profileListPhotoSize - st::profileListStatusBottom, data->online); } void AddParticipantInner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QRect r(e->rect()); QPainter p(this); _time = unixtime(); p.fillRect(r, st::white->b); int32 yFrom = r.top(); int32 rh = st::profileListPhotoSize + st::profileListPadding.height() * 2; if (_filter.isEmpty()) { if (_contacts->list.count) { _contacts->list.adjustCurrent(yFrom, rh); DialogRow *drawFrom = _contacts->list.current; p.translate(0, drawFrom->pos * rh); while (drawFrom != _contacts->list.end && drawFrom->pos * rh < r.bottom()) { paintDialog(p, drawFrom, (drawFrom == _sel)); p.translate(0, rh); drawFrom = drawFrom->next; } } else { // .. } } else { if (_filtered.isEmpty()) { // .. } else { int32 from = yFrom / rh; if (from < 0) from = 0; if (from < _filtered.size()) { int32 to = (r.bottom() / rh) + 1; if (to > _filtered.size()) to = _filtered.size(); p.translate(0, from * rh); for (; from < to; ++from) { paintDialog(p, _filtered[from], (_filteredSel == from)); p.translate(0, rh); } } } } } void AddParticipantInner::enterEvent(QEvent *e) { setMouseTracking(true); } void AddParticipantInner::leaveEvent(QEvent *e) { setMouseTracking(false); updateSel(); } void AddParticipantInner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _mouseSel = true; _lastMousePos = e->globalPos(); updateSel(); } void AddParticipantInner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _mouseSel = true; _lastMousePos = e->globalPos(); updateSel(); if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { chooseParticipant(); } } void AddParticipantInner::chooseParticipant() { int32 rh = st::profileListPhotoSize + st::profileListPadding.height() * 2, from; if (_filter.isEmpty()) { if (!_sel || contactData(_sel)->inchat) return; changeCheckState(_sel); } else { if (_filteredSel < 0 || _filteredSel >= _filtered.size() || contactData(_filtered[_filteredSel])->inchat) return; DialogRow *row = _filtered[_filteredSel]; changeCheckState(row); PeerData *peer = row->history->peer; updateFilter(); for (_sel = _contacts->list.begin; _sel != _contacts->list.end; _sel = _sel->next) { if (_sel->history->peer == peer) { break; } } if (_sel == _contacts->list.end) { _sel = 0; } else { emit mustScrollTo(_sel->pos * rh, (_sel->pos + 1) * rh); } } parentWidget()->update(); } void AddParticipantInner::changeCheckState(DialogRow *row) { if (contactData(row)->check) { contactData(row)->check = false; --_selCount; } else if (_selCount + _chat->count < cMaxGroupCount()) { contactData(row)->check = true; ++_selCount; } } ChatData *AddParticipantInner::chat() { return _chat; } QVector AddParticipantInner::selected() { QVector result; result.reserve(_contactsData.size()); for (ContactsData::const_iterator i = _contactsData.cbegin(), e = _contactsData.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i.value()->check) { result.push_back(i.key()); } } return result; } void AddParticipantInner::updateSel() { if (!_mouseSel) return; QPoint p(mapFromGlobal(_lastMousePos)); int32 rh = st::profileListPhotoSize + st::profileListPadding.height() * 2; if (_filter.isEmpty()) { DialogRow *newSel = rect().contains(p) ? _contacts->list.rowAtY(p.y(), rh) : 0; if (newSel != _sel) { _sel = newSel; parentWidget()->update(); } } else { int32 newFilteredSel = (p.y() >= 0 && rect().contains(p)) ? (p.y() / rh) : -1; if (newFilteredSel != _filteredSel) { _filteredSel = newFilteredSel; parentWidget()->update(); } } } void AddParticipantInner::updateFilter(QString filter) { QStringList f; if (!filter.isEmpty()) { QStringList filterList = filter.split(cWordSplit(), QString::SkipEmptyParts); int l = filterList.size(); f.reserve(l); for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) { QString filterName = filterList[i].trimmed(); if (filterName.isEmpty()) continue; f.push_back(filterName); } filter = f.join(' '); } if (_filter != filter) { int32 rh = (st::profileListPhotoSize + st::profileListPadding.height() * 2); _filter = filter; if (_filter.isEmpty()) { resize(width(), _contacts->list.count * rh); if (_contacts->list.count) { _sel = _contacts->list.begin; while (_sel->next->next &&& contactData(_sel)->inchat) { _sel = _sel->next; } } } else { QStringList::const_iterator fb = f.cbegin(), fe = f.cend(), fi; _filtered.clear(); if (!f.isEmpty()) { DialogsList *dialogsToFilter = 0; if (_contacts->list.count) { for (fi = fb; fi != fe; ++fi) { DialogsIndexed::DialogsIndex::iterator i = _contacts->index.find(fi->at(0)); if (i == _contacts->index.cend()) { dialogsToFilter = 0; break; } if (!dialogsToFilter || dialogsToFilter->count > i.value()->count) { dialogsToFilter = i.value(); } } } if (dialogsToFilter && dialogsToFilter->count) { _filtered.reserve(dialogsToFilter->count); for (DialogRow *i = dialogsToFilter->begin, *e = dialogsToFilter->end; i != e; i = i->next) { const PeerData::Names &names(i->history->peer->names); PeerData::Names::const_iterator nb = names.cbegin(), ne = names.cend(), ni; for (fi = fb; fi != fe; ++fi) { QString filterName(*fi); for (ni = nb; ni != ne; ++ni) { if ((*ni).indexOf(*fi) == 0) { break; } } if (ni == ne) { break; } } if (fi == fe) { i->attached = 0; _filtered.push_back(i); } } } } _filteredSel = _filtered.isEmpty() ? -1 : 0; while (_filteredSel < _filtered.size() - 1 && contactData(_filtered[_filteredSel])->inchat) { ++_filteredSel; } resize(width(), _filtered.size() * rh); } if (parentWidget()) parentWidget()->update(); loadProfilePhotos(0); } } void AddParticipantInner::onDialogRowReplaced(DialogRow *oldRow, DialogRow *newRow) { if (!_filter.isEmpty()) { for (FilteredDialogs::iterator i = _filtered.begin(), e = _filtered.end(); i != e;) { if (*i == oldRow) { // this row is shown in filtered and maybe is in contacts! if (newRow) { *i = newRow; ++i; } else { i = _filtered.erase(i); } } else { ++i; } } if (_filteredSel >= _filtered.size()) { _filteredSel = -1; } } else { if (_sel == oldRow) { _sel = newRow; } } _mouseSel = false; int32 rh = (st::profileListPhotoSize + st::profileListPadding.height() * 2); int32 newh = (_filter.isEmpty() ? _contacts->list.count : _filtered.size()) * rh; resize(width(), newh); } AddParticipantInner::~AddParticipantInner() { for (ContactsData::iterator i = _contactsData.begin(), e = _contactsData.end(); i != e; ++i) { delete *i; } } void AddParticipantInner::selectSkip(int32 dir) { _mouseSel = false; int32 rh = st::profileListPhotoSize + st::profileListPadding.height() * 2, origDir = dir; if (_filter.isEmpty()) { if (_sel) { if (dir > 0) { while (dir && _sel->next->next) { _sel = _sel->next; --dir; } while (contactData(_sel)->inchat && _sel->next->next) { _sel = _sel->next; } if (contactData(_sel)->inchat) { while (contactData(_sel)->inchat && _sel->prev) { _sel = _sel->prev; } } } else { while (dir && _sel->prev) { _sel = _sel->prev; ++dir; } while (contactData(_sel)->inchat && _sel->prev) { _sel = _sel->prev; } if (contactData(_sel)->inchat) { while (contactData(_sel)->inchat && _sel->next->next) { _sel = _sel->next; } } } } else if (dir > 0 && _contacts->list.count) { _sel = _contacts->list.begin; while (contactData(_sel)->inchat && _sel->next->next) { _sel = _sel->next; } } if (_sel) { if (contactData(_sel)->inchat) { _sel = 0; } else { emit mustScrollTo(_sel->pos * rh, (_sel->pos + 1) * rh); } } } else { if (dir > 0) { if (_filteredSel < 0 && dir > 1) { _filteredSel = 0; } _filteredSel += dir; while (_filteredSel < _filtered.size() - 1 && contactData(_filtered[_filteredSel])->inchat) { ++_filteredSel; } if (_filteredSel >= _filtered.size()) { _filteredSel = _filtered.size() - 1; } while (_filteredSel > 0 && contactData(_filtered[_filteredSel])->inchat) { --_filteredSel; } } else if (_filteredSel > 0) { _filteredSel += dir; if (_filteredSel < 0) { _filteredSel = 0; } if (_filteredSel < _filtered.size() - 1) { while (_filteredSel > 0 && contactData(_filtered[_filteredSel])->inchat) { --_filteredSel; } } while (_filteredSel < _filtered.size() - 1 && contactData(_filtered[_filteredSel])->inchat) { ++_filteredSel; } } if (_filteredSel >= 0) { if (contactData(_filtered[_filteredSel])->inchat) { _filteredSel = -1; } else { emit mustScrollTo(_filteredSel * rh, (_filteredSel + 1) * rh); } } } parentWidget()->update(); } void AddParticipantInner::selectSkipPage(int32 h, int32 dir) { int32 rh = st::profileListPhotoSize + st::profileListPadding.height() * 2; int32 points = h / rh; if (!points) return; selectSkip(points * dir); } AddParticipantBox::AddParticipantBox(ChatData *chat) : _scroll(this, st::newGroupScroll), _inner(chat), _filter(this, st::contactsFilter, lang(lng_participant_filter)), _invite(this, lang(lng_participant_invite), st::btnSelectDone), _cancel(this, lang(lng_cancel), st::btnSelectCancel), _hiding(false), a_opacity(0, 1), af_opacity(anim::linear) { _width = st::participantWidth; _height = App::wnd()->height() - st::boxPadding.top() - st::boxPadding.bottom(); if (_height > st::participantMaxHeight) _height = st::participantMaxHeight; resize(_width, _height); _scroll.setWidget(&_inner); _scroll.setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); connect(&_invite, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onInvite())); connect(&_cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(closed())); connect(&_scroll, SIGNAL(scrolled()), &_inner, SLOT(updateSel())); connect(&_scroll, SIGNAL(scrolled()), this, SLOT(onScroll())); connect(&_filter, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(onFilterUpdate())); connect(&_filter, SIGNAL(cancelled()), this, SIGNAL(onClose())); connect(&_inner, SIGNAL(mustScrollTo(int,int)), &_scroll, SLOT(scrollToY(int,int))); showAll(); _cache = myGrab(this, rect()); hideAll(); } void AddParticipantBox::hideAll() { _filter.hide(); _scroll.hide(); _cancel.hide(); _invite.hide(); } void AddParticipantBox::showAll() { _filter.show(); _scroll.show(); _cancel.show(); _invite.show(); } void AddParticipantBox::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { onClose(); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Return || e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter) { _inner.chooseParticipant(); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Down) { _inner.selectSkip(1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Up) { _inner.selectSkip(-1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown) { _inner.selectSkipPage(_scroll.height(), 1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp) { _inner.selectSkipPage(_scroll.height(), -1); } else { e->ignore(); } } void AddParticipantBox::parentResized() { QSize s = parentWidget()->size(); _height = App::wnd()->height() - st::boxPadding.top() - st::boxPadding.bottom(); if (_height > st::participantMaxHeight) _height = st::participantMaxHeight; setGeometry((s.width() - _width) / 2, (s.height() - _height) / 2, _width, _height); update(); } void AddParticipantBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QPainter p(this); if (_cache.isNull()) { if (!_hiding || a_opacity.current() > 0.01) { // fill bg p.fillRect(QRect(QPoint(0, 0), size()), st::boxBG->b); // paint shadows p.fillRect(0, st::participantFilter.height, _width, st::scrollDef.topsh, st::scrollDef.shColor->b); // paint button sep p.fillRect(st::btnSelectCancel.width, size().height() - st::btnSelectCancel.height, st::lineWidth, st::btnSelectCancel.height, st::btnSelectSep->b); // draw box title / text p.setPen(st::black->p); p.setFont(st::addContactTitleFont->f); p.drawText(st::addContactTitlePos.x(), st::addContactTitlePos.y() + st::addContactTitleFont->ascent, lang(lng_profile_add_participant)); } } else { p.setOpacity(a_opacity.current()); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, _cache); } } void AddParticipantBox::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { LayeredWidget::resizeEvent(e); _filter.move(st::newGroupNamePadding.left(), st::contactsAdd.height + st::newGroupNamePadding.top()); _inner.resize(_width, _inner.height()); _scroll.resize(_width, _height - st::contactsAdd.height - st::newGroupNamePadding.top() - _filter.height() - st::newGroupNamePadding.bottom() - _cancel.height()); _scroll.move(0, _filter.y() + _filter.height() + st::newGroupNamePadding.bottom()); _invite.move(width() - _invite.width(), _height - _invite.height()); _cancel.move(0, _height - _cancel.height()); } void AddParticipantBox::animStep(float64 dt) { if (dt >= 1) { a_opacity.finish(); _cache = QPixmap(); if (!_hiding) { showAll(); _filter.setFocus(); } } else { a_opacity.update(dt, af_opacity); } update(); } void AddParticipantBox::startHide() { _hiding = true; if (_cache.isNull()) { _cache = myGrab(this, rect()); hideAll(); } a_opacity.start(0); } void AddParticipantBox::onFilterUpdate() { _scroll.scrollToY(0); _inner.updateFilter(_filter.text()); } void AddParticipantBox::onClose() { emit closed(); } void AddParticipantBox::onInvite() { QVector users(_inner.selected()); if (users.isEmpty()) { _filter.setFocus(); return; } App::main()->addParticipants(_inner.chat(), users); } void AddParticipantBox::onScroll() { _inner.loadProfilePhotos(_scroll.scrollTop()); } AddParticipantBox::~AddParticipantBox() { }