/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, an unofficial desktop messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://tdesktop.com */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "lang.h" #include "window.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "profilewidget.h" #include "boxes/addcontactbox.h" #include "boxes/confirmbox.h" #include "boxes/photocropbox.h" #include "application.h" #include "boxes/addparticipantbox.h" #include "gui/filedialog.h" ProfileInner::ProfileInner(ProfileWidget *profile, ScrollArea *scroll, const PeerData *peer) : TWidget(0), _profile(profile), _scroll(scroll), _peer(App::peer(peer->id)), _peerUser(_peer->chat ? 0 : _peer->asUser()), _peerChat(_peer->chat ? _peer->asChat() : 0), _chatAdmin(_peerChat ? (_peerChat->admin == MTP::authedId()) : false), // profile _nameCache(peer->name), _uploadPhoto(this, lang(lng_profile_set_group_photo), st::btnShareContact), _addParticipant(this, lang(lng_profile_add_participant), st::btnShareContact), _sendMessage(this, lang(lng_profile_send_message), st::btnShareContact), _shareContact(this, lang(lng_profile_share_contact), st::btnShareContact), _cancelPhoto(this, lang(lng_cancel)), a_photo(0), _photoOver(false), // settings _enableNotifications(this, lang(lng_profile_enable_notifications)), _clearHistory(this, lang(lng_profile_clear_history)), // participants _pHeight(st::profileListPhotoSize + st::profileListPadding.height() * 2), _kickWidth(st::linkFont->m.width(lang(lng_profile_kick))), _selectedRow(-1), _lastPreload(0), _contactId(0), _kickOver(0), _kickDown(0), _kickConfirm(0), _loadingId(0) { if (_peerUser) { _phoneText = _peerUser->phone.isEmpty() ? QString() : App::formatPhone(_peerUser->phone); _loadingId = MTP::send(MTPusers_GetFullUser(_peerUser->inputUser), rpcDone(&ProfileInner::gotFullUser)); } else if (_peerChat->photoId) { PhotoData *ph = App::photo(_peerChat->photoId); if (ph->date) { _photoLink = TextLinkPtr(new PhotoLink(ph)); } } else { _loadingId = MTP::send(MTPmessages_GetFullChat(App::peerToMTP(_peerChat->id).c_peerChat().vchat_id), rpcDone(&ProfileInner::gotFullChat)); } // profile _nameText.setText(st::profileNameFont, _nameCache, _textNameOptions); connect(&_uploadPhoto, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onUpdatePhoto())); connect(&_addParticipant, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onAddParticipant())); connect(&_sendMessage, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSendMessage())); connect(&_shareContact, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onShareContact())); connect(&_cancelPhoto, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onUpdatePhotoCancel())); connect(App::app(), SIGNAL(peerPhotoDone(PeerId)), this, SLOT(onPhotoUpdateDone(PeerId))); connect(App::app(), SIGNAL(peerPhotoFail(PeerId)), this, SLOT(onPhotoUpdateFail(PeerId))); connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(peerPhotoChanged(PeerData *)), this, SLOT(peerUpdated(PeerData *))); connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(peerUpdated(PeerData *)), this, SLOT(peerUpdated(PeerData *))); connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(peerNameChanged(PeerData *, const PeerData::Names &, const PeerData::NameFirstChars &)), this, SLOT(peerUpdated(PeerData *))); // settings connect(&_enableNotifications, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onEnableNotifications())); connect(&_clearHistory, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClearHistory())); App::contextItem(0); resizeEvent(0); showAll(); } void ProfileInner::onShareContact() { App::main()->shareContactLayer(_peerUser); } void ProfileInner::onSendMessage() { App::main()->showPeer(_peer->id); } void ProfileInner::onEnableNotifications() { App::main()->updateNotifySetting(_peer, _enableNotifications.checked()); } void ProfileInner::saveError(const QString &str) { _errorText = str; resizeEvent(0); showAll(); update(); } void ProfileInner::loadProfilePhotos(int32 yFrom) { _lastPreload = yFrom; int32 yTo = yFrom + (parentWidget() ? parentWidget()->height() : App::wnd()->height()) * 5; MTP::clearLoaderPriorities(); int32 partfrom = (_enableNotifications.y() + _enableNotifications.height()) + st::profileHeaderSkip; yFrom -= partfrom; yTo -= partfrom; if (yTo < 0) return; if (yFrom < 0) yFrom = 0; yFrom /= _pHeight; yTo = yTo / _pHeight + 1; if (yFrom >= _participants.size()) return; if (yTo > _participants.size()) yTo = _participants.size(); for (int32 i = yFrom; i < yTo; ++i) { _participants[i]->photo->load(); } } void ProfileInner::onUpdatePhoto() { saveError(); QStringList imgExtensions(cImgExtensions()); QString filter(qsl("Image files (*") + imgExtensions.join(qsl(" *")) + qsl(");;All files (*.*)")); QImage img; QString file; QByteArray remoteContent; if (filedialogGetOpenFile(file, remoteContent, lang(lng_choose_images), filter)) { if (!remoteContent.isEmpty()) { img = App::readImage(remoteContent); } else { if (!file.isEmpty()) { img = App::readImage(file); } } } else { return; } if (img.isNull() || img.width() > 10 * img.height() || img.height() > 10 * img.width()) { saveError(lang(lng_bad_photo)); return; } PhotoCropBox *box = new PhotoCropBox(img, _peer->id); connect(box, SIGNAL(closed()), this, SLOT(onPhotoUpdateStart())); App::wnd()->showLayer(box); } void ProfileInner::onClearHistory() { ConfirmBox *box = new ConfirmBox(lang(lng_sure_delete_history).replace(qsl("{contact}"), _peer->name)); connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), this, SLOT(onClearHistorySure())); App::wnd()->showLayer(box); } void ProfileInner::onClearHistorySure() { App::main()->showPeer(0, 0, true); App::wnd()->hideLayer(); App::main()->clearHistory(_peer); } void ProfileInner::onAddParticipant() { AddParticipantBox *box = new AddParticipantBox(_peerChat); App::wnd()->showLayer(box); } void ProfileInner::onUpdatePhotoCancel() { App::app()->cancelPhotoUpdate(_peer->id); showAll(); update(); } void ProfileInner::onPhotoUpdateStart() { showAll(); update(); } void ProfileInner::onPhotoUpdateFail(PeerId peer) { if (_peer->id != peer) return; saveError(lang(lng_bad_photo)); showAll(); update(); } void ProfileInner::onPhotoUpdateDone(PeerId peer) { if (_peer->id != peer) return; saveError(); showAll(); update(); } void ProfileInner::gotFullUser(const MTPUserFull &user) { _loadingId = 0; const MTPDuserFull &d(user.c_userFull()); App::feedPhoto(d.vprofile_photo); App::feedUsers(MTP_vector(QVector(1, d.vuser))); PhotoData *userPhoto = _peerUser->photoId ? App::photo(_peerUser->photoId) : 0; if (userPhoto && userPhoto->date) { _photoLink = TextLinkPtr(new PhotoLink(userPhoto)); } else { _photoLink = TextLinkPtr(); } App::main()->gotNotifySetting(MTP_inputNotifyPeer(_peer->input), d.vnotify_settings); App::feedUserLink(MTP_int(_peerUser->id), d.vlink.c_contacts_link().vmy_link, d.vlink.c_contacts_link().vforeign_link); } void ProfileInner::gotFullChat(const MTPmessages_ChatFull &res) { _loadingId = 0; const MTPDmessages_chatFull &d(res.c_messages_chatFull()); PeerId peerId = App::peerFromChat(d.vfull_chat.c_chatFull().vid); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); App::feedParticipants(d.vfull_chat.c_chatFull().vparticipants); App::main()->gotNotifySetting(MTP_inputNotifyPeer(_peer->input), d.vfull_chat.c_chatFull().vnotify_settings); PhotoData *photo = App::feedPhoto(d.vfull_chat.c_chatFull().vchat_photo); if (photo) { ChatData *chat = App::peer(peerId)->asChat(); if (chat) { chat->photoId = photo->id; photo->chat = chat; } } emit App::main()->peerUpdated(_peer); } void ProfileInner::peerUpdated(PeerData *data) { if (data == _peer) { PhotoData *photo = 0; if (_peerUser) { _phoneText = _peerUser->phone.isEmpty() ? QString() : App::formatPhone(_peerUser->phone); if (_peerUser->photoId) photo = App::photo(_peerUser->photoId); } else { if (_peerChat->photoId) photo = App::photo(_peerChat->photoId); } _photoLink = (photo && photo->date) ? TextLinkPtr(new PhotoLink(photo)) : TextLinkPtr(); if (_peer->name != _nameCache) { _nameCache = _peer->name; _nameText.setText(st::profileNameFont, _nameCache, _textNameOptions); } } showAll(); update(); } void ProfileInner::updateOnlineDisplay() { reorderParticipants(); update(); } void ProfileInner::updateOnlineDisplayTimer() { int32 t = unixtime(), minIn = 86400; if (_peerChat) { if (_peerChat->participants.isEmpty()) return; for (ChatData::Participants::const_iterator i = _peerChat->participants.cbegin(), e = _peerChat->participants.cend(); i != e; ++i) { int32 onlineWillChangeIn = App::onlineWillChangeIn(i.key()->onlineTill, t); if (onlineWillChangeIn < minIn) { minIn = onlineWillChangeIn; } } } else { minIn = App::onlineWillChangeIn(_peerUser->onlineTill, t); } App::main()->updateOnlineDisplayIn(minIn * 1000); } void ProfileInner::reorderParticipants() { int32 was = _participants.size(), t = unixtime(), onlineCount = 0; if (_peerChat && !_peerChat->forbidden) { if (_peerChat->count <= 0 || !_peerChat->participants.isEmpty()) { _participants.clear(); for (ParticipantsData::iterator i = _participantsData.begin(), e = _participantsData.end(); i != e; ++i) { if (*i) { delete *i; *i = 0; } } _participants.reserve(_peerChat->participants.size()); _participantsData.resize(_peerChat->participants.size()); } UserData *self = App::self(); for (ChatData::Participants::const_iterator i = _peerChat->participants.cbegin(), e = _peerChat->participants.cend(); i != e; ++i) { UserData *user = i.key(); int32 until = user->onlineTill; Participants::iterator before = _participants.begin(); if (user != self) { if (before != _participants.end() && (*before) == self) { ++before; } while (before != _participants.end() && (*before)->onlineTill >= until) { ++before; } } _participants.insert(before, user); if (until > t) { ++onlineCount; } } if (_peerChat->count > 0 && _participants.isEmpty() && !_loadingId) { _loadingId = MTP::send(MTPmessages_GetFullChat(App::peerToMTP(_peerChat->id).c_peerChat().vchat_id), rpcDone(&ProfileInner::gotFullChat)); if (_onlineText.isEmpty()) _onlineText = lang(lng_chat_members).arg(_peerChat->count); } else if (onlineCount) { _onlineText = lang(lng_chat_members_online).arg(_participants.size()).arg(onlineCount); } else { _onlineText = lang(lng_chat_members).arg(_participants.size()); } loadProfilePhotos(_lastPreload); } else { _participants.clear(); if (_peerUser) { _onlineText = App::onlineText(_peerUser->onlineTill, t, true); } else { _onlineText = lang(lng_chat_no_members); } } if (was != _participants.size()) { resizeEvent(0); } } bool ProfileInner::event(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove) { QMouseEvent *ev = dynamic_cast(e); if (ev) { _lastPos = ev->globalPos(); updateSelected(); } } return QWidget::event(e); } void ProfileInner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QPainter p(this); QRect r(e->rect()); p.setClipRect(r); int32 top = 0, l_time = unixtime(); // profile top += st::profilePadding.top(); if (_photoLink || !_peerChat || _peerChat->forbidden) { p.drawPixmap(_left, top, _peer->photo->pix(st::profilePhotoSize)); } else { if (a_photo.current() < 1) { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(_left, top), App::sprite(), st::setPhotoImg); } if (a_photo.current() > 0) { p.setOpacity(a_photo.current()); p.drawPixmap(QPoint(_left, top), App::sprite(), st::setOverPhotoImg); p.setOpacity(1); } } p.setPen(st::black->p); _nameText.drawElided(p, _left + st::profilePhotoSize + st::profileNameLeft, top + st::profileNameTop, _width - st::profilePhotoSize - st::profileNameLeft); p.setFont(st::profileStatusFont->f); p.setPen((_peerUser && _peerUser->onlineTill >= l_time ? st::profileOnlineColor : st::profileOfflineColor)->p); p.drawText(_left + st::profilePhotoSize + st::profileStatusLeft, top + st::profileStatusTop + st::linkFont->ascent, _onlineText); if (!_cancelPhoto.isHidden()) { p.drawText(_left + st::profilePhotoSize + st::profilePhoneLeft, _cancelPhoto.y() + st::linkFont->ascent, lang(lng_settings_uploading_photo)); } if (!_errorText.isEmpty()) { p.setFont(st::setErrFont->f); p.setPen(st::setErrColor->p); p.drawText(_left + st::profilePhotoSize + st::profilePhoneLeft, top + st::profilePhoneTop + st::profilePhoneFont->ascent, _errorText); } if (!_phoneText.isEmpty()) { p.setPen(st::black->p); p.setFont(st::linkFont->f); p.drawText(_left + st::profilePhotoSize + st::profilePhoneLeft, top + st::profilePhoneTop + st::profilePhoneFont->ascent, _phoneText); } top += st::profilePhotoSize; top += st::profileButtonTop; if (_peerChat && _peerChat->forbidden) { int32 w = st::btnShareContact.font->m.width(lang(lng_chat_no_members)); p.setFont(st::btnShareContact.font->f); p.setPen(st::profileOfflineColor->p); p.drawText(_left + (_width - w) / 2, top + st::btnShareContact.textTop + st::btnShareContact.font->ascent, lang(lng_chat_no_members)); } top += _shareContact.height(); // settings p.setFont(st::profileHeaderFont->f); p.setPen(st::profileHeaderColor->p); p.drawText(_left + st::profileHeaderLeft, top + st::profileHeaderTop + st::profileHeaderFont->ascent, lang(lng_profile_settings_section)); top += st::profileHeaderSkip; top += _enableNotifications.height(); // participants if (_peerChat && (_peerChat->count > 0 || !_participants.isEmpty())) { QString sectionHeader = lang(_participants.isEmpty() ? lng_profile_loading : lng_profile_participants_section); p.setFont(st::profileHeaderFont->f); p.setPen(st::profileHeaderColor->p); p.drawText(_left + st::profileHeaderLeft, top + st::profileHeaderTop + st::profileHeaderFont->ascent, sectionHeader); top += st::profileHeaderSkip; int32 partfrom = top; if (!_participants.isEmpty()) { int32 cnt = 0, fullCnt = _participants.size(); for (Participants::const_iterator i = _participants.cbegin(), e = _participants.cend(); i != e; ++i, ++cnt) { int32 top = partfrom + cnt * _pHeight; if (top + _pHeight <= r.top()) continue; if (top > r.bottom()) break; if (_selectedRow == cnt) { p.fillRect(_left - st::profileListPadding.width(), top, _width + 2 * st::profileListPadding.width(), _pHeight, st::profileHoverBG->b); } UserData *user = *i; p.drawPixmap(_left, top + st::profileListPadding.height(), user->photo->pix(st::profileListPhotoSize)); ParticipantData *data = _participantsData[cnt]; if (!data) { data = _participantsData[cnt] = new ParticipantData(); data->name.setText(st::profileListNameFont, user->name, _textNameOptions); data->online = App::onlineText(user->onlineTill, l_time); data->cankick = (user != App::self()) && (_chatAdmin || (_peerChat->cankick.constFind(user) != _peerChat->cankick.cend())); } p.setPen(st::profileListNameColor->p); p.setFont(st::linkFont->f); data->name.drawElided(p, _left + st::profileListPhotoSize + st::profileListPadding.width(), top + st::profileListNameTop, _width - _kickWidth - st::profileListPadding.width() - st::profileListPhotoSize - st::profileListPadding.width()); p.setFont(st::profileSubFont->f); p.setPen((user->onlineTill >= l_time ? st::profileOnlineColor : st::profileOfflineColor)->p); p.drawText(_left + st::profileListPhotoSize + st::profileListPadding.width(), top + st::profileListPadding.height() + st::profileListPhotoSize - st::profileListStatusBottom, data->online); if (data->cankick) { bool over = (user == _kickOver && (!_kickDown || _kickDown == _kickOver)); p.setFont((over ? st::linkOverFont : st::linkFont)->f); if (user == _kickOver && _kickOver == _kickDown) { p.setPen(st::btnDefLink.downColor->p); } else { p.setPen(st::btnDefLink.color->p); } p.drawText(_left + _width - _kickWidth, top + (_pHeight - st::linkFont->height) / 2 + st::linkFont->ascent, lang(lng_profile_kick)); } } top += fullCnt * _pHeight; } } top += st::profileHeaderTop + st::profileHeaderFont->ascent - st::linkFont->ascent; top += _clearHistory.height(); } void ProfileInner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _lastPos = e->globalPos(); updateSelected(); bool photoOver = QRect(_left, st::profilePadding.top(), st::setPhotoSize, st::setPhotoSize).contains(e->pos()); if (photoOver != _photoOver) { _photoOver = photoOver; if (!_photoLink && _peerChat && !_peerChat->forbidden) { a_photo.start(_photoOver ? 1 : 0); anim::start(this); } } if (!_photoLink && (!_peerChat || _peerChat->forbidden)) { setCursor((_kickOver || _kickDown) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } else { setCursor((_kickOver || _kickDown || _photoOver) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } } void ProfileInner::updateSelected() { if (!isVisible()) return; QPoint lp = mapFromGlobal(_lastPos); int32 partfrom = (_enableNotifications.y() + _enableNotifications.height()) + st::profileHeaderSkip; int32 newSelected = (lp.x() >= _left - st::profileListPadding.width() && lp.x() < _left + _width + st::profileListPadding.width() && lp.y() >= partfrom) ? (lp.y() - partfrom) / _pHeight : -1; UserData *newKickOver = 0; if (newSelected >= 0 && newSelected < _participants.size()) { ParticipantData *data = _participantsData[newSelected]; if (data && data->cankick) { int32 top = partfrom + newSelected * _pHeight + (_pHeight - st::linkFont->height) / 2; if ((lp.x() >= _left + _width - _kickWidth) && (lp.x() < _left + _width) && (lp.y() >= top) && (lp.y() < top + st::linkFont->height)) { newKickOver = _participants[newSelected]; } } } if (_kickOver != newKickOver) { _kickOver = newKickOver; update(); } if (_kickDown) return; if (newSelected != _selectedRow) { _selectedRow = newSelected; update(); } } void ProfileInner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _lastPos = e->globalPos(); updateSelected(); if (_kickOver) { _kickDown = _kickOver; update(); } else if (_selectedRow >= 0 && _selectedRow < _participants.size()) { App::main()->showPeerProfile(_participants[_selectedRow]); } else if (QRect(_left, st::profilePadding.top(), st::setPhotoSize, st::setPhotoSize).contains(e->pos())) { if (_photoLink) { _photoLink->onClick(e->button()); } else if (_peerChat && !_peerChat->forbidden) { onUpdatePhoto(); } } } void ProfileInner::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_kickDown && _kickDown == _kickOver) { _kickConfirm = _kickOver; ConfirmBox *box = new ConfirmBox(lang(lng_profile_sure_kick).replace(qsl("{user}"), _kickOver->firstName)); connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), this, SLOT(onKickConfirm())); App::wnd()->showLayer(box); } _kickDown = 0; setCursor(_kickOver ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); update(); } void ProfileInner::onKickConfirm() { App::main()->kickParticipant(_peerChat, _kickConfirm); } void ProfileInner::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { App::main()->showPeer(0, 0, true); } } void ProfileInner::enterEvent(QEvent *e) { setMouseTracking(true); _lastPos = QCursor::pos(); updateSelected(); return TWidget::enterEvent(e); } void ProfileInner::leaveEvent(QEvent *e) { setMouseTracking(false); _lastPos = QCursor::pos(); updateSelected(); return TWidget::leaveEvent(e); } void ProfileInner::leaveToChildEvent(QEvent *e) { _lastPos = QCursor::pos(); updateSelected(); return TWidget::leaveToChildEvent(e); } void ProfileInner::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { _width = qMin(width() - st::profilePadding.left() - st::profilePadding.right(), int(st::profileMaxWidth)); _left = (width() - _width) / 2; int32 top = 0, btnWidth = (_width - st::profileButtonSkip) / 2; // profile top += st::profilePadding.top(); _cancelPhoto.move(_left + _width - _cancelPhoto.width(), top + st::profilePhoneTop); top += st::profilePhotoSize; top += st::profileButtonTop; _uploadPhoto.setGeometry(_left, top, btnWidth, _uploadPhoto.height()); _sendMessage.setGeometry(_left, top, btnWidth, _sendMessage.height()); _addParticipant.setGeometry(_left + _width - btnWidth, top, btnWidth, _addParticipant.height()); _shareContact.setGeometry(_left + _width - btnWidth, top, btnWidth, _shareContact.height()); top += _shareContact.height(); // settings top += st::profileHeaderSkip; _enableNotifications.move(_left, top); top += _enableNotifications.height(); if (_peerChat && (_peerChat->count > 0 || !_participants.isEmpty())) { top += st::profileHeaderSkip; if (!_participants.isEmpty()) { int32 fullCnt = _participants.size(); top += fullCnt * _pHeight; } } top += st::profileHeaderTop + st::profileHeaderFont->ascent - st::linkFont->ascent; _clearHistory.move(_left, top); } void ProfileInner::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) { } bool ProfileInner::animStep(float64 ms) { float64 dt = ms / st::setPhotoDuration; bool res = true; if (dt >= 1) { res = false; a_photo.finish(); } else { a_photo.update(dt, anim::linear); } update(_left, st::profilePadding.top(), st::setPhotoSize, st::setPhotoSize); return res; } bool ProfileInner::getPhotoCoords(PhotoData *photo, int32 &x, int32 &y, int32 &w) const { if ((_peerUser && photo->id == _peerUser->photoId) || (_peerChat && photo->id == _peerChat->photoId)) { x = _left; y = st::profilePadding.top(); w = st::setPhotoSize; return true; } return false; } PeerData *ProfileInner::peer() const { return _peer; } ProfileInner::~ProfileInner() { for (ParticipantsData::iterator i = _participantsData.begin(), e = _participantsData.end(); i != e; ++i) { delete *i; } _participantsData.clear(); } void ProfileInner::openContextImage() { } void ProfileInner::deleteContextImage() { } void ProfileInner::updateNotifySettings() { _enableNotifications.setChecked(_peer->notify == EmptyNotifySettings || _peer->notify == UnknownNotifySettings || _peer->notify->mute < unixtime()); } void ProfileInner::showAll() { if (_peerChat) { _sendMessage.hide(); _shareContact.hide(); if (_peerChat->forbidden) { _uploadPhoto.hide(); _cancelPhoto.hide(); _addParticipant.hide(); } else { if (App::app()->isPhotoUpdating(_peer->id)) { _uploadPhoto.hide(); _cancelPhoto.show(); } else { _uploadPhoto.show(); _cancelPhoto.hide(); } if (_peerChat->count < cMaxGroupCount()) { _addParticipant.show(); } else { _addParticipant.hide(); } } _enableNotifications.show(); _clearHistory.hide(); } else { _uploadPhoto.hide(); _cancelPhoto.hide(); _addParticipant.hide(); _sendMessage.show(); if (_peerUser->phone.isEmpty()) { _shareContact.hide(); } else { _shareContact.show(); } _enableNotifications.show(); _clearHistory.show(); } updateNotifySettings(); // participants reorderParticipants(); int32 h; if (_peerUser) { h = _clearHistory.y() + _clearHistory.height() + st::profileHeaderSkip; } else { h = _enableNotifications.y() + _enableNotifications.height() + st::profileHeaderSkip; if (!_participants.isEmpty()) { h += st::profileHeaderSkip + _participants.size() * _pHeight; } else if (_peerChat->count > 0) { h += st::profileHeaderSkip; } } resize(width(), h); } ProfileWidget::ProfileWidget(QWidget *parent, const PeerData *peer) : QWidget(parent) , _scroll(this, st::setScroll) , _inner(this, &_scroll, peer) , _showing(false) { _scroll.setWidget(&_inner); _scroll.move(0, 0); _inner.move(0, 0); _scroll.show(); connect(&_scroll, SIGNAL(scrolled()), &_inner, SLOT(updateSelected())); connect(&_scroll, SIGNAL(scrolled()), this, SLOT(onScroll())); } void ProfileWidget::onScroll() { _inner.loadProfilePhotos(_scroll.scrollTop()); } void ProfileWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { _scroll.resize(size()); _inner.resize(width(), _inner.height()); } void ProfileWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { } void ProfileWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QPainter p(this); if (animating() && _showing) { p.setOpacity(a_bgAlpha.current()); p.drawPixmap(a_bgCoord.current(), 0, _bgAnimCache); p.setOpacity(a_alpha.current()); p.drawPixmap(a_coord.current(), 0, _animCache); } else { p.fillRect(e->rect(), st::white->b); } } void ProfileWidget::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e) { } void ProfileWidget::dropEvent(QDropEvent *e) { } bool ProfileWidget::getPhotoCoords(PhotoData *photo, int32 &x, int32 &y, int32 &w) const { if (_inner.getPhotoCoords(photo, x, y, w)) { x += _inner.x(); y += _inner.y(); return true; } return false; } void ProfileWidget::paintTopBar(QPainter &p, float64 over, int32 decreaseWidth) { if (animating() && _showing) { p.setOpacity(a_bgAlpha.current()); p.drawPixmap(a_bgCoord.current(), 0, _bgAnimTopBarCache); p.setOpacity(a_alpha.current()); p.drawPixmap(a_coord.current(), 0, _animTopBarCache); } else { p.setOpacity(st::topBarBackAlpha + (1 - st::topBarBackAlpha) * over); p.drawPixmap(QPoint(st::topBarBackPadding.left(), (st::topBarHeight - st::topBarBackImg.pxHeight()) / 2), App::sprite(), st::topBarBackImg); p.setFont(st::topBarBackFont->f); p.setPen(st::topBarBackColor->p); p.drawText(st::topBarBackPadding.left() + st::topBarBackImg.pxWidth() + st::topBarBackPadding.right(), (st::topBarHeight - st::titleFont->height) / 2 + st::titleFont->ascent, lang(peer()->chat ? lng_profile_group_info : lng_profile_info)); } } void ProfileWidget::topBarClick() { App::main()->showPeerBack(); } PeerData *ProfileWidget::peer() const { return _inner.peer(); } void ProfileWidget::animShow(const QPixmap &bgAnimCache, const QPixmap &bgAnimTopBarCache, bool back) { _bgAnimCache = bgAnimCache; _bgAnimTopBarCache = bgAnimTopBarCache; _animCache = myGrab(this, rect()); App::main()->topBar()->stopAnim(); _animTopBarCache = myGrab(App::main()->topBar(), QRect(0, 0, width(), st::topBarHeight)); App::main()->topBar()->startAnim(); _scroll.hide(); a_coord = back ? anim::ivalue(-st::introSlideShift, 0) : anim::ivalue(st::introSlideShift, 0); a_alpha = anim::fvalue(0, 1); a_bgCoord = back ? anim::ivalue(0, st::introSlideShift) : anim::ivalue(0, -st::introSlideShift); a_bgAlpha = anim::fvalue(1, 0); anim::start(this); _showing = true; show(); _inner.setFocus(); App::main()->topBar()->update(); } bool ProfileWidget::animStep(float64 ms) { float64 fullDuration = st::introSlideDelta + st::introSlideDuration, dt = ms / fullDuration; float64 dt1 = (ms > st::introSlideDuration) ? 1 : (ms / st::introSlideDuration), dt2 = (ms > st::introSlideDelta) ? (ms - st::introSlideDelta) / (st::introSlideDuration) : 0; bool res = true; if (dt2 >= 1) { res = _showing = false; a_bgCoord.finish(); a_bgAlpha.finish(); a_coord.finish(); a_alpha.finish(); _bgAnimCache = _animCache = _animTopBarCache = _bgAnimTopBarCache = QPixmap(); App::main()->topBar()->stopAnim(); _scroll.show(); activate(); } else { a_bgCoord.update(dt1, st::introHideFunc); a_bgAlpha.update(dt1, st::introAlphaHideFunc); a_coord.update(dt2, st::introShowFunc); a_alpha.update(dt2, st::introAlphaShowFunc); } update(); App::main()->topBar()->update(); return res; } void ProfileWidget::updateOnlineDisplay() { _inner.updateOnlineDisplay(); updateOnlineDisplayTimer(); } void ProfileWidget::updateOnlineDisplayTimer() { _inner.updateOnlineDisplayTimer(); } void ProfileWidget::updateNotifySettings() { _inner.updateNotifySettings(); } ProfileWidget::~ProfileWidget() { } void ProfileWidget::activate() { _inner.setFocus(); }