/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "chat_helpers/tabbed_selector.h" #include "chat_helpers/stickers.h" #include "base/variant.h" #include "base/timer.h" namespace Window { class SessionController; } // namespace Window namespace Ui { class LinkButton; class RippleAnimation; } // namespace Ui namespace Lottie { class Animation; } // namespace Lottie namespace ChatHelpers { struct StickerIcon; class StickersListWidget : public TabbedSelector::Inner , private base::Subscriber , private MTP::Sender { public: StickersListWidget( QWidget *parent, not_null controller); rpl::producer> chosen() const; rpl::producer<> scrollUpdated() const; rpl::producer<> checkForHide() const; void refreshRecent() override; void preloadImages() override; void clearSelection() override; object_ptr createFooter() override; void showStickerSet(uint64 setId); void showMegagroupSet(ChannelData *megagroup); void afterShown() override; void beforeHiding() override; void refreshStickers(); void fillIcons(QList &icons); bool preventAutoHide(); uint64 currentSet(int yOffset) const; void installedLocally(uint64 setId); void notInstalledLocally(uint64 setId); void clearInstalledLocally(); void sendSearchRequest(); void searchForSets(const QString &query); ~StickersListWidget(); protected: void visibleTopBottomUpdated( int visibleTop, int visibleBottom) override; void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) override; void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; void leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) override; void leaveToChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) override; void enterFromChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) override; TabbedSelector::InnerFooter *getFooter() const override; void processHideFinished() override; void processPanelHideFinished() override; int countDesiredHeight(int newWidth) override; private: class Footer; enum class Section { Featured, Stickers, Search, }; struct OverSticker { int section; int index; bool overDelete; }; struct OverSet { int section; }; struct OverButton { int section; }; struct OverGroupAdd { }; friend inline bool operator==(OverSticker a, OverSticker b) { return (a.section == b.section) && (a.index == b.index) && (a.overDelete == b.overDelete); } friend inline bool operator==(OverSet a, OverSet b) { return (a.section == b.section); } friend inline bool operator==(OverButton a, OverButton b) { return (a.section == b.section); } friend inline bool operator==(OverGroupAdd a, OverGroupAdd b) { return true; } using OverState = base::optional_variant; struct SectionInfo { int section = 0; int count = 0; int top = 0; int rowsCount = 0; int rowsTop = 0; int rowsBottom = 0; }; struct Sticker { not_null document; std::unique_ptr animated; }; struct Set { Set( uint64 id, MTPDstickerSet::Flags flags, const QString &title, const QString &shortName, ImagePtr thumbnail, bool externalLayout, int count, std::vector &&stickers = {}); Set(Set &&other); Set &operator=(Set &&other); ~Set(); uint64 id = 0; MTPDstickerSet::Flags flags = MTPDstickerSet::Flags(); QString title; QString shortName; ImagePtr thumbnail; std::vector stickers; std::unique_ptr ripple; bool externalLayout = false; int count = 0; }; static std::vector PrepareStickers(const Stickers::Pack &pack); template bool enumerateSections(Callback callback) const; SectionInfo sectionInfo(int section) const; SectionInfo sectionInfoByOffset(int yOffset) const; void displaySet(uint64 setId); void installSet(uint64 setId); void removeMegagroupSet(bool locally); void removeSet(uint64 setId); void sendInstallRequest( uint64 setId, const MTPInputStickerSet &input); void refreshSearchSets(); void refreshSearchIndex(); bool setHasTitle(const Set &set) const; bool stickerHasDeleteButton(const Set &set, int index) const; std::vector collectRecentStickers(); void refreshRecentStickers(bool resize = true); void refreshFavedStickers(); enum class GroupStickersPlace { Visible, Hidden, }; void refreshMegagroupStickers(GroupStickersPlace place); void refreshSettingsVisibility(); void updateSelected(); void setSelected(OverState newSelected); void setPressed(OverState newPressed); std::unique_ptr createButtonRipple(int section); QPoint buttonRippleTopLeft(int section) const; enum class ValidateIconAnimations { Full, Scroll, None, }; void validateSelectedIcon(ValidateIconAnimations animations); std::vector &shownSets(); const std::vector &shownSets() const; int featuredRowHeight() const; void readVisibleSets(); void paintFeaturedStickers(Painter &p, QRect clip); void paintStickers(Painter &p, QRect clip); void paintMegagroupEmptySet(Painter &p, int y, bool buttonSelected); void paintSticker(Painter &p, Set &set, int y, int section, int index, bool selected, bool deleteSelected); void paintEmptySearchResults(Painter &p); void setupLottie(Set &set, int section, int index); int stickersRight() const; bool featuredHasAddButton(int index) const; QRect featuredAddRect(int index) const; bool hasRemoveButton(int index) const; QRect removeButtonRect(int index) const; int megagroupSetInfoLeft() const; void refreshMegagroupSetGeometry(); QRect megagroupSetButtonRectFinal() const; enum class AppendSkip { None, Archived, Installed, }; void appendSet( std::vector &to, uint64 setId, bool externalLayout, AppendSkip skip = AppendSkip::None); void selectEmoji(EmojiPtr emoji); int stickersLeft() const; QRect stickerRect(int section, int sel); void removeRecentSticker(int section, int index); void removeFavedSticker(int section, int index); void setColumnCount(int count); void refreshFooterIcons(); void cancelSetsSearch(); void showSearchResults(); void searchResultsDone(const MTPmessages_FoundStickerSets &result); void refreshSearchRows(); void refreshSearchRows(const std::vector *cloudSets); void fillLocalSearchRows(const QString &query); void fillCloudSearchRows(const std::vector &cloudSets); void addSearchRow(not_null set); void showPreview(); ChannelData *_megagroupSet = nullptr; uint64 _megagroupSetIdRequested = 0; std::vector _mySets; std::vector _featuredSets; std::vector _searchSets; base::flat_set _installedLocallySets; std::vector _custom; base::flat_set> _favedStickersMap; Section _section = Section::Stickers; uint64 _displayingSetId = 0; uint64 _removingSetId = 0; Footer *_footer = nullptr; int _rowsLeft = 0; int _columnCount = 1; QSize _singleSize; OverState _selected; OverState _pressed; QPoint _lastMousePosition; Ui::Text::String _megagroupSetAbout; QString _megagroupSetButtonText; int _megagroupSetButtonTextWidth = 0; QRect _megagroupSetButtonRect; std::unique_ptr _megagroupSetButtonRipple; QString _addText; int _addWidth; object_ptr _settings; base::Timer _previewTimer; bool _previewShown = false; std::map> _searchCache; std::vector> _searchIndex; base::Timer _searchRequestTimer; QString _searchQuery, _searchNextQuery; mtpRequestId _searchRequestId = 0; rpl::event_stream> _chosen; rpl::event_stream<> _scrollUpdated; rpl::event_stream<> _checkForHide; }; } // namespace ChatHelpers