/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ using "basic.style"; using "ui/widgets/widgets.style"; using "intro/intro.style"; boxBlueTitleBg: #6393b5; boxBlueTitleFg: #ffffff; boxBlueTitleAdditionalFg: #dae9f5; boxBlueTitleAdditionalSkip: 12px; boxBlueTitlePosition: point(23px, 18px); boxBlueTitleShadow: icon {{ "box_title_shadow", windowShadowFg }}; boxBlueClose: MaskButton(defaultMaskButton) { width: boxTitleHeight; height: boxTitleHeight; bg: boxBlueTitleBg; iconBg: #c8e1f0; iconBgOver: #ffffff; icon: icon {{ "box_button_close-invert", boxBlueTitleBg }}; } confirmInviteTitle: flatLabel(labelDefFlat) { font: font(16px semibold); align: align(center); width: 320px; maxHeight: 24px; textFg: #333333; } confirmInviteStatus: flatLabel(labelDefFlat) { font: font(boxFontSize); align: align(center); width: 320px; maxHeight: 20px; textFg: windowSubTextFg; } confirmInviteTitleTop: 106px; confirmInvitePhotoSize: 76px; confirmInvitePhotoTop: 20px; confirmInviteStatusTop: 136px; confirmInviteUserHeight: 80px; confirmInviteUserPhotoSize: 56px; confirmInviteUserPhotoTop: 166px; confirmInviteUserName: flatLabel(labelDefFlat) { font: normalFont; align: align(center); width: 66px; maxHeight: 20px; } confirmInviteUserNameTop: 227px; confirmPhoneAboutLabel: flatLabel(labelDefFlat) { width: 282px; } confirmPhoneCodeField: InputField(defaultInputField) { } revokePublicLinkStatusStyle: textStyle(defaultTextStyle) { linkFg: contactsStatusFgOnline; linkFgDown: contactsStatusFgOnline; linkFlagsOver: font(fsize); } aboutRevokePublicLabel: flatLabel(labelDefFlat) { font: normalFont; align: align(topleft); width: 320px; textFg: windowTextFg; } contactUserIcon: icon {{ "add_contact_user", #999999 }}; contactPhoneIcon: icon {{ "add_contact_phone", #999999 }}; contactIconTop: 10px; contactsNewItemHeight: 53px; contactsNewItemIcon: icon {{ "contacts_add", #749fc2, point(29px, 19px) }}; contactsNewItemTop: 18px; contactsNewItemFg: #4b82af; contactsMultiSelect: MultiSelect { bg: boxSearchBg; padding: margins(8px, 8px, 8px, 8px); maxHeight: 104px; scroll: flatScroll(solidScroll) { deltat: 3px; deltab: 3px; round: 1px; width: 8px; deltax: 3px; hiding: 1000; } item: MultiSelectItem { padding: margins(6px, 7px, 12px, 0px); maxWidth: 128px; height: 32px; font: normalFont; textBg: contactsBgOver; textFg: windowTextFg; textActiveBg: activeButtonBg; textActiveFg: activeButtonFg; deleteFg: activeButtonFg; deleteLeft: 10px; deleteStroke: 2px; duration: 150; minScale: 0.3; } itemSkip: 8px; field: InputField(defaultInputField) { textBg: transparent; textMargins: margins(2px, 7px, 2px, 0px); placeholderFg: #999999; placeholderFgActive: #aaaaaa; placeholderMargins: margins(2px, 0px, 2px, 0px); border: 0px; borderActive: 0px; borderError: 0px; height: 32px; font: normalFont; } fieldMinWidth: 42px; fieldIcon: fieldSearchIcon; fieldIconSkip: 36px; fieldCancel: MaskButton(defaultMaskButton) { width: 41px; height: 48px; bg: boxSearchBg; icon: boxSearchCancelIcon; iconBg: boxSearchCancelIconFg; iconBgOver: boxSearchCancelIconFgOver; iconPosition: point(8px, 18px); iconPositionDown: point(8px, 18px); } fieldCancelSkip: 34px; } contactsPhotoCheckbox: RoundImageCheckbox { imageRadius: 21px; imageSmallRadius: 18px; selectWidth: 2px; selectFg: windowActiveFill; selectDuration: 150; checkBorder: windowBg; checkBg: windowActiveFill; checkRadius: 10px; checkSmallRadius: 3px; checkIcon: icon {{ "default_checkbox_check", windowBg, point(3px, 6px) }}; } contactsPhotoDisabledCheckFg: #bbbbbb; contactsNameCheckedFg: #2b88b8; localStorageBoxSkip: 10px; shareRowsTop: 12px; shareRowHeight: 108px; sharePhotoTop: 6px; sharePhotoCheckbox: RoundImageCheckbox(contactsPhotoCheckbox) { imageRadius: 28px; imageSmallRadius: 24px; } shareNameFont: font(11px); shareNameFg: windowTextFg; shareNameActiveFg: btnYesColor; shareNameTop: 6px; shareColumnSkip: 6px; shareActivateDuration: 150; shareScrollDuration: 300; notificationsBoxHeight: 450px; notificationsBoxMonitorTop: 63px; notificationsBoxMonitor: icon {{ "monitor", notificationsBoxMonitorFg }}; notificationsBoxScreenTop: 10px; notificationsBoxScreenSize: size(280px, 160px); notificationsBoxScreenBg: #6389a8; notificationsBoxCountLabelTop: 80px; notificationsBoxCountTop: 30px; notificationsSampleSkip: 5px; notificationsSampleTopSkip: 5px; notificationsSampleBottomSkip: 5px; notificationsSampleMargin: 2px; notificationSampleOpacity: 0.5; notificationSampleSize: size(64px, 16px); membersAboutLimitPadding: margins(0px, 12px, 0px, 12px); sessionsScroll: flatScroll(boxScroll) { round: 2px; deltax: 5px; width: 14px; } sessionsHeight: 440px; sessionHeight: 70px; sessionCurrentPadding: margins(0px, 7px, 0px, 4px); sessionCurrentHeight: 118px; sessionPadding: margins(21px, 10px, 21px, 0px); sessionNameFont: msgNameFont; sessionNameFg: boxTextFg; sessionWhenFont: msgDateFont; sessionWhenFg: #aaaaaa; sessionInfoFont: msgFont; sessionInfoFg: #888888; sessionTerminateTop: 30px; sessionTerminateSkip: 18px; sessionTerminate: IconButton { width: 16px; height: 16px; icon: simpleCloseIcon; iconOver: simpleCloseIconOver; iconPosition: point(3px, 3px); iconPositionDown: point(3px, 4px); } passcodeHeaderFont: font(19px); passcodeHeaderHeight: 80px; passcodeInput: flatInput(inpIntroPhone) { } passcodeSubmit: flatButton(introNextButton) { textTop: 15px; overTextTop: 15px; downTextTop: 16px; width: 225px; font: font(19px); overFont: font(19px); } passcodeSubmitSkip: 40px; passcodePadding: margins(0px, 22px, 0px, 3px); passcodeSkip: 31px; newGroupAboutFg: #808080; newGroupPadding: margins(4px, 6px, 4px, 3px); newGroupSkip: 17px; newGroupInfoPadding: margins(0px, -4px, 0px, 1px); newGroupLinkPadding: margins(4px, 27px, 4px, 12px); newGroupLinkTop: 3px; newGroupLinkFont: font(16px); newGroupPhotoSize: 76px; newGroupPhotoBg: #4eb5f0; newGroupPhotoBgOver: #3fa9e7; newGroupPhotoIcon: icon {{ "new_chat_photo", #ffffff }}; newGroupPhotoIconPosition: point(23px, 25px); newGroupPhotoDuration: 150; newGroupNamePosition: point(27px, 20px); newGroupDescriptionPadding: margins(0px, 23px, 0px, 14px); newGroupDescription: InputArea(defaultInputArea) { textMargins: margins(1px, 6px, 1px, 4px); heightMax: 115px; } newGroupPublicLinkPadding: margins(0px, 20px, 0px, 5px); newGroupLinkFadeDuration: 5000; themeWarningWidth: boxWideWidth; themeWarningHeight: 150px; themeWarningShadow: boxShadow; themeWarningShadowShift: boxShadowShift; themeWarningTextTop: 60px;