/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "media/view/media_view_group_thumbs.h" #include "data/data_shared_media.h" #include "data/data_user_photos.h" #include "data/data_photo.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_media_types.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_media.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "styles/style_mediaview.h" namespace Media { namespace View { namespace { constexpr auto kThumbDuration = TimeMs(150); int Round(float64 value) { return int(std::round(value)); } using Context = GroupThumbs::Context; using Key = GroupThumbs::Key; Context ComputeContext(const SharedMediaWithLastSlice &slice, int index) { Expects(index >= 0 && index < slice.size()); const auto value = slice[index]; if (const auto photo = base::get_if>(&value)) { if (const auto peer = (*photo)->peer) { return peer->id; } return base::none; } else if (const auto msgId = base::get_if(&value)) { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(*msgId)) { if (!item->toHistoryMessage()) { return item->history()->peer->id; } else if (const auto groupId = item->groupId()) { return groupId; } } return base::none; } Unexpected("Variant in ComputeContext(SharedMediaWithLastSlice::Value)"); } Context ComputeContext(const UserPhotosSlice &slice, int index) { return peerFromUser(slice.key().userId); } Key ComputeKey(const SharedMediaWithLastSlice &slice, int index) { Expects(index >= 0 && index < slice.size()); const auto value = slice[index]; if (const auto photo = base::get_if>(&value)) { return (*photo)->id; } else if (const auto msgId = base::get_if(&value)) { return *msgId; } Unexpected("Variant in ComputeContext(SharedMediaWithLastSlice::Value)"); } Key ComputeKey(const UserPhotosSlice &slice, int index) { return slice[index]; } int ComputeThumbsLimit(int availableWidth) { const auto singleWidth = st::mediaviewGroupWidth + 2 * st::mediaviewGroupSkip; const auto currentWidth = st::mediaviewGroupWidthMax + 2 * st::mediaviewGroupSkipCurrent; const auto skipForAnimation = 2 * singleWidth; const auto leftWidth = availableWidth - currentWidth - skipForAnimation; return std::max(leftWidth / (2 * singleWidth), 1); } } // namespace class GroupThumbs::Thumb { public: enum class State { Unknown, Current, Alive, Dying, }; Thumb(Key key, ImagePtr image, base::lambda handler); int leftToUpdate() const; int rightToUpdate() const; void animateToLeft(not_null next); void animateToRight(not_null prev); void setState(State state); State state() const; bool removed() const; void paint(Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, float64 progress); ClickHandlerPtr getState(QPoint point) const; private: QSize wantedPixSize() const; void validateImage(); int currentLeft() const; int currentWidth() const; int finalLeft() const; int finalWidth() const; void animateTo(int left, int width); ClickHandlerPtr _link; const Key _key; ImagePtr _image; State _state = State::Alive; QPixmap _full; int _fullWidth = 0; bool _hiding = false; anim::value _left = { 0. }; anim::value _width = { 0. }; anim::value _opacity = { 0., 1. }; }; GroupThumbs::Thumb::Thumb( Key key, ImagePtr image, base::lambda handler) : _key(key) , _image(image) { _link = std::make_shared(std::move(handler)); _fullWidth = std::min( wantedPixSize().width(), st::mediaviewGroupWidthMax); validateImage(); } QSize GroupThumbs::Thumb::wantedPixSize() const { const auto originalWidth = std::max(_image->width(), 1); const auto originalHeight = std::max(_image->height(), 1); const auto pixHeight = st::mediaviewGroupHeight; const auto pixWidth = originalWidth * pixHeight / originalHeight; return { pixWidth, pixHeight }; } void GroupThumbs::Thumb::validateImage() { if (!_full.isNull()) { return; } _image->load(); if (!_image->loaded()) { return; } const auto pixSize = wantedPixSize(); if (pixSize.width() > st::mediaviewGroupWidthMax) { const auto originalWidth = _image->width(); const auto originalHeight = _image->height(); const auto takeWidth = originalWidth * st::mediaviewGroupWidthMax / pixSize.width(); const auto original = _image->pixNoCache().toImage(); _full = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(original.copy( (originalWidth - takeWidth) / 2, 0, takeWidth, originalHeight ).scaled( st::mediaviewGroupWidthMax * cIntRetinaFactor(), pixSize.height() * cIntRetinaFactor(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); } else { _full = _image->pixNoCache( pixSize.width() * cIntRetinaFactor(), pixSize.height() * cIntRetinaFactor(), Images::Option::Smooth); } } int GroupThumbs::Thumb::leftToUpdate() const { return Round(std::min(_left.from(), _left.to())); } int GroupThumbs::Thumb::rightToUpdate() const { return Round(std::max( _left.from() + _width.from(), _left.to() + _width.to())); } int GroupThumbs::Thumb::currentLeft() const { return Round(_left.current()); } int GroupThumbs::Thumb::currentWidth() const { return Round(_width.current()); } int GroupThumbs::Thumb::finalLeft() const { return Round(_left.to()); } int GroupThumbs::Thumb::finalWidth() const { return Round(_width.to()); } void GroupThumbs::Thumb::setState(State state) { const auto isNewThumb = (_state == State::Alive); _state = state; if (_state == State::Current) { if (isNewThumb) { _opacity = anim::value(1.); _left = anim::value(-_fullWidth / 2); _width = anim::value(_fullWidth); } else { _opacity.start(1.); } _hiding = false; animateTo(-_fullWidth / 2, _fullWidth); } else if (_state == State::Alive) { _opacity.start(0.7); _hiding = false; } else if (_state == State::Dying) { _opacity.start(0.); _hiding = true; _left.restart(); _width.restart(); } } void GroupThumbs::Thumb::animateTo(int left, int width) { _left.start(left); _width.start(width); } void GroupThumbs::Thumb::animateToLeft(not_null next) { const auto width = st::mediaviewGroupWidth; if (_state == State::Alive) { // New item animation, start exactly from the next, move only. _left = anim::value(next->currentLeft() - width); _width = anim::value(width); } else if (_state == State::Unknown) { // Existing item animation. setState(State::Alive); } const auto skip1 = st::mediaviewGroupSkip; const auto skip2 = (next->state() == State::Current) ? st::mediaviewGroupSkipCurrent : st::mediaviewGroupSkip; animateTo(next->finalLeft() - width - skip1 - skip2, width); } void GroupThumbs::Thumb::animateToRight(not_null prev) { const auto width = st::mediaviewGroupWidth; if (_state == State::Alive) { // New item animation, start exactly from the next, move only. _left = anim::value(prev->currentLeft() + prev->currentWidth()); _width = anim::value(width); } else if (_state == State::Unknown) { // Existing item animation. setState(State::Alive); } const auto skip1 = st::mediaviewGroupSkip; const auto skip2 = (prev->state() == State::Current) ? st::mediaviewGroupSkipCurrent : st::mediaviewGroupSkip; animateTo(prev->finalLeft() + prev->finalWidth() + skip1 + skip2, width); } auto GroupThumbs::Thumb::state() const -> State { return _state; } bool GroupThumbs::Thumb::removed() const { return (_state == State::Dying) && _hiding && !_opacity.current(); } void GroupThumbs::Thumb::paint( Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, float64 progress) { validateImage(); _opacity.update(progress, anim::linear); _left.update(progress, anim::linear); _width.update(progress, anim::linear); const auto left = x + currentLeft(); const auto width = currentWidth(); const auto opacity = p.opacity(); p.setOpacity(_opacity.current() * opacity); if (width == _fullWidth) { p.drawPixmap(left, y, _full); } else { const auto takeWidth = width * cIntRetinaFactor(); const auto from = QRect( (_full.width() - takeWidth) / 2, 0, takeWidth, _full.height()); const auto to = QRect(left, y, width, st::mediaviewGroupHeight); p.drawPixmap(to, _full, from); } p.setOpacity(opacity); } ClickHandlerPtr GroupThumbs::Thumb::getState(QPoint point) const { if (_state != State::Alive) { return nullptr; } const auto left = finalLeft(); const auto width = finalWidth(); return QRect(left, 0, width, st::mediaviewGroupHeight).contains(point) ? _link : nullptr; } GroupThumbs::GroupThumbs(Context context) : _context(context) { } void GroupThumbs::updateContext(Context context) { if (_context != context) { clear(); _context = context; } } template void GroupThumbs::RefreshFromSlice( std::unique_ptr &instance, const Slice &slice, int index, int availableWidth) { const auto context = ComputeContext(slice, index); if (instance) { instance->updateContext(context); } if (!context) { if (instance) { instance->resizeToWidth(availableWidth); } return; } const auto limit = ComputeThumbsLimit(availableWidth); const auto from = [&] { const auto edge = std::max(index - limit, 0); for (auto result = index; result != edge; --result) { if (ComputeContext(slice, result - 1) != context) { return result; } } return edge; }(); const auto till = [&] { const auto edge = std::min(index + limit + 1, slice.size()); for (auto result = index + 1; result != edge; ++result) { if (ComputeContext(slice, result) != context) { return result; } } return edge; }(); if (from + 1 < till) { if (!instance) { instance = std::make_unique(context); } instance->fillItems(slice, from, index, till); instance->resizeToWidth(availableWidth); } else if (instance) { instance->clear(); instance->resizeToWidth(availableWidth); } } template void GroupThumbs::fillItems( const Slice &slice, int from, int index, int till) { Expects(from <= index); Expects(index < till); Expects(from + 1 < till); const auto current = (index - from); const auto old = base::take(_items); markCacheStale(); _items.reserve(till - from); for (auto i = from; i != till; ++i) { _items.push_back(validateCacheEntry(ComputeKey(slice, i))); } animateAliveItems(current); fillDyingItems(old); startDelayedAnimation(); } void GroupThumbs::animateAliveItems(int current) { Expects(current >= 0 && current < _items.size()); _items[current]->setState(Thumb::State::Current); for (auto i = current; i != 0;) { const auto prev = _items[i]; const auto item = _items[--i]; item->animateToLeft(prev); } for (auto i = current + 1; i != _items.size(); ++i) { const auto prev = _items[i - 1]; const auto item = _items[i]; item->animateToRight(prev); } } void GroupThumbs::fillDyingItems(const std::vector> &old) { _dying.reserve(_cache.size() - _items.size()); animatePreviouslyAlive(old); markRestAsDying(); } void GroupThumbs::markRestAsDying() { _dying.reserve(_cache.size() - _items.size()); for (const auto &cacheItem : _cache) { const auto &thumb = cacheItem.second; const auto state = thumb->state(); if (state == Thumb::State::Unknown) { markAsDying(thumb.get()); } } } void GroupThumbs::markAsDying(not_null thumb) { thumb->setState(Thumb::State::Dying); _dying.push_back(thumb.get()); } void GroupThumbs::animatePreviouslyAlive( const std::vector> &old) { auto toRight = false; for (auto i = 0; i != old.size(); ++i) { const auto item = old[i]; if (item->state() == Thumb::State::Unknown) { if (toRight) { markAsDying(item); item->animateToRight(old[i - 1]); } } else if (!toRight) { for (auto j = i; j != 0;) { const auto next = old[j]; const auto prev = old[--j]; markAsDying(prev); prev->animateToLeft(next); } toRight = true; } } } auto GroupThumbs::createThumb(Key key) -> std::unique_ptr { if (const auto photoId = base::get_if(&key)) { const auto photo = Auth().data().photo(*photoId); return createThumb(key, photo->date ? photo->thumb : ImagePtr()); } else if (const auto msgId = base::get_if(&key)) { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(*msgId)) { if (const auto media = item->media()) { if (const auto photo = media->photo()) { return createThumb(key, photo->thumb); } else if (const auto document = media->document()) { return createThumb(key, document->thumb); } } } return createThumb(key, ImagePtr()); } Unexpected("Value of Key in GroupThumbs::createThumb()"); } auto GroupThumbs::createThumb(Key key, ImagePtr image) -> std::unique_ptr { const auto weak = base::make_weak(this); return std::make_unique(key, image, [=] { if (const auto strong = weak.get()) { strong->_activateStream.fire_copy(key); } }); } auto GroupThumbs::validateCacheEntry(Key key) -> not_null { const auto i = _cache.find(key); return (i != _cache.end()) ? i->second.get() : _cache.emplace(key, createThumb(key)).first->second.get(); } void GroupThumbs::markCacheStale() { _dying.clear(); for (const auto &cacheItem : _cache) { const auto &thumb = cacheItem.second; thumb->setState(Thumb::State::Unknown); } } void GroupThumbs::Refresh( std::unique_ptr &instance, const SharedMediaWithLastSlice &slice, int index, int availableWidth) { RefreshFromSlice(instance, slice, index, availableWidth); } void GroupThumbs::Refresh( std::unique_ptr &instance, const UserPhotosSlice &slice, int index, int availableWidth) { RefreshFromSlice(instance, slice, index, availableWidth); } void GroupThumbs::clear() { if (_items.empty()) { return; } base::take(_items); markCacheStale(); markRestAsDying(); startDelayedAnimation(); } void GroupThumbs::startDelayedAnimation() { _animation.finish(); _waitingForAnimationStart = true; countUpdatedRect(); } void GroupThumbs::resizeToWidth(int newWidth) { _width = newWidth; } int GroupThumbs::height() const { return st::mediaviewGroupPadding.top() + st::mediaviewGroupHeight + st::mediaviewGroupPadding.bottom(); } bool GroupThumbs::hiding() const { return _items.empty(); } bool GroupThumbs::hidden() const { return hiding() && !_waitingForAnimationStart && !_animation.animating(); } void GroupThumbs::checkForAnimationStart() { if (_waitingForAnimationStart) { _waitingForAnimationStart = false; _animation.start([this] { update(); }, 0., 1., kThumbDuration); } } void GroupThumbs::update() { if (_cache.empty()) { return; } _updateRequests.fire_copy(_updatedRect); } void GroupThumbs::paint( Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, TimeMs ms) { const auto progress = _waitingForAnimationStart ? 0. : _animation.current(ms, 1.); x += (_width / 2); y += st::mediaviewGroupPadding.top(); for (auto i = _cache.begin(); i != _cache.end();) { const auto &thumb = i->second; thumb->paint(p, x, y, outerWidth, progress); if (thumb->removed()) { _dying.erase( ranges::remove( _dying, thumb.get(), [](not_null thumb) { return thumb.get(); }), _dying.end()); i = _cache.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } } ClickHandlerPtr GroupThumbs::getState(QPoint point) const { point -= QPoint((_width / 2), st::mediaviewGroupPadding.top()); for (const auto &cacheItem : _cache) { const auto &thumb = cacheItem.second; if (auto link = thumb->getState(point)) { return link; } } return nullptr; } void GroupThumbs::countUpdatedRect() { if (_cache.empty()) { return; } auto min = _width; auto max = 0; const auto left = [](const auto &cacheItem) { const auto &[key, thumb] = cacheItem; return thumb->leftToUpdate(); }; const auto right = [](const auto &cacheItem) { const auto &[key, thumb] = cacheItem; return thumb->rightToUpdate(); }; accumulate_min(min, left(*ranges::max_element( _cache, std::greater<>(), left))); accumulate_max(max, right(*ranges::max_element( _cache, std::less<>(), right))); _updatedRect = QRect( min, st::mediaviewGroupPadding.top(), max - min, st::mediaviewGroupHeight); } GroupThumbs::~GroupThumbs() = default; } // namespace View } // namespace Media