Introducing Archived Chats:
- Archive any chat from the right-click menu.
- Chats with enabled notifications will pop out of the archive
when a notification arrives.
- Muted chats will stay in the archive.
- Pin an unlimited number of chats in your archive.
- Replace media when editing messages with media content.
- Jump quickly to the top of your chats list.
- Get emoji suggestions for the first word you type in a message.
- Help Telegram improve emoji suggestions in your language
using this interface
- Replace media when editing messages with media content.
- Jump quickly to the top of your chats list.
- Get emoji suggestions for the first word you type in a message.
- Help Telegram improve emoji suggestions in your language
using this interface
- Delete any message on both ends in any private chat, anytime.
- Control whether your forwarded messages link back to your account.
- Control who may see your profile picture.
- Enjoy the new streamlined group management screen.
- Global permissions for groups. Restrict all members in any group
from posting certain types of content.
- Unified group settings. Make groups public,
set admins with granular permissions and toggle persistent history
in just a few clicks in any group.
- Choose the emoji set you would like to use in Chat Settings.
- Choose input and output devices for Telegram Calls
in Settings > Advanced > Call Settings.
- Support for automatically downloading files and music.
- Choose the emoji set you would like to use
in Settings > Chat Settings.
- Choose input and output devices for Telegram Calls
in Settings > Adavanced > Call Settings.