John Preston
Some langs updated. Build fixed for Xcode.
2016-09-29 00:33:05 +03:00
John Preston
Game sharing and inline results supported. Qt patch updated.
Qt patch now disables QT_SCALE_FACTOR and other HighDpi
environment variables reading because tdesktop doesn't support them.
2016-09-28 19:23:25 +03:00
John Preston
Version raised to 0.9.58. Version field of documents supported.
2016-07-08 16:56:53 +03:00
John Preston
Fixed crash in inline results of file type with text message send data.
2016-06-08 11:59:39 +03:00
John Preston
Edit messages sent to yourself.
Copy inline keyboard link to clipboard.
Fixed webpage type=video layout with document attach.
Inline GIF results can be manually downloaded before sending.
2016-05-19 18:02:07 +03:00
John Preston
Moved to g++ 4.9, fixed some warnings, codegen used for Linux build.
2016-04-19 16:52:51 +03:00
John Preston
Info button replaced by userpic in single column layout.
Icons for file inline results never display a download icon.
Using !lastMsg->detached() to detect that all new messages are loaded.
2016-04-11 11:43:40 +04:00
John Preston
Added type voice for inline bots, fixed keyboard buttons bug.
2016-04-11 08:02:39 +04:00
John Preston
UniquePointer > std_::unique_ptr, MakeUnique > std_::make_unique.
2016-04-10 23:20:48 +04:00
John Preston
Inline bot results preview: photo, audio, file, voice. Beta 9040126.
2016-04-10 22:18:26 +04:00
John Preston
HistoryMedia always holds a pointer to its parent HistoryItem.
Using local cached data when sending media inline bot results.
2016-04-10 18:53:01 +04:00
John Preston
Always create photo and document for inline bot results.
2016-04-10 15:13:37 +04:00
John Preston
Refactored dialogs structs.
Moved DialogRow, FakeDialogRow, DialogsList and DialogsIndexed
from history module to dialogs/ folder, for all struct -> class.
2016-04-09 22:45:55 +04:00
John Preston
Redirect addToHistory for inline bot results to SendData member.
2016-04-09 12:29:34 +04:00
John Preston
Encapsulated DocumentData location and serialization.
DocumentData now can point to mtproto or http file.
2016-04-09 09:57:55 +04:00
John Preston
Error handling changed, 'auto' keyword used for MTP types.
All errors that lead to MTP request resending by default
error handler now can be handled differently. For example
inline bot requests are not being resent on 5XX error codes.
+ extensive use of auto keyword in MTP types handling.
2016-04-08 14:44:35 +04:00
John Preston
Scheme updated. Inline bot result messages now may have reply markup.
Fully applying media from send inline bot result response.
2016-04-06 12:00:37 +04:00
John Preston
Encapsulated inline bot result class. Started inline bot
result downloading by external links, not ready (at all).
2016-04-06 00:24:27 +04:00
John Preston
Moved inline bot result structs from structs.cpp/h module.
Moved inline bot result layouts from layout.cpp/h module.
Over status prepared for inline bot file result icon.
Dependencies reduced, inline bots code moved to InlineBots namespace.
Build in Xcode and QtCreator broken.
2016-04-05 01:09:46 +04:00