John Preston
FlatLabel now can allow to select text and copy to clipboard.
Used for peer name in the new profile cover widget.
2016-05-26 18:31:20 +03:00
John Preston
Profile done as a new generic Window::SectionWidget.
Slide animation reimplemented.
2016-05-19 15:03:51 +03:00
John Preston
Merge branch 'master' into profile
2016-05-16 18:47:44 +03:00
John Preston
Side shadow moved to MainWidget. Testing slide animation with 3s duration.
New profile widget has fixed top bar outside of scroll area.
2016-05-14 19:57:06 +03:00
John Preston
Message edit warning timer (up to 15 minutes).
Displaying "edited" info in messages.
2016-05-09 15:03:06 +03:00
John Preston
Suggest mentions not only by username, but by user names as well.
2016-05-08 19:11:47 +03:00
John Preston
Everywhere TextWithTags and TextWithEntities are used.
Copy tags from messages to clipboard, to drag mime data.
Sorting entities while processing (links, monospace, mentions).
2016-05-06 20:33:48 +03:00
John Preston
Saving FlatTextarea tags to drafts, applying them in setText.
Now instead of plain text a TextWithTags struct is used almost
everywhere. Started writing and reading serialized tags to drafts
from 9048, switched version to 0.9.48 for testing.
2016-05-05 19:04:17 +03:00
John Preston
Mention names support added to FlatTextarea, messages.
Copy of mention names to clipboard done, pasting started.
2016-04-30 20:04:14 +03:00
John Preston
Renamed MentionsDropdown to FieldAutocomplete, moved to separate file.
Support for message field mentions without usernames was started.
2016-04-29 16:46:16 +03:00
John Preston
New style::icon class added, colorized icons by codegen_style.
Moved style_core to /ui/style/, Xcode and QtCreator builds are broken.
2016-04-21 20:57:29 +03:00
John Preston
Several crashes fixed.
2016-04-14 22:24:42 +03:00
John Preston
Selection of text in attachments: captions, web page previews.
Text/HistoryItem/HistoryMedia::getState() unified.
Text::getStateElided added. Tested with web page previews only.
2016-04-13 21:29:32 +03:00
John Preston
ClickHandler, TopBarWidget and Overview layouts moved to separate files.
Xcode and QtCreator builds are currently broken.
2016-04-13 00:31:28 +03:00
John Preston
Fixed crash in bot keyboard replacement. 0.9.41 version.
After username resolve bots always opens conversation, not profile.
2016-04-12 01:34:29 +03:00
John Preston
Some bugfixes. Closed beta 9040127.
Crash fix when trying to reply to a bot message which hides the keyboard.
Counting button widths better (more padding, use exact width when avail).
Hiding inline bot results fixed when switched to emoji before hiding.
2016-04-11 00:59:07 +04:00
John Preston
UniquePointer > std_::unique_ptr, MakeUnique > std_::make_unique.
2016-04-10 23:20:48 +04:00
John Preston
Inline bot results preview: photo, audio, file, voice. Beta 9040126.
2016-04-10 22:18:26 +04:00
John Preston
Always create photo and document for inline bot results.
2016-04-10 15:13:37 +04:00
John Preston
Inline bot cancel button added.
It replaces Send button when the user is editing an inline bot
query. First cancel clears the inline bot request, second one
clears the field entirely. Escape key acts the same as cancel.
2016-04-09 15:02:50 +04:00
John Preston
Inline switch to pm and back support added for inline bots.
2016-04-08 18:16:52 +04:00
John Preston
Scroll following the inline bot keyboard when message is edited.
2016-04-08 13:20:10 +04:00
John Preston
Build fixed for renamed sources folder SourceFiles/{gui->ui}/
2016-04-07 22:05:28 +04:00
John Preston
Fixed building in Xcode.
2016-04-07 14:35:09 +04:00
John Preston
Sending icon is displayed in the inline keyboard callback button.
2016-04-06 21:02:22 +04:00
John Preston
Merge branch 'master' into bots
2016-04-05 13:32:42 +04:00
John Preston
Moved inline bot result structs from structs.cpp/h module.
Moved inline bot result layouts from layout.cpp/h module.
Over status prepared for inline bot file result icon.
Dependencies reduced, inline bots code moved to InlineBots namespace.
Build in Xcode and QtCreator broken.
2016-04-05 01:09:46 +04:00
John Preston
Disappearing of HistoryInner because of pending resize fixed.
2016-04-04 12:57:36 +04:00
John Preston
Not inline bot keyboard now supports editing as well.
Styles improved for not inline bot keyboard.
Full crash string adding to crash report.
Preparing to leave source code without #include "stdafx.h"
2016-04-01 19:32:26 +04:00
John Preston
MTP_bytes() replaces MTP_string() for QByteArray payload.
Scheme updated for bot callbacks sending data bytearrays.
ReplyKeyboard edition is supported when editing the messages.
2016-04-01 14:23:40 +04:00
John Preston
Merged with master.
2016-04-01 12:54:32 +04:00
John Preston
Styles improved for unread bar margins and sticker timestamp.
Possible crash fixes: emoji color picker show, pending repaint
items cleared when history items are cleared.
Deleting MainWidget syncroniously when clearWidgets() is called.
2016-03-31 18:06:40 +04:00
John Preston
Bot keyboard button with type url / callback / phone / location
now can be displayed with an icon in the upper-right corner.
Inline bot keyboards almost done.
2016-03-30 20:42:01 +04:00
John Preston
Fixed some ClickHandler bugs, bot keyboard active/pressed
states done, handling enterEvent() for ClickHandler activate.
2016-03-30 12:03:29 +04:00
John Preston
ITextLink moved to ClickHandler, TextLinkPtr > ClickHandlerPtr.
Global methods textlnkOver/Down/DrawOver were replaced by
static members of ClickHandler, now global state consists
of the handler pointer + host pointer, who declares callbacks
for the active and pressed handler changed events.
This will allow to use ClickHandler from different hosts
simultaneously (like HistoryItem / BotDescription / BotKeyboard).
Not yet tested.
2016-03-29 20:17:00 +03:00
John Preston
Reply markup keyboard class almost ready, single class
for inline and external bot keyboard handling.
But it needs to reinvent a good improvement/replacement
for ITextLink concept that will support automatic calls
of linkOver()/linkOut() methods in all link holders.
2016-03-28 20:15:17 +03:00
John Preston
Components are now almost plain structs
Moved reply markups to history items which hold them
2016-03-28 15:51:22 +03:00
John Preston
moving left userpics at the top of the conversation window, beta 9034002
2016-03-22 22:43:47 +03:00
John Preston
version 9034001 beta
2016-03-22 18:23:34 +03:00
John Preston
scrollTop counted relative to the last scrollTop item, attachedToPrevious messages support added, service messages now display date and unreadbar
2016-03-21 21:40:00 +03:00
John Preston
all MTP flags made strictly typed by scoped enums, in-message date display added for non-service messages
2016-03-19 19:55:15 +03:00
John Preston
removed Date service messages, removed UnreadBar service message, started adding them to HistoryItems, saving item index in block to keep an eye on the previous message
2016-03-18 22:05:08 +03:00
John Preston
call after sms is optional now
2016-03-15 22:38:30 +03:00
John Preston
fixed scroll to convert group to supergroup service message
2016-03-14 20:45:59 +03:00
John Preston
cloud synced report spam panel visibility
2016-03-12 19:32:28 +03:00
John Preston
updating edited messages dependencies (replies, edit / reply / pinned bar), postponing notification about pinned message while the message itself is not yet available
2016-03-11 15:20:58 +03:00
John Preston
pin/unpin messages in supergroups, local hide for pinned messages
2016-03-10 13:15:21 +03:00
John Preston
fixed some warnings, added debug logs before thread wait calls
2016-03-01 05:36:23 +03:00
John Preston
improved rpcClear() when deleting a complex RPCSender, clearing recent inline bots on logout
2016-02-28 15:36:23 +03:00
John Preston
global shortcuts with loading from .json map
2016-02-27 22:39:51 +03:00