John Preston
Improved ripple animation colors and styles for different buttons.
Also moved FlatLabel and LabelSimple to ui/widgets/labels module.
Also moved ScrollArea to ui/widgets/scroll_area module.
2016-12-30 17:52:10 +04:00 |
John Preston
Media::Player::Widget added instead of PlayerWidget.
New media player bar widget added. Switching between floating
media player panel and media player widget. New volume controller.
2016-10-12 22:36:48 +03:00 |
John Preston
Invite link block in the new profile implementation done.
Fixed ClickHandler state when host is destroyed and after drag-n-drop.
2016-06-01 19:40:51 +03:00 |
John Preston
New profile blocks started. Info block fully ready.
All block widgets added (currently empty).
About text and phone number PeerUpdateFlag added for observers.
2016-05-31 22:27:11 +03:00 |
John Preston
Everywhere TextWithTags and TextWithEntities are used.
Copy tags from messages to clipboard, to drag mime data.
Sorting entities while processing (links, monospace, mentions).
2016-05-06 20:33:48 +03:00 |
John Preston
EntityInText made class instead of struct. Scheme updated.
No left trim of monospace text block when sending / displaying text.
New entity type (mention name) introduced, but not supported yet.
2016-04-29 15:00:48 +03:00 |
John Preston
Possible crash fixed in ClickHandler.
2016-04-13 08:55:01 +03:00 |
John Preston
ClickHandler, TopBarWidget and Overview layouts moved to separate files.
Xcode and QtCreator builds are currently broken.
2016-04-13 00:31:28 +03:00 |