- Replace media when editing messages with media content.
- Jump quickly to the top of your chats list.
- Get emoji suggestions for the first word you type in a message.
- Help Telegram improve emoji suggestions in your language
using this interface https://translations.telegram.org/en/emoji
- Replace media when editing messages with media content.
- Jump quickly to the top of your chats list.
- Get emoji suggestions for the first word you type in a message.
- Help Telegram improve emoji suggestions in your language
using this interface https://translations.telegram.org/en/emoji
This was causing an assertion violation in Ui::PostponeCall.
- Add a generic Core::QtSignalProducer to convert Qt signals to rpl::producer.
- Track event loop nesting inside QtSignalProducer.
- Use QtSignalProducer for QWindow::activeChanged tracking.
- Delete any message on both ends in any private chat, anytime.
- Control whether your forwarded messages link back to your account.
- Control who may see your profile picture.
- Enjoy the new streamlined group management screen.
Regression was introduced in 3372dfcd3e.
Only when platform-specific code can give us the global time of the
last user input event we rely on idle time for notifications hiding.
- Removed condition for Windows platform only.
- Added smooth hiding of notifications in case video is watched or voice message is recorded.
- psUserActionDone() was completely replaced with Core::App().updateNonIdle().
- psIdleTime() was replaced with Platform::LastUserInputTime().
- _lastTimeVideoPlayedAt was moved to Application as _lastNonIdleTime.
- Call of updateNonIdle() was added while voice is recording.
- Fixed#5695.
- Thanks Preston. =)