John Preston
Improved ripple animation colors and styles for different buttons.
Also moved FlatLabel and LabelSimple to ui/widgets/labels module.
Also moved ScrollArea to ui/widgets/scroll_area module.
2016-12-30 17:52:10 +04:00
John Preston
Removed anim::cvalue and ColorAnimation, all done by fvalue now.
Also moved style::interpolate to anim::color/anim::pen/anim::brush.
2016-12-30 17:51:46 +04:00
John Preston
Update Telegram button added to DialogsWidget/Intro. Three dot menu.
2016-12-30 17:51:41 +04:00
John Preston
Closed beta 10019001: style::color copy is denied, only const refs.
2016-12-30 17:51:33 +04:00
John Preston
Dropdown replaced by Ui::DropdownMenu. ScrolledWidget removed.
Ui::DropdownMenu is like Ui::PopupMenu, both based on Ui::Menu.
2016-10-27 15:56:48 +03:00
John Preston
0.10.4: Same chat msg links fixed. Crash fix attempt in ScrollArea.
If the message link is opened in the same chat the ShowWay::Forward
should be ignored.
There was a possible crash in ~ScrollArea() when one of the bars
was already destroyed and the second called ScrollArea::leaveEvent.
Now both bars are ChildWidget<>s and will be destroyed in ~QWidget().
2016-09-03 12:35:12 -04:00
John Preston
Most of the new Settings sections filled with widgets.
Some animations added: new scale slider, widget_slide_wrap<TWidget>.
Any TWidget now can resizeToWidth() with overriden resizeGetHeight().
2016-08-22 19:31:42 +02:00
John Preston
Members block in group conversation view finished (except Xcode project).
2016-06-20 14:31:12 +03:00
John Preston
Profile members block displayed when mouse is over group members count.
2016-06-17 21:18:01 +03:00
John Preston
Fixed Xcode build. When hiding fullscreen window first exit fullscreen.
2016-06-16 18:17:39 +03:00
John Preston
Fixed scrolling by a child widget in ScrollArea by touch screen.
ScrollArea now always generates MouseMove when scrolled.
Fixed crash in BotKeyboard resizing with style change.
Fixed stickers box animations.
2016-06-15 20:48:16 +03:00
John Preston
New profile buttons started, not performing actions yet.
New system of Observers. Subscriptions on PeerData updates.
2016-05-24 19:13:07 +03:00
John Preston
New style::icon class added, colorized icons by codegen_style.
Moved style_core to /ui/style/, Xcode and QtCreator builds are broken.
2016-04-21 20:57:29 +03:00
John Preston
Build fixed for renamed sources folder SourceFiles/{gui->ui}/
2016-04-07 22:05:28 +04:00
John Preston
Renamed sources folder SourceFiles/gui to SourceFiles/ui.
2016-04-07 21:55:17 +04:00