John Preston
Seek done in video player in MediaView. Some memory leaks fixed.
Using pixmapFromImageInPlace() instead of QPixmap::fromImage().
2016-07-13 20:34:57 +03:00
John Preston
Simplified usage of Observer, new event types can be added easier.
2016-05-25 21:49:47 +03:00
John Preston
New profile cover actions by buttons done.
Two new types of Observers: image loaded and async file dialog.
2016-05-25 20:59:21 +03:00
John Preston
ClickHandler, TopBarWidget and Overview layouts moved to separate files.
Xcode and QtCreator builds are currently broken.
2016-04-13 00:31:28 +03:00
John Preston
HistoryMedia always holds a pointer to its parent HistoryItem.
Using local cached data when sending media inline bot results.
2016-04-10 18:53:01 +04:00
John Preston
Error handling changed, 'auto' keyword used for MTP types.
All errors that lead to MTP request resending by default
error handler now can be handled differently. For example
inline bot requests are not being resent on 5XX error codes.
+ extensive use of auto keyword in MTP types handling.
2016-04-08 14:44:35 +04:00
John Preston
OrderedSet class done using QMap as implementation,
instead of inheriting it, fixed replies delete code.
2016-03-25 18:20:34 +03:00
John Preston
moved MTProtoSession and MTProtoConnection to MTP::internal:: namespace
2016-03-24 11:57:11 +03:00
John Preston
Modules renamed in mtproto folder, Xcode build should not work yet
2016-03-23 21:43:12 +03:00