John Preston
Passcode lock button added to DialogsWidget.
2016-12-30 17:51:40 +04:00
John Preston
Media::Player::Widget added instead of PlayerWidget.
New media player bar widget added. Switching between floating
media player panel and media player widget. New volume controller.
2016-10-12 22:36:48 +03:00
John Preston
Shutdown on Linux fix attempt. Draft remove in empty conversation fix.
Larger badge of unread messages in history-to-down button.
Submit bot-start by Enter. Fix icons show in chat without input field.
2016-06-21 18:58:07 +03:00
John Preston
Fixes in floating dates with migrated histories.
All service messages are now not multiline (including pinned).
Confirmation for profile photo deleting will be added (not enabled).
Copy-by-selection should be supported in Linux version now.
Drafts that contain only reply-to-id (without text) support added.
2016-06-14 19:26:41 +03:00
John Preston
Cloud draft handling improved. Fixed Edit while already editing a msg.
2016-06-09 17:31:10 +03:00
John Preston
New layout of service messages (complex shape of a bubble).
2016-06-09 14:51:24 +03:00
John Preston
Cloud stored message drafts support added.
2016-06-03 21:24:27 +03:00
John Preston
Cloud stored drafts started.
2016-05-31 12:46:31 +03:00