Now instead of plain text a TextWithTags struct is used almost
everywhere. Started writing and reading serialized tags to drafts
from 9048, switched version to 0.9.48 for testing.
Crash fix when trying to reply to a bot message which hides the keyboard.
Counting button widths better (more padding, use exact width when avail).
Hiding inline bot results fixed when switched to emoji before hiding.
It replaces Send button when the user is editing an inline bot
query. First cancel clears the inline bot request, second one
clears the field entirely. Escape key acts the same as cancel.
All errors that lead to MTP request resending by default
error handler now can be handled differently. For example
inline bot requests are not being resent on 5XX error codes.
+ extensive use of auto keyword in MTP types handling.
and, languages list is in Resources/LangList.
Added two special commands in service notifications conversations:
*new_version_text* for viewing current new version description and
*all_new_version_texts* for viewing it in all supported languages.
Moved inline bot result layouts from layout.cpp/h module.
Over status prepared for inline bot file result icon.
Dependencies reduced, inline bots code moved to InlineBots namespace.
Build in Xcode and QtCreator broken.
Possible crash fixes: emoji color picker show, pending repaint
items cleared when history items are cleared.
Deleting MainWidget syncroniously when clearWidgets() is called.
Global methods textlnkOver/Down/DrawOver were replaced by
static members of ClickHandler, now global state consists
of the handler pointer + host pointer, who declares callbacks
for the active and pressed handler changed events.
This will allow to use ClickHandler from different hosts
simultaneously (like HistoryItem / BotDescription / BotKeyboard).
Not yet tested.
Some lang grammar fixes, all "audio" changed to "voice message"
PeerData can have three loaded states (not loaded, minimal, full)
Interface/Interfaces renamed to Component/Composer
HistoryReply moved to a Component named HistoryMessageReply
(server doesn't allow to delete large channels any more).
Error message added in a case when the current user
(not admin) tries to add to a supergroup a user who
was kicked by admin (and blacklisted by this action).