John Preston
UniquePointer > std_::unique_ptr, MakeUnique > std_::make_unique.
2016-04-10 23:20:48 +04:00
John Preston
Always create photo and document for inline bot results.
2016-04-10 15:13:37 +04:00
John Preston
Redirect addToHistory for inline bot results to SendData member.
2016-04-09 12:29:34 +04:00
John Preston
Scheme updated. Inline bot result messages now may have reply markup.
Fully applying media from send inline bot result response.
2016-04-06 12:00:37 +04:00
John Preston
Encapsulated inline bot result class. Started inline bot
result downloading by external links, not ready (at all).
2016-04-06 00:24:27 +04:00
John Preston
Moved inline bot result structs from structs.cpp/h module.
Moved inline bot result layouts from layout.cpp/h module.
Over status prepared for inline bot file result icon.
Dependencies reduced, inline bots code moved to InlineBots namespace.
Build in Xcode and QtCreator broken.
2016-04-05 01:09:46 +04:00