mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 09:41:41 -05:00
Version 1.0.26: Better appx manifest, update langs.
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 383 additions and 42 deletions
@ -409,6 +409,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_settings_groups_invite_privacy" = "Group invite settings";
"lng_settings_show_sessions" = "Show all sessions";
"lng_settings_self_destruct" = "Account self-destruct settings";
"lng_settings_change_phone" = "Change phone number";
"lng_settings_reset" = "Terminate all other sessions";
"lng_settings_reset_sure" = "Are you sure you want to terminate\nall other sessions?";
@ -480,7 +481,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_change_phone_new_submit" = "Submit";
"lng_change_phone_code_title" = "Enter code";
"lng_change_phone_code_description" = "We've sent an SMS with a confirmation code to your phone {phone}.";
"lng_change_phone_success" = "Your phone number was changed.";
"lng_change_phone_success" = "Your phone number has been changed.";
"lng_preview_loading" = "Getting Link Info...";
@ -1075,7 +1076,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop was updated to version {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nFull version history is available here:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Bug fixes and other minor improvements";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Go to date. Click on the date in a chat to jump to a specific day.\n— Added Last Seen and Group Invite privacy settings.\n— Edit list of blocked users in Settings.\n— Send MP4/MOV files as videos that will play right inside Telegram.\n— App now respects the \"Do Not Disturb\" setting for macOS notifications.\n— Bug fixes and other minor improvements.";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Send MP4/MOV files as videos that will play right inside Telegram.\n— Click on the date in any chat to quickly jump to messages from a specific day.\n— Change your phone number in Settings.\n— Edit who can see your last seen time and who can add you to groups in Settings.\n— Edit your list of blocked users in Settings.\n— App now respects the \"Do Not Disturb\" setting for macOS notifications.\n— Bug fixes and other minor improvements.";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Insert Unicode control character";
@ -403,10 +403,17 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_connection_user_ph" = "Benutzer";
"lng_connection_password_ph" = "Kennwort";
"lng_connection_save" = "Speichern";
"lng_settings_blocked_users" = "Blockierte Nutzer";
"lng_settings_last_seen_privacy" = "Zuletzt gesehen";
"lng_settings_groups_invite_privacy" = "Gruppen";
"lng_settings_show_sessions" = "Sitzungen";
"lng_settings_reset" = "Alle anderen Geräte abmelden";
"lng_settings_reset_sure" = "Sicher, dass du alle anderen Geräte\nabmelden möchtest?";
"lng_settings_reset_one_sure" = "Dieses Gerät wirklich abmelden?";
"lng_settings_self_destruct" = "Kontolöschung bei Inaktivität";
"lng_settings_change_phone" = "Nummer ändern";
"lng_settings_reset" = "Alle anderen Sitzungen abmelden";
"lng_settings_reset_sure" = "Sicher, dass du alle anderen Sitzungen\nabmelden möchtest?";
"lng_settings_reset_one_sure" = "Diese Sitzung wirklich abmelden?";
"lng_settings_reset_button" = "Beenden";
"lng_settings_reset_done" = "Alle anderen Sitzungen wurden erfolgreich beendet.";
"lng_settings_manage_local_storage" = "Lokalen Cache verwalten";
@ -422,11 +429,59 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_settings_restart_now" = "NEUSTART";
"lng_settings_restart_later" = "SPÄTER";
"lng_sessions_header" = "Aktuelles Gerät";
"lng_sessions_other_header" = "Andere Geräte";
"lng_sessions_no_other" = "Keine anderen Geräte";
"lng_sessions_header" = "Aktuelle Sitzung";
"lng_sessions_other_header" = "Aktive Sitzungen";
"lng_sessions_no_other" = "Keine anderen Sitzungen";
"lng_sessions_other_desc" = "Du kannst Telegram gleichzeitig vom Handy, Tablet oder auch Computer mit der gleichen Handynummer benutzen. Alles wird immer synchronisiert.";
"lng_sessions_terminate_all" = "Alle anderen Geräte abmelden";
"lng_sessions_terminate_all" = "Alle anderen Sitzungen abmelden";
"lng_blocked_list_title" = "Blockierte Nutzer";
"lng_blocked_list_unknown_phone" = "unbekannte Nummer";
"lng_blocked_list_unblock" = "Freigeben";
"lng_blocked_list_add" = "Nutzer blockieren";
"lng_blocked_list_add_title" = "Wen möchtest du blockieren?";
"lng_blocked_list_already_blocked" = "bereits blockiert";
"lng_blocked_list_about" = "Blockierte Nutzer können dir keine Nachrichten schicken oder dich in Gruppen einladen. Sie sehen weder dein Profilbild, noch deinen Online- und \"zuletzt gesehen\" Status.";
"lng_blocked_list_not_found" = "Keine Nutzer gefunden.";
"lng_edit_privacy_everyone" = "Jeder";
"lng_edit_privacy_contacts" = "Meine Kontakte";
"lng_edit_privacy_nobody" = "Niemand";
"lng_edit_privacy_exceptions" = "Ausnahmen hinzufügen";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_title" = "Zuletzt gesehen";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_description" = "Wer darf deine \"zuletzt gesehen\" Zeit sehen:";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_warning" = "Wichtig: Du kannst den \"zuletzt gesehen\" Status nur von Personen sehen, mit denen du auch deinen teilst. Sonst wird nur die ungefähre Zeit angezeigt.";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_always" = "Immer teilen mit{count:| # Kontakt| # Kontakten}";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_never" = "Niemals teilen mit{count:| # Kontakt| # Kontakten}";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_exceptions" = "Hier kannst du Kontakte hinzufügen, für die eine Ausnahme gemacht werden soll.";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_always_title" = "Immer teilen mit";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_never_title" = "Niemals teilen mit";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_title" = "Wer kann mich Gruppen hinzufügen?";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_description" = "Du kannst bestimmen, wer dich in Gruppen oder Kanälen hinzufügen kann:";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_always" = "Immer erlauben{count:| # Kontakt| # Kontakten}";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_never" = "Niemals erlauben{count:| # Kontakt| # Kontakten}";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_exceptions" = "Hier kannst du Nutzer hinzufügen, für die eine Ausnahme gemacht werden soll.";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_always_title" = "Immer erlauben";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_never_title" = "Niemals erlauben";
"lng_self_destruct_title" = "Automatische Kontolöschung";
"lng_self_destruct_description" = "Wenn du dich innerhalb dieser Zeit nicht anmeldest, wird dein Konto mit allen Nachrichten, Gruppen und Kontakten gelöscht.";
"lng_self_destruct_months" = "{count:_not_used_|# Monat|# Monate}";
"lng_self_destruct_years" = "{count:_not_used_|# Jahr|# Jahre}";
"lng_change_phone_title" = "Nummer ändern";
"lng_change_phone_description" = "Du kannst deine Telefonnummer hier ändern.\nDein Konto und alle Daten in der Cloud, also \nNachrichten, Medien, Kontakte, etc. werden \nauf das neue Konto übertragen.\n\n[b]Wichtig[/b]: Alle deine Kontakte erhalten deine\n[b]neue Nummer[/b] ihrem Telefonbuch\nhinzugefügt, sofern sie deine alte Nummer \nhatten und du sie nicht blockiert hattest.";
"lng_change_phone_warning" = "Bitte beachte, dass alle deine Kontakte deine neue Nummer ihrem Telefonbuch hinzugefügt bekommen, sofern sie deine alte Nummer gespeichert hatten und du sie nicht blockiert hattest.";
"lng_change_phone_occupied" = "Unter der Nummer {phone} gibt es bereits ein Telegram-Konto. Du musst es vor der Änderung deiner Nummer löschen.";
"lng_change_phone_button" = "Nummer ändern";
"lng_change_phone_new_title" = "Neue Nummer eingeben";
"lng_change_phone_new_description" = "Der Bestätigungscode kommt per SMS an deine neue Nummer.";
"lng_change_phone_new_submit" = "Absenden";
"lng_change_phone_code_title" = "Code eingeben";
"lng_change_phone_code_description" = "Wir haben dir einen Bestätigungscode per SMS an {phone} gesendet.";
"lng_change_phone_success" = "Deine Telefonnummer wurde geändert.";
"lng_preview_loading" = "Lade Linkvorschau...";
@ -660,7 +715,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_group_invite_about" = "Jeder, der Telegram installiert hat,\nkann anhand dieses Links in deine Gruppe.";
"lng_group_invite_create_new" = "Link widerrufen";
"lng_group_invite_about_new" = "Dein vorheriger Link wird ungültig, wenn du einen neuen erstellst.";
"lng_group_invite_copied" = "Der Einladungslink für die Gruppe\nwurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert.";
"lng_group_invite_copied" = "Einladungslink wurde kopiert.";
"lng_group_invite_no_room" = "Leider kannst du dieser Gruppe nicht mehr beitreten, da sie bereits voll ist.";
"lng_channel_public_link_copied" = "Link in die Zwischenablage kopiert.\n";
@ -858,8 +913,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_context_view_profile" = "Profil öffnen";
"lng_context_view_group" = "Gruppeninfo zeigen";
"lng_context_view_channel" = "Kanalinfo anzeigen";
"lng_context_pin_to_top" = "Anheften";
"lng_context_unpin_from_top" = "Entfernen";
"lng_context_pin_to_top" = "Oben anheften";
"lng_context_unpin_from_top" = "Oben entfernen";
"lng_context_promote_admin" = "Zum Admin machen";
"lng_context_remove_admin" = "Als Admin entfernen";
@ -1021,7 +1076,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop wurde aktualisiert auf Version {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nGesamter Versionsverlauf:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Fehlerbehebungen und Softwareoptimierungen";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Schnell zu einem bestimmten Datum springen: Dazu einfach auf das Datum im Chat klicken.\n— App hält sich nun an die \"Nicht stören\"-Einstellungen auf macOS Systemen.\n— Fehlerbehebungen und sonstige Softwareoptimierungen.";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Sende MP4/MOV Dateien als Videos. Sie werden dann direkt in der App abgespielt.\n— Schnell zu einem bestimmten Datum springen: Tippe auf das Datum im Chat und springe so direkt zu einem anderen Tag.\n— Neue Einstellungen: Telefonnummer ändern, \"zuletzt gesehen\" Status und Gruppeneinladungen in den Telegram-Einstellungen.\n— Die App hält sich an die \"Nicht stören\" Einstellungen bei macOS.\n— Fehlerbehebungen und kleinere Verbesserungen.";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Unicode-Steuerzeichen einfügen";
@ -403,7 +403,14 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_connection_user_ph" = "Alias";
"lng_connection_password_ph" = "Contraseña";
"lng_connection_save" = "Guardar";
"lng_settings_blocked_users" = "Usuarios bloqueados";
"lng_settings_last_seen_privacy" = "Última conexión";
"lng_settings_groups_invite_privacy" = "Invitación a grupos";
"lng_settings_show_sessions" = "Mostrar todas las sesiones";
"lng_settings_self_destruct" = "Autodestrucción de la cuenta";
"lng_settings_change_phone" = "Cambiar número de teléfono";
"lng_settings_reset" = "Cerrar todas las otras sesiones";
"lng_settings_reset_sure" = "¿Quieres cerrar todas \nlas otras sesiones?";
"lng_settings_reset_one_sure" = "¿Quieres cerrar esta sesión?";
@ -428,6 +435,54 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_sessions_other_desc" = "Puedes iniciar sesión en Telegram desde otro móvil, tablet o computador, usando el mismo número de teléfono. Todos tus datos se sincronizarán al instante.";
"lng_sessions_terminate_all" = "Cerrar todas las otras sesiones";
"lng_blocked_list_title" = "Usuarios bloqueados";
"lng_blocked_list_unknown_phone" = "número desconocido";
"lng_blocked_list_unblock" = "Desbloquear";
"lng_blocked_list_add" = "Bloquear";
"lng_blocked_list_add_title" = "Elige un usuario para bloquear";
"lng_blocked_list_already_blocked" = "ya está bloqueado";
"lng_blocked_list_about" = "Los usuarios bloqueados no pueden enviarte mensajes o añadirte a grupos. No verán tus fotos de perfil ni estados de conexión.";
"lng_blocked_list_not_found" = "No se encontraron usuarios.";
"lng_edit_privacy_everyone" = "Todos";
"lng_edit_privacy_contacts" = "Mis contactos";
"lng_edit_privacy_nobody" = "Nadie";
"lng_edit_privacy_exceptions" = "Añadir excepciones";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_title" = "Última conexión";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_description" = "Puedes elegir quién ve tu última conexión:";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_warning" = "Importante: No verás la última conexión de las personas con las que no compartes la tuya. En su lugar, se mostrarán conexiones indeterminadas (recientemente, hace unos días, hace unas semanas).";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_always" = "Compartir con{count:| # usuario| # usuarios}";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_never" = "No compartir con{count:| # usuario| # usuarios}";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_exceptions" = "Estos ajustes anularán los valores de arriba.";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_always_title" = "Compartir con";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_never_title" = "No compartir con";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_title" = "Invitación a grupos";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_description" = "Puedes restringir quién puede añadirte a grupos o canales con gran precisión:";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_always" = "Permitir{count:| # usuario| # usuarios}";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_never" = "No permitir{count:| # usuario| # usuarios}";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_exceptions" = "Estos usuarios podrán o no añadirte a grupos y canales, independiente de los ajustes de arriba.";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_always_title" = "Permitir";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_never_title" = "No permitir";
"lng_self_destruct_title" = "Autodestrucción de la cuenta";
"lng_self_destruct_description" = "Si no estás en línea durante este tiempo, al menos una vez, tu cuenta se eliminará con todos tus grupos, mensajes y contactos.";
"lng_self_destruct_months" = "{count:_not_used_|# mes|# meses}";
"lng_self_destruct_years" = "{count:_not_used_|# año|# años}";
"lng_change_phone_title" = "Cambiar número de teléfono";
"lng_change_phone_description" = "Puedes cambiar tu número de Telegram aquí. \nTu cuenta y todos tus datos de la nube, mensajes,\narchivos, grupos, contactos, etc., se moverán al \nnuevo número.\n\n[b]Importante[/b]: Todos tus contactos de Telegram\ntendrán tu [b]nuevo número[/b] añadido a sus \nagendas de contactos, siempre que hayan tenido \ntu número viejo y no los hayas bloqueado.";
"lng_change_phone_warning" = "Todos tus contactos de Telegram tendrán tu número nuevo añadido a sus agendas de contactos, siempre que hayan tenido tu número viejo y no los hayas bloqueado en Telegram.";
"lng_change_phone_occupied" = "El número {phone} ya está vinculado a una cuenta de Telegram. Por favor, elimina esa cuenta antes de migrar al nuevo número.";
"lng_change_phone_button" = "Cambiar número";
"lng_change_phone_new_title" = "Pon tu número nuevo";
"lng_change_phone_new_description" = "Enviaremos un SMS con el código de confirmación a tu nuevo número.";
"lng_change_phone_new_submit" = "Enviar";
"lng_change_phone_code_title" = "Pon el código";
"lng_change_phone_code_description" = "Enviamos un SMS con el código de activación a tu teléfono {phone}.";
"lng_change_phone_success" = "Tu número de teléfono ha sido cambiado.";
"lng_preview_loading" = "Obteniendo enlace...";
"lng_profile_chat_unaccessible" = "El grupo es inaccesible";
@ -1021,7 +1076,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop ha sido actualizada a la versión {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nEl historial completo está disponible aquí:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Corrección de errores y otras mejoras menores";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Ir a la fecha: Haz clic en la fecha para ir a un día en específico dentro del chat.\n— La aplicación ahora respeta la opción “No molestar” en las notificaciones de macOS.\n— Corrección de errores y otras mejoras menores.";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Envía archivos MP4/MOV como videos que se reproducirán dentro de Telegram.\n— Haz clic en la fecha en cualquier chat para ir a los mensajes de un día en específico.\n— Cambia tu número de teléfono en ajustes.\n— Edita quién puede ver tu última conexión y quién puede añadirte a grupos en ajustes.\n— Edita la lista de usuarios bloqueados en ajustes.\n— La aplicación ahora respeta la opción “No molestar” en las notificaciones de macOS. \n— Corrección de errores y otras mejoras menores.";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Insertar caracteres de control Unicode";
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_passcode_enter_first" = "Inserisci un codice";
"lng_passcode_enter_new" = "Inserisci il nuovo codice";
"lng_passcode_confirm_new" = "Reinserisci il nuovo codice";
"lng_passcode_about" = "Quando un codice è attivo, appare un'icona col lucchetto sopra la lista delle chat. Premi su di essa per bloccare l'app.\n\nNota: se dimentichi il codice, dovrai accedere di nuovo su Telegram Desktop.";
"lng_passcode_about" = "Quando è attivo un codice, appare un'icona col lucchetto sopra la lista delle chat. Premila per bloccare l'app.\n\nNota: se dimentichi il codice, dovrai accedere di nuovo su Telegram Desktop.";
"lng_passcode_differ" = "I codici sono diversi";
"lng_passcode_wrong" = "Codice errato";
"lng_passcode_is_same" = "Il codice non è stato cambiato";
@ -403,7 +403,14 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_connection_user_ph" = "Username";
"lng_connection_password_ph" = "Password";
"lng_connection_save" = "Salva";
"lng_settings_blocked_users" = "Utenti bloccati";
"lng_settings_last_seen_privacy" = "Ultimo accesso";
"lng_settings_groups_invite_privacy" = "Gruppi";
"lng_settings_show_sessions" = "Mostra tutte le sessioni";
"lng_settings_self_destruct" = "Impostazioni autodistruzione account";
"lng_settings_change_phone" = "Cambia numero di telefono";
"lng_settings_reset" = "Termina tutte le altre sessioni";
"lng_settings_reset_sure" = "Sicuro di voler terminare\ntutte le altre sessioni?";
"lng_settings_reset_one_sure" = "Vuoi terminare questa sessione?";
@ -428,6 +435,54 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_sessions_other_desc" = "Ti puoi connettere a Telegram da altri dispositivi mobili, tablet e desktop usando lo stesso numero. Tutti i tuoi dati saranno sincronizzati istantaneamente.";
"lng_sessions_terminate_all" = "Termina tutte le altre sessioni";
"lng_blocked_list_title" = "Utenti bloccati";
"lng_blocked_list_unknown_phone" = "numero sconosciuto";
"lng_blocked_list_unblock" = "Sblocca";
"lng_blocked_list_add" = "Blocca utente";
"lng_blocked_list_add_title" = "Seleziona l'utente da bloccare";
"lng_blocked_list_already_blocked" = "già bloccato";
"lng_blocked_list_about" = "Gli utenti bloccati non possono inviarti messaggi o aggiungerti ai gruppi. Non vedranno le tue foto profilo, lo stato in linea e l'ultimo accesso.";
"lng_blocked_list_not_found" = "Nessun utente trovato.";
"lng_edit_privacy_everyone" = "Tutti";
"lng_edit_privacy_contacts" = "I miei contatti";
"lng_edit_privacy_nobody" = "Nessuno";
"lng_edit_privacy_exceptions" = "Aggiungi eccezioni";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_title" = "Ultimo accesso";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_description" = "Puoi decidere chi può vedere il tuo ultimo accesso:";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_warning" = "Importante: non potrai vedere l'ultimo accesso delle persone con cui non condividi l'ultimo accesso. Verrà mostrato un orario approssimativo (di recente, entro una settimana, entro un mese).";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_always" = "Condividi con{count:| # utente| # utenti}";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_never" = "Non condividere con{count:| # utente| # utenti}";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_exceptions" = "Queste impostazioni annulleranno i valori precedenti.";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_always_title" = "Condividi con";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_never_title" = "Non condividere co";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_title" = "Gruppi";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_description" = "Puoi decidere chi può aggiungerti a gruppi e canali con precisione granulare:";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_always" = "Consenti sempre{count:| # utente| # utenti}";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_never" = "Non consentire mai{count:| # utente| # utenti}";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_exceptions" = "Questi utenti potranno o non potranno aggiungerti a gruppi e canali indipendentemente dalle impostazioni precedenti.";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_always_title" = "Consenti sempre";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_never_title" = "Non consentire mai";
"lng_self_destruct_title" = "Autodistruzione account";
"lng_self_destruct_description" = "Se non ti connetti almeno una volta in questo periodo, il tuo account verrà eliminato insieme a tutti i gruppi, i messaggi e i contatti.";
"lng_self_destruct_months" = "{count:_not_used_|# mese|# mesi}";
"lng_self_destruct_years" = "{count:_not_used_|# anno|# anni}";
"lng_change_phone_title" = "Cambia numero di telefono";
"lng_change_phone_description" = "Puoi cambiare il tuo numero di telefono\nqui. Il tuo account e tutti i tuoi dati cloud\n— messaggi, file, contatti, etc. saranno\ntrasferiti sul nuovo numero.\n\n[b]Importante[/b]: a tutti i tuoi contatti di Telegram\nverrà aggiunto il tuo [b]nuovo numero[/b] ai contatti,\npurché abbiano il tuo vecchio numero e\ntu non li abbia bloccati su Telegram.";
"lng_change_phone_warning" = "Tutti i tuoi contatti Telegram avranno il tuo nuovo numero tra i loro contatti, purché abbiano il tuo vecchio numero e tu non li abbia bloccati su Telegram.";
"lng_change_phone_occupied" = "Il numero {phone} è già connesso ad un account Telegram. Per favore elimina quell'account prima di migrare sul nuovo numero.";
"lng_change_phone_button" = "Cambia numero";
"lng_change_phone_new_title" = "Inserisci il nuovo numero";
"lng_change_phone_new_description" = "Invieremo un SMS con un codice di conferma al tuo nuovo numero.";
"lng_change_phone_new_submit" = "Invia";
"lng_change_phone_code_title" = "Inserisci il codice";
"lng_change_phone_code_description" = "Abbiamo inviato un SMS con un codice di conferma al tuo numero {phone}.";
"lng_change_phone_success" = "Il tuo numero di telefono è stato cambiato.";
"lng_preview_loading" = "Recupero le info del link...";
"lng_profile_chat_unaccessible" = "Gruppo inaccessibile";
@ -1021,7 +1076,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop si è aggiornato alla versione {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nLa cronologia degli aggiornamenti è disponibile qui:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Risoluzione di problemi e altri miglioramenti minori";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Vai alla data. Clicca sulla data in una chat per visualizzare un giorno specifico.\n— L'app ora rispetta la modalità \"Non disturbare\" di macOS.\n— Risoluzione di problemi e altri miglioramenti minori.";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Vai alla data. Quando esegui una ricerca in una chat clicca sulla data per andare al giorno selezionato.\n— Aggiunte le Impostazioni per la privacy dell'ultimo accesso e per l'invito ai gruppi.\n— Cambia il tuo numero nelle Impostazioni.\n— Modifica la lista degli utenti bloccati nelle Impostazioni.\n— Invia file MP4/MOV come video in modo che vengano aperti all'interno di Telegram.\n— L'app ora rispetta la modalità \"Non disturbare\" per le notifiche di macOS.\n— Risoluzione di problemi e altri miglioramenti minori.";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Inserisci carattere di controllo Unicode";
@ -403,7 +403,14 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_connection_user_ph" = "아이디";
"lng_connection_password_ph" = "비밀번호";
"lng_connection_save" = "저장";
"lng_settings_blocked_users" = "차단된 사용자";
"lng_settings_last_seen_privacy" = "접속 시간 개인설정";
"lng_settings_groups_invite_privacy" = "그룹 초대 설정";
"lng_settings_show_sessions" = "모든 세션 보기";
"lng_settings_self_destruct" = "계정 자동탈퇴 설정";
"lng_settings_change_phone" = "전화번호 변경";
"lng_settings_reset" = "다른 모든 세션 강제 종료";
"lng_settings_reset_sure" = "현재 기기를 제외하고 다른 기기에 로그인된 세션을 모두 종료시킬까요?";
"lng_settings_reset_one_sure" = "해당 세션을 강제 종료 하시겠습니까?";
@ -428,6 +435,54 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_sessions_other_desc" = "동일한 휴대번호로 다른 휴대기기, 태블릿과 데스크탑에서 텔레그램 로그인이 가능합니다. 모든 데이터는 즉시 동기화 됩니다.";
"lng_sessions_terminate_all" = "다른 모든 세션 강제 종료";
"lng_blocked_list_title" = "차단된 사용자";
"lng_blocked_list_unknown_phone" = "알 수 없는 번호";
"lng_blocked_list_unblock" = "차단해제";
"lng_blocked_list_add" = "사용자 차단";
"lng_blocked_list_add_title" = "차단할 사용자 선택";
"lng_blocked_list_already_blocked" = "이미 차단됨";
"lng_blocked_list_about" = "차단된 사용자는 회원님에게 메시지나 그룹으로 초대할 수 없습니다. 또한 프로필 사진, 온라인 및 접속 시간을 볼 수 없습니다.";
"lng_blocked_list_not_found" = "사용자를 찾 을 수 없음";
"lng_edit_privacy_everyone" = "모두";
"lng_edit_privacy_contacts" = "내주소록";
"lng_edit_privacy_nobody" = "모두거절";
"lng_edit_privacy_exceptions" = "예외 추가";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_title" = "접속 시간 개인설정";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_description" = "내 접속시간을 볼 수 있는 사람 설정:";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_warning" = "중요: 접속시간을 공유하지 않는 사람의 접속 시간은 볼 수 없습니다. 대신 대략적으로 접속 시간이 표시 됩니다. (최근에, 일주일 이내, 한달 이내)";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_always" = "항상 공유 {count:| # user| # users}";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_never" = "공유 안함{count:| # user| # users}";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_exceptions" = "이 설정은 위 값을 무효화합니다";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_always_title" = "항상 공유";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_never_title" = "항상 공유 안함";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_title" = "그룹 초대 설정";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_description" = "그룹과 채널로 초대가 가능한 사람을 세세하게 설정 할 수 있습니다:";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_always" = "항상 허용{count:| # user| # users}";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_never" = "허용 안함{count:| # user| # users}";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_exceptions" = "위의 설정과 무관하여 이 사용자는 회원님을 그룹이나 채널로 초대할 수 없습니다.";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_always_title" = "항상 허용";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_never_title" = "허용 안함";
"lng_self_destruct_title" = "계정 자동탈퇴";
"lng_self_destruct_description" = "이 기간동안 최소한 한번도 온라인이 안될 경우 이 계정은 그룹대화, 일반대화 및 연락처 모두가 삭제됩니다.";
"lng_self_destruct_months" = "{count:_not_used_|# 월|# 월}";
"lng_self_destruct_years" = "{count:_not_used_|# 년|# 년}";
"lng_change_phone_title" = "전화번호 변경";
"lng_change_phone_description" = "텔레그램 번호 변경이 가능합니다.\n대화내용, 미디어, 연락처등 클라우드 데이터와\n모든 계정 정보는 새로운 번호로 이관됩니다.\n\n[b]중요[/b]:회원님 텔레그램 연락처에 있는 \n친구분들이회원님의 이전 전화번호가\n저장되어있고 차단을 하지 않았을 경우 \n[b]새로운 전화번호[/b]로 주소록에 저장이 됩니다.";
"lng_change_phone_warning" = "회원님 텔레그램 연락처에 있는 친구분들이 회원님의 이전 전화번호가 저장되어있고 차단을 하지 않았을 경우 새로운 전화번호로 주소록에 저장이 됩니다.";
"lng_change_phone_occupied" = "{phone}번호는 이미 텔레그램에 연결되어 있습니다. 새로운 번호로 마이그레이션 진행시 해당 계정을 탈퇴시켜주세요.";
"lng_change_phone_button" = "전화번호 변경";
"lng_change_phone_new_title" = "신규 전화번호 입력";
"lng_change_phone_new_description" = "새로운 번호로 인증 문자를 전송하겠습니다.";
"lng_change_phone_new_submit" = "입력";
"lng_change_phone_code_title" = "인증코드 입력";
"lng_change_phone_code_description" = "{phone} 번호로 인증코드 문자를 전송하였습니다.";
"lng_change_phone_success" = "회원님의 전화번호가 변경되었습니다.";
"lng_preview_loading" = "링크 정보를 가져오는 중..";
"lng_profile_chat_unaccessible" = "그룹에 접근할 수 없습니다.";
@ -636,7 +691,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_convert_feature2" = "— 메시지 삭제시 모두에게 삭제";
"lng_profile_convert_feature3" = "— 관리자는 중요한 메시지 고정 가능";
"lng_profile_convert_feature4" = "— 방 생성자가 그룹 공개링크 생성가능";
"lng_profile_convert_warning" = "{bold_start}주위:{bold_end} 이 작업은 되돌릴 수 없습니다.";
"lng_profile_convert_warning" = "{bold_start}주의:{bold_end} 이 작업은 되돌릴 수 없습니다.";
"lng_profile_convert_confirm" = "변환";
"lng_profile_add_more_after_upgrade" = "그룹에서 슈퍼그룹으로 업그레이드시 {count:_not_used_|# 명|# 명} 까지 추가 가능합니다.";
@ -1021,7 +1076,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "텔레그램 데스크탑은 {version} 버전으로 업데이트 되었습니다.\n\n{changes}\n\n전체 버전 히스토리는 아래에서 확인 가능합니다:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— 버그 수정 및 일부 기능 향상";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— 날자로 이동하여 특정일자 대화내역 확인\n— OSX 알림설정인 \"Do Not Disturb\" 설정 반영\n— 버그 수정 및 일부 기능 향상";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— 텔레그램내에서 바로 MP4/MOV 파일 재생\n— 특정날자로 이동하여 대화내역 확인\n— 설정에서 전화번호 변경\n— 개인정보 설정화면에서 마지막 접속 및 그룹 초대 허용설정\n— 설정에서 차단된 사용자 리스트 수정\n— OSX 알림설정인 \"Do Not Disturb\" 설정 반영\n— 버그 수정 및 일부 기능 향상";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "유니코드 문자를 입력하세요.";
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_passcode_remove_button" = "Verwijder";
"lng_passcode_turn_on" = "Toegangscode inschakelen";
"lng_passcode_turn_on" = "Toegangscode";
"lng_passcode_change" = "Toegangscode wijzigen";
"lng_passcode_create" = "Toegangscode";
"lng_passcode_remove" = "Toegangscode verwijderen";
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_cloud_password_change" = "Cloud-wachtwoord wijzigen";
"lng_cloud_password_create" = "Cloud-wachtwoord";
"lng_cloud_password_remove" = "Cloud-wachtwoord verwijderen";
"lng_cloud_password_set" = "Twee-staps-verificatie inschakelen";
"lng_cloud_password_set" = "Twee-staps-verificatie";
"lng_cloud_password_edit" = "Cloud-wachtwoord wijzigen";
"lng_cloud_password_enter_old" = "Wachtwoord invoeren";
"lng_cloud_password_enter_first" = "Wachtwoord invoeren";
@ -403,7 +403,14 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_connection_user_ph" = "Gebruikersnaam";
"lng_connection_password_ph" = "Wachtwoord";
"lng_connection_save" = "Opslaan";
"lng_settings_blocked_users" = "Geblokkeerde gebruikers";
"lng_settings_last_seen_privacy" = "Laatst gezien";
"lng_settings_groups_invite_privacy" = "Groepen";
"lng_settings_show_sessions" = "Alle sessies weergeven";
"lng_settings_self_destruct" = "Account verwijderen na inactiviteit";
"lng_settings_change_phone" = "Telefoonnummer wijzigen";
"lng_settings_reset" = "Beëindig alle andere sessies";
"lng_settings_reset_sure" = "Alle apparaten behalve het huidige\napparaat uitloggen?";
"lng_settings_reset_one_sure" = "Deze sessie beëindigen?";
@ -428,6 +435,54 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_sessions_other_desc" = "Je kunt in Telegram inloggen vanaf andere apparaten (mobiel,tablet,desktop) met hetzelfde telefoonnummer. Al je data zal direct worden gesynchroniseerd.";
"lng_sessions_terminate_all" = "Beëindig alle andere sessies";
"lng_blocked_list_title" = "Geblokkeerde gebruikers";
"lng_blocked_list_unknown_phone" = "onbekend nummer";
"lng_blocked_list_unblock" = "Deblokkeer";
"lng_blocked_list_add" = "Blokkeer";
"lng_blocked_list_add_title" = "Gebruikers blokkeren";
"lng_blocked_list_already_blocked" = "al geblokkeerd";
"lng_blocked_list_about" = "Deze gebruikers kunnen je geen berichten sturen, niet toevoegen aan groepen, je profielfoto, online status en laatst gezien niet zien.";
"lng_blocked_list_not_found" = "Geen gebruikers.";
"lng_edit_privacy_everyone" = "Iedereen";
"lng_edit_privacy_contacts" = "Mijn contacten";
"lng_edit_privacy_nobody" = "Niemand";
"lng_edit_privacy_exceptions" = "Uitzonderingen";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_title" = "Laatst gezien";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_description" = "Je kunt instellen wie je \"laatst gezien\" mag zien:";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_warning" = "Let op: van mensen waarmee je je laatst gezien tijd niet deelt is deze voor jou ook niet zichtbaar. In plaats daarvan krijg je tijden bij benadering te zien.";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_always" = "Altijd delen met{count:| # gebruiker| # gebruikers}";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_never" = "Nooit delen met{count:| # gebruiker| # gebruikers}";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_exceptions" = "Deze instelling overschrijft de bovenstaande.";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_always_title" = "Altijd delen met";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_never_title" = "Nooit delen met";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_title" = "Wie kan mij toevoegen?";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_description" = "Je kunt nauwkeurig bepalen wie je aan groepen en kanalen mag toevoegen.";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_always" = "Altijd toestaan{count:| # gebruiker| # gebruikers}";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_never" = "Nooit toestaan{count:| # gebruiker| # gebruikers}";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_exceptions" = "Deze gebruikers altijd toestaan of verbieden je aan groepen en kanalen toe te voegen.";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_always_title" = "Altijd toestaan";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_never_title" = "Nooit toestaan";
"lng_self_destruct_title" = "Account verwijderen";
"lng_self_destruct_description" = "Als je binnen deze periode niet minimaal één keer ingelogd bent geweest zal je account worden verwijderd, inclusief alle data.";
"lng_self_destruct_months" = "{count:_not_used_|# maand|# maanden}";
"lng_self_destruct_years" = "{count:_not_used_|# jaar|# jaar}";
"lng_change_phone_title" = "Telefoonnummer wijzigen";
"lng_change_phone_description" = "Je kan je telefoonnummer hier wijzigen.\nAl je clouddata — berichten, bestanden, \ngroepen, contacten, etc. zullen worden \ngekopieërd naar je nieuwe nummer.\n\n[b]Let op[/b]: al je Telegram-contacten krijgen \nje [b]nieuwe nummer[/b] in hun adresboek, ervan \nuitgaande dat ze je oude nummer hadden en \nje hen niet had geblokkeerd in Telegram.";
"lng_change_phone_warning" = "Al je Telegram-contacten krijgen je nieuwe nummer in hun adresboek, ervan uitgaande dat ze je oude nummer hadden en je hen niet had geblokkeerd in Telegram.";
"lng_change_phone_occupied" = "Aan telefoonnummer {phone} is al een Telegram-account gekoppeld. Verwijder het account om te kunnen migreren naar het nieuwe nummer.";
"lng_change_phone_button" = "Nummer wijzigen";
"lng_change_phone_new_title" = "Voer je nieuwe nummer in";
"lng_change_phone_new_description" = "We sturen een sms-bericht met verificatiecode naar je nieuwe nummer.";
"lng_change_phone_new_submit" = "Versturen";
"lng_change_phone_code_title" = "Code invoeren";
"lng_change_phone_code_description" = "Een sms-bericht met verificatiecode is naar nummer {phone} verstuurd.";
"lng_change_phone_success" = "Je telefoonnummer is gewijzigd.";
"lng_preview_loading" = "Link-preview ophalen...";
"lng_profile_chat_unaccessible" = "Groep is ontoegankelijk";
@ -1021,7 +1076,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram is bijgewerkt naar versie {version}\n\n{changes} \n\nVolledige versiegeschiedenis is hier te vinden:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Probleemoplossing en andere kleine verbeteringen";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Spring naar datum. Klik op de datum in een chat om naar een specifieke dag te springen.\n— Ondersteuning voor de \"Niet storen\"-functie van macOS.\n— Probleemoplossing en andere kleine verbeteringen.";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— MP4/MOV-bestanden versturen als video, deze spelen direct af in Telegram.\n— Spring naar datum. Klik op de datum in een chat om naar een specifieke dag te springen.\n— Wijzig je telefoonnummer via de instellingen.\n— Privacyinstellingen voor \"laatst gezien\" en groepsuitnodigingen.\n— Geblokkeerde gebruikers beheren via instellingen.\n— Ondersteuning voor de \"Niet storen\"-functie van macOS.\n— Probleemoplossing en andere kleine verbeteringen.";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Unicode-besturingsteken invoegen";
@ -403,7 +403,14 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_connection_user_ph" = "Usuário";
"lng_connection_password_ph" = "Senha";
"lng_connection_save" = "Salvar";
"lng_settings_blocked_users" = "Usuários bloqueados";
"lng_settings_last_seen_privacy" = "Visto por último";
"lng_settings_groups_invite_privacy" = "Grupos";
"lng_settings_show_sessions" = "Exibir todas as sessões";
"lng_settings_self_destruct" = "Configurações de auto-destruição da conta";
"lng_settings_change_phone" = "Alterar número de telefone";
"lng_settings_reset" = "Encerrar todas as outras sessões";
"lng_settings_reset_sure" = "Você tem certeza que deseja terminar\ntodas as outras sessões?";
"lng_settings_reset_one_sure" = "Você deseja terminar essa sessão?";
@ -428,6 +435,54 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_sessions_other_desc" = "Você pode entrar no Telegram de outro celular, tablet e computadores, usando o mesmo número de telefone. Todos seus dados estarão sincronizados.";
"lng_sessions_terminate_all" = "Encerrar todas as outras sessões";
"lng_blocked_list_title" = "Usuários bloqueados";
"lng_blocked_list_unknown_phone" = "número desconhecido";
"lng_blocked_list_unblock" = "Desbloquear";
"lng_blocked_list_add" = "Bloquear usuário";
"lng_blocked_list_add_title" = "Selecionar usuário para bloquear";
"lng_blocked_list_already_blocked" = "já bloqueado";
"lng_blocked_list_about" = "Usuários bloqueados não podem te enviar mensagens ou adicionar em grupos. Eles não verão suas fotos de perfil, online e status de visto por último.";
"lng_blocked_list_not_found" = "Nenhum usuário encontrado";
"lng_edit_privacy_everyone" = "Todos";
"lng_edit_privacy_contacts" = "Meus Contatos";
"lng_edit_privacy_nobody" = "Ninguém";
"lng_edit_privacy_exceptions" = "Adicionar exceções";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_title" = "Visto por último";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_description" = "Você pode escolher quem vê o seu \"visto por último\":";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_warning" = "Importante: você não poderá ver o horário de Visto por Último de pessoas com as quais você não compartilha o seu. Você verá um valor aproximado (recentemente, na última semana, no último mês).";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_always" = "Sempre compartilhar com{count:| # usuário| # usuários}";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_never" = "Nunca compartilhar com{count:| # usuário| # usuários}";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_exceptions" = "Essas configurações irão sobrescrever os valores anteriores.";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_always_title" = "Sempre compartilhar com";
"lng_edit_privacy_lastseen_never_title" = "Nunca compartilhar com";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_title" = "Configurações de convite à grupos";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_description" = "Você pode escolher quem pode te adicionar em grupos e canais com precisão:";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_always" = "Sempre permitir{count:| # usuário| # usuários}";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_never" = "Nunca permitir{count:| # usuário| # usuários}";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_exceptions" = "Esses usuários poderão ou não te adicionar em grupos e canais dependendo de suas configurações.";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_always_title" = "Sempre permitir";
"lng_edit_privacy_groups_never_title" = "Nunca permitir";
"lng_self_destruct_title" = "Auto-destruição da conta";
"lng_self_destruct_description" = "Se você não ficar online ao menos uma vez nesse período, sua conta será apagada junto com seus grupos, mensagens e contatos.";
"lng_self_destruct_months" = "{count:_not_used_|# mês|# meses}";
"lng_self_destruct_years" = "{count:_not_used_|# ano|# anos}";
"lng_change_phone_title" = "Alterar número de telefone";
"lng_change_phone_description" = "Você pode alterar seu número do Telegram aqui.\nSua conta e todos os seus dados — mensagens,\nmídia, contatos, etc. serão movidos para\no novo número.\n\n[b]Importante[/b]: todos os contatos do Telegram terão\nseu [b]novo número[/b] adicionado às suas lista de contatos,\ndesde que eles tenham seu número antigo e você não\nos tenha bloqueado no Telegram.";
"lng_change_phone_warning" = "Todos os seus contatos do Telegram terão seu novo número adicionado às suas listas de contatos, desde que eles tenham seu antigo número e você não os tenha bloqueado no Telegram.";
"lng_change_phone_occupied" = "O número {phone} já possui uma conta do Telegram. Por favor, exclua esta conta antes de migrar para o novo número.";
"lng_change_phone_button" = "Alterar número";
"lng_change_phone_new_title" = "Insira o novo número";
"lng_change_phone_new_description" = "Enviaremos um SMS com um código de confirmação para o seu novo número.";
"lng_change_phone_new_submit" = "Enviar";
"lng_change_phone_code_title" = "Insira o código";
"lng_change_phone_code_description" = "Enviamos um SMS com um código de ativação para {phone}.";
"lng_change_phone_success" = "Seu número de telefone foi alterado.";
"lng_preview_loading" = "Obtendo Informações do Link...";
"lng_profile_chat_unaccessible" = "Grupo inacessível";
@ -1021,7 +1076,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop foi atualizado para a versão {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nHistórico completo de mudanças disponível aqui:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Resolução de bugs e outras melhorias menores";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Ir para data. Clique em uma data na conversa para pular para o dia específico.\n— O aplicativo agora respeita ao \"Não Perturbe\" nas notificações do macOS.\n— Resolução de bugs e outras melhorias.";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Envie arquivos MP4/MOV como vídeos que serão reproduzidos dentro do Telegram.\n— Clique em uma data na conversa para pular para o dia específico.\n— Altere seu número nas Configurações.\n— Edite quem pode ver suas opções de visto por último e quem pode te adicionar em grupos nas Configurações.\n— Edite a lista de usuários bloqueados nas Configurações.\n— O aplicativo agora respeita ao \"Não Perturbe\" nas notificações do macOS.\n— Resolução de bugs e outras melhorias.";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Inserir caractere de controle Unicode";
@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
IgnorableNamespaces="uap uap2 uap3 rescap">
<Identity Name="TelegramDesktop"
<Identity Name="TelegramMessengerLLP.TelegramDesktop"
Publisher="CN=Telegram Messenger LLP, O=Telegram Messenger LLP, L=London, C=GB"
Version="" />
Version="" />
<DisplayName>Telegram Desktop</DisplayName>
<PublisherDisplayName>Telegram Messenger LLP</PublisherDisplayName>
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ IDI_ICON1 ICON "..\\art\\icon256.ico"
#ifdef _DEBUG
@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ BEGIN
VALUE "CompanyName", "Telegram Messenger LLP"
VALUE "FileDescription", "Telegram Desktop"
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) 2014-2017"
VALUE "ProductName", "Telegram Desktop"
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
#ifdef _DEBUG
@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ BEGIN
VALUE "CompanyName", "Telegram Messenger LLP"
VALUE "FileDescription", "Telegram Desktop Updater"
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) 2014-2017"
VALUE "ProductName", "Telegram Desktop"
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
#include "core/utils.h"
#define BETA_VERSION_MACRO (1000024001ULL)
constexpr int AppVersion = 1000024;
constexpr str_const AppVersionStr = "1.0.24";
constexpr int AppVersion = 1000026;
constexpr str_const AppVersionStr = "1.0.26";
constexpr bool AppAlphaVersion = false;
constexpr uint64 AppBetaVersion = BETA_VERSION_MACRO;
@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ void Messenger::checkMapVersion() {
QString versionFeatures;
if ((cAlphaVersion() || cBetaVersion()) && Local::oldMapVersion() < 1000025) {
versionFeatures = QString::fromUtf8("\xE2\x80\x94 Edit your account phone number in Settings.");
} else if (!(cAlphaVersion() || cBetaVersion()) && Local::oldMapVersion() < 1000012) {
} else if (!(cAlphaVersion() || cBetaVersion()) && Local::oldMapVersion() < 1000026) {
versionFeatures = langNewVersionText();
} else {
versionFeatures = lang(lng_new_version_minor).trimmed();
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ if %BuildUWP% neq 0 (
MakeAppx.exe pack /d "%ReleasePath%\AppX" /l /p ..\out\Release\%BinaryName%.appx
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error
call "%SignAppxPath%" "..\out\Release\%BinaryName%.appx"
rem call "%SignAppxPath%" "..\out\Release\%BinaryName%.appx"
xcopy "%ReleasePath%\%BinaryName%.pdb" "%ReleasePath%\AppX\"
move "%ReleasePath%\%BinaryName%.exe.pdb" "%ReleasePath%\AppX\"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AppVersion 1000024
AppVersion 1000026
AppVersionStrMajor 1.0
AppVersionStrSmall 1.0.24
AppVersionStr 1.0.24
AppVersionStrSmall 1.0.26
AppVersionStr 1.0.26
AlphaChannel 0
BetaVersion 1000024001
BetaVersion 0
@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
1.0.26 (30.03.17)
— Send MP4/MOV files as videos that will play right inside Telegram.
— Click on the date in any chat to quickly jump to messages from a specific day.
— Change your phone number in Settings.
— Edit who can see your last seen time and who can add you to groups in Settings.
— Edit your list of blocked users in Settings.
— App now respects the "Do Not Disturb" setting for macOS notifications.
— Bug fixes and other minor improvements.
1.0.25 alpha (21.03.17)
- Edit your account phone number in Settings.
Add table
Reference in a new issue