mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 10:11:41 -05:00
Generate scheme module by GYP action.
Add a new codegen action to generate MTP scheme from scheme.tl file.
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 255 additions and 47060 deletions
@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
// This is a sample Telegram Desktop theme file.
// It was generated from the 'colors.palette' style file.
// To create a theme with a background image included you should
// put two files in a .zip archive:
// First one is the color scheme like the one you're viewing
// right now, this file should be named 'colors.tdesktop-theme'.
// Second one should be the background image and it can be named
// 'background.jpg', 'background.png', 'tiled.jpg' or 'tiled.png'.
// You should name it 'background' (if you'd like it not to be tiled),
// or it can be named 'tiled' (if you'd like it to be tiled).
// After that you need to change the extension of your .zip archive
// to 'tdesktop-theme', so you'll have:
// mytheme.tdesktop-theme
// |-colors.tdesktop-theme
// |-background.jpg (or tiled.jpg, background.png, tiled.png)
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@ -18,9 +18,25 @@ to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
import glob
import glob, re, binascii, os, sys
import re
import binascii
input_file = ''
output_path = ''
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if re.match(r'^-o(.+)', arg):
output_path = arg[2:]
input_file = arg
if input_file == '':
print('Input file required.')
if output_path == '':
print('Output path required.')
output_header = output_path + '/scheme.h'
output_source = output_path + '/scheme.cpp'
# define some checked flag conversions
# define some checked flag conversions
# the key flag type should be a subset of the value flag type
# the key flag type should be a subset of the value flag type
@ -66,31 +82,8 @@ textSerializeInit = '';
textSerializeMethods = '';
textSerializeMethods = '';
forwards = '';
forwards = '';
forwTypedefs = '';
forwTypedefs = '';
out = open('scheme_auto.h', 'w')
with open(input_file) as f:
out.write('Created from \'/SourceFiles/mtproto/scheme.tl\' by \'/SourceFiles/mtproto/generate.py\' script\n\n');
out.write('WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n\n');
out.write('This file is part of Telegram Desktop,\n');
out.write('the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org\n');
out.write('Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n');
out.write('it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n');
out.write('the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n');
out.write('(at your option) any later version.\n');
out.write('It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n');
out.write('but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n');
out.write('GNU General Public License for more details.\n');
out.write('In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission\n');
out.write('to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.\n');
out.write('Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE\n');
out.write('Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org\n');
out.write('#pragma once\n\n#include "mtproto/core_types.h"\n');
with open('scheme.tl') as f:
for line in f:
for line in f:
layerline = re.match(r'// LAYER (\d+)', line)
layerline = re.match(r'// LAYER (\d+)', line)
if (layerline):
if (layerline):
@ -387,9 +380,9 @@ with open('scheme.tl') as f:
funcsText += '\t}\n';
funcsText += '\t}\n';
if (isTemplate != ''):
if (isTemplate != ''):
funcsText += '\n\ttypedef typename TQueryType::ResponseType ResponseType;\n';
funcsText += '\n\tusing ResponseType = typename TQueryType::ResponseType;\n';
funcsText += '\n\ttypedef MTP' + resType + ' ResponseType;\n'; # method return type
funcsText += '\n\tusing ResponseType = MTP' + resType + ';\n'; # method return type
funcsText += '};\n'; # class ending
funcsText += '};\n'; # class ending
if (len(conditionsList)):
if (len(conditionsList)):
@ -531,7 +524,7 @@ def addTextSerializeInit(lst, dct):
v = dct[restype];
v = dct[restype];
for data in v:
for data in v:
name = data[0];
name = data[0];
result += '\t\t_serializers.insert(mtpc_' + name + ', _serialize_' + name + ');\n';
result += '\t_serializers.insert(mtpc_' + name + ', _serialize_' + name + ');\n';
return result;
return result;
textSerializeMethods += addTextSerialize(typesList, typesDict, 'D');
textSerializeMethods += addTextSerialize(typesList, typesDict, 'D');
@ -548,7 +541,7 @@ for restype in typesList:
constructsInline = '';
constructsInline = '';
forwards += 'class MTP' + restype + ';\n';
forwards += 'class MTP' + restype + ';\n';
forwTypedefs += 'typedef MTPBoxed<MTP' + restype + '> MTP' + resType + ';\n';
forwTypedefs += 'using MTP' + resType + ' = MTPBoxed<MTP' + restype + '>;\n';
withType = (len(v) > 1);
withType = (len(v) > 1);
switchLines = '';
switchLines = '';
@ -789,7 +782,7 @@ for restype in typesList:
inlineMethods += writer;
inlineMethods += writer;
inlineMethods += '}\n';
inlineMethods += '}\n';
typesText += '\n\ttypedef void ResponseType;\n'; # no response types declared
typesText += '\n\tusing ResponseType = void;\n'; # no response types declared
typesText += '\nprivate:\n'; # private constructors
typesText += '\nprivate:\n'; # private constructors
if (withType): # by-type-id constructor
if (withType): # by-type-id constructor
@ -815,7 +808,7 @@ for restype in typesList:
typesText += '};\n'; # type class ended
typesText += '};\n'; # type class ended
inlineMethods += creatorsText;
inlineMethods += creatorsText;
typesText += 'typedef MTPBoxed<MTP' + restype + '> MTP' + resType + ';\n'; # boxed type definition
typesText += 'using MTP' + resType + ' = MTPBoxed<MTP' + restype + '>;\n'; # boxed type definition
for childName in parentFlagsList:
for childName in parentFlagsList:
parentName = parentFlags[childName];
parentName = parentFlags[childName];
@ -830,128 +823,220 @@ for childName in parentFlagsList:
inlineMethods += 'inline ' + parentName + '::Flags mtpCastFlags(MTPflags<' + childName + '::Flags> flags) { return mtpCastFlags(flags.v); }\n';
inlineMethods += 'inline ' + parentName + '::Flags mtpCastFlags(MTPflags<' + childName + '::Flags> flags) { return mtpCastFlags(flags.v); }\n';
# manual types added here
# manual types added here
textSerializeMethods += 'void _serialize_rpc_result(MTPStringLogger &to, int32 stage, int32 lev, Types &types, Types &vtypes, StagesFlags &stages, StagesFlags &flags, const mtpPrime *start, const mtpPrime *end, int32 iflag) {\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\
textSerializeMethods += '\tif (stage) {\n';
void _serialize_rpc_result(MTPStringLogger &to, int32 stage, int32 lev, Types &types, Types &vtypes, StagesFlags &stages, StagesFlags &flags, const mtpPrime *start, const mtpPrime *end, int32 iflag) {\n\
textSerializeMethods += '\t\tto.add(",\\n").addSpaces(lev);\n';
if (stage) {\n\
textSerializeMethods += '\t} else {\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\t\tto.add("{ rpc_result");\n';
} else {\n\
textSerializeMethods += '\t\tto.add("\\n").addSpaces(lev);\n';
to.add("{ rpc_result");\n\
textSerializeMethods += '\t}\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\tswitch (stage) {\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\tcase 0: to.add(" req_msg_id: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_long); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n';
switch (stage) {\n\
textSerializeMethods += '\tcase 1: to.add(" result: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(0); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n';
case 0: to.add(" req_msg_id: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_long); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n\
textSerializeMethods += '\tdefault: to.add("}"); types.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back(); break;\n';
case 1: to.add(" result: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(0); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n\
textSerializeMethods += '\t}\n';
default: to.add("}"); types.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back(); break;\n\
textSerializeMethods += '}\n\n';
textSerializeInit += '\t\t_serializers.insert(mtpc_rpc_result, _serialize_rpc_result);\n';
void _serialize_msg_container(MTPStringLogger &to, int32 stage, int32 lev, Types &types, Types &vtypes, StagesFlags &stages, StagesFlags &flags, const mtpPrime *start, const mtpPrime *end, int32 iflag) {\n\
if (stage) {\n\
} else {\n\
to.add("{ msg_container");\n\
switch (stage) {\n\
case 0: to.add(" messages: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_vector); vtypes.push_back(mtpc_core_message); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n\
default: to.add("}"); types.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back(); break;\n\
void _serialize_core_message(MTPStringLogger &to, int32 stage, int32 lev, Types &types, Types &vtypes, StagesFlags &stages, StagesFlags &flags, const mtpPrime *start, const mtpPrime *end, int32 iflag) {\n\
if (stage) {\n\
} else {\n\
to.add("{ core_message");\n\
switch (stage) {\n\
case 0: to.add(" msg_id: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_long); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n\
case 1: to.add(" seq_no: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_int); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n\
case 2: to.add(" bytes: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_int); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n\
case 3: to.add(" body: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(0); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n\
default: to.add("}"); types.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back(); break;\n\
textSerializeMethods += 'void _serialize_msg_container(MTPStringLogger &to, int32 stage, int32 lev, Types &types, Types &vtypes, StagesFlags &stages, StagesFlags &flags, const mtpPrime *start, const mtpPrime *end, int32 iflag) {\n';
textSerializeInit += '\
textSerializeMethods += '\tif (stage) {\n';
_serializers.insert(mtpc_rpc_result, _serialize_rpc_result);\n\
textSerializeMethods += '\t\tto.add(",\\n").addSpaces(lev);\n';
_serializers.insert(mtpc_msg_container, _serialize_msg_container);\n\
textSerializeMethods += '\t} else {\n';
_serializers.insert(mtpc_core_message, _serialize_core_message);\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\t\tto.add("{ msg_container");\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\t\tto.add("\\n").addSpaces(lev);\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\t}\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\tswitch (stage) {\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\tcase 0: to.add(" messages: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_vector); vtypes.push_back(mtpc_core_message); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\tdefault: to.add("}"); types.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back(); break;\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\t}\n';
textSerializeMethods += '}\n\n';
textSerializeInit += '\t\t_serializers.insert(mtpc_msg_container, _serialize_msg_container);\n';
textSerializeMethods += 'void _serialize_core_message(MTPStringLogger &to, int32 stage, int32 lev, Types &types, Types &vtypes, StagesFlags &stages, StagesFlags &flags, const mtpPrime *start, const mtpPrime *end, int32 iflag) {\n';
# module itself
textSerializeMethods += '\tif (stage) {\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\t\tto.add(",\\n").addSpaces(lev);\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\t} else {\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\t\tto.add("{ core_message");\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\t\tto.add("\\n").addSpaces(lev);\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\t}\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\tswitch (stage) {\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\tcase 0: to.add(" msg_id: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_long); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\tcase 1: to.add(" seq_no: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_int); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\tcase 2: to.add(" bytes: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_int); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\tcase 3: to.add(" body: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(0); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\tdefault: to.add("}"); types.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back(); break;\n';
textSerializeMethods += '\t}\n';
textSerializeMethods += '}\n\n';
textSerializeInit += '\t\t_serializers.insert(mtpc_core_message, _serialize_core_message);\n';
textSerializeFull = '\nvoid mtpTextSerializeType(MTPStringLogger &to, const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpPrime cons, uint32 level, mtpPrime vcons) {\n';
header = '\
textSerializeFull += '\tif (_serializers.isEmpty()) initTextSerializers();\n\n';
textSerializeFull += '\tQVector<mtpTypeId> types, vtypes;\n';
WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n\
textSerializeFull += '\tQVector<int32> stages, flags;\n';
Created from \'' + os.path.basename(input_file) + '\' by \'codegen_scheme\'\n\
textSerializeFull += '\ttypes.reserve(20); vtypes.reserve(20); stages.reserve(20); flags.reserve(20);\n';
textSerializeFull += '\ttypes.push_back(mtpTypeId(cons)); vtypes.push_back(mtpTypeId(vcons)); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0);\n\n';
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,\n\
textSerializeFull += '\tconst mtpPrime *start = from;\n';
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org\n\
textSerializeFull += '\tmtpTypeId type = cons, vtype = vcons;\n';
textSerializeFull += '\tint32 stage = 0, flag = 0;\n\n';
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n\
textSerializeFull += '\twhile (!types.isEmpty()) {\n';
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n\
textSerializeFull += '\t\ttype = types.back();\n';
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n\
textSerializeFull += '\t\tvtype = vtypes.back();\n';
(at your option) any later version.\n\
textSerializeFull += '\t\tstage = stages.back();\n';
textSerializeFull += '\t\tflag = flags.back();\n';
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n\
textSerializeFull += '\t\tif (!type) {\n';
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n\
textSerializeFull += '\t\t\tif (from >= end) {\n';
textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tthrow Exception("from >= end");\n';
GNU General Public License for more details.\n\
textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t} else if (stage) {\n';
textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tthrow Exception("unknown type on stage > 0");\n';
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission\n\
textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t}\n';
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.\n\
textSerializeFull += '\t\t\ttypes.back() = type = *from;\n';
textSerializeFull += '\t\t\tstart = ++from;\n';
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE\n\
textSerializeFull += '\t\t}\n\n';
Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org\n\
textSerializeFull += '\t\tint32 lev = level + types.size() - 1;\n';
textSerializeFull += '\t\tTextSerializers::const_iterator it = _serializers.constFind(type);\n';
#pragma once\n\
textSerializeFull += '\t\tif (it != _serializers.cend()) {\n';
textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t(*it.value())(to, stage, lev, types, vtypes, stages, flags, start, end, flag);\n';
#include "mtproto/core_types.h"\n\
textSerializeFull += '\t\t} else {\n';
textSerializeFull += '\t\t\tmtpTextSerializeCore(to, from, end, type, lev, vtype);\n';
// Creator current layer and proxy class declaration\n\
textSerializeFull += '\t\t\ttypes.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back();\n';
namespace MTP {\n\
textSerializeFull += '\t\t}\n';
namespace internal {\n\
textSerializeFull += '\t}\n';
textSerializeFull += '}\n';
' + layer + '\n\
class TypeCreator;\n\
} // namespace internal\n\
} // namespace MTP\n\
// Type id constants\n\
enum {\n\
' + ',\n'.join(enums) + '\n\
// Type forward declarations\n\
' + forwards + '\n\
// Boxed types definitions\n\
' + forwTypedefs + '\n\
// Type classes definitions\n\
' + typesText + '\n\
// Type constructors with data\n\
' + dataTexts + '\n\
// RPC methods\n\
' + funcsText + '\n\
// Creator proxy class definition\n\
namespace MTP {\n\
namespace internal {\n\
class TypeCreator {\n\
' + creatorProxyText + '\n\
} // namespace internal\n\
} // namespace MTP\n\
// Inline methods definition\n\
' + inlineMethods + '\n\
// Human-readable text serialization\n\
void mtpTextSerializeType(MTPStringLogger &to, const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpPrime cons, uint32 level, mtpPrime vcons);\n'
out.write('\n// Creator current layer and proxy class declaration\n');
source = '\
out.write('namespace MTP {\nnamespace internal {\n\n' + layer + '\n\n');
out.write('class TypeCreator;\n\n} // namespace internal\n} // namespace MTP\n');
WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n\
out.write('\n// Type id constants\nenum {\n' + ',\n'.join(enums) + '\n};\n');
Created from \'' + os.path.basename(input_file) + '\' by \'codegen_scheme\'\n\
out.write('\n// Type forward declarations\n' + forwards);
out.write('\n// Boxed types definitions\n' + forwTypedefs);
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,\n\
out.write('\n// Type classes definitions\n' + typesText);
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org\n\
out.write('\n// Type constructors with data\n' + dataTexts);
out.write('\n// RPC methods\n' + funcsText);
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n\
out.write('\n// Creator proxy class definition\nnamespace MTP {\nnamespace internal {\n\nclass TypeCreator {\npublic:\n' + creatorProxyText + '\t};\n\n} // namespace internal\n} // namespace MTP\n');
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n\
out.write('\n// Inline methods definition\n' + inlineMethods);
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n\
out.write('\n// Human-readable text serialization\nvoid mtpTextSerializeType(MTPStringLogger &to, const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpPrime cons, uint32 level, mtpPrime vcons);\n');
(at your option) any later version.\n\
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n\
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n\
GNU General Public License for more details.\n\
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE\n\
Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org\n\
#include "scheme.h"\n\
typedef QVector<mtpTypeId> Types;\ntypedef QVector<int32> StagesFlags;\n\
' + textSerializeMethods + '\n\
namespace {\n\
using mtpTextSerializer = void (*)(MTPStringLogger &to, int32 stage, int32 lev, Types &types, Types &vtypes, StagesFlags &stages, StagesFlags &flags, const mtpPrime *start, const mtpPrime *end, int32 iflag);\n\
using TextSerializers = QMap<mtpTypeId, mtpTextSerializer>;\n\
TextSerializers _serializers;\n\
void initTextSerializers() {\n\
' + textSerializeInit + '\n\
} // namespace\n\
void mtpTextSerializeType(MTPStringLogger &to, const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpPrime cons, uint32 level, mtpPrime vcons) {\n\
if (_serializers.isEmpty()) {\n\
QVector<mtpTypeId> types, vtypes;\n\
QVector<int32> stages, flags;\n\
types.reserve(20); vtypes.reserve(20); stages.reserve(20); flags.reserve(20);\n\
types.push_back(mtpTypeId(cons)); vtypes.push_back(mtpTypeId(vcons)); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0);\n\
const mtpPrime *start = from;\n\
mtpTypeId type = cons, vtype = vcons;\n\
int32 stage = 0, flag = 0;\n\
while (!types.isEmpty()) {\n\
type = types.back();\n\
vtype = vtypes.back();\n\
stage = stages.back();\n\
flag = flags.back();\n\
if (!type) {\n\
if (from >= end) {\n\
throw Exception("from >= end");\n\
} else if (stage) {\n\
throw Exception("unknown type on stage > 0");\n\
types.back() = type = *from;\n\
start = ++from;\n\
int32 lev = level + types.size() - 1;\n\
TextSerializers::const_iterator it = _serializers.constFind(type);\n\
if (it != _serializers.cend()) {\n\
(*it.value())(to, stage, lev, types, vtypes, stages, flags, start, end, flag);\n\
} else {\n\
mtpTextSerializeCore(to, from, end, type, lev, vtype);\n\
types.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back();\n\
outCpp = open('scheme_auto.cpp', 'w');
already_header = ''
if os.path.isfile(output_header):
outCpp.write('Created from \'/SourceFiles/mtproto/scheme.tl\' by \'/SourceFiles/mtproto/generate.py\' script\n\n');
with open(output_header, 'r') as already:
outCpp.write('WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n\n');
already_header = already.read()
outCpp.write('This file is part of Telegram Desktop,\n');
if already_header != header:
outCpp.write('the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org\n');
with open(output_header, 'w') as out:
outCpp.write('Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n');
outCpp.write('it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n');
outCpp.write('the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n');
outCpp.write('(at your option) any later version.\n');
outCpp.write('It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n');
outCpp.write('but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n');
outCpp.write('GNU General Public License for more details.\n');
outCpp.write('Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE\n');
outCpp.write('Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org\n');
outCpp.write('#include "mtproto/scheme_auto.h"\n\n');
outCpp.write('typedef QVector<mtpTypeId> Types;\ntypedef QVector<int32> StagesFlags;\n\n');
outCpp.write('namespace {\n');
outCpp.write('\ttypedef void(*mtpTextSerializer)(MTPStringLogger &to, int32 stage, int32 lev, Types &types, Types &vtypes, StagesFlags &stages, StagesFlags &flags, const mtpPrime *start, const mtpPrime *end, int32 iflag);\n');
outCpp.write('\ttypedef QMap<mtpTypeId, mtpTextSerializer> TextSerializers;\n\tTextSerializers _serializers;\n\n');
outCpp.write('\tvoid initTextSerializers() {\n');
outCpp.write(textSerializeFull + '\n');
print('Done, written {0} constructors, {1} functions.'.format(consts, funcs));
already_source = ''
if os.path.isfile(output_source):
with open(output_source, 'r') as already:
already_source = already.read()
if already_source != source:
with open(output_source, 'w') as out:
@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ inline QString mtpTextSerialize(const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end) {
return QString::fromUtf8(to.p, to.size);
return QString::fromUtf8(to.p, to.size);
#include "mtproto/scheme_auto.h"
#include "scheme.h"
inline MTPbool MTP_bool(bool v) {
inline MTPbool MTP_bool(bool v) {
return v ? MTP_boolTrue() : MTP_boolFalse();
return v ? MTP_boolTrue() : MTP_boolFalse();
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -110,6 +110,22 @@
'message': 'codegen_numbers-ing numbers.txt..',
'message': 'codegen_numbers-ing numbers.txt..',
'process_outputs_as_sources': 1,
'process_outputs_as_sources': 1,
}, {
'action_name': 'codegen_scheme',
'inputs': [
'outputs': [
'action': [
'python', '<(src_loc)/codegen/scheme/codegen_scheme.py',
'-o<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)', '<(res_loc)/scheme.tl',
'message': 'codegen_scheme-ing scheme.tl..',
'process_outputs_as_sources': 1,
'rules': [{
'rules': [{
'rule_name': 'codegen_style',
'rule_name': 'codegen_style',
@ -197,8 +197,6 @@
Add table
Reference in a new issue