"lng_tray_icon_text" = "Telegram is still running here,\nyou can change this from settings page.\nIf this icon disappears from tray menu,\nyou can drag it here from hidden icons.";
"lng_edit_too_long" = "Your message text is too long";
"lng_edit_message" = "Edit message";
"lng_edit_message_text" = "New message text...";
"lng_deleted" = "Unknown";
"lng_deleted_message" = "Deleted message";
"lng_pinned_message" = "Pinned message";
"lng_pinned_unpin_sure" = "Would you like to unpin this message?";
"lng_pinned_pin_sure" = "Would you like to pin this message?";
"lng_pinned_pin" = "Pin";
"lng_pinned_unpin" = "Unpin";
"lng_pinned_notify" = "Notify all members";
"lng_intro" = "Welcome to the official [a href=\"https://telegram.org/\"]Telegram[/a] desktop app.\nIt's [b]fast[/b] and [b]secure[/b].";
"lng_start_msgs" = "START MESSAGING";
"lng_intro_next" = "NEXT";
"lng_intro_finish" = "SIGN UP";
"lng_intro_submit" = "SUBMIT";
"lng_photo_caption" = "Caption";
"lng_phone_ph" = "Your phone number";
"lng_phone_title" = "Your Phone";
"lng_phone_desc" = "Please confirm your country code and\nenter your phone number.";
"lng_phone_notreg" = "Note: if you don't have a Telegram account yet,\nplease [b]sign up[/b] with your [a href=\"https://telegram.org/\"]iOS / Android[/a] or {signup_start}here »{signup_end}";
"lng_country_code" = "Country Code";
"lng_bad_country_code" = "Invalid Country Code";
"lng_country_ph" = "Search";
"lng_country_done" = "Done";
"lng_country_none" = "Country not found";
"lng_country_select" = "Select country";
"lng_code_ph" = "Your code";
"lng_code_desc" = "We have sent you a message with activation\ncode to your phone. Please enter it below.";
"lng_code_telegram" = "Please enter the code you've just\nreceived in your previous [b]Telegram[/b] app.";
"lng_code_no_telegram" = "Send code via SMS";
"lng_code_call" = "Telegram will dial your number in {minutes}:{seconds}";
"lng_code_calling" = "Requesting a call from Telegram...";
"lng_code_called" = "Telegram dialed your number";
"lng_bad_phone_noreg" = "Phone number not registered.";
"lng_bad_code" = "You have entered an invalid code.";
"lng_bad_name" = "Please enter your first and last name.";
"lng_bad_photo" = "Bad image selected.";
"lng_signin_title" = "Cloud password check";
"lng_signin_desc" = "Please enter your cloud password.";
"lng_signin_recover_desc" = "Please enter the code from the e-mail.";
"lng_signin_password" = "Your cloud password";
"lng_signin_code" = "Code from e-mail";
"lng_signin_recover" = "Forgot password?";
"lng_signin_recover_title" = "Password reset";
"lng_signin_hint" = "Hint: {password_hint}";
"lng_signin_recover_hint" = "Code was sent to {recover_email}";
"lng_signin_bad_password" = "You have entered a wrong password.";
"lng_signin_wrong_code" = "You have entered an invalid code.";
"lng_signin_try_password" = "Having trouble accessing your e-mail?";
"lng_signin_password_removed" = "Your cloud password was disabled.\nYou can set a new one in Settings.";
"lng_signin_no_email_forgot" = "Since you haven't provided a recovery\ne-mail when setting up your password, your remaining options are either to remember your password or to reset your account.";
"lng_signin_cant_email_forgot" = "If you can't restore access to the e-mail, your remaining options are either to remember your password or to reset your account.";
"lng_signin_reset_account" = "Reset your account";
"lng_signin_sure_reset" = "Warning!\n\nYou will lose all your chats and messages, along with any media and files you shared!\n\nDo you want to reset your account?";
"lng_signin_reset_wait" = "Since the account {phone_number} is active and protected by a password, we will delete it in 1 week for security purposes. You can cancel this process at any time.\n\nYou’ll be able to reset your account in:\n{when}";
"lng_username_about" = "You can choose a username on Telegram.\nIf you do, other people will be able to find\nyou by this username and contact you\nwithout knowing your phone number.\n\nYou can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores.\nMinimum length is 5 characters.";
"lng_username_choose" = "Choose your username.";
"lng_username_invalid" = "This username is invalid.";
"lng_username_occupied" = "This username is already occupied.";
"lng_username_too_short" = "This username is too short.";
"lng_username_bad_symbols" = "This username has bad symbols.";
"lng_username_available" = "This username is available.";
"lng_username_not_found" = "User @{user} not found.";
"lng_username_link_willbe" = "Such link will open a chat with you:";
"lng_username_link" = "This link opens a chat with you:";
"lng_username_copied" = "Link copied to clipboard.";
"lng_sure_clear_downloads" = "Do you want to remove all downloaded files from temp folder? It is done automatically on logout or program uninstall.";
"lng_download_path_failed" = "File download could not be started. It could happen because of a bad download location.\n\nYou can change download path in Settings.";
"lng_download_path_settings" = "Settings";
"lng_download_finish_failed" = "File download could not be finished.\n\nWould you like to try again?";
"lng_passcode_enter_old" = "Enter current passcode";
"lng_passcode_enter_first" = "Enter a passcode";
"lng_passcode_enter_new" = "Enter new passcode";
"lng_passcode_confirm_new" = "Re-enter new passcode";
"lng_passcode_about" = "When a local passcode is set, a lock icon appears in the top right corner of the window. Click it to lock the app.\n\nNote: if you forget your local passcode, you'll need to relogin in Telegram Desktop.";
"lng_passcode_differ" = "Passcodes are different";
"lng_passcode_wrong" = "Wrong passcode";
"lng_passcode_is_same" = "Passcode was not changed";
"lng_passcode_enter" = "Enter your local passcode";
"lng_passcode_submit" = "Submit";
"lng_passcode_logout" = "Log out";
"lng_passcode_need_unblock" = "You need to unlock me first.";
"lng_cloud_password_waiting" = "Confirmation link sent to {email}...";
"lng_cloud_password_about" = "This password will be asked when you log in on a new device in addition to the pin code.";
"lng_cloud_password_about_recover" = "Warning! Are you sure you don't want to\nadd a password recovery e-mail?\n\nIf you forget your password, you will\nlose access to your Telegram account.";
"lng_cloud_password_skip_email" = "Skip e-mail";
"lng_cloud_password_almost" = "A confirmation link was sent to the\ne-mail you provided. Two-step verification will be enabled as soon as you follow that link.";
"lng_settings_ask_sure" = "Please note that Telegram Support is done by volunteers. We try to respond as quickly as possible, but it may take a while.\n\nPlease take a look at the Telegram FAQ: it has important troubleshooting tips and answers to most questions.";
"lng_settings_faq_button" = "Go to FAQ";
"lng_settings_ask_ok" = "Ask";
"lng_settings_faq" = "Telegram FAQ";
"lng_settings_logout" = "Log Out";
"lng_sure_logout" = "Are you sure you want to log out?";
"lng_settings_need_restart" = "You need to restart for applying some of the new settings. Restart now?";
"lng_settings_restart_now" = "RESTART";
"lng_settings_restart_later" = "LATER";
"lng_sessions_header" = "Current session";
"lng_sessions_other_header" = "Active sessions";
"lng_sessions_no_other" = "No other sessions";
"lng_sessions_other_desc" = "You can log in to Telegram from other mobile, tablet and desktop devices, using the same phone number. All your data will be instantly synchronized.";
"lng_sessions_terminate_all" = "Terminate all other sessions";
"lng_preview_loading" = "Getting Link Info...";
"lng_profile_chat_unaccessible" = "Group is unaccessible";
"lng_channel_only_last_shown" = "Only the last {count:_not_used_|# member is|# members are} shown here";
"lng_channel_admins" = "Administrators";
"lng_channel_add_admin" = "Add Administrator";
"lng_channel_admin_sure" = "Add {user} to administrators?";
"lng_channel_admins_too_much" = "Sorry, you have reached the limit of the administrators. Please remove one administrator first.";
"lng_chat_all_members_admins" = "All Members Are Admins";
"lng_chat_about_all_admins" = "Group members can add new members, edit name and photo of the group.";
"lng_chat_about_admins" = "Group admins can add and remove members, edit name and photo of the group.";
"lng_participant_filter" = "Search";
"lng_participant_invite" = "Invite";
"lng_participant_invite_sorry" = "Sorry, you can only add the first {count:_not_used|# member|# members} to a channel personally.\n\nFrom now on, people will need to join via your invite link.";
"lng_create_private_group_about" = "People can only join if they were invited or have an invite link";
"lng_create_group_skip" = "Skip";
"lng_create_channel_link_invalid" = "This link is invalid";
"lng_create_channel_link_occupied" = "Sorry, this link is already occupied";
"lng_create_channel_link_too_short" = "Sorry, this link is too short";
"lng_create_channel_link_bad_symbols" = "Sorry, this link has bad symbols";
"lng_create_channel_link_available" = "This link is available";
"lng_create_channel_link_copied" = "Link copied to clipboard";
"lng_create_group_crop" = "Select a square area for group photo";
"lng_create_channel_crop" = "Select a square area for channel photo";
"lng_failed_add_participant" = "Could not add user. Please try again later.";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual" = "Sorry, if a person leaves a group, only a mutual contact can bring them back (they need to have your phone number, and you need theirs).";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual_channel" = "Sorry, if a person leaves a channel, only a mutual contact can bring them back (they need to have your phone number, and you need theirs).";
"lng_sure_delete_contact" = "Are you sure, you want to delete {contact} from your contact list?";
"lng_sure_delete_history" = "Are you sure, you want to delete all message history with {contact}?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.";
"lng_sure_delete_group_history" = "Are you sure, you want to delete all message history in «{group}»?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.";
"lng_sure_delete_and_exit" = "Are you sure, you want to delete all message history and leave «{group}»?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.";
"lng_sure_leave_channel" = "Are you sure, you want to leave\nthis channel?";
"lng_sure_delete_channel" = "Are you sure, you want to delete this channel? All members will be removed and all messages will be lost.";
"lng_sure_leave_group" = "Are you sure, you want to leave\nthis group? This action cannot be undone.";
"lng_sure_delete_group" = "Are you sure, you want to delete this group? All members will be removed and all messages will be lost.";
"lng_message_empty" = "Empty Message";
"lng_message_unsupported" = "This message is not supported by your version of Telegram Desktop. Please update to the last version in Settings or install it from {link}";
"lng_profile_convert_feature4" = "— Creator can set a public link for the group";
"lng_profile_convert_warning" = "{bold_start}Note:{bold_end} This action can not be undone";
"lng_profile_convert_confirm" = "Convert";
"lng_profile_add_more_after_upgrade" = "You will be able to add up to {count:_not_used_|# member|# members} after you upgrade your group to a supergroup.";
"lng_channel_not_accessible" = "Sorry, this channel is not accessible.";
"lng_group_not_accessible" = "Sorry, this group is not accessible.";
"lng_channels_too_much_public_about" = "Sorry, you have reserved too many public usernames. You can revoke the link from one of your older groups or channels.";
"lng_channels_too_much_public_revoke_confirm_group" = "Are you sure you want to revoke the link {link}?\n\nThe group «{group}» will become private.";
"lng_channels_too_much_public_revoke_confirm_channel" = "Are you sure you want to revoke the link {link}?\n\nThe channel «{group}» will become private.";
"lng_contact_not_joined" = "Unfortunately {name} did not join Telegram yet, but you can send your friend an invitation.\n\nWe will notify you about any of your contacts who is joining Telegram.";
"lng_about_text_2" = "This software is licensed under [a href=\"https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE\"]GNU GPL[/a] version 3.\nSource code is available on [a href=\"https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop\"]GitHub[/a].";
"lng_about_text_3" = "Visit {faq_open}Telegram FAQ{faq_close} for more info.";
"lng_media_save_progress" = "{ready} of {total} {mb}";
"lng_mediaview_save_as" = "Save As...";
"lng_mediaview_copy" = "Copy";
"lng_mediaview_forward" = "Forward";
"lng_mediaview_delete" = "Delete";
"lng_mediaview_photos_all" = "View all photos";
"lng_mediaview_files_all" = "View all files";
"lng_mediaview_single_photo" = "Single Photo";
"lng_mediaview_group_photo" = "Group Photo";
"lng_mediaview_channel_photo" = "Channel Photo";
"lng_mediaview_profile_photo" = "Profile Photo";
"lng_mediaview_file_n_of_count" = "{file} {n} of {count}";
"lng_mediaview_n_of_count" = "Photo {n} of {count}";
"lng_mediaview_doc_image" = "File";
"lng_mediaview_today" = "today at {time}";
"lng_mediaview_yesterday" = "yesterday at {time}";
"lng_mediaview_date_time" = "{date} at {time}";
"lng_mediaview_saved" = "Image was saved to your [c]Downloads[/c] folder";
"lng_new_authorization" = "{name},\nWe detected a login into your account from a new device on {day}, {date} at {time}\n\nDevice: {device}\nLocation: {location}\n\nIf this wasn't you, you can go to Settings — Show all sessions and terminate that session.\n\nIf you think that somebody logged in to your account against your will, you can enable two-step verification in Settings.\n\nSincerely,\nThe Telegram Team";
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop was updated to version {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nFull version history is available here:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Bug fixes and other minor improvements";
"lng_confirm_phone_about" = "Somebody with access to your phone number {phone} has requested to delete your Telegram account and reset your 2-Step Verification password.\n\nIf this wasn't you, please enter the code we've just sent you via SMS to your number.";
"lng_confirm_phone_success" = "Success!\n\nThe deletion process was cancelled for your account {phone}. You may close this window now.";
"lng_confirm_phone_send" = "Send";
"lng_confirm_phone_enter_code" = "Please enter the code.";