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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
#include "codegen/style/parsed_file.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <QtCore/QMap>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QRegularExpression>
#include "codegen/common/basic_tokenized_file.h"
#include "codegen/common/logging.h"
using BasicToken = codegen::common::BasicTokenizedFile::Token;
using BasicType = BasicToken::Type;
namespace codegen {
namespace style {
namespace {
constexpr int kErrorInIncluded = 801;
constexpr int kErrorTypeMismatch = 802;
constexpr int kErrorUnknownField = 803;
constexpr int kErrorIdentifierNotFound = 804;
QString tokenValue(const BasicToken &token) {
if (token.type == BasicType::String) {
return token.value;
return token.original.toStringUnchecked();
bool isValidColor(const QString &str) {
auto len = str.size();
if (len != 3 && len != 4 && len != 6 && len != 8) {
return false;
for (auto ch : str) {
auto code = ch.unicode();
if ((code < '0' || code > '9') && (code < 'a' || code > 'f') && (code < 'A' || code > 'F')) {
return false;
return true;
std::string logFullName(const structure::FullName &name) {
return name.join('.').toStdString();
std::string logType(const structure::Type &type) {
if (type.tag == structure::TypeTag::Struct) {
return "struct " + logFullName(;
static auto builtInTypes = new QMap<structure::TypeTag, std::string> {
{ structure::TypeTag::Int , "int" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Double , "double" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Pixels , "pixels" },
{ structure::TypeTag::String , "string" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Color , "color" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Point , "point" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Sprite , "sprite" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Size , "size" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Transition, "transition" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Cursor , "cursor" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Align , "align" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Margins , "margins" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Font , "font" },
return builtInTypes->value(type.tag, "invalid");
} // namespace
ParsedFile::ParsedFile(const Options &options)
: file_(options.inputPath)
, options_(options) {
bool ParsedFile::read() {
if (! {
return false;
bool noErrors = false;
do {
if (auto startToken = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
if (tokenValue(startToken) == "using") {
if (auto includedResult = readIncluded()) {
} else if (auto braceOpen = file_.getToken(BasicType::LeftBrace)) {
if (auto structResult = readStruct(tokenValue(startToken))) {
} else if (auto colonToken = file_.getToken(BasicType::Colon)) {
if (auto variableResult = readVariable(tokenValue(startToken))) {
if (!file_.atEnd()) {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "using keyword, or struct definition, or variable definition";
} else {
noErrors = !failed();
} while (!failed());
if (noErrors) {
result_.fullpath = QFileInfo(options_.inputPath).absoluteFilePath();
return noErrors;
common::LogStream ParsedFile::logErrorTypeMismatch() {
return logError(kErrorTypeMismatch) << "type mismatch: ";
structure::Module ParsedFile::readIncluded() {
structure::Module result;
if (auto usingFile = file_.getToken(BasicType::String)) {
if (file_.getToken(BasicType::Semicolon)) {
ParsedFile included(includedOptions(tokenValue(usingFile)));
if ( {
result =;
} else {
logError(kErrorInIncluded) << "error while parsing '" << tokenValue(usingFile).toStdString() << "'";
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "';'";
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "file path";
return result;
structure::Struct ParsedFile::readStruct(const QString &name) {
structure::Struct result = { composeFullName(name) };
do {
if (auto fieldName = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
if (auto field = readStructField(tokenValue(fieldName))) {
} else if (auto braceClose = file_.getToken(BasicType::RightBrace)) {
if (result.fields.isEmpty()) {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "at least one field in struct";
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "struct field name or '}'";
} while (!failed());
return result;
structure::Variable ParsedFile::readVariable(const QString &name) {
structure::Variable result = { composeFullName(name) };
if (auto value = readValue()) {
result.value = value;
if (!file_.getToken(BasicType::Semicolon)) {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "';'";
return result;
structure::StructField ParsedFile::readStructField(const QString &name) {
structure::StructField result = { composeFullName(name) };
if (auto colonToken = file_.getToken(BasicType::Colon)) {
if (auto type = readType()) {
result.type = type;
if (!file_.getToken(BasicType::Semicolon)) {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "';'";
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "':'";
return result;
structure::Type ParsedFile::readType() {
structure::Type result;
if (auto nameToken = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
auto name = tokenValue(nameToken);
if (auto builtInType = typeNames_.value(name.toStdString())) {
result = builtInType;
} else {
result.tag = structure::TypeTag::Struct; = composeFullName(name);
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "type name";
return result;
structure::Value ParsedFile::readValue() {
if (auto colorValue = readColorValue()) {
return colorValue;
} else if (auto pointValue = readPointValue()) {
return pointValue;
} else if (auto spriteValue = readSpriteValue()) {
return spriteValue;
} else if (auto sizeValue = readSizeValue()) {
return sizeValue;
} else if (auto transitionValue = readTransitionValue()) {
return transitionValue;
} else if (auto cursorValue = readCursorValue()) {
return cursorValue;
} else if (auto alignValue = readAlignValue()) {
return alignValue;
} else if (auto marginsValue = readMarginsValue()) {
return marginsValue;
} else if (auto fontValue = readFontValue()) {
return fontValue;
} else if (auto numericValue = readNumericValue()) {
return numericValue;
} else if (auto stringValue = readStringValue()) {
return stringValue;
} else if (auto structValue = readStructValue()) {
return structValue;
} else if (auto copyValue = readCopyValue()) {
return copyValue;
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "variable value";
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readStructValue() {
if (auto structName = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
if (auto result = defaultConstructedStruct(composeFullName(tokenValue(structName)))) {
if (file_.getToken(BasicType::LeftParenthesis)) {
if (readStructParents(result)) {
if (file_.getToken(BasicType::LeftBrace)) {
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "'{'";
} else if (file_.getToken(BasicType::LeftBrace)) {
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "'(' or '{'";
return result;
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::defaultConstructedStruct(const structure::FullName &structName) {
structure::Value result;
for (const auto &structType : result_.structs) {
if ( == structName) {
for (const auto &fieldType : structType.fields) {
result.fields.push_back({, fieldType.type });
return result;
void ParsedFile::applyStructParent(structure::Value &result, const structure::FullName &parentName) {
for (const auto &structValue : result_.variables) {
if ( == parentName) {
if (structValue.value.type == result.type) {
const auto &srcFields(structValue.value.fields);
auto &dstFields(result.fields);
logAssert(srcFields.size() == dstFields.size()) << "struct size check failed";
for (int i = 0, s = srcFields.size(); i != s; ++i) {
logAssert( == << "struct field type check failed";
dstFields[i].value =;
} else {
logErrorTypeMismatch() << "parent '" << logFullName(parentName) << "' has type '" << logType(structValue.value.type) << "' while child value has type " << logType(result.type);
bool ParsedFile::readStructValueInner(structure::Value &result) {
do {
if (auto fieldName = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
if (auto field = readVariable(tokenValue(fieldName))) {
for (auto &already : result.fields) {
if ( == {
if (already.value.type == field.value.type) {
already.value = field.value;
return true;
} else {
logErrorTypeMismatch() << "field '" << logFullName( << "' has type '" << logType(already.value.type) << "' while value has type " << logType(field.value.type);
return false;
logError(kErrorUnknownField) << "field '" << logFullName( << "' was not found in struct of type '" << logType(result.type) << "'";
} else if (file_.getToken(BasicType::RightBrace)) {
return true;
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "variable field name or '}'";
} while (!failed());
return false;
bool ParsedFile::readStructParents(structure::Value &result) {
do {
if (auto parentName = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
applyStructParent(result, composeFullName(tokenValue(parentName)));
if (file_.getToken(BasicType::RightParenthesis)) {
return true;
} else if (!file_.getToken(BasicType::Comma)) {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "',' or ')'";
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "struct variable parent";
} while (!failed());
return false;
//ParsedFile::Token ParsedFile::readInVariableChild() {
// if (auto value = readValue()) {
// if (file_.getToken(BasicType::Semicolon)) {
// state_ = State::Default;
// return value;
// }
// logErrorUnexpectedToken(";");
// } else {
// logErrorUnexpectedToken("variable field value");
// }
// return invalidToken();
structure::Value ParsedFile::readPositiveValue() {
auto numericToken = file_.getAnyToken();
if (numericToken.type == BasicType::Int) {
return { { structure::TypeTag::Int }, tokenValue(numericToken) };
} else if (numericToken.type == BasicType::Double) {
return { { structure::TypeTag::Double }, tokenValue(numericToken) };
} else if (numericToken.type == BasicType::Name) {
auto value = tokenValue(numericToken);
auto match = QRegularExpression("^\\d+px$").match(value);
if (match.hasMatch()) {
return { { structure::TypeTag::Pixels }, value.mid(0, value.size() - 2) };
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readNumericValue() {
if (auto value = readPositiveValue()) {
return value;
} else if (auto minusToken = file_.getToken(BasicType::Minus)) {
if (auto positiveValue = readNumericValue()) {
return { positiveValue.type, '-' + };
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "numeric value";
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readStringValue() {
if (auto stringToken = file_.getToken(BasicType::String)) {
return { { structure::TypeTag::String }, stringToken.value };
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readColorValue() {
if (auto numberSign = file_.getToken(BasicType::Number)) {
auto color = file_.getAnyToken();
if (color.type == BasicType::Int || color.type == BasicType::Name) {
auto chars = tokenValue(color);
if (isValidColor(chars)) {
return { { structure::TypeTag::Color }, chars.toLower() };
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "color value in #ccc, #ccca, #cccccc or #ccccccaa format";
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readPointValue() {
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readSpriteValue() {
if (auto font = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
if (tokenValue(font) == "sprite") {
if (!file_.getToken(BasicType::LeftParenthesis)) {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "'(' and sprite definition";
return {};
auto x = readNumericValue(); file_.getToken(BasicType::Comma);
auto y = readNumericValue(); file_.getToken(BasicType::Comma);
auto w = readNumericValue(); file_.getToken(BasicType::Comma);
auto h = readNumericValue();
if (x.type.tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels ||
y.type.tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels ||
w.type.tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels ||
h.type.tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels) {
logErrorTypeMismatch() << "px rect for the sprite expected";
return {};
if (!file_.getToken(BasicType::RightParenthesis)) {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "')'";
return {};
return { { structure::TypeTag::Sprite }, + ',' + + ',' + + ',' + };
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readSizeValue() {
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readTransitionValue() {
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readCursorValue() {
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readAlignValue() {
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readMarginsValue() {
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readFontValue() {
if (auto font = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
if (tokenValue(font) == "font") {
if (!file_.getToken(BasicType::LeftParenthesis)) {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "'(' and font definition";
return {};
structure::Value family, size;
do {
if (auto familyValue = readStringValue()) {
family = familyValue;
} else if (auto sizeValue = readNumericValue()) {
size = sizeValue;
} else if (auto copyValue = readCopyValue()) {
if (copyValue.type.tag == structure::TypeTag::String) {
family = copyValue;
} else if (copyValue.type.tag == structure::TypeTag::Pixels) {
size = copyValue;
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "font family, font size or ')'";
} else if (file_.getToken(BasicType::RightParenthesis)) {
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "font family, font size or ')'";
} while (!failed());
if (size.type.tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels) {
logErrorTypeMismatch() << "px value for the font size expected";
return { { structure::TypeTag::Font }, + ',' + };
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readCopyValue() {
if (auto copyName = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
structure::FullName name = { tokenValue(copyName) };
for (const auto &variable : result_.variables) {
if ( == name) {
auto result = variable.value;
result.copy =;
return result;
logError(kErrorIdentifierNotFound) << "identifier '" << logFullName(name) << "' not found";
return {};
Options ParsedFile::includedOptions(const QString &filepath) {
auto result = options_;
result.inputPath = filepath;
return result;
// Compose context-dependent full name.
structure::FullName ParsedFile::composeFullName(const QString &name) {
return { name };
} // namespace style
} // namespace codegen