
194 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
using "";
using "boxes/";
2016-10-27 17:10:28 +03:00
using "ui/widgets/";
switchPmButton: RoundButton(defaultBoxButton) {
width: 320px;
height: 34px;
textTop: 7px;
2016-10-27 17:10:28 +03:00
stickersTrendingHeader: 45px;
stickersTrendingSkip: 15px;
2016-10-27 17:10:28 +03:00
stickersTrendingHeaderFont: semiboldFont;
stickersTrendingHeaderFg: windowFg;
2016-10-27 17:10:28 +03:00
stickersTrendingHeaderTop: 0px;
stickersTrendingSubheaderFont: normalFont;
stickersTrendingSubheaderFg: #777777;
2016-10-27 17:10:28 +03:00
stickersTrendingSubheaderTop: 20px;
2016-10-27 17:10:28 +03:00
stickersTrendingAddTop: 3px;
stickersTrendingAdd: RoundButton(defaultActiveButton) {
2016-11-22 12:48:13 +03:00
width: -16px;
height: 26px;
textTop: 4px;
2016-11-22 12:48:13 +03:00
stickersRemove: IconButton(defaultIconButton) {
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
2016-11-22 12:48:13 +03:00
icon: icon {{ "stickers_remove", menuIconFg }};
iconOver: icon {{ "stickers_remove", menuIconFgOver }};
2016-11-22 12:48:13 +03:00
rippleAreaSize: 40px;
rippleAreaPosition: point(0px, 0px);
ripple: RippleAnimation(defaultRippleAnimation) {
color: windowBgOver;
stickersUndoRemove: RoundButton(defaultLightButton) {
width: -16px;
height: 26px;
textTop: 4px;
stickersRemoveSkip: 4px;
stickersReorderIcon: icon {{ "stickers_reorder", menuIconFg }};
stickersReorderSkip: 13px;
stickerEmojiSkip: 5px;
2016-11-22 12:48:13 +03:00
stickersFeaturedBadgeFont: font(12px bold);
stickersFeaturedBadgeSize: 15px;
stickersFeaturedBadgeTextTop: -1px;
stickersFeaturedBadgePadding: 4px;
stickersFeaturedBadgeSkip: 4px;
stickersFeaturedBadgeTop: 9px;
stickersFeaturedPen: lightButtonFg;
stickersFeaturedUnreadBg: msgFileInBg;
stickersFeaturedUnreadSize: 5px;
stickersFeaturedUnreadSkip: 5px;
stickersFeaturedUnreadTop: 7px;
2016-11-22 12:48:13 +03:00
stickersFeaturedInstalled: icon {{ "send_control_save", lightButtonFg }};
2016-10-27 17:10:28 +03:00
stickersMaxHeight: 440px;
stickersPadding: margins(19px, 17px, 19px, 17px);
stickersSize: size(64px, 64px);
stickersScroll: FlatScroll(boxScroll) {
2016-10-27 17:10:28 +03:00
deltat: 23px;
deltab: 9px;
stickersReorderPadding: margins(0px, 12px, 0px, 12px);
stickersReorderFg: #777777;
2016-10-27 17:10:28 +03:00
stickersRowDisabledOpacity: 0.4;
stickersRowDuration: 200;
emojiIconFg: #b3b3b3;
emojiIconFgActive: windowBgActive;
stickersSettings: icon {{ "emoji_settings", emojiIconFg }};
stickersTrending: icon {{ "emoji_trending", emojiIconFg }};
stickersTrendingActive: icon {{ "emoji_trending", emojiIconFgActive }};
2016-10-27 17:10:28 +03:00
stickersSettingsUnreadSize: 17px;
stickersSettingsUnreadPosition: point(4px, 5px);
emojiScroll: FlatScroll(defaultSolidScroll) {
2016-10-27 17:10:28 +03:00
deltat: 48px;
emojiRecent: icon {{ "emoji_recent", emojiIconFg }};
emojiRecentActive: icon {{ "emoji_recent", emojiIconFgActive }};
emojiPeople: icon {{ "emoji_people", emojiIconFg }};
emojiPeopleActive: icon {{ "emoji_people", emojiIconFgActive }};
emojiNature: icon {{ "emoji_nature", emojiIconFg }};
emojiNatureActive: icon {{ "emoji_nature", emojiIconFgActive }};
emojiFood: icon {{ "emoji_food", emojiIconFg }};
emojiFoodActive: icon {{ "emoji_food", emojiIconFgActive }};
emojiActivity: icon {{ "emoji_activity", emojiIconFg }};
emojiActivityActive: icon {{ "emoji_activity", emojiIconFgActive }};
emojiTravel: icon {{ "emoji_travel", emojiIconFg }};
emojiTravelActive: icon {{ "emoji_travel", emojiIconFgActive }};
emojiObjects: icon {{ "emoji_objects", emojiIconFg }};
emojiObjectsActive: icon {{ "emoji_objects", emojiIconFgActive }};
emojiSymbols: icon {{ "emoji_symbols", emojiIconFg }};
emojiSymbolsActive: icon {{ "emoji_symbols", emojiIconFgActive }};
emojiSavedGifs: icon {{ "emoji_gif", emojiIconFg }};
emojiSavedGifsActive: icon {{ "emoji_gif", emojiIconFgActive }};
2016-10-27 17:10:28 +03:00
emojiCategory: IconButton {
width: 42px;
height: 46px;
iconPosition: point(11px, 12px);
emojiCategoryRecent: IconButton(emojiCategory) { icon: emojiRecent; }
emojiCategoryPeople: IconButton(emojiCategory) { icon: emojiPeople; }
emojiCategoryNature: IconButton(emojiCategory) { icon: emojiNature; }
emojiCategoryFood: IconButton(emojiCategory) { icon: emojiFood; }
emojiCategoryActivity: IconButton(emojiCategory) { icon: emojiActivity; }
emojiCategoryTravel: IconButton(emojiCategory) { icon: emojiTravel; }
emojiCategoryObjects: IconButton(emojiCategory) { icon: emojiObjects; }
emojiCategorySymbols: IconButton(emojiCategory) { icon: emojiSymbols; }
emojiPanAnimation: PanelAnimation(defaultPanelAnimation) {
fadeBg: emojiPanBg;
2016-10-27 17:10:28 +03:00
emojiPanPadding: 12px;
emojiPanSize: size(45px, 41px);
emojiPanWidth: 345px;
emojiPanMaxHeight: 366px;
emojiPanShowDuration: 200;
2016-10-27 17:10:28 +03:00
emojiPanDuration: 200;
emojiPanHover: windowBgOver;
emojiPanSlideDuration: 200;
2016-10-27 17:10:28 +03:00
emojiPanHeader: 42px;
emojiPanHeaderFont: semiboldFont;
emojiPanHeaderLeft: 22px;
emojiPanHeaderTop: 12px;
emojiColorsPadding: 5px;
emojiColorsSep: 1px;
emojiColorsSepColor: #d5d5d5;
emojiSwitchSkip: 27px;
emojiSwitchImgSkip: 21px;
emojiSwitchColor: windowActiveTextFg;
emojiSwitchStickers: icon {{ "emoji_switch", emojiSwitchColor }};
emojiSwitchEmoji: icon {{ "emoji_switch-flip_horizontal", emojiSwitchColor }};
2016-10-27 17:10:28 +03:00
stickerPanSize: size(64px, 64px);
stickerPanPadding: 11px;
stickerPanDelete: icon {
{ "emoji_delete_bg", #000000cc },
{ "emoji_delete", #ffffff },
2016-10-27 17:10:28 +03:00
stickerPanDeleteOpacity: 0.5;
stickerIconPadding: 5px;
stickerIconOpacity: 0.7;
stickerIconSel: 2px;
stickerIconSelColor: emojiIconFgActive;
2016-10-27 17:10:28 +03:00
stickerIconMove: 400;
stickerPreviewDuration: 150;
stickerPreviewBg: #FFFFFFB0;
stickerPreviewMin: 0.1;
hashtagClose: IconButton {
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
icon: simpleCloseIcon;
iconOver: simpleCloseIconOver;
iconPosition: point(10px, 10px);