2018-12-18 14:45:06 +04:00
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "history/media/history_media_game.h"
#include "lang/lang_keys.h"
#include "layout.h"
#include "history/history_item_components.h"
2019-01-03 16:36:01 +04:00
#include "history/history.h"
2018-12-18 14:45:06 +04:00
#include "history/view/history_view_element.h"
#include "history/view/history_view_cursor_state.h"
#include "history/media/history_media_common.h"
#include "ui/text_options.h"
#include "data/data_session.h"
#include "data/data_game.h"
#include "data/data_media_types.h"
#include "styles/style_history.h"
namespace {
using TextState = HistoryView::TextState;
} // namespace
not_null<Element*> parent,
not_null<GameData*> data,
const TextWithEntities &consumed)
: HistoryMedia(parent)
, _data(data)
, _title(st::msgMinWidth - st::webPageLeft)
, _description(st::msgMinWidth - st::webPageLeft) {
if (!consumed.text.isEmpty()) {
2019-01-03 16:36:01 +04:00
history()->owner().registerGameView(_data, _parent);
2018-12-18 14:45:06 +04:00
QSize HistoryGame::countOptimalSize() {
auto lineHeight = unitedLineHeight();
const auto item = _parent->data();
if (!_openl && IsServerMsgId(item->id)) {
const auto row = 0;
const auto column = 0;
_openl = std::make_shared<ReplyMarkupClickHandler>(
auto title = TextUtilities::SingleLine(_data->title);
// init attach
if (!_attach) {
_attach = CreateAttach(_parent, _data->document, _data->photo);
// init strings
if (_description.isEmpty() && !_data->description.isEmpty()) {
auto text = _data->description;
if (!text.isEmpty()) {
if (!_attach) {
text += _parent->skipBlock();
auto marked = TextWithEntities { text };
auto parseFlags = TextParseLinks | TextParseMultiline | TextParseRichText;
TextUtilities::ParseEntities(marked, parseFlags);
if (_title.isEmpty() && !title.isEmpty()) {
// init dimensions
auto l = st::msgPadding.left() + st::webPageLeft, r = st::msgPadding.right();
auto skipBlockWidth = _parent->skipBlockWidth();
auto maxWidth = skipBlockWidth;
auto minHeight = 0;
auto titleMinHeight = _title.isEmpty() ? 0 : lineHeight;
// enable any count of lines in game description / message
auto descMaxLines = 4096;
auto descriptionMinHeight = _description.isEmpty() ? 0 : qMin(_description.minHeight(), descMaxLines * lineHeight);
if (!_title.isEmpty()) {
accumulate_max(maxWidth, _title.maxWidth());
minHeight += titleMinHeight;
if (!_description.isEmpty()) {
accumulate_max(maxWidth, _description.maxWidth());
minHeight += descriptionMinHeight;
if (_attach) {
auto attachAtTop = !_titleLines && !_descriptionLines;
if (!attachAtTop) minHeight += st::mediaInBubbleSkip;
QMargins bubble(_attach->bubbleMargins());
auto maxMediaWidth = _attach->maxWidth() - bubble.left() - bubble.right();
if (isBubbleBottom() && _attach->customInfoLayout()) {
maxMediaWidth += skipBlockWidth;
accumulate_max(maxWidth, maxMediaWidth);
minHeight += _attach->minHeight() - bubble.top() - bubble.bottom();
maxWidth += st::msgPadding.left() + st::webPageLeft + st::msgPadding.right();
auto padding = inBubblePadding();
minHeight += padding.top() + padding.bottom();
if (!_gameTagWidth) {
_gameTagWidth = st::msgDateFont->width(lang(lng_game_tag).toUpper());
return { maxWidth, minHeight };
void HistoryGame::refreshParentId(not_null<HistoryItem*> realParent) {
if (_openl) {
if (_attach) {
QSize HistoryGame::countCurrentSize(int newWidth) {
accumulate_min(newWidth, maxWidth());
auto innerWidth = newWidth - st::msgPadding.left() - st::webPageLeft - st::msgPadding.right();
// enable any count of lines in game description / message
auto linesMax = 4096;
auto lineHeight = unitedLineHeight();
auto newHeight = 0;
if (_title.isEmpty()) {
_titleLines = 0;
} else {
if (_title.countHeight(innerWidth) < 2 * st::webPageTitleFont->height) {
_titleLines = 1;
} else {
_titleLines = 2;
newHeight += _titleLines * lineHeight;
if (_description.isEmpty()) {
_descriptionLines = 0;
} else {
auto descriptionHeight = _description.countHeight(innerWidth);
if (descriptionHeight < (linesMax - _titleLines) * st::webPageDescriptionFont->height) {
_descriptionLines = (descriptionHeight / st::webPageDescriptionFont->height);
} else {
_descriptionLines = (linesMax - _titleLines);
newHeight += _descriptionLines * lineHeight;
if (_attach) {
auto attachAtTop = !_titleLines && !_descriptionLines;
if (!attachAtTop) newHeight += st::mediaInBubbleSkip;
QMargins bubble(_attach->bubbleMargins());
_attach->resizeGetHeight(innerWidth + bubble.left() + bubble.right());
newHeight += _attach->height() - bubble.top() - bubble.bottom();
if (isBubbleBottom() && _attach->customInfoLayout() && _attach->width() + _parent->skipBlockWidth() > innerWidth + bubble.left() + bubble.right()) {
newHeight += bottomInfoPadding();
auto padding = inBubblePadding();
newHeight += padding.top() + padding.bottom();
return { newWidth, newHeight };
TextSelection HistoryGame::toDescriptionSelection(
TextSelection selection) const {
return HistoryView::UnshiftItemSelection(selection, _title);
TextSelection HistoryGame::fromDescriptionSelection(
TextSelection selection) const {
return HistoryView::ShiftItemSelection(selection, _title);
void HistoryGame::draw(Painter &p, const QRect &r, TextSelection selection, TimeMs ms) const {
if (width() < st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right() + 1) return;
auto paintw = width(), painth = height();
auto outbg = _parent->hasOutLayout();
bool selected = (selection == FullSelection);
auto &barfg = selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutReplyBarSelColor : st::msgInReplyBarSelColor) : (outbg ? st::msgOutReplyBarColor : st::msgInReplyBarColor);
auto &semibold = selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceFgSelected : st::msgInServiceFgSelected) : (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceFg : st::msgInServiceFg);
auto ®ular = selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutDateFgSelected : st::msgInDateFgSelected) : (outbg ? st::msgOutDateFg : st::msgInDateFg);
QMargins bubble(_attach ? _attach->bubbleMargins() : QMargins());
auto padding = inBubblePadding();
auto tshift = padding.top();
auto bshift = padding.bottom();
paintw -= padding.left() + padding.right();
if (isBubbleBottom() && _attach && _attach->customInfoLayout() && _attach->width() + _parent->skipBlockWidth() > paintw + bubble.left() + bubble.right()) {
bshift += bottomInfoPadding();
QRect bar(rtlrect(st::msgPadding.left(), tshift, st::webPageBar, height() - tshift - bshift, width()));
p.fillRect(bar, barfg);
auto lineHeight = unitedLineHeight();
if (_titleLines) {
auto endskip = 0;
if (_title.hasSkipBlock()) {
endskip = _parent->skipBlockWidth();
_title.drawLeftElided(p, padding.left(), tshift, paintw, width(), _titleLines, style::al_left, 0, -1, endskip, false, selection);
tshift += _titleLines * lineHeight;
if (_descriptionLines) {
p.setPen(outbg ? st::webPageDescriptionOutFg : st::webPageDescriptionInFg);
auto endskip = 0;
if (_description.hasSkipBlock()) {
endskip = _parent->skipBlockWidth();
_description.drawLeftElided(p, padding.left(), tshift, paintw, width(), _descriptionLines, style::al_left, 0, -1, endskip, false, toDescriptionSelection(selection));
tshift += _descriptionLines * lineHeight;
if (_attach) {
auto attachAtTop = !_titleLines && !_descriptionLines;
if (!attachAtTop) tshift += st::mediaInBubbleSkip;
auto attachLeft = padding.left() - bubble.left();
auto attachTop = tshift - bubble.top();
if (rtl()) attachLeft = width() - attachLeft - _attach->width();
auto attachSelection = selected ? FullSelection : TextSelection { 0, 0 };
p.translate(attachLeft, attachTop);
_attach->draw(p, r.translated(-attachLeft, -attachTop), attachSelection, ms);
auto pixwidth = _attach->width();
auto pixheight = _attach->height();
auto gameW = _gameTagWidth + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.x();
auto gameH = st::msgDateFont->height + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.y();
auto gameX = pixwidth - st::msgDateImgDelta - gameW;
auto gameY = pixheight - st::msgDateImgDelta - gameH;
App::roundRect(p, rtlrect(gameX, gameY, gameW, gameH, pixwidth), selected ? st::msgDateImgBgSelected : st::msgDateImgBg, selected ? DateSelectedCorners : DateCorners);
p.drawTextLeft(gameX + st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), gameY + st::msgDateImgPadding.y(), pixwidth, lang(lng_game_tag).toUpper());
p.translate(-attachLeft, -attachTop);
TextState HistoryGame::textState(QPoint point, StateRequest request) const {
auto result = TextState(_parent);
if (width() < st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right() + 1) {
return result;
auto paintw = width(), painth = height();
QMargins bubble(_attach ? _attach->bubbleMargins() : QMargins());
auto padding = inBubblePadding();
auto tshift = padding.top();
auto bshift = padding.bottom();
if (isBubbleBottom() && _attach && _attach->customInfoLayout() && _attach->width() + _parent->skipBlockWidth() > paintw + bubble.left() + bubble.right()) {
bshift += bottomInfoPadding();
paintw -= padding.left() + padding.right();
auto inThumb = false;
auto symbolAdd = 0;
auto lineHeight = unitedLineHeight();
if (_titleLines) {
if (point.y() >= tshift && point.y() < tshift + _titleLines * lineHeight) {
Text::StateRequestElided titleRequest = request.forText();
titleRequest.lines = _titleLines;
result = TextState(_parent, _title.getStateElidedLeft(
point - QPoint(padding.left(), tshift),
} else if (point.y() >= tshift + _titleLines * lineHeight) {
symbolAdd += _title.length();
tshift += _titleLines * lineHeight;
if (_descriptionLines) {
if (point.y() >= tshift && point.y() < tshift + _descriptionLines * lineHeight) {
Text::StateRequestElided descriptionRequest = request.forText();
descriptionRequest.lines = _descriptionLines;
result = TextState(_parent, _description.getStateElidedLeft(
point - QPoint(padding.left(), tshift),
} else if (point.y() >= tshift + _descriptionLines * lineHeight) {
symbolAdd += _description.length();
tshift += _descriptionLines * lineHeight;
if (inThumb) {
if (!_parent->data()->isLogEntry()) {
result.link = _openl;
} else if (_attach) {
auto attachAtTop = !_titleLines && !_descriptionLines;
if (!attachAtTop) tshift += st::mediaInBubbleSkip;
auto attachLeft = padding.left() - bubble.left();
auto attachTop = tshift - bubble.top();
if (rtl()) attachLeft = width() - attachLeft - _attach->width();
if (QRect(attachLeft, tshift, _attach->width(), height() - tshift - bshift).contains(point)) {
if (_attach->isReadyForOpen()) {
if (!_parent->data()->isLogEntry()) {
result.link = _openl;
} else {
result = _attach->textState(point - QPoint(attachLeft, attachTop), request);
result.symbol += symbolAdd;
return result;
TextSelection HistoryGame::adjustSelection(TextSelection selection, TextSelectType type) const {
if (!_descriptionLines || selection.to <= _title.length()) {
return _title.adjustSelection(selection, type);
auto descriptionSelection = _description.adjustSelection(toDescriptionSelection(selection), type);
if (selection.from >= _title.length()) {
return fromDescriptionSelection(descriptionSelection);
auto titleSelection = _title.adjustSelection(selection, type);
return { titleSelection.from, fromDescriptionSelection(descriptionSelection).to };
void HistoryGame::clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) {
if (_attach) {
_attach->clickHandlerActiveChanged(p, active);
void HistoryGame::clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) {
if (_attach) {
_attach->clickHandlerPressedChanged(p, pressed);
TextWithEntities HistoryGame::selectedText(TextSelection selection) const {
auto titleResult = _title.originalTextWithEntities(
auto descriptionResult = _description.originalTextWithEntities(
if (titleResult.text.isEmpty()) {
return descriptionResult;
} else if (descriptionResult.text.isEmpty()) {
return titleResult;
titleResult.text += '\n';
TextUtilities::Append(titleResult, std::move(descriptionResult));
return titleResult;
void HistoryGame::playAnimation(bool autoplay) {
if (_attach) {
if (autoplay) {
} else {
QMargins HistoryGame::inBubblePadding() const {
auto lshift = st::msgPadding.left() + st::webPageLeft;
auto rshift = st::msgPadding.right();
auto bshift = isBubbleBottom() ? st::msgPadding.left() : st::mediaInBubbleSkip;
auto tshift = isBubbleTop() ? st::msgPadding.left() : st::mediaInBubbleSkip;
return QMargins(lshift, tshift, rshift, bshift);
int HistoryGame::bottomInfoPadding() const {
if (!isBubbleBottom()) return 0;
auto result = st::msgDateFont->height;
// we use padding greater than st::msgPadding.bottom() in the
// bottom of the bubble so that the left line looks pretty.
// but if we have bottom skip because of the info display
// we don't need that additional padding so we replace it
// back with st::msgPadding.bottom() instead of left().
result += st::msgPadding.bottom() - st::msgPadding.left();
return result;
void HistoryGame::parentTextUpdated() {
if (const auto media = _parent->data()->media()) {
const auto consumed = media->consumedMessageText();
if (!consumed.text.isEmpty()) {
} else {
_description = Text(st::msgMinWidth - st::webPageLeft);
2019-01-03 16:36:01 +04:00
2018-12-18 14:45:06 +04:00
HistoryGame::~HistoryGame() {
2019-01-03 16:36:01 +04:00
history()->owner().unregisterGameView(_data, _parent);
2018-12-18 14:45:06 +04:00