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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
2015-10-03 16:16:42 +03:00
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
2015-10-03 16:16:42 +03:00
Copyright (c) 2014-2015 John Preston,
#include "stdafx.h"
2014-07-08 14:24:21 +04:00
#include <iostream>
#include "pspecific.h"
enum LogDataType {
QMutex *_logsMutex(LogDataType type, bool clear = false) {
static QMutex *LogsMutexes = 0;
if (clear) {
delete[] LogsMutexes;
LogsMutexes = 0;
} else if (!LogsMutexes) {
LogsMutexes = new QMutex[LogDataCount];
return &LogsMutexes[type];
QString _logsFilePath(LogDataType type, const QString &postfix = QString()) {
QString path(cWorkingDir());
switch (type) {
case LogDataMain: path += qstr("log") + postfix + qstr(".txt"); break;
case LogDataDebug: path += qstr("DebugLogs/log") + postfix + qstr(".txt"); break;
case LogDataTcp: path += qstr("DebugLogs/tcp") + postfix + qstr(".txt"); break;
case LogDataMtp: path += qstr("DebugLogs/mtp") + postfix + qstr(".txt"); break;
return path;
int32 LogsStartIndexChosen = -1;
QString _logsEntryStart() {
static int32 index = 0;
QDateTime tm(QDateTime::currentDateTime());
QThread *thread = QThread::currentThread();
MTPThread *mtpThread = qobject_cast<MTPThread*>(thread);
uint threadId = mtpThread ? mtpThread->getThreadId() : 0;
return QString("[%1 %2-%3]").arg(tm.toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz")).arg(QString("%1").arg(threadId, 2, 10, QChar('0'))).arg(++index, 7, 10, QChar('0'));
class LogsDataFields {
LogsDataFields() {
for (int32 i = 0; i < LogDataCount; ++i) {
files[i].reset(new QFile());
bool openMain() {
return reopen(LogDataMain, 0, qsl("start"));
bool instanceChecked() {
return reopen(LogDataMain, 0, QString());
QString full() {
if (!streams[LogDataMain].device()) {
return QString();
QFile out(files[LogDataMain]->fileName());
if ( {
return QString::fromUtf8(out.readAll());
return QString();
void write(LogDataType type, const QString &msg) {
QMutexLocker lock(_logsMutex(type));
if (type != LogDataMain) reopenDebug();
if (!streams[type].device()) return;
streams[type] << msg;
QSharedPointer<QFile> files[LogDataCount];
QTextStream streams[LogDataCount];
int32 part = -1, index = 0;
bool reopen(LogDataType type, int32 dayIndex, const QString &postfix) {
if (streams[type].device()) {
if (type == LogDataMain) {
if (!postfix.isEmpty()) {
return true;
} else {
QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> mode = QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text;
if (type == LogDataMain) { // we can call LOG() in LogDataMain reopen - mutex not locked
if (postfix.isEmpty()) { // instance checked, need to move to log.txt
t_assert(!files[type]->fileName().isEmpty()); // one of log_startXX.txt should've been opened already
QSharedPointer<QFile> to(new QFile(_logsFilePath(type, postfix)));
if (to->exists() && !to->remove()) {
LOG(("Could not delete '%1' file to start new logging!").arg(to->fileName()));
return false;
if (!QFile(files[type]->fileName()).copy(to->fileName())) { // don't close files[type] yet
LOG(("Could not copy '%1' to '%2' to start new logging!").arg(files[type]->fileName()).arg(to->fileName()));
return false;
if (to->open(mode | QIODevice::Append)) {
qSwap(files[type], to);
LOG(("Moved logging from '%1' to '%2'!").arg(to->fileName()).arg(files[type]->fileName()));
LogsStartIndexChosen = -1;
QDir working(cWorkingDir()); // delete all other log_startXX.txt that we can
QStringList oldlogs = working.entryList(QStringList("log_start*.txt"), QDir::Files);
for (QStringList::const_iterator i = oldlogs.cbegin(), e = oldlogs.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
QString oldlog = cWorkingDir() + *i, oldlogend = i->mid(qstr("log_start").size());
if (oldlogend.size() == 1 + qstr(".txt").size() && && oldlogend.midRef(1) == qstr(".txt")) {
bool removed = QFile(*i).remove();
LOG(("Old start log '%1' found, deleted: %2").arg(*i).arg(Logs::b(removed)));
return true;
LOG(("Could not open '%1' file to start new logging!").arg(to->fileName()));
return false;
} else {
bool found = false;
int32 oldest = -1; // find not existing log_startX.txt or pick the oldest one (by lastModified)
QDateTime oldestLastModified;
for (int32 i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
QString trying = _logsFilePath(type, qsl("_start%1").arg(i));
if (!files[type]->exists()) {
LogsStartIndexChosen = i;
found = true;
QDateTime lastModified = QFileInfo(trying).lastModified();
if (oldest < 0 || lastModified < oldestLastModified) {
oldestLastModified = lastModified;
oldest = i;
if (!found) {
files[type]->setFileName(_logsFilePath(type, qsl("_start%1").arg(oldest)));
LogsStartIndexChosen = oldest;
} else {
files[type]->setFileName(_logsFilePath(type, postfix));
if (files[type]->exists()) {
if (files[type]->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
if (QString::fromUtf8(files[type]->readLine()).toInt() == dayIndex) {
mode |= QIODevice::Append;
} else {
QDir().mkdir(cWorkingDir() + qstr("DebugLogs"));
if (files[type]->open(mode)) {
if (type != LogDataMain) {
streams[type] << ((mode & QIODevice::Append) ? qsl("----------------------------------------------------------------\nNEW LOGGING INSTANCE STARTED!!!\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n") : qsl("%1\n").arg(dayIndex));
return true;
} else if (type != LogDataMain) {
LOG(("Could not open debug log '%1'!").arg(files[type]->fileName()));
return false;
void reopenDebug() {
time_t t = time(NULL);
struct tm tm;
mylocaltime(&tm, &t);
static const int switchEach = 15; // minutes
int32 newPart = (tm.tm_min + tm.tm_hour * 60) / switchEach;
if (newPart == part) return;
part = newPart;
int32 dayIndex = (tm.tm_year + 1900) * 10000 + (tm.tm_mon + 1) * 100 + tm.tm_mday;
QString postfix = QString("_%4_%5").arg((part * switchEach) / 60, 2, 10, QChar('0')).arg((part * switchEach) % 60, 2, 10, QChar('0'));
reopen(LogDataDebug, dayIndex, postfix);
reopen(LogDataTcp, dayIndex, postfix);
reopen(LogDataMtp, dayIndex, postfix);
LogsDataFields *LogsData = 0;
typedef QList<QPair<LogDataType, QString> > LogsInMemoryList;
LogsInMemoryList *LogsInMemory = 0;
LogsInMemoryList *DeletedLogsInMemory = SharedMemoryLocation<LogsInMemoryList, 0>();
QString LogsBeforeSingleInstanceChecked; // LogsInMemory already dumped in LogsData, but LogsData is about to be deleted
void _logsWrite(LogDataType type, const QString &msg) {
if (LogsData && (type == LogDataMain || LogsStartIndexChosen < 0)) {
if (type == LogDataMain || cDebug()) {
LogsData->write(type, msg);
} else if (LogsInMemory != DeletedLogsInMemory) {
if (!LogsInMemory) {
LogsInMemory = new LogsInMemoryList;
LogsInMemory->push_back(qMakePair(type, msg));
} else if (!LogsBeforeSingleInstanceChecked.isEmpty() && type == LogDataMain) {
LogsBeforeSingleInstanceChecked += msg;
void _moveOldDataFiles(const QString &from);
namespace Logs {
Initializer::Initializer() {
t_assert(LogsData == 0);
if (!Global::CheckBetaVersionDir()) {
bool workingDirChosen = cBetaVersion();
QString initialWorkingDir = QDir(cWorkingDir()).absolutePath() + '/', moveOldDataFrom;
if (cBetaVersion()) {
#if (defined Q_OS_MAC || defined Q_OS_LINUX)
} else {
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (cWorkingDir().isEmpty()) {
workingDirChosen = true;
#if (defined Q_OS_LINUX && !defined _DEBUG) // fix first version
moveOldDataFrom = initialWorkingDir;
LogsData = new LogsDataFields();
if (!workingDirChosen) {
if (!LogsData->openMain()) {
if (!LogsData->openMain()) {
cForceWorkingDir(QDir(cWorkingDir()).absolutePath() + '/');
QDir().mkpath(cWorkingDir() + qstr("tdata"));
if (!LogsData->openMain()) {
delete LogsData;
LogsData = 0;
LOG(("Launched version: %1, dev: %2, beta: %3, debug mode: %4, test dc: %5").arg(AppVersion).arg(Logs::b(cDevVersion())).arg(cBetaVersion()).arg(Logs::b(cDebug())).arg(Logs::b(cTestMode())));
LOG(("Executable dir: %1, name: %2").arg(cExeDir()).arg(cExeName()));
LOG(("Initial working dir: %1").arg(initialWorkingDir));
LOG(("Working dir: %1").arg(cWorkingDir()));
LOG(("Arguments: %1").arg(cArguments()));
if (!LogsData) {
LOG(("Could not open '%1' for writing log!").arg(_logsFilePath(LogDataMain, qsl("_startXX"))));
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
if (cWorkingDir() == psAppDataPath()) { // fix old "Telegram Win (Unofficial)" version
moveOldDataFrom = psAppDataPathOld();
if (!moveOldDataFrom.isEmpty()) {
if (LogsInMemory) {
t_assert(LogsInMemory != DeletedLogsInMemory);
LogsInMemoryList list = *LogsInMemory;
for (LogsInMemoryList::const_iterator i = list.cbegin(), e = list.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
if (i->first == LogDataMain) {
_logsWrite(i->first, i->second);
LOG(("First: %1, %2").arg(i->first).arg(i->second));
LOG(("Logs started"));
Initializer::~Initializer() {
delete LogsData;
LogsData = 0;
if (LogsInMemory && LogsInMemory != DeletedLogsInMemory) {
delete LogsInMemory;
LogsInMemory = DeletedLogsInMemory;
_logsMutex(LogDataMain, true);
bool started() {
return LogsData != 0;
bool instanceChecked() {
if (!LogsData) return false;
if (!LogsData->instanceChecked()) {
LogsBeforeSingleInstanceChecked = Logs::full();
delete LogsData;
LogsData = 0;
LOG(("Could not move logging to '%1'!").arg(_logsFilePath(LogDataMain)));
return false;
if (LogsInMemory) {
t_assert(LogsInMemory != DeletedLogsInMemory);
LogsInMemoryList list = *LogsInMemory;
for (LogsInMemoryList::const_iterator i = list.cbegin(), e = list.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
if (i->first != LogDataMain) {
_logsWrite(i->first, i->second);
if (LogsInMemory) {
t_assert(LogsInMemory != DeletedLogsInMemory);
delete LogsInMemory;
LogsInMemory = DeletedLogsInMemory;
DEBUG_LOG(("Debug logs started."));
return true;
void multipleInstances() {
if (LogsInMemory) {
t_assert(LogsInMemory != DeletedLogsInMemory);
delete LogsInMemory;
LogsInMemory = DeletedLogsInMemory;
if (cDebug()) {
LOG(("WARNING: debug logs are not written in multiple instances mode!"));
void writeMain(const QString &v) {
time_t t = time(NULL);
struct tm tm;
mylocaltime(&tm, &t);
QString msg(QString("[%1.%2.%3 %4:%5:%6] %7\n").arg(tm.tm_year + 1900).arg(tm.tm_mon + 1, 2, 10, QChar('0')).arg(tm.tm_mday, 2, 10, QChar('0')).arg(tm.tm_hour, 2, 10, QChar('0')).arg(tm.tm_min, 2, 10, QChar('0')).arg(tm.tm_sec, 2, 10, QChar('0')).arg(v));
_logsWrite(LogDataMain, msg);
QString debugmsg(QString("%1 %2\n").arg(_logsEntryStart()).arg(v));
_logsWrite(LogDataDebug, debugmsg);
void writeDebug(const char *file, int32 line, const QString &v) {
const char *last = strstr(file, "/"), *found = 0;
while (last) {
found = last;
last = strstr(last + 1, "/");
last = strstr(file, "\\");
while (last) {
found = last;
last = strstr(last + 1, "\\");
if (found) {
file = found + 1;
QString msg(QString("%1 %2 (%3 : %4)\n").arg(_logsEntryStart()).arg(v).arg(file).arg(line));
_logsWrite(LogDataDebug, msg);
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
//OutputDebugString(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(msg.utf16()));
#elif defined Q_OS_MAC
#elif defined Q_OS_LINUX && defined _DEBUG
//std::cout << msg.toUtf8().constData();
void writeTcp(const QString &v) {
QString msg(QString("%1 %2\n").arg(_logsEntryStart()).arg(v));
_logsWrite(LogDataTcp, msg);
void writeMtp(int32 dc, const QString &v) {
QString msg(QString("%1 (dc:%2) %3\n").arg(_logsEntryStart()).arg(dc).arg(v));
_logsWrite(LogDataMtp, msg);
QString full() {
if (LogsData) {
return LogsData->full();
if (!LogsInMemory || LogsInMemory == DeletedLogsInMemory) {
return LogsBeforeSingleInstanceChecked;
int32 size = 0;
for (LogsInMemoryList::const_iterator i = LogsInMemory->cbegin(), e = LogsInMemory->cend(); i != e; ++i) {
if (i->first == LogDataMain) {
size += i->second.size();
QString result;
for (LogsInMemoryList::const_iterator i = LogsInMemory->cbegin(), e = LogsInMemory->cend(); i != e; ++i) {
if (i->first == LogDataMain) {
result += i->second;
return result;
QString vector(const QVector<MTPlong> &ids) {
if (!ids.size()) return "[]";
QString idsStr = QString("[%1").arg(ids.cbegin()->v);
for (QVector<MTPlong>::const_iterator i = ids.cbegin() + 1, e = ids.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
idsStr += QString(", %2").arg(i->v);
return idsStr + "]";
QString vector(const QVector<uint64> &ids) {
if (!ids.size()) return "[]";
QString idsStr = QString("[%1").arg(*ids.cbegin());
for (QVector<uint64>::const_iterator i = ids.cbegin() + 1, e = ids.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
idsStr += QString(", %2").arg(*i);
return idsStr + "]";
void _moveOldDataFiles(const QString &wasDir) {
QFile data(wasDir + "data"), dataConfig(wasDir + "data_config"), tdataConfig(wasDir + "tdata/config");
if (data.exists() && dataConfig.exists() && !QFileInfo(cWorkingDir() + "data").exists() && !QFileInfo(cWorkingDir() + "data_config").exists()) { // move to home dir
LOG(("Copying data to home dir '%1' from '%2'").arg(cWorkingDir()).arg(wasDir));
if (data.copy(cWorkingDir() + "data")) {
LOG(("Copied 'data' to home dir"));
if (dataConfig.copy(cWorkingDir() + "data_config")) {
LOG(("Copied 'data_config' to home dir"));
bool tdataGood = true;
if (tdataConfig.exists()) {
tdataGood = false;
QDir().mkpath(cWorkingDir() + "tdata");
if (tdataConfig.copy(cWorkingDir() + "tdata/config")) {
LOG(("Copied 'tdata/config' to home dir"));
tdataGood = true;
} else {
LOG(("Copied 'data' and 'data_config', but could not copy 'tdata/config'!"));
if (tdataGood) {
if (data.remove()) {
LOG(("Removed 'data'"));
} else {
LOG(("Could not remove 'data'"));
if (dataConfig.remove()) {
LOG(("Removed 'data_config'"));
} else {
LOG(("Could not remove 'data_config'"));
if (!tdataConfig.exists() || tdataConfig.remove()) {
LOG(("Removed 'tdata/config'"));
LOG(("Could not remove 'tdata/config'"));
} else {
QDir().rmdir(wasDir + "tdata");
} else {
LOG(("Copied 'data', but could not copy 'data_config'!!"));
} else {
LOG(("Could not copy 'data'!"));
namespace SignalHandlers {
QByteArray CrashDumpPath;
FILE *CrashDumpFile = 0;
int CrashDumpFileNo = 0;
char LaunchedDateTimeStr[32] = { 0 };
char LaunchedBinaryName[256] = { 0 };
void _writeChar(char ch) {
fwrite(&ch, 1, 1, CrashDumpFile);
dump::~dump() {
if (CrashDumpFile) {
const dump &operator<<(const dump &stream, const char *str) {
if (!CrashDumpFile) return stream;
fwrite(str, 1, strlen(str), CrashDumpFile);
return stream;
template <typename Type>
const dump &_writeNumber(const dump &stream, Type number) {
if (!CrashDumpFile) return stream;
if (number < 0) {
number = -number;
Type upper = 1, prev = number / 10;
while (prev >= upper) {
upper *= 10;
while (upper > 0) {
int digit = (number / upper);
_writeChar('0' + digit);
number -= digit * upper;
upper /= 10;
return stream;
const dump &operator<<(const dump &stream, int num) {
return _writeNumber(stream, num);
const dump &operator<<(const dump &stream, DWORD num) {
return _writeNumber(stream, num);
const dump &operator<<(const dump &stream, DWORD64 num) {
return _writeNumber(stream, num);
Qt::HANDLE LoggingCrashThreadId = 0;
bool LoggingCrashHeaderWritten = false;
QMutex LoggingCrashMutex;
void Handler(int signum) {
const char* name = 0;
switch (signum) {
case SIGABRT: name = "SIGABRT"; break;
case SIGSEGV: name = "SIGSEGV"; break;
case SIGILL: name = "SIGILL"; break;
case SIGFPE: name = "SIGFPE"; break;
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
case SIGBUS: name = "SIGBUS"; break;
case SIGSYS: name = "SIGSYS"; break;
Qt::HANDLE thread = QThread::currentThreadId();
if (thread == LoggingCrashThreadId) return;
QMutexLocker lock(&LoggingCrashMutex);
LoggingCrashThreadId = thread;
if (!LoggingCrashHeaderWritten) {
LoggingCrashHeaderWritten = true;
dump() << "Binary: " << LaunchedBinaryName << "\n";
dump() << "ApiId: " << ApiId << "\n";
if (cBetaVersion()) {
dump() << "Version: " << cBetaVersion() << " beta\n";
} else {
dump() << "Version: " << AppVersion;
if (cDevVersion()) {
dump() << " dev\n";
} else {
dump() << "\n";
dump() << "Launched: " << LaunchedDateTimeStr << "\n";
dump() << "Platform: ";
switch (cPlatform()) {
case dbipWindows: dump() << "win"; break;
case dbipMac: dump() << "mac"; break;
case dbipMacOld: dump() << "macold"; break;
case dbipLinux64: dump() << "linux64"; break;
case dbipLinux32: dump() << "linux32"; break;
dump() << "\n";
dump() << "\n";
if (name) {
dump() << "Caught signal " << signum << " (" << name << ") in thread " << uint64(thread) << "\n";
} else {
dump() << "Caught signal " << signum << " in thread " << uint64(thread) << "\n";
dump() << "\nBacktrace:\n";
dump() << "\n";
LoggingCrashThreadId = 0;
Status start() {
CrashDumpPath = (cWorkingDir() + qsl("tdata/working")).toUtf8();
if (FILE *f = fopen(CrashDumpPath.constData(), "rb")) {
QByteArray lastdump;
char buffer[64 * 1024] = { 0 };
int32 read = 0;
while ((read = fread(buffer, 1, 64 * 1024, f)) > 0) {
lastdump.append(buffer, read);
LOG(("Opened '%1' for reading, the previous Telegram Desktop launch was not finished properly :( Crash log size: %2").arg(QString::fromUtf8(CrashDumpPath)).arg(lastdump.size()));
return LastCrashed;
return restart();
Status restart() {
if (CrashDumpFile) {
return Started;
CrashDumpFile = fopen(CrashDumpPath.constData(), "wb");
if (CrashDumpFile) {
CrashDumpFileNo = fileno(CrashDumpFile);
QByteArray launchedDateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss").toUtf8();
t_assert(launchedDateTime.size() < sizeof(LaunchedDateTimeStr));
memcpy(LaunchedDateTimeStr, launchedDateTime.constData(), launchedDateTime.size());
QByteArray launchedBinaryName = cExeName().toUtf8();
t_assert(launchedBinaryName.size() < sizeof(LaunchedBinaryName));
memcpy(LaunchedBinaryName, launchedBinaryName.constData(), launchedBinaryName.size());
signal(SIGABRT, SignalHandlers::Handler);
signal(SIGSEGV, SignalHandlers::Handler);
signal(SIGILL, SignalHandlers::Handler);
signal(SIGFPE, SignalHandlers::Handler);
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
signal(SIGBUS, SignalHandlers::Handler);
signal(SIGSYS, SignalHandlers::Handler);
return Started;
LOG(("Could not open '%1' for writing!").arg(QString::fromUtf8(CrashDumpPath)));
return CantOpen;
void finish() {
if (CrashDumpFile) {