"lng_tray_icon_text" = "Telegram is still running here,\nyou can change this from settings page.\nIf this icon disappears from tray menu,\nyou can drag it here from hidden icons.";
"lng_flood_error" = "Too many tries. Please try again later.";
"lng_gif_error" = "An error has occured while reading GIF animation :(";
"lng_edit_error" = "You cannot edit this message";
"lng_edit_deleted" = "This message was deleted";
"lng_edit_too_long" = "Your message text is too long";
"lng_edit_message" = "Edit message";
"lng_edit_message_text" = "New message text...";
"lng_deleted" = "Unknown";
"lng_deleted_message" = "Deleted message";
"lng_pinned_message" = "Pinned message";
"lng_pinned_unpin_sure" = "Would you like to unpin this message?";
"lng_pinned_pin_sure" = "Would you like to pin this message?";
"lng_pinned_pin" = "Pin";
"lng_pinned_unpin" = "Unpin";
"lng_pinned_notify" = "Notify all members";
"lng_intro" = "Welcome to the official [a href=\"https://telegram.org/\"]Telegram[/a] desktop app.\nIt's [b]fast[/b] and [b]secure[/b].";
"lng_start_msgs" = "START MESSAGING";
"lng_intro_next" = "NEXT";
"lng_intro_finish" = "SIGN UP";
"lng_intro_submit" = "SUBMIT";
"lng_photo_caption" = "Caption";
"lng_phone_ph" = "Your phone number";
"lng_phone_title" = "Your Phone";
"lng_phone_desc" = "Please confirm your country code and\nenter your phone number.";
"lng_phone_notreg" = "Note: if you don't have a Telegram account yet,\nplease [b]sign up[/b] with your [a href=\"https://telegram.org/\"]iOS / Android[/a] or {signup_start}here »{signup_end}";
"lng_country_code" = "Country Code";
"lng_bad_country_code" = "Invalid Country Code";
"lng_country_ph" = "Search";
"lng_country_done" = "Done";
"lng_country_none" = "Country not found";
"lng_country_select" = "Select country";
"lng_code_ph" = "Your code";
"lng_code_desc" = "We have sent you a message with activation\ncode to your phone. Please enter it below.";
"lng_code_telegram" = "Please enter the code you've just\nreceived in your previous [b]Telegram[/b] app.";
"lng_code_no_telegram" = "Send code via SMS";
"lng_code_call" = "Telegram will dial your number in {minutes}:{seconds}";
"lng_code_calling" = "Requesting a call from Telegram...";
"lng_code_called" = "Telegram dialed your number";
"lng_bad_phone_noreg" = "Phone number not registered.";
"lng_bad_code" = "You have entered an invalid code.";
"lng_bad_name" = "Please enter your first and last name.";
"lng_bad_photo" = "Bad image selected.";
"lng_signin_title" = "Cloud password check";
"lng_signin_desc" = "Please enter your cloud password.";
"lng_signin_recover_desc" = "Please enter the code from the e-mail.";
"lng_signin_password" = "Your cloud password";
"lng_signin_code" = "Code from e-mail";
"lng_signin_recover" = "Forgot password?";
"lng_signin_recover_title" = "Password reset";
"lng_signin_hint" = "Hint: {password_hint}";
"lng_signin_recover_hint" = "Code was sent to {recover_email}";
"lng_signin_bad_password" = "You have entered a wrong password.";
"lng_signin_wrong_code" = "You have entered an invalid code.";
"lng_signin_try_password" = "Having trouble accessing your e-mail?";
"lng_signin_password_removed" = "Your cloud password was disabled.\nYou can set a new one in Settings.";
"lng_signin_no_email_forgot" = "Since you haven't provided a recovery\ne-mail when setting up your password, your remaining options are either to remember your password or to reset your account.";
"lng_signin_cant_email_forgot" = "If you can't restore access to the e-mail, your remaining options are either to remember your password or to reset your account.";
"lng_signin_reset_account" = "Reset your account";
"lng_signin_sure_reset" = "Warning!\n\nYou will lose all your chats and messages, along with any media and files you shared!\n\nDo you want to reset your account?";
"lng_signin_reset" = "Reset";
"lng_signup_title" = "Information and photo";
"lng_signup_desc" = "Please enter your name and\nupload a photo.";
"lng_signup_firstname" = "First Name";
"lng_signup_lastname" = "Last Name";
"lng_dlg_filter" = "Search";
"lng_dlg_new_group_name" = "Group name";
"lng_dlg_new_channel_name" = "Channel name";
"lng_no_contacts" = "You have no contacts";
"lng_no_chats" = "Your chats will be here";
"lng_contacts_loading" = "Loading...";
"lng_contacts_not_found" = "No contacts found";
"lng_dlg_search_chat" = "Search in this chat";
"lng_dlg_search_channel" = "Search in this channel";
"lng_dlg_search_for_messages" = "Search for messages";
"lng_settings_save" = "Save";
"lng_settings_upload" = "Set Profile Photo";
"lng_settings_crop_profile" = "Select a square area for your profile photo";
"lng_username_about" = "You can choose a username on Telegram.\nIf you do, other people will be able to find\nyou by this username and contact you\nwithout knowing your phone number.\n\nYou can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores.\nMinimum length is 5 characters.";
"lng_username_choose" = "Choose your username.";
"lng_username_invalid" = "This username is invalid.";
"lng_username_occupied" = "This username is already occupied.";
"lng_username_too_short" = "This username is too short.";
"lng_username_bad_symbols" = "This username has bad symbols.";
"lng_username_available" = "This username is available.";
"lng_username_not_found" = "User @{user} not found.";
"lng_username_link_willbe" = "Such link will open a chat with you:";
"lng_username_link" = "This link opens a chat with you:";
"lng_username_copied" = "Link copied to clipboard.";
"lng_sure_clear_downloads" = "Do you want to remove all downloaded files from temp folder? It is done automatically on logout or program uninstall.";
"lng_download_path_failed" = "File download could not be started. It could happen because of a bad download location.\n\nYou can change download path in Settings.";
"lng_download_path_settings" = "Settings";
"lng_download_finish_failed" = "File download could not be finished.\n\nWould you like to try again?";
"lng_passcode_enter_old" = "Enter current passcode";
"lng_passcode_enter_first" = "Enter a passcode";
"lng_passcode_enter_new" = "Enter new passcode";
"lng_passcode_confirm_new" = "Re-enter new passcode";
"lng_passcode_about" = "When a local passcode is set, a lock icon appears in the top right corner of the window. Click it to lock the app.\n\nNote: if you forget your local passcode, you'll need to relogin in Telegram Desktop.";
"lng_passcode_differ" = "Passcodes are different";
"lng_passcode_wrong" = "Wrong passcode";
"lng_passcode_is_same" = "Passcode was not changed";
"lng_passcode_enter" = "Enter your local passcode";
"lng_passcode_submit" = "Submit";
"lng_passcode_logout" = "Log out";
"lng_passcode_need_unblock" = "You need to unlock me first.";
"lng_cloud_password_waiting" = "Confirmation link sent to {email}...";
"lng_cloud_password_about" = "This password will be asked when you log in on a new device in addition to the pin code.";
"lng_cloud_password_about_recover" = "Warning! Are you sure you don't want to\nadd a password recovery e-mail?\n\nIf you forget your password, you will\nlose access to your Telegram account.";
"lng_cloud_password_skip_email" = "Skip e-mail";
"lng_cloud_password_almost" = "A confirmation link was sent to the\ne-mail you provided. Two-step verification will be enabled as soon as you follow that link.";
"lng_settings_ask_sure" = "Please note that Telegram Support is done by volunteers. We try to respond as quickly as possible, but it may take a while.\n\nPlease take a look at the Telegram FAQ: it has important troubleshooting tips and answers to most questions.";
"lng_settings_faq_button" = "Go to FAQ";
"lng_settings_ask_ok" = "Ask";
"lng_settings_faq" = "Telegram FAQ";
"lng_settings_logout" = "Log Out";
"lng_sure_logout" = "Are you sure you want to log out?";
"lng_settings_need_restart" = "You need to restart for applying some of the new settings. Restart now?";
"lng_settings_restart_now" = "RESTART";
"lng_settings_restart_later" = "LATER";
"lng_sessions_header" = "Current session";
"lng_sessions_other_header" = "Active sessions";
"lng_sessions_no_other" = "No other sessions";
"lng_sessions_other_desc" = "You can log in to Telegram from other mobile, tablet and desktop devices, using the same phone number. All your data will be instantly synchronized.";
"lng_sessions_terminate_all" = "Terminate all other sessions";
"lng_preview_loading" = "Getting Link Info...";
"lng_profile_chat_unaccessible" = "Group is unaccessible";
"lng_channel_only_last_shown" = "Only the last {count:_not_used_|# member is|# members are} shown here";
"lng_channel_admins" = "Administrators";
"lng_channel_add_admin" = "Add Administrator";
"lng_channel_admin_sure" = "Add {user} to administrators?";
"lng_channel_admins_too_much" = "Sorry, you have reached the limit of the administrators. Please remove one administrator first.";
"lng_chat_all_members_admins" = "All Members Are Admins";
"lng_chat_about_all_admins" = "Group members can add new members, edit name and photo of the group.";
"lng_chat_about_admins" = "Group admins can add and remove members, edit name and photo of the group.";
"lng_participant_filter" = "Search";
"lng_participant_invite" = "Invite";
"lng_participant_invite_sorry" = "Sorry, you can only add the first {count:_not_used|# member|# members} to a channel personally.\n\nFrom now on, people will need to join via your invite link.";
"lng_create_group_back" = "Back";
"lng_create_group_next" = "Next";
"lng_create_group_create" = "Create";
"lng_create_group_title" = "New Group";
"lng_create_group_about" = "Groups are ideal for limited communities,\nthey can have up to {count:_not_used|# member|# members}";
"lng_create_channel_title" = "New Channel";
"lng_create_channel_about" = "Channels are a tool for broadcasting your messages to unlimited audiences";
"lng_create_channel_comments_about" = "If you enable comments, members will be able to discuss your posts in the channel";
"lng_create_group_skip" = "Skip";
"lng_create_channel_link_invalid" = "This link is invalid";
"lng_create_channel_link_occupied" = "Sorry, this link is already occupied";
"lng_create_channel_link_too_short" = "Sorry, this link is too short";
"lng_create_channel_link_bad_symbols" = "Sorry, this link has bad symbols";
"lng_create_channel_link_available" = "This link is available";
"lng_create_channel_link_copied" = "Link copied to clipboard";
"lng_create_group_crop" = "Select a square area for group photo";
"lng_create_channel_crop" = "Select a square area for channel photo";
"lng_failed_add_participant" = "Could not add user. Please try again later.";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual" = "Sorry, if a person leaves a group, only a mutual contact can bring them back (they need to have your phone number, and you need theirs).";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual_channel" = "Sorry, if a person leaves a channel, only a mutual contact can bring them back (they need to have your phone number, and you need theirs).";
"lng_sure_delete_contact" = "Are you sure, you want to delete {contact} from your contact list?";
"lng_sure_delete_history" = "Are you sure, you want to delete all message history with {contact}?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.";
"lng_sure_delete_group_history" = "Are you sure, you want to delete all message history in «{group}»?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.";
"lng_sure_delete_and_exit" = "Are you sure, you want to delete all message history and leave «{group}»?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.";
"lng_sure_leave_channel" = "Are you sure, you want to leave\nthis channel?";
"lng_sure_delete_channel" = "Are you sure, you want to delete this channel? All members will be removed and all messages will be lost.";
"lng_sure_leave_group" = "Are you sure, you want to leave\nthis group? This action cannot be undone.";
"lng_sure_delete_group" = "Are you sure, you want to delete this group? All members will be removed and all messages will be lost.";
"lng_message_empty" = "Empty Message";
"lng_message_unsupported" = "This message is not supported by your version of Telegram Desktop. Please update to the last version in Settings or install it from {link}";
"lng_profile_migrate_about" = "If you'd like to go over this limit, you can upgrade your group to a supergroup. In supergroups:";
"lng_profile_migrate_feature1" = "— The members limit is {count:_not_used_|# user|# users}";
"lng_profile_migrate_feature2" = "— New members see the entire chat history";
"lng_profile_migrate_feature3" = "— Admins delete messages for everyone";
"lng_profile_migrate_feature4" = "— Notifications are muted by default";
"lng_profile_migrate_button" = "Upgrade to supergroup";
"lng_profile_migrate_sure" = "Are you sure you want to upgrade this group to supergroup? This action cannot be undone.";
"lng_profile_convert_button" = "Convert to supergroup";
"lng_profile_convert_title" = "Convert to supergroup";
"lng_profile_convert_about" = "In supergroups:";
"lng_profile_convert_feature1" = "— New members see the full message history";
"lng_profile_convert_feature2" = "— Messages are deleted for all members";
"lng_profile_convert_feature3" = "— Members can edit their own messages";
"lng_profile_convert_feature4" = "— Creator can set a public link for the group";
"lng_profile_convert_warning" = "{bold_start}Note:{bold_end} This action can not be undone";
"lng_profile_convert_confirm" = "Convert";
"lng_profile_add_more_after_upgrade" = "You will be able to add up to {count:_not_used_|# member|# members} after you upgrade your group to a supergroup.";
"lng_channel_not_accessible" = "Sorry, this channel is not accessible.";
"lng_group_not_accessible" = "Sorry, this group is not accessible.";
"lng_channels_too_much_public_existing" = "Sorry, you have created too many public channels already. Please delete one first.";
"lng_channels_too_much_public" = "Sorry, you have created too many public channels.\n\nYou can either create a private channel\nor delete one of your public channels first.";
"lng_group_invite_bad_link" = "This invite link is broken or has expired.";
"lng_group_invite_want_join" = "Do you want to join the group «{title}»?";
"lng_group_invite_want_join_channel" = "Do you want to join the channel «{title}»?";
"lng_group_invite_join" = "Join";
"lng_group_invite_link" = "Invite link:";
"lng_group_invite_create" = "Create an invite link";
"lng_group_invite_about" = "Telegram users will be able to join\nyour group by following this link.";
"lng_inline_switch_cant" = "Sorry, no way to write here :(";
"lng_share_cant" = "Sorry, no way to share here :(";
"lng_reply_cant" = "Sorry, no way to reply to an old message in supergroup :(";
"lng_reply_cant_forward" = "Sorry, no way to reply to an old message in supergroup :( Do you wish to forward it and add your comment?";
"lng_contact_phone" = "Phone number";
"lng_enter_contact_data" = "New Contact";
"lng_edit_group_title" = "Edit group name";
"lng_edit_contact_title" = "Edit contact name";
"lng_edit_channel_title" = "Edit channel";
"lng_edit_sign_messages" = "Sign messages";
"lng_edit_group" = "Edit group";
"lng_edit_self_title" = "Edit your name";
"lng_confirm_contact_data" = "New Contact";
"lng_add_contact" = "Create";
"lng_add_contact_button" = "New contact";
"lng_contacts_header" = "Contacts";
"lng_contact_not_joined" = "Unfortunately {name} did not join Telegram yet, but you can send your friend an invitation.\n\nWe will notify you about any of your contacts who is joining Telegram.";
"lng_selected_delete_sure_this" = "Do you want to delete this message?";
"lng_selected_delete_sure" = "Do you want to delete {count:_not_used_|# message|# messages}?";
"lng_box_delete" = "Delete";
"lng_box_leave" = "Leave";
"lng_about_version" = "version {version}";
"lng_about_text_1" = "Official free messaging app based on [a href=\"https://core.telegram.org/api\"]Telegram API[/a]\nfor speed and security";
"lng_about_text_2" = "This software is licensed under [a href=\"https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE\"]GNU GPL[/a] version 3.\nSource code is available on [a href=\"https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop\"]GitHub[/a].";
"lng_about_text_3" = "Visit {faq_open}Telegram FAQ{faq_close} for more info.";
"lng_media_save_progress" = "{ready} of {total} {mb}";
"lng_mediaview_save_as" = "Save As...";
"lng_mediaview_copy" = "Copy";
"lng_mediaview_forward" = "Forward";
"lng_mediaview_delete" = "Delete";
"lng_mediaview_photos_all" = "View all photos";
"lng_mediaview_files_all" = "View all files";
"lng_mediaview_single_photo" = "Single Photo";
"lng_mediaview_group_photo" = "Group Photo";
"lng_mediaview_channel_photo" = "Channel Photo";
"lng_mediaview_profile_photo" = "Profile Photo";
"lng_mediaview_file_n_of_count" = "{file} {n} of {count}";
"lng_mediaview_n_of_count" = "Photo {n} of {count}";
"lng_mediaview_doc_image" = "File";
"lng_mediaview_today" = "today at {time}";
"lng_mediaview_yesterday" = "yesterday at {time}";
"lng_mediaview_date_time" = "{date} at {time}";
"lng_mediaview_saved" = "Image was saved to your [c]Downloads[/c] folder";
"lng_new_authorization" = "{name},\nWe detected a login into your account from a new device on {day}, {date} at {time}\n\nDevice: {device}\nLocation: {location}\n\nIf this wasn't you, you can go to Settings — Show all sessions and terminate that session.\n\nIf you think that somebody logged in to your account against your will, you can enable two-step verification in Settings.\n\nSincerely,\nThe Telegram Team";
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop was updated to version {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nFull version history is available here:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Bug fixes and other minor improvements";
"lng_new_version_text" = "BOTS 2.0\n\n— Introducing Bot API 2.0, the biggest update to our bot platform since June 2015.\n— Bots can now update existing messages on the fly as you interact with them.\n— New Inline keyboards with callback, 'open URL' or 'switch to inline mode' buttons help create seamless interfaces.\n— Inline bots can now send all attachments supported by Telegram (videos, music, stickers, locations, etc.).\n— Try out these sample bots to see what's coming your way soon: @music, @sticker, @youtube, @foursquare\n\nMore info: {link}";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Insert Unicode control character";