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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
#pragma once
#include "core/vector_of_moveable.h"
namespace Notify {
using ObservedEvent = uchar;
using ConnectionId = uint32;
// startObservers() must be called after main() started (not in a global variable constructor).
// finishObservers() must be called before main() finished (not in a global variable destructor).
void startObservers();
void finishObservers();
using StartObservedEventCallback = void(*)();
using UnregisterObserverCallback = void(*)(int connectionIndex);
using FinishObservedEventCallback = void(*)();
// Objects of this class should be constructed in global scope.
// startCallback will be called from Notify::startObservers().
// finishCallback will be called from Notify::finishObservers().
// unregisterCallback will be used to destroy connections.
class ObservedEventRegistrator {
ObservedEventRegistrator(StartObservedEventCallback startCallback,
FinishObservedEventCallback finishCallback,
UnregisterObserverCallback unregisterCallback);
inline ObservedEvent event() const {
return _event;
ObservedEvent _event;
// Each observer type should have observerRegistered(Notify::ConnectionId connection) method.
// Usually it is done by deriving the type from the Notify::Observer base class.
// In destructor it should call Notify::unregisterObserver(connection) for all the connections.
class Observer;
namespace internal {
void observerRegisteredDefault(Observer *observer, ConnectionId connection);
} // namespace internal
void unregisterObserver(ConnectionId connection);
class Observer {
virtual ~Observer() = 0;
void observerRegistered(ConnectionId connection);
friend void internal::observerRegisteredDefault(Observer *observer, ConnectionId connection);
QVector<ConnectionId> _connections;
inline ConnectionId observerConnectionId(ObservedEvent event, int connectionIndex) {
t_assert(connectionIndex >= 0 && connectionIndex < 0x01000000);
return (static_cast<uint32>(event) << 24) | (connectionIndex + 1);
// Handler is one of Function<> instantiations.
template <typename Flags, typename Handler>
struct ObserversList {
struct Entry {
Flags flags;
Handler handler;
std_::vector_of_moveable<Entry> entries;
QVector<int> freeIndices;
// If no filtering by flags is done, you can use this value in both
// Notify::registerObserver() and Notify::notifyObservers()
constexpr int UniversalFlag = 0x01;
template <typename Flags, typename Handler>
ConnectionId registerObserver(ObservedEvent event, ObserversList<Flags, Handler> &list, Flags flags, Handler &&handler) {
while (!list.freeIndices.isEmpty()) {
auto freeIndex = list.freeIndices.back();
if (freeIndex < list.entries.size()) {
list.entries[freeIndex] = { flags, std_::move(handler) };
return freeIndex;
list.entries.push_back({ flags, std_::move(handler) });
int connectionIndex = list.entries.size() - 1;
return (static_cast<uint32>(event) << 24) | static_cast<uint32>(connectionIndex + 1);
template <typename Flags, typename Handler>
void unregisterObserver(ObserversList<Flags, Handler> &list, int connectionIndex) {
auto &entries(list.entries);
if (entries.size() <= connectionIndex) return;
if (entries.size() == connectionIndex + 1) {
for (entries.pop_back(); !entries.isEmpty() && entries.back().handler.isNull();) {
} else {
entries[connectionIndex].handler = Handler();
template <typename Flags, typename Handler, typename... Args>
void notifyObservers(ObserversList<Flags, Handler> &list, Flags flags, Args&&... args) {
for (auto &entry : list.entries) {
if (!entry.handler.isNull() && (flags & entry.flags)) {<Args>(args)...);
namespace internal {
template <typename ObserverType, int>
struct ObserverRegisteredGeneric {
static inline void call(ObserverType *observer, ConnectionId connection) {
template <typename ObserverType>
struct ObserverRegisteredGeneric<ObserverType, true> {
static inline void call(ObserverType *observer, ConnectionId connection) {
observerRegisteredDefault(observer, connection);
} // namespace internal
template <typename ObserverType>
inline void observerRegistered(ObserverType *observer, ConnectionId connection) {
// For derivatives of the Observer class we call special friend function observerRegistered().
// For all other classes we call just a member function observerRegistered().
using ObserverRegistered = internal::ObserverRegisteredGeneric<ObserverType, std_::is_base_of<Observer, ObserverType>::value>;
ObserverRegistered::call(observer, connection);
} // namespace Notify