2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
2014-12-01 13:47:38 +03:00
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
2015-10-03 16:16:42 +03:00
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
2015-10-03 16:16:42 +03:00
Copyright (c) 2014-2015 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "lang.h"
#include "window.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "profilewidget.h"
#include "boxes/addcontactbox.h"
#include "boxes/confirmbox.h"
#include "boxes/photocropbox.h"
#include "application.h"
2015-04-02 13:33:19 +03:00
#include "boxes/contactsbox.h"
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
#include "gui/filedialog.h"
ProfileInner::ProfileInner(ProfileWidget *profile, ScrollArea *scroll, const PeerData *peer) : TWidget(0),
_profile(profile), _scroll(scroll), _peer(App::peer(peer->id)),
2015-09-03 13:48:40 +03:00
_peerUser(_peer->asUser()), _peerChat(_peer->asChat()), _peerChannel(_peer->asChannel()), _hist(App::history(peer->id)),
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
_amCreator(_peerChat ? (_peerChat->creator == MTP::authedId()) : (_peerChannel ? _peerChannel->amCreator() : false)),
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
_width(0), _left(0), _addToHeight(0),
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
// profile
_uploadPhoto(this, lang(lng_profile_set_group_photo), st::btnShareContact),
_addParticipant(this, lang(lng_profile_add_participant), st::btnShareContact),
_sendMessage(this, lang(lng_profile_send_message), st::btnShareContact),
_shareContact(this, lang(lng_profile_share_contact), st::btnShareContact),
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
_inviteToGroup(this, lang(lng_profile_invite_to_group), st::btnShareContact),
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
_cancelPhoto(this, lang(lng_cancel)),
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
_createInvitationLink(this, lang(lng_group_invite_create)),
_invitationLink(this, qsl("telegram.me/joinchat/")),
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
_botSettings(this, lang(lng_profile_bot_settings)),
_botHelp(this, lang(lng_profile_bot_help)),
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
_username(this, (_peerChannel && _peerChannel->isPublic()) ? (qsl("telegram.me/") + _peerChannel->username) : lang(lng_profile_create_public_link)),
_members(this, lng_channel_members_link(lt_count, (_peerChannel && _peerChannel->count > 0) ? _peerChannel->count : 1)),
_admins(this, lng_channel_admins_link(lt_count, (_peerChannel && _peerChannel->adminsCount > 0) ? _peerChannel->adminsCount : 1)),
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
// about
_about(st::wndMinWidth - st::profilePadding.left() - st::profilePadding.right()),
_aboutTop(0), _aboutHeight(0),
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
// settings
_enableNotifications(this, lang(lng_profile_enable_notifications)),
2015-08-04 18:01:47 +03:00
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
// shared media
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
2015-08-12 21:01:32 +03:00
// actions
_searchInPeer(this, lang(lng_profile_search_messages)),
_clearHistory(this, lang(lng_profile_clear_history)),
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
_deleteConversation(this, lang(_peer->isUser() ? lng_profile_delete_conversation : (_peer->isChat() ? lng_profile_clear_and_exit : lng_profile_leave_channel))),
2015-08-12 21:01:32 +03:00
_wasBlocked(_peerUser ? _peerUser->blocked : UserBlockUnknown),
_blockUser(this, lang((_peerUser && _peerUser->botInfo) ? lng_profile_block_bot : lng_profile_block_user), st::btnRedLink),
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
_deleteChannel(this, lang(lng_profile_delete_channel), st::btnRedLink),
2015-08-12 21:01:32 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
// participants
_pHeight(st::profileListPhotoSize + st::profileListPadding.height() * 2),
2015-10-03 13:09:09 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
_selectedRow(-1), _lastPreload(0), _contactId(0),
_kickOver(0), _kickDown(0), _kickConfirm(0),
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
_menu(0) {
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
connect(App::api(), SIGNAL(fullPeerUpdated(PeerData*)), this, SLOT(onFullPeerUpdated(PeerData*)));
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
if (_peerUser) {
2015-08-12 21:01:32 +03:00
if (_peerUser->blocked == UserIsBlocked) {
_blockUser.setText(lang(_peerUser->botInfo ? lng_profile_unblock_bot : lng_profile_unblock_user));
2015-09-03 13:48:40 +03:00
_phoneText = App::formatPhone(_peerUser->phone.isEmpty() ? App::phoneFromSharedContact(peerToUser(_peerUser->id)) : _peerUser->phone);
2015-06-30 01:09:23 +03:00
PhotoData *userPhoto = (_peerUser->photoId && _peerUser->photoId != UnknownPeerPhotoId) ? App::photo(_peerUser->photoId) : 0;
if (userPhoto && userPhoto->date) {
_photoLink = TextLinkPtr(new PhotoLink(userPhoto, _peer));
2015-08-12 21:01:32 +03:00
if ((_peerUser->botInfo && !_peerUser->botInfo->inited) || (_peerUser->photoId == UnknownPeerPhotoId) || (_peerUser->photoId && !userPhoto->date) || (_peerUser->blocked == UserBlockUnknown)) {
2015-10-03 14:33:51 +03:00
if (App::api()) App::api()->requestFullPeer(_peer);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
} else if (_peerChat) {
2015-06-30 01:09:23 +03:00
PhotoData *chatPhoto = (_peerChat->photoId && _peerChat->photoId != UnknownPeerPhotoId) ? App::photo(_peerChat->photoId) : 0;
if (chatPhoto && chatPhoto->date) {
_photoLink = TextLinkPtr(new PhotoLink(chatPhoto, _peer));
if (_peerChat->photoId == UnknownPeerPhotoId) {
2015-10-03 14:33:51 +03:00
if (App::api()) App::api()->requestFullPeer(_peer);
2015-06-30 01:09:23 +03:00
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
} else if (_peerChannel) {
PhotoData *chatPhoto = (_peerChannel->photoId && _peerChannel->photoId != UnknownPeerPhotoId) ? App::photo(_peerChannel->photoId) : 0;
if (chatPhoto && chatPhoto->date) {
_photoLink = TextLinkPtr(new PhotoLink(chatPhoto, _peer));
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
// profile
_nameText.setText(st::profileNameFont, _nameCache, _textNameOptions);
connect(&_uploadPhoto, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onUpdatePhoto()));
connect(&_addParticipant, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onAddParticipant()));
connect(&_sendMessage, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSendMessage()));
connect(&_shareContact, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onShareContact()));
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
connect(&_inviteToGroup, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onInviteToGroup()));
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
connect(&_cancelPhoto, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onUpdatePhotoCancel()));
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
connect(&_createInvitationLink, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onCreateInvitationLink()));
connect(&_invitationLink, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onInvitationLink()));
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
connect(&_username, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onPublicLink()));
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
connect(&_members, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onMembers()));
connect(&_admins, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onAdmins()));
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2015-06-17 00:01:43 +03:00
if (_peerChat) {
QString maxStr = lang(_uploadPhoto.textWidth() > _addParticipant.textWidth() ? lng_profile_set_group_photo : lng_profile_add_participant);
_uploadPhoto.setAutoFontSize(st::profileMinBtnPadding, maxStr);
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
_addParticipant.setAutoFontSize(st::profileMinBtnPadding, maxStr);
2015-06-17 00:01:43 +03:00
} else if (_peerUser) {
QString maxStr;
if (_peerUser->botInfo && !_peerUser->botInfo->cantJoinGroups) {
maxStr = lang(_sendMessage.textWidth() > _inviteToGroup.textWidth() ? lng_profile_send_message : lng_profile_invite_to_group);
} else if (!_peerUser->phone.isEmpty()) {
maxStr = lang(_sendMessage.textWidth() > _shareContact.textWidth() ? lng_profile_send_message : lng_profile_share_contact);
} else {
maxStr = lang(lng_profile_send_message);
_sendMessage.setAutoFontSize(st::profileMinBtnPadding, maxStr);
_shareContact.setAutoFontSize(st::profileMinBtnPadding, maxStr);
_inviteToGroup.setAutoFontSize(st::profileMinBtnPadding, maxStr);
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
} else if (_peerChannel && _amCreator) {
_uploadPhoto.setAutoFontSize(st::profileMinBtnPadding, lang(lng_profile_set_group_photo));
2015-06-17 00:01:43 +03:00
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
connect(&_botSettings, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onBotSettings()));
connect(&_botHelp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onBotHelp()));
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
connect(App::app(), SIGNAL(peerPhotoDone(PeerId)), this, SLOT(onPhotoUpdateDone(PeerId)));
connect(App::app(), SIGNAL(peerPhotoFail(PeerId)), this, SLOT(onPhotoUpdateFail(PeerId)));
connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(peerPhotoChanged(PeerData *)), this, SLOT(peerUpdated(PeerData *)));
connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(peerUpdated(PeerData *)), this, SLOT(peerUpdated(PeerData *)));
connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(peerNameChanged(PeerData *, const PeerData::Names &, const PeerData::NameFirstChars &)), this, SLOT(peerUpdated(PeerData *)));
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
// about
if (_peerUser && _peerUser->botInfo) {
if (!_peerUser->botInfo->shareText.isEmpty()) {
_about.setText(st::linkFont, _peerUser->botInfo->shareText, _historyBotOptions);
} else {
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (_peerChannel && !_peerChannel->about.isEmpty()) {
_about.setText(st::linkFont, _peerChannel->about, _historyTextOptions);
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
// settings
connect(&_enableNotifications, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onEnableNotifications()));
2015-08-04 18:01:47 +03:00
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
// shared media
2015-08-28 18:15:56 +03:00
connect((_mediaButtons[OverviewPhotos] = new LinkButton(this, QString())), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onMediaPhotos()));
connect((_mediaButtons[OverviewVideos] = new LinkButton(this, QString())), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onMediaVideos()));
connect((_mediaButtons[OverviewDocuments] = new LinkButton(this, QString())), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onMediaDocuments()));
connect((_mediaButtons[OverviewAudios] = new LinkButton(this, QString())), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onMediaAudios()));
connect((_mediaButtons[OverviewLinks] = new LinkButton(this, QString())), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onMediaLinks()));
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
2015-08-12 21:01:32 +03:00
// actions
connect(&_searchInPeer, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSearchInPeer()));
connect(&_clearHistory, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClearHistory()));
connect(&_deleteConversation, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onDeleteConversation()));
connect(&_blockUser, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onBlockUser()));
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
connect(&_deleteChannel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onDeleteChannel()));
2015-08-12 21:01:32 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
void ProfileInner::onShareContact() {
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
void ProfileInner::onInviteToGroup() {
App::wnd()->showLayer(new ContactsBox(_peerUser));
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
void ProfileInner::onSendMessage() {
2015-07-17 22:17:37 +03:00
App::main()->showPeerHistory(_peer->id, ShowAtUnreadMsgId);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2015-08-04 18:01:47 +03:00
void ProfileInner::onSearchInPeer() {
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
void ProfileInner::onEnableNotifications() {
App::main()->updateNotifySetting(_peer, _enableNotifications.checked());
void ProfileInner::saveError(const QString &str) {
_errorText = str;
void ProfileInner::loadProfilePhotos(int32 yFrom) {
_lastPreload = yFrom;
int32 yTo = yFrom + (parentWidget() ? parentWidget()->height() : App::wnd()->height()) * 5;
2015-08-28 18:15:56 +03:00
int32 partfrom = _mediaButtons[OverviewAudios]->y() + _mediaButtons[OverviewAudios]->height() + st::profileHeaderSkip;
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
yFrom -= partfrom;
yTo -= partfrom;
if (yTo < 0) return;
if (yFrom < 0) yFrom = 0;
yFrom /= _pHeight;
yTo = yTo / _pHeight + 1;
if (yFrom >= _participants.size()) return;
if (yTo > _participants.size()) yTo = _participants.size();
for (int32 i = yFrom; i < yTo; ++i) {
void ProfileInner::onUpdatePhoto() {
QStringList imgExtensions(cImgExtensions());
QString filter(qsl("Image files (*") + imgExtensions.join(qsl(" *")) + qsl(");;All files (*.*)"));
QImage img;
QString file;
QByteArray remoteContent;
if (filedialogGetOpenFile(file, remoteContent, lang(lng_choose_images), filter)) {
if (!remoteContent.isEmpty()) {
img = App::readImage(remoteContent);
} else {
if (!file.isEmpty()) {
img = App::readImage(file);
} else {
if (img.isNull() || img.width() > 10 * img.height() || img.height() > 10 * img.width()) {
PhotoCropBox *box = new PhotoCropBox(img, _peer->id);
connect(box, SIGNAL(closed()), this, SLOT(onPhotoUpdateStart()));
void ProfileInner::onClearHistory() {
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (_peerChannel) return;
2015-10-03 13:09:09 +03:00
ConfirmBox *box = new ConfirmBox(_peer->isUser() ? lng_sure_delete_history(lt_contact, _peer->name) : lng_sure_delete_group_history(lt_group, _peer->name), lang(lng_box_delete), st::attentionBoxButton);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), this, SLOT(onClearHistorySure()));
void ProfileInner::onClearHistorySure() {
2015-08-04 18:01:47 +03:00
void ProfileInner::onDeleteConversation() {
2015-10-03 13:09:09 +03:00
ConfirmBox *box = new ConfirmBox(_peer->isUser() ? lng_sure_delete_history(lt_contact, _peer->name) : (_peer->isChat() ? lng_sure_delete_and_exit(lt_group, _peer->name) : lang(lng_sure_leave_channel)), lang(_peer->isUser() ? lng_box_delete : lng_box_leave), _peer->isChannel() ? st::defaultBoxButton : st::attentionBoxButton);
2015-08-04 18:01:47 +03:00
connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), this, SLOT(onDeleteConversationSure()));
void ProfileInner::onDeleteConversationSure() {
2015-09-03 13:48:40 +03:00
if (_peerUser) {
} else if (_peerChat) {
2015-08-04 18:01:47 +03:00
2015-09-03 13:48:40 +03:00
MTP::send(MTPmessages_DeleteChatUser(_peerChat->inputChat, App::self()->inputUser), App::main()->rpcDone(&MainWidget::deleteHistoryAfterLeave, _peer), App::main()->rpcFail(&MainWidget::leaveChatFailed, _peer));
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
} else if (_peerChannel) {
MTP::send(MTPchannels_LeaveChannel(_peerChannel->inputChannel), App::main()->rpcDone(&MainWidget::sentUpdatesReceived));
2015-08-04 18:01:47 +03:00
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
void ProfileInner::onDeleteChannel() {
if (!_peerChannel) return;
2015-10-03 13:09:09 +03:00
ConfirmBox *box = new ConfirmBox(lang(lng_sure_delete_channel), lang(lng_box_delete), st::attentionBoxButton);
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), this, SLOT(onDeleteChannelSure()));
void ProfileInner::onDeleteChannelSure() {
if (_peerChannel) {
MTP::send(MTPchannels_DeleteChannel(_peerChannel->inputChannel), App::main()->rpcDone(&MainWidget::sentUpdatesReceived));
2015-08-12 21:01:32 +03:00
void ProfileInner::onBlockUser() {
if (!_peerUser || _blockRequest) return;
if (_peerUser->blocked == UserIsBlocked) {
_blockRequest = MTP::send(MTPcontacts_Unblock(_peerUser->inputUser), rpcDone(&ProfileInner::blockDone, false), rpcFail(&ProfileInner::blockFail));
} else {
_blockRequest = MTP::send(MTPcontacts_Block(_peerUser->inputUser), rpcDone(&ProfileInner::blockDone, true), rpcFail(&ProfileInner::blockFail));
void ProfileInner::blockDone(bool blocked, const MTPBool &result) {
_blockRequest = 0;
if (!_peerUser) return;
_peerUser->blocked = blocked ? UserIsBlocked : UserIsNotBlocked;
emit App::main()->peerUpdated(_peerUser);
bool ProfileInner::blockFail(const RPCError &error) {
2015-10-06 22:49:23 +03:00
if (mtpIsFlood(error)) return false;
2015-09-08 20:22:29 +03:00
_blockRequest = 0;
2015-08-12 21:01:32 +03:00
return false;
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
void ProfileInner::onAddParticipant() {
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
if (!_peerChat) return;
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
App::wnd()->showLayer(new ContactsBox(_peerChat));
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
void ProfileInner::onUpdatePhotoCancel() {
void ProfileInner::onPhotoUpdateStart() {
void ProfileInner::onPhotoUpdateFail(PeerId peer) {
if (_peer->id != peer) return;
void ProfileInner::onPhotoUpdateDone(PeerId peer) {
if (_peer->id != peer) return;
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
void ProfileInner::onMediaPhotos() {
App::main()->showMediaOverview(_peer, OverviewPhotos);
void ProfileInner::onMediaVideos() {
App::main()->showMediaOverview(_peer, OverviewVideos);
void ProfileInner::onMediaDocuments() {
App::main()->showMediaOverview(_peer, OverviewDocuments);
void ProfileInner::onMediaAudios() {
App::main()->showMediaOverview(_peer, OverviewAudios);
2015-08-28 18:15:56 +03:00
void ProfileInner::onMediaLinks() {
App::main()->showMediaOverview(_peer, OverviewLinks);
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
void ProfileInner::onInvitationLink() {
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
if (!_peerChat && !_peerChannel) return;
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
QApplication::clipboard()->setText(_peerChat ? _peerChat->invitationUrl : (_peerChannel ? _peerChannel->invitationUrl : QString()));
2015-10-03 13:09:09 +03:00
App::wnd()->showLayer(new InformBox(lang(lng_group_invite_copied)));
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
void ProfileInner::onPublicLink() {
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
if (!_peerChannel) return;
if (_peerChannel->isPublic()) {
QApplication::clipboard()->setText(qsl("https://telegram.me/") + _peerChannel->username);
2015-10-03 13:09:09 +03:00
App::wnd()->showLayer(new InformBox(lang(lng_channel_public_link_copied)));
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
} else {
App::wnd()->showLayer(new SetupChannelBox(_peerChannel, true));
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
void ProfileInner::onMembers() {
if (!_peerChannel) return;
App::wnd()->showLayer(new MembersBox(_peerChannel, MembersFilterRecent));
void ProfileInner::onAdmins() {
if (!_peerChannel) return;
App::wnd()->showLayer(new MembersBox(_peerChannel, MembersFilterAdmins));
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
void ProfileInner::onCreateInvitationLink() {
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
if (!_peerChat && !_peerChannel) return;
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
2015-09-22 22:54:37 +03:00
ConfirmBox *box = new ConfirmBox(lang((_peerChat && _peerChat->invitationUrl.isEmpty()) ? lng_group_invite_about : lng_group_invite_about_new));
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), this, SLOT(onCreateInvitationLinkSure()));
void ProfileInner::onCreateInvitationLinkSure() {
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
if (!_peerChat && !_peerChannel) return;
2015-09-17 00:15:13 +03:00
if (_peerChat) {
MTP::send(MTPmessages_ExportChatInvite(_peerChat->inputChat), rpcDone(&ProfileInner::chatInviteDone));
} else if (_peerChannel) {
MTP::send(MTPchannels_ExportInvite(_peerChannel->inputChannel), rpcDone(&ProfileInner::chatInviteDone));
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
void ProfileInner::chatInviteDone(const MTPExportedChatInvite &result) {
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
if (!_peerChat && !_peerChannel) return;
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
if (_peerChat) {
_peerChat->invitationUrl = (result.type() == mtpc_chatInviteExported) ? qs(result.c_chatInviteExported().vlink) : QString();
} else {
_peerChannel->invitationUrl = (result.type() == mtpc_chatInviteExported) ? qs(result.c_chatInviteExported().vlink) : QString();
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
void ProfileInner::onFullPeerUpdated(PeerData *peer) {
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
if (peer != _peer) return;
if (_peerUser) {
2015-06-30 01:09:23 +03:00
PhotoData *userPhoto = (_peerUser->photoId && _peerUser->photoId != UnknownPeerPhotoId) ? App::photo(_peerUser->photoId) : 0;
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
if (userPhoto && userPhoto->date) {
_photoLink = TextLinkPtr(new PhotoLink(userPhoto, _peer));
} else {
_photoLink = TextLinkPtr();
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
if (_peerUser->botInfo) {
if (_peerUser->botInfo->shareText.isEmpty()) {
_about = Text(st::wndMinWidth - st::profilePadding.left() - st::profilePadding.right());
} else {
_about.setText(st::linkFont, _peerUser->botInfo->shareText, _historyBotOptions);
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
} else if (_peerChat) {
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
} else if (_peerChannel) {
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
_members.setText(lng_channel_members_link(lt_count, (_peerChannel->count > 0) ? _peerChannel->count : 1));
_admins.setText(lng_channel_admins_link(lt_count, (_peerChannel->adminsCount > 0) ? _peerChannel->adminsCount : 1));
2015-09-24 19:05:06 +03:00
_onlineText = (_peerChannel->count > 0) ? lng_chat_status_members(lt_count, _peerChannel->count) : lang(lng_channel_status);
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (_peerChannel->about.isEmpty()) {
_about = Text(st::wndMinWidth - st::profilePadding.left() - st::profilePadding.right());
} else {
_about.setText(st::linkFont, _peerChannel->about, _historyTextOptions);
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
void ProfileInner::onBotSettings() {
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
if (!_peerUser || !_peerUser->botInfo) return;
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
for (int32 i = 0, l = _peerUser->botInfo->commands.size(); i != l; ++i) {
QString cmd = _peerUser->botInfo->commands.at(i).command;
if (!cmd.compare(qsl("settings"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
2015-07-17 22:17:37 +03:00
App::main()->showPeerHistory(_peer->id, ShowAtTheEndMsgId);
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
App::main()->sendBotCommand('/' + cmd, 0);
void ProfileInner::onBotHelp() {
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
if (!_peerUser || !_peerUser->botInfo) return;
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
for (int32 i = 0, l = _peerUser->botInfo->commands.size(); i != l; ++i) {
QString cmd = _peerUser->botInfo->commands.at(i).command;
if (!cmd.compare(qsl("help"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
2015-07-17 22:17:37 +03:00
App::main()->showPeerHistory(_peer->id, ShowAtTheEndMsgId);
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
App::main()->sendBotCommand('/' + cmd, 0);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
void ProfileInner::peerUpdated(PeerData *data) {
if (data == _peer) {
PhotoData *photo = 0;
if (_peerUser) {
2015-09-03 13:48:40 +03:00
_phoneText = App::formatPhone(_peerUser->phone.isEmpty() ? App::phoneFromSharedContact(peerToUser(_peerUser->id)) : _peerUser->phone);
2015-06-30 01:09:23 +03:00
if (_peerUser->photoId && _peerUser->photoId != UnknownPeerPhotoId) photo = App::photo(_peerUser->photoId);
2015-08-12 21:01:32 +03:00
if (_wasBlocked != _peerUser->blocked) {
_wasBlocked = _peerUser->blocked;
_blockUser.setText(lang((_peerUser->blocked == UserIsBlocked) ? (_peerUser->botInfo ? lng_profile_unblock_bot : lng_profile_unblock_user) : (_peerUser->botInfo ? lng_profile_block_bot : lng_profile_block_user)));
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
} else if (_peerChat) {
2015-06-30 01:09:23 +03:00
if (_peerChat->photoId && _peerChat->photoId != UnknownPeerPhotoId) photo = App::photo(_peerChat->photoId);
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
} else if (_peerChannel) {
if (_peerChannel->photoId && _peerChannel->photoId != UnknownPeerPhotoId) photo = App::photo(_peerChannel->photoId);
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (_peerChannel->isPublic() != _invitationLink.isHidden()) {
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
_members.setText(lng_channel_members_link(lt_count, (_peerChannel->count > 0) ? _peerChannel->count : 1));
_admins.setText(lng_channel_admins_link(lt_count, (_peerChannel->adminsCount > 0) ? _peerChannel->adminsCount : 1));
2015-09-24 19:05:06 +03:00
_onlineText = (_peerChannel->count > 0) ? lng_chat_status_members(lt_count, _peerChannel->count) : lang(lng_channel_status);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2014-08-11 13:03:45 +04:00
_photoLink = (photo && photo->date) ? TextLinkPtr(new PhotoLink(photo, _peer)) : TextLinkPtr();
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
if (_peer->name != _nameCache) {
_nameCache = _peer->name;
_nameText.setText(st::profileNameFont, _nameCache, _textNameOptions);
void ProfileInner::updateOnlineDisplay() {
void ProfileInner::updateOnlineDisplayTimer() {
int32 t = unixtime(), minIn = 86400;
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
if (_peerUser) {
minIn = App::onlineWillChangeIn(_peerUser, t);
} else if (_peerChat) {
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
if (_peerChat->participants.isEmpty()) return;
for (ChatData::Participants::const_iterator i = _peerChat->participants.cbegin(), e = _peerChat->participants.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
2015-06-10 15:48:26 +03:00
int32 onlineWillChangeIn = App::onlineWillChangeIn(i.key(), t);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
if (onlineWillChangeIn < minIn) {
minIn = onlineWillChangeIn;
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
} else if (_peerChannel) {
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
App::main()->updateOnlineDisplayIn(minIn * 1000);
void ProfileInner::reorderParticipants() {
int32 was = _participants.size(), t = unixtime(), onlineCount = 0;
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (_peerChat && !_peerChat->isForbidden) {
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
if (_peerChat->count <= 0 || !_peerChat->participants.isEmpty()) {
for (ParticipantsData::iterator i = _participantsData.begin(), e = _participantsData.end(); i != e; ++i) {
if (*i) {
delete *i;
*i = 0;
UserData *self = App::self();
2014-12-16 08:46:54 -08:00
bool onlyMe = true;
for (ChatData::Participants::const_iterator i = _peerChat->participants.cbegin(), e = _peerChat->participants.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
UserData *user = i.key();
2015-06-10 15:48:26 +03:00
int32 until = App::onlineForSort(user, t);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
Participants::iterator before = _participants.begin();
if (user != self) {
if (before != _participants.end() && (*before) == self) {
2015-06-10 15:48:26 +03:00
while (before != _participants.end() && App::onlineForSort(*before, t) >= until) {
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2014-12-16 08:46:54 -08:00
if (until > t && onlyMe) onlyMe = false;
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
_participants.insert(before, user);
if (until > t) {
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
if (_peerChat->count > 0 && _participants.isEmpty()) {
2015-10-03 14:33:51 +03:00
if (App::api()) App::api()->requestFullPeer(_peer);
2014-12-18 21:40:49 +03:00
if (_onlineText.isEmpty()) _onlineText = lng_chat_status_members(lt_count, _peerChat->count);
2014-12-16 08:46:54 -08:00
} else if (onlineCount && !onlyMe) {
2014-12-18 21:40:49 +03:00
_onlineText = lng_chat_status_members_online(lt_count, _participants.size(), lt_count_online, onlineCount);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
} else {
2014-12-18 21:40:49 +03:00
_onlineText = lng_chat_status_members(lt_count, _participants.size());
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
} else {
if (_peerUser) {
2014-11-22 12:45:04 +03:00
_onlineText = App::onlineText(_peerUser, t, true);
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
} else if (_peerChannel) {
2015-09-24 19:05:06 +03:00
_onlineText = (_peerChannel->count > 0) ? lng_chat_status_members(lt_count, _peerChannel->count) : lang(lng_channel_status);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
} else {
2014-12-18 21:40:49 +03:00
_onlineText = lang(lng_chat_status_unaccessible);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
if (was != _participants.size()) {
2015-06-17 22:43:03 +03:00
void ProfileInner::start() {
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
void ProfileInner::peerUsernameChanged() {
if (_peerChannel) {
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
_username.setText(_peerChannel->isPublic() ? (qsl("telegram.me/") + _peerChannel->username) : lang(lng_profile_create_public_link));
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
bool ProfileInner::event(QEvent *e) {
if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove) {
2015-03-19 12:18:19 +03:00
_lastPos = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(e)->globalPos();
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
return QWidget::event(e);
void ProfileInner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) {
2015-10-01 17:05:05 +03:00
if (App::wnd() && App::wnd()->contentOverlapped(this, e)) return;
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
Painter p(this);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
QRect r(e->rect());
int32 top = 0, l_time = unixtime();
// profile
top += st::profilePadding.top();
2015-09-22 13:35:54 +03:00
if (_photoLink || _peerUser || (_peerChat && _peerChat->isForbidden) || (_peerChannel && !_amCreator)) {
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
p.drawPixmap(_left, top, _peer->photo->pix(st::profilePhotoSize));
} else {
if (a_photo.current() < 1) {
p.drawPixmap(QPoint(_left, top), App::sprite(), st::setPhotoImg);
if (a_photo.current() > 0) {
p.drawPixmap(QPoint(_left, top), App::sprite(), st::setOverPhotoImg);
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
int32 namew = _width - st::profilePhotoSize - st::profileNameLeft;
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
if (_peerChannel && _peerChannel->isVerified()) {
namew -= st::verifiedCheckProfile.pxWidth() + st::verifiedCheckProfilePos.x();
int32 cx = _left + st::profilePhotoSize + st::profileNameLeft + qMin(_nameText.maxWidth(), namew);
p.drawSprite(QPoint(cx, top + st::profileNameTop) + st::verifiedCheckProfilePos, st::verifiedCheckProfile);
_nameText.drawElided(p, _left + st::profilePhotoSize + st::profileNameLeft, top + st::profileNameTop, namew);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2014-10-22 22:39:03 +04:00
int32 addbyname = 0;
if (_peerUser && !_peerUser->username.isEmpty()) {
addbyname = st::profileStatusTop + st::linkFont->ascent - (st::profileNameTop + st::profileNameFont->ascent);
p.drawText(_left + st::profilePhotoSize + st::profileStatusLeft, top + st::profileStatusTop + st::linkFont->ascent, '@' + _peerUser->username);
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
} else if (_peerChannel && (_peerChannel->isPublic() || _amCreator)) {
addbyname = st::profileStatusTop + st::linkFont->ascent - (st::profileNameTop + st::profileNameFont->ascent);
2014-10-22 22:39:03 +04:00
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
if (!_peerChannel || (!_amCreator && !_peerChannel->amEditor() && !_peerChannel->amModerator())) {
p.setPen((_peerUser && App::onlineColorUse(_peerUser, l_time) ? st::profileOnlineColor : st::profileOfflineColor)->p);
p.drawText(_left + st::profilePhotoSize + st::profileStatusLeft, top + addbyname + st::profileStatusTop + st::linkFont->ascent, _onlineText);
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
if (!_cancelPhoto.isHidden()) {
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
p.drawText(_left + st::profilePhotoSize + st::profilePhoneLeft, _cancelPhoto.y() + st::linkFont->ascent, lang(lng_settings_uploading_photo));
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
if (!_errorText.isEmpty()) {
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
p.drawText(_left + st::profilePhotoSize + st::profilePhoneLeft, _cancelPhoto.y() + st::profilePhoneFont->ascent, _errorText);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
if (!_phoneText.isEmpty()) {
2014-10-22 22:39:03 +04:00
p.drawText(_left + st::profilePhotoSize + st::profilePhoneLeft, top + addbyname + st::profilePhoneTop + st::profilePhoneFont->ascent, _phoneText);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
top += st::profilePhotoSize;
top += st::profileButtonTop;
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (_peerChat && _peerChat->isForbidden) {
2015-10-03 13:09:09 +03:00
int32 w = st::btnShareContact.font->width(lang(lng_profile_chat_unaccessible));
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2014-12-18 21:40:49 +03:00
p.drawText(_left + (_width - w) / 2, top + st::btnShareContact.textTop + st::btnShareContact.font->ascent, lang(lng_profile_chat_unaccessible));
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (!_peerChannel || _amCreator) {
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
top += _shareContact.height();
2015-09-22 12:58:40 +03:00
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
// about
if (!_about.isEmpty()) {
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
p.drawText(_left + st::profileHeaderLeft, top + st::profileHeaderTop + st::profileHeaderFont->ascent, lang(_peerChannel ? lng_profile_description_section : lng_profile_about_section));
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
top += st::profileHeaderSkip;
_about.draw(p, _left, top, _width);
top += _aboutHeight;
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
// settings
p.drawText(_left + st::profileHeaderLeft, top + st::profileHeaderTop + st::profileHeaderFont->ascent, lang(lng_profile_settings_section));
top += st::profileHeaderSkip;
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
// invite link stuff
if (_amCreator && (!_peerChannel || !_peerChannel->isPublic())) {
if ((_peerChat && !_peerChat->invitationUrl.isEmpty()) || (_peerChannel && !_peerChannel->invitationUrl.isEmpty())) {
p.drawText(_left, _invitationLink.y() + st::linkFont->ascent, lang(lng_group_invite_link));
top += _invitationLink.height() + st::setLittleSkip;
top += _createInvitationLink.height() + st::setSectionSkip;
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
top += _enableNotifications.height();
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
// shared media
p.drawText(_left + st::profileHeaderLeft, top + st::profileHeaderTop + st::profileHeaderFont->ascent, lang(lng_profile_shared_media));
top += st::profileHeaderSkip;
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
bool mediaFound = false;
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
for (int i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) {
2015-07-03 11:47:16 +03:00
if (i == OverviewAudioDocuments) continue;
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
if (!_mediaButtons[i]->isHidden()) {
mediaFound = true;
2015-08-28 18:15:56 +03:00
top += _mediaButtons[i]->height() + st::setLittleSkip;
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
if (_notAllMediaLoaded || !mediaFound) {
p.drawText(_left, top + st::linkFont->ascent, lang(_notAllMediaLoaded ? lng_profile_loading : lng_profile_no_media));
2015-08-28 18:15:56 +03:00
top += _mediaButtons[OverviewPhotos]->height();
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
} else {
top -= st::setLittleSkip;
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
2015-08-12 21:01:32 +03:00
// actions
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
p.drawText(_left + st::profileHeaderLeft, top + st::profileHeaderTop + st::profileHeaderFont->ascent, lang(lng_profile_actions_section));
2015-08-12 21:01:32 +03:00
top += st::profileHeaderSkip;
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
top += _searchInPeer.height();
if (_peerUser || _peerChat) {
top += st::setLittleSkip + _clearHistory.height();
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
if (_peerUser || _peerChat || (_peerChannel->amIn() && !_amCreator)) {
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
top += st::setLittleSkip + _deleteConversation.height();
if (_peerUser && peerToUser(_peerUser->id) != MTP::authedId()) {
top += st::setSectionSkip + _blockUser.height();
} else if (_peerChannel && _amCreator) {
top += st::setSectionSkip + _deleteChannel.height();
2015-08-12 21:01:32 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
// participants
if (_peerChat && (_peerChat->count > 0 || !_participants.isEmpty())) {
QString sectionHeader = lang(_participants.isEmpty() ? lng_profile_loading : lng_profile_participants_section);
p.drawText(_left + st::profileHeaderLeft, top + st::profileHeaderTop + st::profileHeaderFont->ascent, sectionHeader);
top += st::profileHeaderSkip;
int32 partfrom = top;
if (!_participants.isEmpty()) {
int32 cnt = 0, fullCnt = _participants.size();
for (Participants::const_iterator i = _participants.cbegin(), e = _participants.cend(); i != e; ++i, ++cnt) {
int32 top = partfrom + cnt * _pHeight;
if (top + _pHeight <= r.top()) continue;
2015-10-01 17:05:05 +03:00
if (top >= r.y() + r.height()) break;
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
if (_selectedRow == cnt) {
p.fillRect(_left - st::profileListPadding.width(), top, _width + 2 * st::profileListPadding.width(), _pHeight, st::profileHoverBG->b);
UserData *user = *i;
p.drawPixmap(_left, top + st::profileListPadding.height(), user->photo->pix(st::profileListPhotoSize));
ParticipantData *data = _participantsData[cnt];
if (!data) {
data = _participantsData[cnt] = new ParticipantData();
data->name.setText(st::profileListNameFont, user->name, _textNameOptions);
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
if (user->botInfo) {
if (user->botInfo->readsAllHistory) {
data->online = lang(lng_status_bot_reads_all);
} else {
data->online = lang(lng_status_bot_not_reads_all);
} else {
data->online = App::onlineText(user, l_time);
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
data->cankick = (user != App::self()) && (_amCreator || (_peerChat->cankick.constFind(user) != _peerChat->cankick.cend()));
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
data->name.drawElided(p, _left + st::profileListPhotoSize + st::profileListPadding.width(), top + st::profileListNameTop, _width - _kickWidth - st::profileListPadding.width() - st::profileListPhotoSize - st::profileListPadding.width());
2015-06-24 20:24:48 +03:00
p.setPen((App::onlineColorUse(user, l_time) ? st::profileOnlineColor : st::profileOfflineColor)->p);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
p.drawText(_left + st::profileListPhotoSize + st::profileListPadding.width(), top + st::profileListPadding.height() + st::profileListPhotoSize - st::profileListStatusBottom, data->online);
if (data->cankick) {
bool over = (user == _kickOver && (!_kickDown || _kickDown == _kickOver));
p.setFont((over ? st::linkOverFont : st::linkFont)->f);
if (user == _kickOver && _kickOver == _kickDown) {
} else {
2015-06-17 00:01:43 +03:00
p.drawText(_left + _width - _kickWidth, top + st::profileListNameTop + st::linkFont->ascent, lang(lng_profile_kick));
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
top += fullCnt * _pHeight;
top += st::profileHeaderTop + st::profileHeaderFont->ascent - st::linkFont->ascent;
top += _clearHistory.height();
void ProfileInner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
_lastPos = e->globalPos();
bool photoOver = QRect(_left, st::profilePadding.top(), st::setPhotoSize, st::setPhotoSize).contains(e->pos());
if (photoOver != _photoOver) {
_photoOver = photoOver;
2015-09-22 13:35:54 +03:00
if (!_photoLink && ((_peerChat && !_peerChat->isForbidden) || (_peerChannel && _amCreator))) {
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
a_photo.start(_photoOver ? 1 : 0);
2015-09-22 13:35:54 +03:00
if (!_photoLink && (_peerUser || (_peerChat && _peerChat->isForbidden) || (_peerChannel && !_amCreator))) {
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
setCursor((_kickOver || _kickDown || textlnkOver()) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
} else {
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
setCursor((_kickOver || _kickDown || _photoOver || textlnkOver()) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
void ProfileInner::updateSelected() {
if (!isVisible()) return;
QPoint lp = mapFromGlobal(_lastPos);
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
TextLinkPtr lnk;
bool inText = false;
if (!_about.isEmpty() && lp.y() >= _aboutTop && lp.y() < _aboutTop + _aboutHeight && lp.x() >= _left && lp.x() < _left + _width) {
_about.getState(lnk, inText, lp.x() - _left, lp.y() - _aboutTop, _width);
if (textlnkOver() != lnk) {
update(QRect(_left, _aboutTop, _width, _aboutHeight));
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
int32 partfrom = _searchInPeer.y() + _searchInPeer.height();
if (_peerUser || _peerChat) {
partfrom = _clearHistory.y() + _clearHistory.height();
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
if (_peerUser || _peerChat || (_peerChannel->amIn() && !_amCreator)) {
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
partfrom = _deleteConversation.y() + _deleteConversation.height();
partfrom += st::profileHeaderSkip;
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
int32 newSelected = (lp.x() >= _left - st::profileListPadding.width() && lp.x() < _left + _width + st::profileListPadding.width() && lp.y() >= partfrom) ? (lp.y() - partfrom) / _pHeight : -1;
UserData *newKickOver = 0;
if (newSelected >= 0 && newSelected < _participants.size()) {
ParticipantData *data = _participantsData[newSelected];
if (data && data->cankick) {
2015-06-17 00:01:43 +03:00
int32 top = partfrom + newSelected * _pHeight + st::profileListNameTop;
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
if ((lp.x() >= _left + _width - _kickWidth) && (lp.x() < _left + _width) && (lp.y() >= top) && (lp.y() < top + st::linkFont->height)) {
newKickOver = _participants[newSelected];
if (_kickOver != newKickOver) {
_kickOver = newKickOver;
if (_kickDown) return;
if (newSelected != _selectedRow) {
_selectedRow = newSelected;
void ProfileInner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
_lastPos = e->globalPos();
2015-03-26 12:32:57 +03:00
if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
if (_kickOver) {
_kickDown = _kickOver;
} else if (_selectedRow >= 0 && _selectedRow < _participants.size()) {
} else if (QRect(_left, st::profilePadding.top(), st::setPhotoSize, st::setPhotoSize).contains(e->pos())) {
if (_photoLink) {
2015-09-22 13:35:54 +03:00
} else if ((_peerChat && !_peerChat->isForbidden) || (_peerChannel && _amCreator)) {
2015-03-26 12:32:57 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
void ProfileInner::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
_lastPos = e->globalPos();
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
if (_kickDown && _kickDown == _kickOver) {
_kickConfirm = _kickOver;
2015-10-03 13:09:09 +03:00
ConfirmBox *box = new ConfirmBox(lng_profile_sure_kick(lt_user, _kickOver->firstName), lang(lng_box_remove));
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), this, SLOT(onKickConfirm()));
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
if (textlnkDown()) {
TextLinkPtr lnk = textlnkDown();
if (lnk == textlnkOver()) {
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (reHashtag().match(lnk->encoded()).hasMatch() && _peerChannel) {
App::searchByHashtag(lnk->encoded(), _peerChannel);
} else {
if (reBotCommand().match(lnk->encoded()).hasMatch()) {
App::main()->showPeerHistory(_peer->id, ShowAtTheEndMsgId);
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
_kickDown = 0;
2015-09-22 13:35:54 +03:00
if (!_photoLink && (_peerUser || (_peerChat && _peerChat->isForbidden) || (_peerChannel && !_amCreator))) {
setCursor((_kickOver || _kickDown || textlnkOver()) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default);
} else {
setCursor((_kickOver || _kickDown || _photoOver || textlnkOver()) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
void ProfileInner::onKickConfirm() {
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
if (!_peerChat) return;
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
App::main()->kickParticipant(_peerChat, _kickConfirm);
void ProfileInner::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) {
2014-12-18 21:40:49 +03:00
if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape || e->key() == Qt::Key_Back) {
2014-08-20 09:32:50 +04:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
void ProfileInner::enterEvent(QEvent *e) {
_lastPos = QCursor::pos();
return TWidget::enterEvent(e);
void ProfileInner::leaveEvent(QEvent *e) {
_lastPos = QCursor::pos();
return TWidget::leaveEvent(e);
void ProfileInner::leaveToChildEvent(QEvent *e) {
_lastPos = QCursor::pos();
return TWidget::leaveToChildEvent(e);
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
bool ProfileInner::updateMediaLinks(int32 *addToScroll) {
QPoint p(addToScroll ? mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()) : QPoint(0, 0));
bool oneWasShown = false;
for (int i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) {
if (i == OverviewAudioDocuments) continue;
if (!_mediaButtons[i]->isHidden()) {
oneWasShown = true;
bool newNotAllMediaLoaded = false, changed = false, substracted = !_notAllMediaLoaded && oneWasShown;
bool oneIsShown = false;
int32 y = _mediaButtons[OverviewPhotos]->y();
if (addToScroll) *addToScroll = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) {
if (i == OverviewAudioDocuments) continue;
int32 addToY = _mediaButtons[i]->height() + st::setLittleSkip;
2015-09-19 12:13:21 +03:00
int32 count = (_hist->overviewCount[i] > 0) ? _hist->overviewCount[i] : (_hist->overviewCount[i] == 0 ? _hist->overview[i].size() : -1);
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
if (count > 0) {
_mediaButtons[i]->setText(overviewLinkText(i, count));
if (_mediaButtons[i]->isHidden()) {
changed = true;
if (addToScroll && p.y() >= y) {
p.setY(p.y() + addToY);
*addToScroll += addToY;
y += addToY;
oneIsShown = true;
} else {
if (!_mediaButtons[i]->isHidden()) {
changed = true;
if (addToScroll && p.y() >= y + addToY) {
p.setY(p.y() - addToY);
*addToScroll -= addToY;
if (count < 0) {
newNotAllMediaLoaded = true;
if (newNotAllMediaLoaded != _notAllMediaLoaded) {
_notAllMediaLoaded = newNotAllMediaLoaded;
changed = true;
int32 addToY = _mediaButtons[OverviewPhotos]->height();
if (_notAllMediaLoaded) {
if (addToScroll && p.y() >= y) {
p.setY(p.y() + addToY);
*addToScroll += addToY;
} else {
if (addToScroll && p.y() >= y + addToY) {
p.setY(p.y() - addToY);
*addToScroll -= addToY;
if (App::main()) App::main()->preloadOverviews(_peer);
bool newSubstracted = !_notAllMediaLoaded && oneIsShown;
if (newSubstracted && newSubstracted != substracted) {
int32 addToY = st::setLittleSkip;
if (addToScroll && p.y() >= y + addToY) {
p.setY(p.y() - addToY);
*addToScroll -= addToY;
return changed;
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
void ProfileInner::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) {
_width = qMin(width() - st::profilePadding.left() - st::profilePadding.right(), int(st::profileMaxWidth));
_left = (width() - _width) / 2;
int32 top = 0, btnWidth = (_width - st::profileButtonSkip) / 2;
// profile
top += st::profilePadding.top();
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
int32 addbyname = 0;
if (_peerChannel && (_amCreator || _peerChannel->isPublic())) {
_username.move(_left + st::profilePhotoSize + st::profileStatusLeft, top + st::profileStatusTop);
addbyname = st::profileStatusTop + st::linkFont->ascent - (st::profileNameTop + st::profileNameFont->ascent);
_members.move(_left + st::profilePhotoSize + st::profileStatusLeft, top + addbyname + st::profileStatusTop);
2015-09-24 19:05:06 +03:00
addbyname += st::profileStatusTop + st::linkFont->ascent - (st::profileNameTop + st::profileNameFont->ascent);
_admins.move(_left + st::profilePhotoSize + st::profileStatusLeft, top + addbyname + st::profileStatusTop);
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (_amCreator) {
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
_cancelPhoto.move(_left + _width - _cancelPhoto.width(), top + st::profilePhotoSize - st::linkFont->height);
} else {
_cancelPhoto.move(_left + _width - _cancelPhoto.width(), top + st::profilePhoneTop);
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
_botSettings.move(_left + st::profilePhotoSize + st::profilePhoneLeft, top + st::profileStatusTop + st::linkFont->ascent - (st::profileNameTop + st::profileNameFont->ascent) + st::profilePhoneTop);
_botHelp.move(_botSettings.x() + (_botSettings.isHidden() ? 0 : _botSettings.width() + st::profilePhoneLeft), _botSettings.y());
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
top += st::profilePhotoSize;
top += st::profileButtonTop;
2015-06-17 00:01:43 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
_uploadPhoto.setGeometry(_left, top, btnWidth, _uploadPhoto.height());
_addParticipant.setGeometry(_left + _width - btnWidth, top, btnWidth, _addParticipant.height());
2015-06-17 00:01:43 +03:00
_sendMessage.setGeometry(_left, top, btnWidth, _sendMessage.height());
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
_shareContact.setGeometry(_left + _width - btnWidth, top, btnWidth, _shareContact.height());
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
_inviteToGroup.setGeometry(_left + _width - btnWidth, top, btnWidth, _inviteToGroup.height());
2015-06-17 00:01:43 +03:00
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (!_peerChannel || _amCreator) {
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
top += _shareContact.height();
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
// about
if (!_about.isEmpty()) {
top += st::profileHeaderSkip;
_aboutTop = top; _aboutHeight = _about.countHeight(_width); top += _aboutHeight;
} else {
_aboutTop = _aboutHeight = 0;
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
// settings
top += st::profileHeaderSkip;
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
// invite link stuff
2015-10-03 13:09:09 +03:00
int32 _inviteLinkTextWidth(st::linkFont->width(lang(lng_group_invite_link)) + st::linkFont->spacew);
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
if (_amCreator && (!_peerChannel || !_peerChannel->isPublic())) {
if (!_invitationText.isEmpty()) {
2015-10-03 13:09:09 +03:00
_invitationLink.setText(st::linkFont->elided(_invitationText, _width - _inviteLinkTextWidth));
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
if ((_peerChat && !_peerChat->invitationUrl.isEmpty()) || (_peerChannel && !_peerChannel->invitationUrl.isEmpty())) {
_invitationLink.move(_left + _inviteLinkTextWidth, top);
top += _invitationLink.height() + st::setLittleSkip;
_createInvitationLink.move(_left, top);
} else {
_createInvitationLink.move(_left, top);
top += _createInvitationLink.height() + st::setSectionSkip;
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
_enableNotifications.move(_left, top); top += _enableNotifications.height();
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
// shared media
top += st::profileHeaderSkip;
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
bool mediaFound = false;
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
for (int i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) {
2015-07-03 11:47:16 +03:00
if (i == OverviewAudioDocuments) continue;
2015-08-28 18:15:56 +03:00
_mediaButtons[i]->move(_left, top);
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
if (!_mediaButtons[i]->isHidden()) {
mediaFound = true;
top += _mediaButtons[i]->height() + st::setLittleSkip;
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
if (_notAllMediaLoaded || !mediaFound) {
top += _mediaButtons[OverviewPhotos]->height();
} else {
top -= st::setLittleSkip;
2015-08-12 21:01:32 +03:00
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
2015-08-18 19:10:01 +03:00
// actions
top += st::profileHeaderSkip;
_searchInPeer.move(_left, top); top += _searchInPeer.height() + st::setLittleSkip;
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (_peerUser || _peerChat) {
_clearHistory.move(_left, top); top += _clearHistory.height() + st::setLittleSkip;
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
if (_peerUser || _peerChat || (_peerChannel->amIn() && !_amCreator)) {
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
_deleteConversation.move(_left, top); top += _deleteConversation.height();
2015-09-03 16:15:07 +03:00
if (_peerUser && peerToUser(_peerUser->id) != MTP::authedId()) {
2015-08-18 19:10:01 +03:00
top += st::setSectionSkip;
_blockUser.move(_left, top); top += _blockUser.height();
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
} else if (_peerChannel && _amCreator) {
top += st::setSectionSkip;
_deleteChannel.move(_left, top); top += _deleteChannel.height();
2015-08-18 19:10:01 +03:00
2015-08-12 21:01:32 +03:00
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
// participants
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
if (_peerChat && (_peerChat->count > 0 || !_participants.isEmpty())) {
top += st::profileHeaderSkip;
if (!_participants.isEmpty()) {
int32 fullCnt = _participants.size();
top += fullCnt * _pHeight;
top += st::profileHeaderTop + st::profileHeaderFont->ascent - st::linkFont->ascent;
void ProfileInner::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) {
2014-08-22 18:55:23 +04:00
if (_menu) {
_menu = 0;
2015-03-26 12:35:21 +03:00
if (!_phoneText.isEmpty() || (_peerUser && !_peerUser->username.isEmpty())) {
2014-08-22 18:55:23 +04:00
QRect info(_left + st::profilePhotoSize + st::profilePhoneLeft, st::profilePadding.top(), _width - st::profilePhotoSize - st::profilePhoneLeft, st::profilePhotoSize);
if (info.contains(mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()))) {
2014-09-28 19:47:30 -07:00
_menu = new ContextMenu(this);
2015-03-26 12:35:21 +03:00
if (!_phoneText.isEmpty()) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_profile_copy_phone), this, SLOT(onCopyPhone()))->setEnabled(true);
2015-03-25 18:42:15 +03:00
if (_peerUser && !_peerUser->username.isEmpty()) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_copy_mention), this, SLOT(onCopyUsername()))->setEnabled(true);
2014-09-28 19:47:30 -07:00
2014-08-22 18:55:23 +04:00
connect(_menu, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(onMenuDestroy(QObject*)));
void ProfileInner::onMenuDestroy(QObject *obj) {
if (_menu == obj) {
_menu = 0;
void ProfileInner::onCopyPhone() {
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2015-03-25 18:42:15 +03:00
void ProfileInner::onCopyUsername() {
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
if (!_peerUser) return;
2015-03-25 18:42:15 +03:00
QApplication::clipboard()->setText('@' + _peerUser->username);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
bool ProfileInner::animStep(float64 ms) {
float64 dt = ms / st::setPhotoDuration;
bool res = true;
if (dt >= 1) {
res = false;
} else {
a_photo.update(dt, anim::linear);
update(_left, st::profilePadding.top(), st::setPhotoSize, st::setPhotoSize);
return res;
PeerData *ProfileInner::peer() const {
return _peer;
ProfileInner::~ProfileInner() {
for (ParticipantsData::iterator i = _participantsData.begin(), e = _participantsData.end(); i != e; ++i) {
delete *i;
void ProfileInner::openContextImage() {
void ProfileInner::deleteContextImage() {
void ProfileInner::updateNotifySettings() {
_enableNotifications.setChecked(_peer->notify == EmptyNotifySettings || _peer->notify == UnknownNotifySettings || _peer->notify->mute < unixtime());
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
int32 ProfileInner::mediaOverviewUpdated(PeerData *peer, MediaOverviewType type) {
int32 result = 0;
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
if (peer == _peer) {
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
if (updateMediaLinks(&result)) {
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
return result;
void ProfileInner::requestHeight(int32 newHeight) {
if (newHeight > height()) {
_addToHeight += newHeight - height();
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
int32 ProfileInner::countMinHeight() {
int32 h = 0;
if (_peerUser) {
if (peerToUser(_peerUser->id) == MTP::authedId()) {
h = _deleteConversation.y() + _deleteConversation.height() + st::profileHeaderSkip;
} else {
h = _blockUser.y() + _blockUser.height() + st::profileHeaderSkip;
} else if (_peerChat) {
h = _deleteConversation.y() + _deleteConversation.height() + st::profileHeaderSkip;
if (!_participants.isEmpty()) {
h += st::profileHeaderSkip + _participants.size() * _pHeight;
} else if (_peerChat->count > 0) {
h += st::profileHeaderSkip;
} else if (_peerChannel) {
if (_amCreator) {
h = _deleteChannel.y() + _deleteChannel.height() + st::profileHeaderSkip;
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
} else if (_peerChannel->amIn()) {
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
h = _deleteConversation.y() + _deleteConversation.height() + st::profileHeaderSkip;
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
} else {
h = _searchInPeer.y() + _searchInPeer.height() + st::profileHeaderSkip;
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
return h;
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
void ProfileInner::allowDecreaseHeight(int32 decreaseBy) {
if (decreaseBy > 0 && _addToHeight > 0) {
_addToHeight -= qMin(decreaseBy, _addToHeight);
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
void ProfileInner::showAll() {
2015-08-04 18:01:47 +03:00
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (_peerUser || _peerChat) {
} else {
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
if (_peerUser || _peerChat || (_peerChannel->amIn() && !_amCreator)) {
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
} else {
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
if (_peerUser) {
if (_peerUser->phone.isEmpty()) {
if (_peerUser->botInfo && !_peerUser->botInfo->cantJoinGroups) {
} else {
} else {
if (peerToUser(_peerUser->id) != MTP::authedId()) {
} else {
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
} else if (_peerChat) {
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (_peerChat->isForbidden) {
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
} else {
if (App::app()->isPhotoUpdating(_peer->id)) {
} else {
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (_amCreator) {
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (_peerChat->invitationUrl.isEmpty()) {
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
} else {
} else {
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
if (_peerChat->count < cMaxGroupCount()) {
} else {
2015-08-12 21:01:32 +03:00
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
} else if (_peerChannel) {
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (_peerChannel->isForbidden) {
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
} else {
if (App::app()->isPhotoUpdating(_peer->id)) {
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
} else {
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (_amCreator) {
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
} else {
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (_amCreator && !_peerChannel->isPublic()) {
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
if (_peerChannel->invitationUrl.isEmpty()) {
} else {
} else {
2015-08-12 21:01:32 +03:00
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
if (_amCreator) {
} else {
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
if (_peerChannel->isPublic() || _amCreator) {
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
} else {
2015-09-23 20:43:08 +03:00
if (_amCreator || _peerChannel->amEditor() || _peerChannel->amModerator()) {
} else {
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2015-08-12 21:01:32 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
// participants
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
resize(width(), countMinHeight() + _addToHeight);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
void ProfileInner::updateInvitationLink() {
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
if (!_peerChat && !_peerChannel) return;
2015-09-04 16:01:31 +03:00
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
if ((_peerChat && _peerChat->invitationUrl.isEmpty()) || (_peerChannel && _peerChannel->invitationUrl.isEmpty())) {
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
} else {
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
_invitationText = _peerChat ? _peerChat->invitationUrl : _peerChannel->invitationUrl;
2015-06-27 16:02:00 +03:00
if (_invitationText.startsWith(qstr("http://"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
_invitationText = _invitationText.mid(7);
2015-06-27 16:02:00 +03:00
} else if (_invitationText.startsWith(qstr("https://"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
2015-04-30 16:53:36 +03:00
_invitationText = _invitationText.mid(8);
2015-06-15 20:19:24 +03:00
void ProfileInner::updateBotLinksVisibility() {
if (!_peerUser || !_peerUser->botInfo || _peerUser->botInfo->commands.isEmpty()) {
bool hasSettings = false, hasHelp = false;
for (int32 i = 0, l = _peerUser->botInfo->commands.size(); i != l; ++i) {
QString cmd = _peerUser->botInfo->commands.at(i).command;
hasSettings |= !cmd.compare(qsl("settings"), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
hasHelp |= !cmd.compare(qsl("help"), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
if (hasSettings && hasHelp) break;
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
QString ProfileInner::overviewLinkText(int32 type, int32 count) {
switch (type) {
2014-12-18 21:40:49 +03:00
case OverviewPhotos: return lng_profile_photos(lt_count, count);
case OverviewVideos: return lng_profile_videos(lt_count, count);
2015-02-09 13:26:59 +00:00
case OverviewDocuments: return lng_profile_files(lt_count, count);
2014-12-18 21:40:49 +03:00
case OverviewAudios: return lng_profile_audios(lt_count, count);
2015-08-28 18:15:56 +03:00
case OverviewLinks: return lng_profile_shared_links(lt_count, count);
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
2014-12-18 21:40:49 +03:00
return QString();
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
2014-06-16 13:31:10 +04:00
ProfileWidget::ProfileWidget(QWidget *parent, const PeerData *peer) : QWidget(parent)
, _scroll(this, st::setScroll)
, _inner(this, &_scroll, peer)
, _showing(false)
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
_scroll.move(0, 0);
_inner.move(0, 0);
connect(&_scroll, SIGNAL(scrolled()), &_inner, SLOT(updateSelected()));
connect(&_scroll, SIGNAL(scrolled()), this, SLOT(onScroll()));
void ProfileWidget::onScroll() {
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
if (!_scroll.isHidden() && _scroll.scrollTop() < _scroll.scrollTopMax()) {
_inner.allowDecreaseHeight(_scroll.scrollTopMax() - _scroll.scrollTop());
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
void ProfileWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) {
2015-07-03 11:47:16 +03:00
int32 addToY = App::main() ? App::main()->contentScrollAddToY() : 0;
int32 newScrollY = _scroll.scrollTop() + addToY;
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
_inner.resize(width(), _inner.height());
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
if (!_scroll.isHidden()) {
if (addToY) {
if (_scroll.scrollTop() < _scroll.scrollTopMax()) {
_inner.allowDecreaseHeight(_scroll.scrollTopMax() - _scroll.scrollTop());
2015-07-03 11:47:16 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
void ProfileWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
void ProfileWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) {
2015-10-01 17:05:05 +03:00
if (App::wnd() && App::wnd()->contentOverlapped(this, e)) return;
Painter p(this);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
if (animating() && _showing) {
p.drawPixmap(a_bgCoord.current(), 0, _bgAnimCache);
p.drawPixmap(a_coord.current(), 0, _animCache);
} else {
p.fillRect(e->rect(), st::white->b);
void ProfileWidget::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e) {
void ProfileWidget::dropEvent(QDropEvent *e) {
void ProfileWidget::paintTopBar(QPainter &p, float64 over, int32 decreaseWidth) {
if (animating() && _showing) {
p.drawPixmap(a_bgCoord.current(), 0, _bgAnimTopBarCache);
p.drawPixmap(a_coord.current(), 0, _animTopBarCache);
} else {
p.setOpacity(st::topBarBackAlpha + (1 - st::topBarBackAlpha) * over);
2014-06-15 16:31:03 +04:00
p.drawPixmap(QPoint(st::topBarBackPadding.left(), (st::topBarHeight - st::topBarBackImg.pxHeight()) / 2), App::sprite(), st::topBarBackImg);
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
p.drawText(st::topBarBackPadding.left() + st::topBarBackImg.pxWidth() + st::topBarBackPadding.right(), (st::topBarHeight - st::topBarBackFont->height) / 2 + st::topBarBackFont->ascent, lang(peer()->isUser() ? lng_profile_info : (peer()->isChat() ? lng_profile_group_info : lng_profile_channel_info)));
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2015-07-03 11:47:16 +03:00
void ProfileWidget::topBarShadowParams(int32 &x, float64 &o) {
if (animating() && a_coord.current() >= 0) {
x = a_coord.current();
o = a_alpha.current();
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
void ProfileWidget::topBarClick() {
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
PeerData *ProfileWidget::peer() const {
return _inner.peer();
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
int32 ProfileWidget::lastScrollTop() const {
return _scroll.scrollTop();
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
void ProfileWidget::animShow(const QPixmap &bgAnimCache, const QPixmap &bgAnimTopBarCache, bool back, int32 lastScrollTop) {
2014-10-10 16:46:20 +04:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
_bgAnimCache = bgAnimCache;
_bgAnimTopBarCache = bgAnimTopBarCache;
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
if (lastScrollTop >= 0) _scroll.scrollToY(lastScrollTop);
2014-06-14 23:32:11 +04:00
_animCache = myGrab(this, rect());
_animTopBarCache = myGrab(App::main()->topBar(), QRect(0, 0, width(), st::topBarHeight));
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
a_coord = back ? anim::ivalue(-st::introSlideShift, 0) : anim::ivalue(st::introSlideShift, 0);
a_alpha = anim::fvalue(0, 1);
a_bgCoord = back ? anim::ivalue(0, st::introSlideShift) : anim::ivalue(0, -st::introSlideShift);
a_bgAlpha = anim::fvalue(1, 0);
_showing = true;
bool ProfileWidget::animStep(float64 ms) {
float64 fullDuration = st::introSlideDelta + st::introSlideDuration, dt = ms / fullDuration;
float64 dt1 = (ms > st::introSlideDuration) ? 1 : (ms / st::introSlideDuration), dt2 = (ms > st::introSlideDelta) ? (ms - st::introSlideDelta) / (st::introSlideDuration) : 0;
bool res = true;
if (dt2 >= 1) {
res = _showing = false;
_bgAnimCache = _animCache = _animTopBarCache = _bgAnimTopBarCache = QPixmap();
2014-06-14 23:32:11 +04:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
2015-06-17 22:43:03 +03:00
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
} else {
a_bgCoord.update(dt1, st::introHideFunc);
a_bgAlpha.update(dt1, st::introAlphaHideFunc);
a_coord.update(dt2, st::introShowFunc);
a_alpha.update(dt2, st::introAlphaShowFunc);
return res;
void ProfileWidget::updateOnlineDisplay() {
void ProfileWidget::updateOnlineDisplayTimer() {
2015-09-21 23:57:42 +03:00
void ProfileWidget::peerUsernameChanged() {
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
void ProfileWidget::updateNotifySettings() {
2015-07-03 11:47:16 +03:00
void ProfileWidget::mediaOverviewUpdated(PeerData *peer, MediaOverviewType type) {
2015-09-06 13:17:09 +03:00
int32 addToScroll = _inner.mediaOverviewUpdated(peer, type);
if (!_scroll.isHidden() && addToScroll && _scroll.geometry().contains(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()))) {
if (addToScroll > 0 && _scroll.scrollTop() + addToScroll > _scroll.scrollTopMax()) {
_inner.requestHeight(_scroll.scrollTop() + addToScroll + _scroll.height());
_scroll.scrollToY(_scroll.scrollTop() + addToScroll);
2014-08-15 15:19:32 +04:00
2015-06-17 22:43:03 +03:00
void ProfileWidget::clear() {
2015-09-03 13:48:40 +03:00
if (_inner.peer() && _inner.peer()->isUser() && _inner.peer()->asUser()->botInfo) {
2015-06-17 22:43:03 +03:00
_inner.peer()->asUser()->botInfo->startGroupToken = QString();
2014-05-30 12:53:19 +04:00
ProfileWidget::~ProfileWidget() {
void ProfileWidget::activate() {