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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston,
#include "codegen/emoji/generator.h"
#include <QtCore/QtPlugin>
#include <QtCore/QBuffer>
#include <QtGui/QFontDatabase>
#include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
#include <QtGui/QImage>
#include <QtGui/QPainter>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
#elif defined Q_OS_WIN
#else // !Q_OS_MAC && !Q_OS_WIN
#endif // !Q_OS_MAC && !Q_OS_WIN
namespace codegen {
namespace emoji {
namespace {
constexpr int kErrorCantWritePath = 851;
common::ProjectInfo Project = {
true, // forceReGenerate
QRect computeSourceRect(const QImage &image) {
auto size = image.width();
auto result = QRect(2, 2, size - 4, size - 4);
auto top = 1, bottom = 1, left = 1, right = 1;
auto rgbBits = reinterpret_cast<const QRgb*>(image.constBits());
for (auto i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
if (rgbBits[i] > 0
|| rgbBits[(size - 1) * size + i] > 0
|| rgbBits[i * size] > 0
|| rgbBits[i * size + (size - 1)] > 0) {
logDataError() << "Bad border.";
return QRect();
if (rgbBits[1 * size + i] > 0) {
top = -1;
} else if (top > 0 && rgbBits[2 * size + i] > 0) {
top = 0;
if (rgbBits[(size - 2) * size + i] > 0) {
bottom = -1;
} else if (bottom > 0 && rgbBits[(size - 3) * size + i] > 0) {
bottom = 0;
if (rgbBits[i * size + 1] > 0) {
left = -1;
} else if (left > 0 && rgbBits[i * size + 2] > 0) {
left = 0;
if (rgbBits[i * size + (size - 2)] > 0) {
right = -1;
} else if (right > 0 && rgbBits[i * size + (size - 3)] > 0) {
right = 0;
if (top < 0) {
if (bottom <= 0) {
logDataError() << "Bad vertical :(";
return QRect();
} else {
result.setY(result.y() + 1);
} else if (bottom < 0) {
if (top <= 0) {
logDataError() << "Bad vertical :(";
return QRect();
} else {
result.setY(result.y() - 1);
if (left < 0) {
if (right <= 0) {
logDataError() << "Bad horizontal :(";
return QRect();
} else {
result.setX(result.x() + 1);
} else if (right < 0) {
if (left <= 0) {
logDataError() << "Bad horizontal :(";
return QRect();
} else {
result.setX(result.x() - 1);
return result;
QString computeId(Id id) {
auto idAsParams = QStringList();
for (auto i = 0, size = id.size(); i != size; ++i) {
idAsParams.push_back("0x" + QString::number(id[i].unicode(), 16));
return "internal::ComputeId(" + idAsParams.join(", ") + ")";
} // namespace
Generator::Generator(const Options &options) : project_(Project), data_(PrepareData()) {
QDir dir(options.outputPath);
if (!dir.mkpath(".")) {
common::logError(kErrorCantWritePath, "Command Line") << "can not open path for writing: " << dir.absolutePath().toStdString();
data_ = Data();
outputPath_ = dir.absolutePath() + "/emoji_config";
spritePath_ = dir.absolutePath() + "/emoji";
int Generator::generate() {
if (data_.list.empty()) {
return -1;
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
if (!writeImages()) {
return -1;
#endif // Q_OS_MAC
if (!writeSource()) {
return -1;
return 0;
constexpr auto kVariantsCount = 5;
constexpr auto kEmojiInRow = 40;
QImage Generator::generateImage(int variantIndex) {
constexpr int kEmojiSizes[kVariantsCount + 1] = { 18, 22, 27, 36, 45, 180 };
constexpr bool kBadSizes[kVariantsCount] = { true, true, false, false, false };
constexpr int kEmojiFontSizes[kVariantsCount + 1] = { 14, 20, 27, 36, 45, 180 };
constexpr int kEmojiDeltas[kVariantsCount + 1] = { 15, 20, 25, 34, 42, 167 };
auto emojiCount = data_.list.size();
auto columnsCount = kEmojiInRow;
auto rowsCount = (emojiCount / columnsCount) + ((emojiCount % columnsCount) ? 1 : 0);
auto emojiSize = kEmojiSizes[variantIndex];
auto isBad = kBadSizes[variantIndex];
auto sourceSize = (isBad ? kEmojiSizes[kVariantsCount] : emojiSize);
auto font = QGuiApplication::font();
font.setFamily(QStringLiteral("Apple Color Emoji"));
font.setPixelSize(kEmojiFontSizes[isBad ? kVariantsCount : variantIndex]);
auto singleSize = 4 + sourceSize;
auto emojiImage = QImage(columnsCount * emojiSize, rowsCount * emojiSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
auto singleImage = QImage(singleSize, singleSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
QPainter p(&emojiImage);
auto column = 0;
auto row = 0;
for (auto &emoji : data_.list) {
QPainter q(&singleImage);
q.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 255));
q.drawText(2, 2 + kEmojiDeltas[isBad ? kVariantsCount : variantIndex],;
auto sourceRect = computeSourceRect(singleImage);
if (sourceRect.isEmpty()) {
return QImage();
auto targetRect = QRect(column * emojiSize, row * emojiSize, emojiSize, emojiSize);
if (isBad) {
p.drawImage(targetRect, singleImage.copy(sourceRect).scaled(emojiSize, emojiSize, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation));
} else {
p.drawImage(targetRect, singleImage, sourceRect);
if (column == columnsCount) {
column = 0;
return emojiImage;
bool Generator::writeImages() {
constexpr const char *variantPostfix[] = { "", "_125x", "_150x", "_200x", "_250x" };
for (auto variantIndex = 0; variantIndex != kVariantsCount; variantIndex++) {
auto image = generateImage(variantIndex);
auto postfix = variantPostfix[variantIndex];
auto filename = spritePath_ + postfix + ".webp";
auto bytes = QByteArray();
QBuffer buffer(&bytes);
if (!, "WEBP", (variantIndex < 3) ? 100 : 99)) {
logDataError() << "Could not save 'emoji" << postfix << ".webp'.";
return false;
auto needResave = !QFileInfo(filename).exists();
if (!needResave) {
QFile file(filename);
if (! {
needResave = true;
} else {
auto already = file.readAll();
if (already.size() != bytes.size() || memcmp(already.constData(), bytes.constData(), already.size())) {
needResave = true;
if (needResave) {
QFile file(filename);
if (! {
logDataError() << "Could not open 'emoji" << postfix << ".png'.";
return false;
} else {
if (file.write(bytes) != bytes.size()) {
logDataError() << "Could not write 'emoji" << postfix << ".png'.";
return false;
return true;
bool Generator::writeSource() {
source_ = std::make_unique<common::CppFile>(outputPath_ + ".cpp", project_);
source_->stream() << "\
constexpr auto kCount = " << data_.list.size() << ";\n\
auto WorkingIndex = -1;\n\
QVector<One> Items;\n\
source_->stream() << "\
EmojiPtr ByIndex(int index) {\n\
return (index >= 0 && index < Items.size()) ? &Items[index] : nullptr;\n\
inline void AppendChars(QString &result) {\n\
template <typename ...Args>\n\
inline void AppendChars(QString &result, ushort unicode, Args... args) {\n\
AppendChars(result, args...);\n\
template <typename ...Args>\n\
inline QString ComputeId(Args... args) {\n\
auto result = QString();\n\
AppendChars(result, args...);\n\
return result;\n\
if (!writeFindReplace()) {
return false;
if (!writeFind()) {
return false;
if (!writeInitCode()) {
return false;
if (!writePacks()) {
return false;
source_->stream() << "\
int Index() {\n\
return WorkingIndex;\n\
int One::variantsCount() const {\n\
return hasVariants() ? " << colorsCount_ << " : 0;\n\
int One::variantIndex(EmojiPtr variant) const {\n\
return (variant - original());\n\
EmojiPtr One::variant(int index) const {\n\
return (index >= 0 && index <= variantsCount()) ? (original() + index) : this;\n\
int One::index() const {\n\
return (this - &Items[0]);\n\
return source_->finalize();
bool Generator::writeInitCode() {
constexpr const char *variantNames[] = {
source_->stream() << "\
void Init() {\n\
auto scaleForEmoji = cRetina() ? dbisTwo : cScale();\n\
switch (scaleForEmoji) {\n";
auto variantIndex = 0;
for (auto name : variantNames) {
source_->stream() << "\
case " << name << ": WorkingIndex = " << variantIndex++ << "; break;\n";
source_->stream() << "\
auto column = 0;
auto row = 0;
auto index = 0;
auto variated = -1;
auto coloredCount = 0;
for (auto &item : data_.list) {
source_->stream() << "\
Items.push_back({ " << computeId( << ", " << column << ", " << row << ", " << (item.postfixed ? "true" : "false") << ", " << (item.variated ? "true" : "false") << ", " << (item.colored ? "&Items[" + QString::number(variated) + "]" : "nullptr") << " });\n";
if (coloredCount > 0 && (item.variated || !item.colored)) {
if (!colorsCount_) {
colorsCount_ = coloredCount;
} else if (colorsCount_ != coloredCount) {
logDataError() << "different colored emoji count exist.";
return false;
coloredCount = 0;
if (item.variated) {
variated = index;
} else if (item.colored) {
if (variated <= 0) {
logDataError() << "wrong order of colored items.";
return false;
} else if (variated >= 0) {
variated = -1;
if (++column == kEmojiInRow) {
column = 0;
source_->stream() << "\
return true;
bool Generator::writePacks() {
constexpr const char *packNames[] = {
source_->stream() << "\
int GetPackCount(DBIEmojiTab tab) {\n\
switch (tab) {\n";
auto countIndex = 0;
for (auto name : packNames) {
if (countIndex >= int(data_.categories.size())) {
logDataError() << "category " << countIndex << " not found.";
return false;
source_->stream() << "\
case " << name << ": return " << data_.categories[countIndex++].size() << ";\n";
source_->stream() << "\
case dbietRecent: return cGetRecentEmoji().size();\n\
return 0;\n\
EmojiPack GetPack(DBIEmojiTab tab) {\n\
switch (tab) {\n";
auto index = 0;
for (auto name : packNames) {
if (index >= int(data_.categories.size())) {
logDataError() << "category " << index << " not found.";
return false;
auto &category = data_.categories[index++];
source_->stream() << "\
case " << name << ": {\n\
static auto result = EmojiPack();\n\
if (result.isEmpty()) {\n\
result.reserve(" << category.size() << ");\n";
for (auto index : category) {
source_->stream() << "\
result.push_back(&Items[" << index << "]);\n";
source_->stream() << "\
return result;\n\
} break;\n\n";
source_->stream() << "\
case dbietRecent: {\n\
auto result = EmojiPack();\n\
for (auto &item : cGetRecentEmoji()) {\n\
return result;\n\
} break;\n\
return EmojiPack();\n\
return true;
bool Generator::writeFindReplace() {
source_->stream() << "\
EmojiPtr FindReplace(const QChar *ch, const QChar *end, int *outLength) {\n";
if (!writeFindFromDictionary(data_.replaces)) {
return false;
source_->stream() << "\
return true;
bool Generator::writeFind() {
source_->stream() << "\
EmojiPtr Find(const QChar *ch, const QChar *end, int *outLength) {\n";
if (!writeFindFromDictionary( {
return false;
source_->stream() << "\
return true;
bool Generator::writeFindFromDictionary(const std::map<QString, int, std::greater<QString>> &dictionary) {
// That one was slower..
//using Map = std::map<QString, int, std::greater<QString>>;
//Map small; // 0-127
//Map medium; // 128-255
//Map large; // 256-65535
//Map other; // surrogates
//for (auto &item : dictionary) {
// auto key = item.first;
// auto first = key.isEmpty() ? QChar(0) : QChar(key[0]);
// if (!first.unicode() || first.isLowSurrogate() || (first.isHighSurrogate() && (key.size() < 2 || !QChar(key[1]).isLowSurrogate()))) {
// logDataError() << "bad key.";
// return false;
// }
// if (first.isHighSurrogate()) {
// other.insert(item);
// } else if (first.unicode() >= 256) {
// if (first.unicode() >= 0xE000) {
// // Currently if we'll have codes from both below and above the surrogates
// // we'll return nullptr without checking the surrogates, because we first
// // check those codes, applying the min-max range of codes from "large".
// logDataError() << "codes after the surrogates are not supported.";
// return false;
// }
// large.insert(item);
// } else if (first.unicode() >= 128) {
// medium.insert(item);
// } else {
// small.insert(item);
// }
//auto smallMinCheck = (medium.empty() && large.empty() && other.empty()) ? -1 : 0;
//auto smallMaxCheck = (medium.empty() && large.empty() && other.empty()) ? -1 : 128;
//if (!writeFindFromOneDictionary(small, smallMinCheck, smallMaxCheck)) {
// return false;
//auto mediumMinCheck = (large.empty() && other.empty()) ? -1 : 128;
//auto mediumMaxCheck = (large.empty() && other.empty()) ? -1 : 256;
//if (!writeFindFromOneDictionary(medium, mediumMinCheck, mediumMaxCheck)) {
// return false;
//if (!writeFindFromOneDictionary(large, other.empty() ? -1 : 0)) {
// return false;
//if (!writeFindFromOneDictionary(other)) {
// return false;
if (!writeFindFromOneDictionary(dictionary)) {
return false;
source_->stream() << "\
return nullptr;\n";
return true;
// min < 0 - no outer min-max check
// max < 0 - this is last checked dictionary
bool Generator::writeFindFromOneDictionary(const std::map<QString, int, std::greater<QString>> &dictionary, int min, int max) {
if (dictionary.empty()) {
return true;
auto tabs = [](int size) {
return QString(size, '\t');
std::map<int, int> uniqueFirstChars;
auto foundMax = 0, foundMin = 65535;
for (auto &item : dictionary) {
auto ch = item.first[0].unicode();
if (foundMax < ch) foundMax = ch;
if (foundMin > ch) foundMin = ch;
uniqueFirstChars[ch] = 0;
auto writeBoundsCondition = false;//(uniqueFirstChars.size() > 4);
auto haveOuterCondition = false;
if (min >= 0 && max > min) {
haveOuterCondition = true;
source_->stream() << "\
if (ch->unicode() >= " << min << " && ch->unicode() < " << max << ") {\n";
if (writeBoundsCondition) {
source_->stream() << "\
if (ch->unicode() < " << foundMin << " || ch->unicode() > " << foundMax << ") {\n\
return nullptr;\n\
} else if (writeBoundsCondition) {
haveOuterCondition = true;
source_->stream() << "\
if (ch->unicode() >= " << foundMin << " && ch->unicode() <= " << foundMax << ") {\n";
enum class UsedCheckType {
auto checkTypes = QVector<UsedCheckType>();
auto existsTill = QVector<int>(1, 1);
auto chars = QString();
auto tabsUsed = haveOuterCondition ? 2 : 1;
// Returns true if at least one check was finished.
auto finishChecksTillKey = [this, &chars, &checkTypes, &existsTill, &tabsUsed, tabs](const QString &key) {
auto result = false;
while (!chars.isEmpty() && key.midRef(0, chars.size()) != chars) {
result = true;
auto wasType = checkTypes.back();
chars.resize(chars.size() - 1);
if (wasType == UsedCheckType::Switch || wasType == UsedCheckType::If) {
if (wasType == UsedCheckType::Switch) {
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "break;\n";
if ((!chars.isEmpty() && key.midRef(0, chars.size()) != chars) || key == chars) {
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "}\n";
return result;
// Check if we can use "if" for a check on "charIndex" in "it" (otherwise only "switch")
auto canUseIfForCheck = [](auto it, auto end, int charIndex) {
auto key = it->first;
auto i = it;
auto keyStart = key.mid(0, charIndex);
for (++i; i != end; ++i) {
auto nextKey = i->first;
if (nextKey.mid(0, charIndex) != keyStart) {
return true;
} else if (nextKey.size() > charIndex && nextKey[charIndex] != key[charIndex]) {
return false;
return true;
// Get minimal length of key that has first "charIndex" chars same as it
// and has at least one more char after them.
auto getMinimalLength = [](auto it, auto end, int charIndex) {
auto key = it->first;
auto result = key.size();
auto i = it;
auto keyStart = key.mid(0, charIndex);
for (++i; i != end; ++i) {
auto nextKey = i->first;
if (nextKey.mid(0, charIndex) != keyStart || nextKey.size() <= charIndex) {
if (result > nextKey.size()) {
result = nextKey.size();
return result;
auto getUnicodePointer = [](int index) {
if (index > 0) {
return "(ch + " + QString::number(index) + ')';
return QString("ch");
for (auto i = dictionary.cbegin(), e = dictionary.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
auto &item = *i;
auto key = item.first;
auto weContinueOldSwitch = finishChecksTillKey(key);
while (chars.size() != key.size()) {
auto checking = chars.size();
auto keyChar = key[checking];
auto checkedAlready = (checkTypes.size() > checking);
if (!checkedAlready) {
auto keyCharString = "0x" + QString::number(keyChar.unicode(), 16);
auto usedIfForCheck = false;
if (weContinueOldSwitch) {
weContinueOldSwitch = false;
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "case " << keyCharString << ":\n";
} else {
auto canCheckByIfCount = 0;
for (; checking + canCheckByIfCount != key.size(); ++canCheckByIfCount) {
if (!canUseIfForCheck(i, e, checking + canCheckByIfCount)) {
auto canCheckTill = getMinimalLength(i, e, checking);
auto checkedAlready = !existsTill.isEmpty() && (existsTill.back() == canCheckTill);
if (checking + canCheckByIfCount - 1 > canCheckTill
|| checking > canCheckTill
|| (!existsTill.isEmpty() && existsTill.back() > canCheckTill)) {
logDataError() << "something wrong with the algo.";
return false;
auto condition = checkedAlready ? QString() : ("ch + " + QString::number(canCheckTill - 1) + " " + (canCheckTill == checking + 1 ? "!=" : "<") + " end");
if (canCheckByIfCount > 0) {
auto checkStrings = QStringList();
for (auto checkByIf = 0; checkByIf != canCheckByIfCount; ++checkByIf) {
checkStrings.push_back(getUnicodePointer(checking + checkByIf) + "->unicode() == 0x" + QString::number(key[checking + checkByIf].unicode(), 16));
if (!condition.isEmpty()) {
for (auto upcomingChecked = 1; upcomingChecked != canCheckByIfCount; ++upcomingChecked) {
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "if (" << checkStrings.join(" && ") << ") {\n";
usedIfForCheck = true;
} else {
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << (condition.isEmpty() ? "" : "if (" + condition + ") ") << "switch (" << getUnicodePointer(checking) << "->unicode()) {\n";
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "case " << keyCharString << ":\n";
checkTypes.push_back(usedIfForCheck ? UsedCheckType::If : UsedCheckType::Switch);
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "if (outLength) *outLength = " << chars.size() << ";\n";
// While IsReplaceEdge() currently is always true we just return the value.
//source_->stream() << tabs(1 + chars.size()) << "if (ch + " << chars.size() << " == end || IsReplaceEdge(*(ch + " << chars.size() << ")) || (ch + " << chars.size() << ")->unicode() == ' ') {\n";
//source_->stream() << tabs(1 + chars.size()) << "\treturn &Items[" << item.second << "];\n";
//source_->stream() << tabs(1 + chars.size()) << "}\n";
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "return &Items[" << item.second << "];\n";
if (min >= 0) { // not the last dictionary
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "return nullptr;\n";
if (haveOuterCondition) {
source_->stream() << "\
source_->stream() << "\n";
return true;
} // namespace emoji
} // namespace codegen