2020-08-08 18:42:31 +02:00

309 lines
11 KiB

(ns stream.commander-test
(:require [stream.commander.systemd :as systemd]
[stream.commander.journal :as journal]
[stream.commander.api :as api]
[stream.core :as core]
[stream.util.logging :as logging]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[ :as io]
[slingshot.slingshot :refer [try+]]
:as a]))
(deftest unit-files
(testing "The rendering."
(is (#'systemd/render-unit-file "test" "test" "test")))
(let [name (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))]
(testing "Writing a unit file."
(let [file (io/as-file
(systemd/create-unit-file! name
"test" "test" "test"))]
(is (.exists file))))
(testing "Deleting a unit file"
(systemd/remove-unit-file! name)
(is (not (.exists (io/as-file (systemd/get-unit-path name))))))))
(deftest journal-utilities
(testing "map to flags"
(is (= (#'journal/map->flags {:t 1 :u 2})
["-t1" "-u2"]))
(is (= (#'journal/map->flags {:t 1 :u 2 :test 11})
["-t1" "-u2" "--test=11"]))
(is (= (#'journal/map->flags {:t 1 :u 2 :test 11 :verbatim "hi"})
["-t1" "-u2" "--test=11" "hi"]))))
(deftest journal
(testing "returns empty seq if there are no logs"
(is (empty? (journal/get-logs! "nonexistent"))))
(testing "throws upon error in journalctl"
(#'journal/run-journalctl-command! :uuuu "bad")
(is false "No exception thrown.")
(catch [:type :stream.commander.journal/journalctl-error] _
(is true))
(catch Object _
(is false "Wrong exception thrown.")))))
(def script
(str "/bin/bash -c \""
"echo test; "
">&2 echo error;"
"cat /dev/zero"
(deftest systemd-services
(let [name (str "testing-" (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
(systemd/create-unit-file! name
script "test service")]
(testing "loading the service"
(is (= :loaded (systemd/get-service-load-state! name))))
(testing "starting the service"
(systemd/start-service! name)
(while (= :activating (systemd/get-service-state! name))
(a/<!! (a/timeout 1000)))
(is (= :active (systemd/get-service-state! name))))
(testing "stopping the service"
(systemd/stop-service! name)
(while (= :deactivating (systemd/get-service-state! name))
(a/<!! (a/timeout 1000)))
(is (= :inactive (systemd/get-service-state! name))))
(testing "reading the logs"
(let [logs (journal/get-logs! name)]
(is (= (:message (second logs)) "test"))
(is (= (:message (nth logs 2)) "error"))))
(testing "restarting the service"
(systemd/start-service! name)
(systemd/restart-service! name)
(while (some #(= % (systemd/get-service-state! name))
[:activating :deactivating :inactive])
(a/<!! (a/timeout 1000)))
(is (= :active (systemd/get-service-state! name))))
(testing "enabling the service"
(systemd/enable-service! name)
(is (= :enabled (systemd/get-service-file-state! name))))
(testing "disable the service"
(systemd/disable-service! name)
(is (= :disabled (systemd/get-service-file-state! name))))
(testing "removing the service"
(systemd/remove-service! name)
(is (= :not-found (systemd/get-service-load-state! name))))
(testing "creating a service automatically"
(systemd/create-service! name script "test service")
(is (= :loaded (systemd/get-service-load-state! name))))
(let [[channel close] (systemd/create-monitor! name)]
(testing "detecting activity"
(systemd/restart-service! name)
(is (a/<!! channel) "No value in channel!")
(while (a/poll! channel))
(is (not (a/put! channel "hi")))))
(testing "failing systemd command"
(systemd/remove-service! name)
(systemd/start-service! "non-existend")
(is false "No exception thrown.")
(catch [:type :stream.commander.systemd/systemd-error] _
(is true))
(catch Object _
(is false "Wrong exception thrown."))))
(testing "creating service with digit as first char"
(systemd/create-service! "1234" script "test service")
(catch [:type :stream.commander.systemd/systemd-error] _
(is true))
(catch Object _
(is false "Wrong exception thrown."))))
(testing "getting file state state of nonexisting service"
(is (not (systemd/get-service-file-state!
(str "does_not_exist"
(deftest auxiliary-api
(testing "ffmpeg input string"
(is (= "rtsp://"
(#'api/input-string nil nil "" 554 "axis-media/media.amp")))
(is (= "rtsp://cam:pass@"
(#'api/input-string "cam" "pass" "" 554 "axis-media/media.amp"))))
(testing "unit name sanitizer"
(is (= "a-b-c-d-" (#'api/sanitize-process-name "a*b C?d.")))))
(deftest ffmpeg-process-management
(.mkdirs (.getParentFile ( api/processdb-directory)))
;; NOTE: This creates a failing process.
(let [config {:cam-ip ""
:cam-rtsp-port "554"
:profile "bla"
:stream-server "server"
:stream-key "key"}]
;; TODO: proper spec testing
(testing "getting an ffmpeg command"
(api/ffmpeg-command config))
(let [proc (api/create-process!
"tester" config)]
(testing "creating ffmpeg process the high-level way"
(is (= :loaded (systemd/get-service-load-state!
(:unit-name proc)))))
(testing "getting the newly created process state"
(is :loaded (api/get-process-state! proc)))
(testing "starting a process"
(is (not (= :timeout (:event @(api/start-process! proc))))))
(testing "waiting for the process to start"
(let [prom (api/wait-for!
:event :active :timeout 10000)]
(api/start-process! proc)
(is (not (= :timeout @prom)))))
(testing "waiting for the process to fail"
(let [prom (api/wait-for!
:event :failed
:timeout 100000)]
(api/start-process! proc)
(is (not (= :timeout @prom)))))
(testing "waiting for the process to activate or fail"
(let [prom (api/wait-for!
:matcher #(or (= (:event %1) :active)
(= (:event %1) :failed))
:timeout 1000)]
(api/start-process! proc)
(is (not (= :timeout @prom)))))
(testing "spilling junk into the control channel"
(a/>!! (:supervisor proc) "junk"))
(testing "spilling junk into the monitor channel"
(a/>!! (first (:monitor proc)) "junk"))
(testing "waiting for a timeout"
(let [prom (api/wait-for!
:event :one
:timeout 100)
prom1 (api/wait-for!
:matcher #(and % false)
:timeout 100)]
(is (= :timeout @prom))
(is (= :timeout @prom1))))
(testing "stopping the process"
@(api/start-process! proc)
(let [prom (api/stop-process! proc)]
(is (not (= :timeout @prom)))
(is (not (api/process-running? proc)))))
(testing "re starting a process"
(is (not (= :timeout (:event @(api/restart-process! proc))))))
(testing "enabling the process"
(api/enable-process! proc)
(is (api/process-enabled? proc)))
(testing "the subscription to the master monitor"
(let [c (a/chan)]
(a/sub api/monitor :process-event c)
(api/start-process! proc)
(is (= (:id proc) (:id (a/<!! c))))))
(testing "deleting the process"
(is (api/delete-process! proc))
(is (not (api/get-process! (:id proc))))))
(testing "creating two processes"
"tester" config)
"tester" config)
(is (= 2 (count @@#'api/processes))))
(testing "replace process"
(let [proc (api/create-process! "ghost" config)
proc-new (api/create-process! "ghost" config (:id proc))]
(is (not (= proc proc-new)))))
(testing "generated ids do not collide"
(doseq [i (range 100)]
(is (not (api/get-process! (#'api/generate-process-id))))))
(testing "deleting all processes"
(is (= 0 (count @@#'api/processes))))
(testing "serialize and load process"
(let [proc (api/create-process! "test" config)
id (:id proc)
saved (api/save-process! proc)
loaded (api/load-process! id)
edn (api/process->edn proc)
fromedn (api/edn->process! edn)]
(is (api/process= proc fromedn))
(is saved)
(is (api/process= proc loaded))
(testing "saving a process twice"
(let [proc (api/create-process! "test" config)]
(api/save-process! proc)
(api/save-process! proc)
(testing "loading a nonexistent process"
(api/load-process! "nonone")
(is false)
(catch [:type :stream.commander.api/commander-error
:detail-type :loading-failed] _
(is true))))
(testing "deleting a nonexistent process"
(api/delete-processdb-file! "nonone")
(is false)
(catch [:type :stream.commander.api/commander-error
:detail-type :deleting-failed] _
(is true))))
(testing "automatic saving and loading"
(let [procs [(api/create-process!
"tester" config)
"tester2" config)]]
;; lets put in a random broken edn file-seq
(spit (api/processdb-filename "distract") "bla")
(let [loaded (api/load-processes!)]
(is (= (count loaded) 2))
(is (reduce (fn [same proc]
(if same
(some #(api/process= proc %) procs)
false)) true
(is (= 2 (count @@#'api/processes)))
( (api/processdb-filename "distract"))
(is (= "" (reduce str (.list ( api/processdb-directory))))))))