mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 10:01:39 -05:00
add service control
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 121 additions and 10 deletions
@ -4,7 +4,18 @@
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre
:refer [log trace debug info warn error fatal report
logf tracef debugf infof warnf errorf fatalf reportf
spy get-env]]))
spy get-env]])
(:import [de.thjom.java.systemd Systemd Manager Systemd$InstanceType UnitStateListener]))
; Systemd Instances ;
;; These are instanciated toplevel and are allowed to crash the
;; program if not successfull.
(def ^:private systemd (. Systemd get Systemd$InstanceType/USER))
(def ^:private manager (. systemd getManager))
; Unit file Management ;
@ -20,14 +31,89 @@
:command command
:target target}))
(defn get-unit-path [name]
(str (System/getProperty "user.home") "/.config/systemd/user/" name ".service"))
(defn create-unit-file!
"Creates or overwrites a service unit file in the appropriate
directory and returns the file path."
([name command description]
(create-unit-file! name command description "default.target"))
([name command description target]
(let [unit-contents (render-unit-file command description target)
path (get-unit-path name)
file (io/as-file path)]
(.mkdirs (.getParentFile file))
(spit path unit-contents)
(debug "Wrote a unit file to:" path)
(defn remove-unit-file!
"Removes the unit file with the given name. Returns true if file was
(let [path (get-unit-path name)]
(debug "Deleting a unit file:" path)
(.delete (io/as-file path))))
; Systemd Handling ;
;; For now these work with the service name. May be generalized to a
;; record some time.
(defn reload-systemd!
"Reloads the systemd user instance."
(. manager reload))
(defn- get-service! [name]
(. manager getService name))
(defn start-service!
"Starts the userspace service with the name."
(. (get-service! name) start "replace"))
(defn restart-service!
"Restarts the userspace service with the name."
(. (get-service! name) restart "replace"))
(defn stop-service!
"Stops the userspace service with the name."
(. (get-service! name) stop "replace"))
(defn get-service-status!
"Gets the ActiveState for the process of the name.
Refer to
[the systemd docs](https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/dbus/)
for further information."
(keyword (. (get-service! name) getActiveState)))
(defn get-service-load-state!
"Gets the LoadState for the process of the name.
Refer to
[the systemd docs](https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/dbus/)
for further information."
(keyword (. (get-service! name) getLoadState)))
(defn create-service!
"Creates a unit file and reloads systemd. See `create-unit-file`."
[name command description target]
(let [unit-contents (render-unit-file command description target)
path (str (System/getProperty "user.home") "/.config/systemd/user/" name ".service")
file (io/as-file path)]
(.mkdirs (.getParentFile file))
(spit path unit-contents)
(debug "Wrote a unit file to:" path)
(create-unit-file! name command description target)
(defn remove-service!
"Stops the service, removes the unit file and reloads systemd."
(stop-service! name)
(remove-unit-file! name)
@ -7,10 +7,35 @@
(deftest unit-files
(testing "The rendering."
(is (#'impl/render-unit-file "test" "test" "test")))
(let [name (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))]
(testing "Writing a unit file."
(let [file (io/as-file
(impl/create-unit-file! name
"test" "test" "test"))]
(is (.exists file))
(.delete file)))))
(is (.exists file))))
(testing "Deleting a unit file"
(impl/remove-unit-file! name)
(is (not (.exists (io/as-file (impl/get-unit-path name))))))))
(deftest systemd-services
(let [name (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
unit-path (impl/create-unit-file! name
"cat /dev/zero" "test service")]
(testing "loading the service"
(is :not-found (impl/get-service-load-state! name))
(is :loaded (impl/get-service-load-state! name)))
(testing "starting the service"
(impl/start-service! name)
(is :active (impl/get-service-load-state! name)))
(testing "stopping the service"
(impl/stop-service! name)
(is :inactive (impl/get-service-load-state! name)))
(testing "removing the service"
(impl/remove-service! name)
(is :not-found (impl/get-service-load-state! name)))))
Add table
Reference in a new issue