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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014 Richard Hartmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
"""Stochastic Process Module
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import time as tm
# _pp_ import my_pypreprocessor as pp
# _pp_ pypreprocessor = pp.Preprocessor(__file__, verbose = False, always_parse = False)
# _pp_ # pypreprocessor.define('TIME_IT')
# _pp_ pypreprocessor.define('VERBOSE')
# _pp_ # pypreprocessor.define('TESTING')
# _pp_ pypreprocessor.process()
class StocProc(object):
r"""Simulate Stochastic Process using Karhunen-Loève expansion
The :py:class:`StocProc` class provides methods to simulate stochastic processes
:math:`X(t)` in a given time interval :math:`[0,t_\mathrm{max}]`
with given autocorrelation function
:math:`R(\tau) = R(t-s) = \langle X(t)X^\ast(s)\rangle`. The method is similar to
the one described and implemented in :py:func:`stochastic_process_kle`.
The :py:class:`StocProc` class extends the functionality of the
:py:func:`stochastic_process_kle` routine by providing an interpolation
method based on the numeric solution of the Fredholm equation.
Since the time discrete solutions :math:`u_i(s_j)` of the Fredholm equation
are best interpolates using
.. math:: u_i(t) = \frac{1}{\lambda_i}\sum_j w_j R(t-s_j) u_i(s_j)
with :math:`s_j` and :math:`w_j` being the time grid points and integration weights
for the numeric integrations as well as :math:`\lambda_i` and :math:`u_i` being
the eigenvalues the time discrete eigenvectors of the discrete Fredholm equation
(see Ref. [1]).
From that is follows that a good interpolation formula for the stochastic process
is given by
.. math:: X(t) = \sum_i \sqrt{\lambda_i} Y_i u_i(t) = \sum_{i,j} \frac{Y_i}{\sqrt{\lambda_i}}w_j R(t-s_j) u_i(s_j)
where the :math:`Y_i` are independent normal distributed random variables
with variance one.
For extracting values of the Stochastic Process you may use:
:py:func:`x`: returns the value of the Stochastic Process for a
single time :math:`t`
:py:func:`x_t_array`: returns the value of the Stochastic Process for
all values of the `numpy.ndarray` a single time :math:`t_\mathrm{array}`.
:py:func:`x_for_initial_time_grid`: returns the value of the Stochastic Process for
the times given to the constructor in order to discretize the Fredholm
equation. This is equivalent to calling :py:func:`stochastic_process_kle` with the
same weights :math:`w_i` and time grid points :math:`s_i`.
To generate a new process call :py:func:`new_process`.
To generate a new sample use :py:func:`new_process`.
:param r_tau: function object of the one parameter correlation function
:math:`R(\tau) = R (t-s) = \langle X(t) X^\ast(s) \rangle`
:param t: list of grid points for the time axis
:param w: appropriate weights to integrate along the time axis using the
grid points given by :py:obj:`t`
:param seed: seed for the random number generator used
:param sig_min: minimal standard deviation :math:`\sigma_i` the random variable :math:`X_i = \sigma_i Y_i`,
viewed as coefficient for the base function :math:`u_i(t)`, must have to be considered as
significant for the Karhunen-Loève expansion (note: :math:`\sigma_i` results from the
square root of the eigenvalue :math:`\lambda_i`)
For further reading see :py:func:`stochastic_process_kle`.
[1] Press, W.H., Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, W.T., Flannery, B.P.,
2007. Numerical Recipes 3rd Edition: The Art of Scientific Computing,
Auflage: 3. ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK ; New York. (pp. 989)
def __init__(self, r_tau, t, w, seed = None, sig_min = 1e-4):
self._r_tau = r_tau
self._num_gp = len(t)
self._s = t
self._w = w
t_row = t.reshape(1, self._num_gp)
t_col = t.reshape(self._num_gp, 1)
# correlation matrix
# r_tau(t-s) -> integral/sum over s -> s must be row in EV equation
r = r_tau(t_col-t_row)
# solve discrete Fredholm equation
# eig_val = lambda
# eig_vec = u(t)
self._eig_val, self._eig_vec = solve_hom_fredholm(r, w, sig_min**2)
self._sqrt_eig_val = np.sqrt(self._eig_val)
self._num_ev = len(self._eig_val)
self._A = w.reshape(self._num_gp,1) * self._eig_vec / self._sqrt_eig_val.reshape(1, self._num_ev)
def new_process(self, seed = None):
r"""setup new process
Generates a new set of independent normal random variables :math:`Y_i`
which correspondent to the expansion coefficients of the
Karhunen-Loève expansion for the stochastic process
.. math:: X(t) = \sum_i \sqrt{\lambda_i} Y_i u_i(t)
:param seed: a seed my be given which is passed to the random number generator
if seed != None:
self._Y = np.random.normal(size = (self._num_ev,1))
def x_for_initial_time_grid(self):
r"""Get process on initial time grid
Returns the value of the Stochastic Process for
the times given to the constructor in order to discretize the Fredholm
equation. This is equivalent to calling :py:func:`stochastic_process_kle` with the
same weights :math:`w_i` and time grid points :math:`s_i`.
tmp = self._Y * self._sqrt_eig_val.reshape(self._num_ev,1)
# _pp_ print "tmp = rand * sqrt(eig_val): shape", tmp.shape
# _pp_ print tmp
# _pp_ print "eig_vec: shape", self._eig_vec.shape
# _pp_ print self._eig_vec
return np.tensordot(tmp, self._eig_vec, axes=([0],[1])).flatten()
def x(self, t):
# self._Y # (N_ev, 1 )
tmp = self._Y*self._r_tau(t-self._s.reshape(1, self._num_gp))
# (N_ev, N_gp)
# A # (N_gp, N_ev)
return np.tensordot(tmp, self._A, axes=([1,0],[0,1]))
def x_t_array(self, t_array):
t_array = t_array.reshape(1,1,len(t_array)) # (1 , 1 , N_t)
tmp = (self._Y.reshape(self._num_ev,1,1) *
# (N_ev, N_gp, N_t)
# A # (N_gp, N_ev)
# A_j,i = w_j / sqrt(lambda_i) u_i(s_j)
return np.tensordot(tmp, self._A, axes=([1,0],[0,1]))
def u_i(self, t_array, i):
r"""get eigenfunction of index i
Returns the i-th eigenfunction corresponding to the i-th eigenvalue
of the discrete Fredholm equation using the interpolation scheme:
.. math:: u_i(t) = \frac{1}{\lambda_i}\sum_j w_j R(t-s_j) u_i(s_j)
:param t_array: 1D time array for which the eigenfunction :math:`u_i`
will be evaluated.
:param i: index of the eigenfunction
:return: 1D array of length ``len(t_array)``
t_array = t_array.reshape(1,len(t_array)) # (1 , N_t)
tmp = self._r_tau(t_array-self._s.reshape(self._num_gp,1))
# (N_gp, N_t)
# A # (N_gp, N_ev)
# A_j,i = w_j / sqrt(lambda_i) u_i(s_j)
return 1/self._sqrt_eig_val[i]*np.tensordot(tmp, self._A[:,i], axes=([0],[0]))
def u_i_all(self, t_array):
r"""get all eigenfunctions
Returns all eigenfunctions of the discrete Fredholm equation using
the interpolation scheme:
.. math:: u_i(t) = \frac{1}{\lambda_i}\sum_j w_j R(t-s_j) u_i(s_j)
:param t_array: 1D time array for which the eigenfunction :math:`u_i`
will be evaluated.
:return: 2D array of shape ``(len(t_array), number_of_eigenvalues=self._num_ev)``
(note, the number of eigenvalues may be smaller than the number
of grid points because of the selections mechanism implemented
by the value of ``sig_min``)
t_array = t_array.reshape(1,len(t_array)) # (1 , N_t)
tmp = self._r_tau(t_array-self._s.reshape(self._num_gp,1))
# (N_gp, N_t)
# A # (N_gp, N_ev)
# A_j,i = w_j / sqrt(lambda_i) u_i(s_j)
return np.tensordot(tmp, 1/self._sqrt_eig_val.reshape(1,self._num_ev) * self._A, axes=([0],[0]))
def eigen_vector_i(self, i):
r"""Returns the i-th eigenvector (solution of the discrete Fredhom equation)"""
return self._eig_vec[:,i]
def eigen_vector_i_all(self):
r"""Returns all eigenvectors (solutions of the discrete Fredhom equation)
Note: Note: The maximum number of eigenvalues / eigenfunctions is given by
the number of time grid points passed to the constructor. But due to the
threshold ``sig_min`` (see :py:class:`StocProc`) only those
eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions which satisfy
:math:`\mathtt{sig_{toll}} \geq \sqrt{\lambda_i}` are kept.
return self._eig_vec
def lambda_i(self, i):
r"""Returns the i-th eigenvalue."""
return self._eig_val[i]
def lambda_i_all(self):
r"""Returns all eigenvalues."""
return self._eig_val
def num_ev(self):
r"""Returns the number of eigenvalues / eigenfunctions used
Note: The maximum number of eigenvalues / eigenfunctions is given by
the number of time grid points passed to the constructor. But due to the
threshold ``sig_min`` (see :py:class:`StocProc`) only those
eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions which satisfy
:math:`\mathtt{sig_{toll}} \geq \sqrt{\lambda_i}` are kept.
return self._num_ev
def recons_corr(self, t_array):
r"""computes the interpolated correlation functions
For the Karhunen-Loève expansion of a stochastic process the
correlation function can be expressed as follows:
.. math:: R(t,s) = \langle X(t)X^\ast(s)\rangle = \sum_{n,m} \langle X_n X^\ast_m \rangle u_n(t) u^\ast_m(s) = \sum_n \lambda_n u_n(t) u^\ast_n(s)
With that one can do a consistency check whether the finite set of basis functions
for the expansion (the solutions of the discrete Fredholm equation) is good
enough to reproduce the given correlation function.
u_i_all_t = self.u_i_all(t_array) #(N_gp, N_ev)
u_i_all_ast_s = np.conj(u_i_all_t) #(N_gp, N_ev)
lambda_i_all = self.lambda_i_all() #(N_ev)
tmp = lambda_i_all.reshape(1, self._num_ev) * u_i_all_t #(N_gp, N_ev)
return np.tensordot(tmp, u_i_all_ast_s, axes=([1],[1]))
def _mean_error(r_t_s, r_t_s_exact):
r"""mean error of the correlation function as function of s
.. math:: \mathtt{err} = \frac{1}{T}\int_0^T |r_\mathm{KLE}(t,r) - r_\mathrm{exact}(t,s)|^2 dt
:return: the mean error ``err``
len_t, len_s = r_t_s.shape
abs_sqare = np.abs(r_t_s - r_t_s_exact)**2
abs_sqare[0,:] /= 2
abs_sqare[-1,:] /= 2
err = np.sum(abs_sqare, axis = 0) / len_t
return err
def _max_error(r_t_s, r_t_s_exact):
abs_sqare = np.abs(r_t_s - r_t_s_exact)**2
err = np.max(abs_sqare, axis = 0)
return err
def auto_grid_points(r_tau, t_max, ng_interpolation, tol = 1e-8, err_method = _max_error):
err = 1
ng = 1
seed = None
sig_min = 0
t_large = np.linspace(0, t_max, ng_interpolation)
#ifdef VERBOSE
print "start auto_grid_points, determine ng ..."
#exponential increase to get below error threshold
while err > tol:
ng *= 2
t, w = get_trapezoidal_weights_times(t_max, ng)
stoc_proc = StocProc(r_tau, t, w, seed, sig_min)
r_t_s = stoc_proc.recons_corr(t_large)
r_t_s_exact = r_tau(t_large.reshape(ng_interpolation,1) - t_large.reshape(1, ng_interpolation))
err = np.max(err_method(r_t_s, r_t_s_exact))
#ifdef VERBOSE
print " ng {} -> err {:.2e}".format(ng, err)
ng_low = ng // 2
ng_high = ng
while (ng_high - ng_low) > 1:
print "#"*40
print " ng_l", ng_low
print " ng_h", ng_high
ng = (ng_low + ng_high) // 2
print " ng", ng
t, w = get_trapezoidal_weights_times(t_max, ng)
stoc_proc = StocProc(r_tau, t, w, seed, sig_min)
r_t_s = stoc_proc.recons_corr(t_large)
r_t_s_exact = r_tau(t_large.reshape(ng_interpolation,1) - t_large.reshape(1, ng_interpolation))
err = np.max(err_method(r_t_s, r_t_s_exact))
#ifdef VERBOSE
print " ng {} -> err {:.2e}".format(ng, err)
if err > tol:
print " err > tol!"
print " ng_l -> ", ng
ng_low = ng
print " err <= tol!"
print " ng_h -> ", ng
ng_high = ng
return ng_high
def solve_hom_fredholm(r, w, eig_val_min):
r"""Solves the discrete homogeneous Fredholm equation of the second kind
.. math:: \int_0^{t_\mathrm{max}} \mathrm{d}s R(t-s) u(s) = \lambda u(t)
Quadrature approximation of the integral gives a discrete representation of the
basis functions and leads to a regular eigenvalue problem.
.. math:: \sum_i w_i R(t_j-s_i) u(s_i) = \lambda u(t_j) \equiv \mathrm{diag(w_i)} \cdot R \cdot u = \lambda u
Note: If :math:`t_i = s_i \forall i` the matrix :math:`R(t_j-s_i)` is
a hermitian matrix. In order to preserve hermiticity for arbitrary :math:`w_i`
one defines the diagonal matrix :math:`D = \mathrm{diag(\sqrt{w_i})}`
with leads to the equivalent expression:
.. math:: D \cdot R \cdot D \cdot D \cdot u = \lambda D \cdot u \equiv \tilde R \tilde u = \lambda \tilde u
where :math:`\tilde R` is hermitian and :math:`u = D^{-1}\tilde u`
Setting :math:`t_i = s_i` and due to the definition of the correlation function the
matrix :math:`r_{ij} = R(t_i, s_j)` is hermitian.
:param r: correlation matrix :math:`R(t_j-s_i)`
:param w: integrations weights :math:`w_i`
(they have to correspond to the discrete time :math:`t_i`)
:param eig_val_min: discards all eigenvalues and eigenvectos with
:math:`\lambda_i < \mathtt{eig\_val\_min}`
:return: eigenvalues, eigenvectos (eigenvectos are stored in the normal numpy fashion, )
# weighted matrix r due to quadrature weights
d = np.diag(np.sqrt(w))
d_inverse = np.diag(1/np.sqrt(w))
r = np.dot(d, np.dot(r, d))
#ifdef VERBOSE
print "solve eigenvalue equation ..."
eig_val, eig_vec = np.linalg.eigh(r)
# use only eigenvalues larger than sig_min**2
large_eig_val_idx = np.where(eig_val >= eig_val_min)[0]
num_of_functions = len(large_eig_val_idx)
#ifdef VERBOSE
print "use {} / {} eigenfunctions".format(num_of_functions, len(w))
eig_val = eig_val[large_eig_val_idx]
eig_vec = eig_vec[:, large_eig_val_idx]
# inverse scale of the eigenvectors
eig_vec = np.dot(d_inverse, eig_vec)
return eig_val, eig_vec
def stochastic_process_kle(r_tau, t, w, num_samples, seed = None, sig_min = 1e-4):
r"""Simulate Stochastic Process using Karhunen-Loève expansion
Simulate :math:`N_\mathrm{S}` wide-sense stationary stochastic processes
with given correlation :math:`R(\tau) = \langle X(t) X^\ast(s) \rangle = R (t-s)`.
Expanding :math:`X(t)` in a Karhunen–Loève manner
.. math:: X(t) = \sum_i X_i u_i(t)
.. math::
\langle X_i X^\ast_j \rangle = \lambda_i \delta_{i,j} \qquad \langle u_i | u_j \rangle =
\int_0^{t_\mathrm{max}} u_i(t) u^\ast_i(t) dt = \delta_{i,j}
where :math:`\lambda_i` and :math:`u_i` are solutions of the following
homogeneous Fredholm equation of the second kind.
.. math:: \int_0^{t_\mathrm{max}} \mathrm{d}s R(t-s) u(s) = \lambda u(t)
Discrete solutions are provided by :py:func:`solve_hom_fredholm`.
With these solutions and expressing the random variables :math:`X_i` through
independent normal distributed random variables :math:`Y_i` with variance one
the Stochastic Process at discrete times :math:`t_j` can be calculates as follows
.. math:: X(t_j) = \sum_i Y_i \sqrt{\lambda_i} u_i(t_j)
To calculate the Stochastic Process for abitrary times
:math:`t \in [0,t_\mathrm{max}]` use :py:class:`StocProc`.
[1] Kobayashi, H., Mark, B.L., Turin, W.,
2011. Probability, Random Processes, and Statistical Analysis,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (pp. 363)
[2] Press, W.H., Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, W.T., Flannery, B.P.,
2007. Numerical Recipes 3rd Edition: The Art of Scientific Computing,
Auflage: 3. ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK ; New York. (pp. 989)
:param r_tau: function object of the one parameter correlation function :math:`R(\tau) = R (t-s) = \langle X(t) X^\ast(s) \rangle`
:param t: list of grid points for the time axis
:param w: appropriate weights to integrate along the time axis using the grid points given by :py:obj:`t`
:param num_samples: number of stochastic process to sample
:param seed: seed for the random number generator used
:param sig_min: minimal standard deviation :math:`\sigma_i` the random variable :math:`X_i`
viewed as coefficient for the base function :math:`u_i(t)` must have to be considered as
significant for the Karhunen-Loève expansion (note: :math:`\sigma_i` results from the
square root of the eigenvalue :math:`\lambda_i`)
:return: returns a 2D array of the shape (num_samples, len(t)). Each row of the returned array contains one sample of the
stochastic process.
#ifdef VERBOSE
print "__ stochastic_process __"
print "pre calculations ..."
if seed != None:
t_row = t
t_col = t_row[:,np.newaxis]
# correlation matrix
# r_tau(t-s) -> integral/sum over s -> s must be row in EV equation
r = r_tau(t_col-t_row)
#ifdef TIME_IT
# _pp_ t_0 = tm.clock()
# solve discrete Fredholm equation
# eig_val = lambda
# eig_vec = u(t)
eig_val, eig_vec = solve_hom_fredholm(r, w, sig_min**2)
num_of_functions = len(eig_val)
# generate samples
sig = np.sqrt(eig_val).reshape(1, num_of_functions) # variance of the random quantities of the Karhunen-Loève expansion
#ifdef TIME_IT
# _pp_ t_1 = tm.clock()
#ifdef VERBOSE
print "generate samples ..."
x = np.random.normal(size=(num_samples, num_of_functions)) * sig # random quantities all aligned for num_samples samples
# _pp_ print "x = rand * sqrt(eigval): shape", x.shape
# _pp_ print x
# _pp_ print "eig_vec: shape", eig_vec.shape
# _pp_ print eig_vec
x_t_array = np.tensordot(x, eig_vec, axes=([1],[1])) # multiplication with the eigenfunctions == base of Karhunen-Loève expansion
#ifdef TESTING
# _pp_ print "use np.dot ..."
# _pp_ x_t_array_2 = np.dot(x, eig_vec.T)
# _pp_ assert np.all(x_t_array == x_t_array_2)
# _pp_ print "passed test: np.all(x_t_array == x_t_array_2)"
#ifdef TIME_IT
# _pp_ t_2 = tm.clock()
#ifdef TESTING
#ifdef VERBOSE
# _pp_ print "generate samples (alternative) ..."
# _pp_ assert seed != None
# _pp_ x_t_array_alt = _stochastic_process_alternative_samples(num_samples, num_of_functions, t, sig.flatten(), eig_vec, seed)
#ifdef TIME_IT
# _pp_ t_3 = tm.clock()
# _pp_ assert np.all(x_t_array == x_t_array_alt)
# _pp_ print "passed test: assert np.all(x_t_array == x_t_array_alt)"
#ifdef TIME_IT
# _pp_ print "generate samples alternative : {:.2e}s".format(t_3-t_2)
# _pp_ print "-"*50
#ifdef TIME_IT
# _pp_ print "-"*50
# _pp_ print "solve eigenvalue equation : {:.2e}s".format(t_1-t_0)
# _pp_ print "generate samples : {:.2e}s".format(t_2-t_1)
# _pp_ print "-"*50
# _pp_ print "time per sample : {:.2e}s".format((t_2-t_1) / num_samples )
# _pp_ print "overall time : {:.2e}s".format(t_2-t_0)
# _pp_ print "-"*50
#ifdef VERBOSE
print "ALL DONE!\n"
return x_t_array
def _stochastic_process_alternative_samples(num_samples, num_of_functions, t, sig, eig_vec, seed):
r"""used for debug and test reasons
generate each sample independently in a for loop
should be slower than using numpy's array operations to do it all at once
x_t_array = np.empty(shape=(num_samples, len(t)), dtype = complex)
for i in xrange(num_samples):
x = np.random.normal(size=num_of_functions) * sig
x_t_array[i,:] = np.dot(eig_vec, x.T)
return x_t_array
def get_mid_point_weights(t_max, num_grid_points):
r"""Returns the time gridpoints and wiehgts for numeric integration via **mid point rule**.
The idea is to use :math:`N_\mathrm{GP}` time grid points located in the middle
each of the :math:`N_\mathrm{GP}` equally distributed subintervals of :math:`[0, t_\mathrm{max}]`.
.. math:: t_i = \left(i + \frac{1}{2}\right)\frac{t_\mathrm{max}}{N_\mathrm{GP}} \qquad i = 0,1, ... N_\mathrm{GP} - 1
The corresponding trivial weights for integration are
.. math:: w_i = \Delta t = \frac{t_\mathrm{max}}{N_\mathrm{GP}} \qquad i = 0,1, ... N_\mathrm{GP} - 1
:param t_max: end of the interval for the time grid :math:`[0,t_\mathrm{max}]`
(note: this would corespond to an integration from :math:`0-\Delta t / 2`
to :math:`t_\mathrm{max}+\Delta t /2`)
:param num_grid_points: number of
# generate mid points
t, delta_t = np.linspace(0, t_max, num_grid_points, retstep = True)
# equal weights for grid points
w = np.ones(num_grid_points)*delta_t
return t, w
def stochastic_process_mid_point_weight(r_tau, t_max, num_grid_points, num_samples, seed = None, sig_min = 1e-4):
r"""Simulate Stochastic Process using Karhunen-Loève expansion with **mid point rule** for integration
The idea is to use :math:`N_\mathrm{GP}` time grid points located in the middle
each of the :math:`N_\mathrm{GP}` equally distributed subintervals of :math:`[0, t_\mathrm{max}]`.
.. math:: t_i = \left(i + \frac{1}{2}\right)\frac{t_\mathrm{max}}{N_\mathrm{GP}} \qquad i = 0,1, ... N_\mathrm{GP} - 1
The corresponding trivial weights for integration are
.. math:: w_i = \Delta t = \frac{t_\mathrm{max}}{N_\mathrm{GP}} \qquad i = 0,1, ... N_\mathrm{GP} - 1
Since the autocorrelation function depends solely on the time difference :math:`\tau` the static shift for :math:`t_i` does not
alter matrix used to solve the Fredholm equation. So for the reason of convenience the time grid points are not centered at
the middle of the intervals, but run from 0 to :math:`t_\mathrm{max}` equally distributed.
Calling :py:func:`stochastic_process` with these calculated :math:`t_i, w_i` gives the corresponding processes.
:param t_max: right end of the considered time interval :math:`[0,t_\mathrm{max}]`
:param num_grid_points: :math:`N_\mathrm{GP}` number of time grid points used for the discretization of the
integral of the Fredholm integral (see :py:func:`stochastic_process`)
:return: returns the tuple (set of stochastic processes, time grid points)
See :py:func:`stochastic_process` for other parameters
t,w = get_trapezoidal_weights_times(t_max, num_grid_points)
return stochastic_process_kle(r_tau, t, w, num_samples, seed, sig_min), t
def get_trapezoidal_weights_times(t_max, num_grid_points):
# generate mid points
t, delta_t = np.linspace(0, t_max, num_grid_points, retstep = True)
# equal weights for grid points
w = np.ones(num_grid_points)*delta_t
w[0] /= 2
w[-1] /= 2
return t, w
def stochastic_process_trapezoidal_weight(r_tau, t_max, num_grid_points, num_samples, seed = None, sig_min = 1e-4):
r"""Simulate Stochastic Process using Karhunen-Loève expansion with **trapezoidal rule** for integration
.. math:: t_i = i \frac{t_\mathrm{max}}{N_\mathrm{GP}} = i \Delta t \qquad i = 0,1, ... N_\mathrm{GP}
The corresponding weights for integration are
.. math:: w_0 = w_{N_\mathrm{GP}} = \frac{\Delta t}{2}, \qquad w_i = \Delta t = \qquad i = 1, ... N_\mathrm{GP} - 1
Calling :py:func:`stochastic_process` with these calculated :math:`t_i, w_i` gives the corresponding processes.
:param t_max: right end of the considered time interval :math:`[0,t_\mathrm{max}]`
:param num_grid_points: :math:`N_\mathrm{GP}` number of time grid points used for the discretization of the
integral of the Fredholm integral (see :py:func:`stochastic_process`)
:return: returns the tuple (set of stochastic processes, time grid points)
See :py:func:`stochastic_process` for other parameters
t,w = get_trapezoidal_weights_times(t_max, num_grid_points)
return stochastic_process_kle(r_tau, t, w, num_samples, seed, sig_min), t
def stochastic_process_fft(spectral_density, t_max, num_grid_points, num_samples, seed = None):
r"""Simulate Stochastic Process using FFT method
This method works only for correlations functions of the form
.. math:: \alpha(\tau) = \int_0^{\omega_\mathrm{max}} \mathrm{d}\omega \, J(\omega) e^{-\mathrm{i}\omega \tau}
where :math:`J(\omega)` is a real non negative spectral density.
Then the intrgal can be approximated by the Riemann sum
.. math:: \alpha(\tau) \approx \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} \Delta \omega J(\omega_k) e^{-\mathrm{i} k \Delta \omega \tau}
For a process defined by
.. math:: X(t) = \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} \sqrt{J(\omega_k)} X_k \exp^{-\mathrm{i}\omega_k t}
with random variables :math:`X_k` such that :math:`\langle X_k \rangle = 0`
and :math:`\langle X_k X_{k'}\rangle = \Delta \omega \delta_{k,k'}` it is easy to see
that it fullfills the Riemann approximated correlation function.
.. math::
\langle X(t) X^\ast(s) \rangle = & \sum_{k,k'} \sqrt{J(\omega_k)J(\omega_{k'})} \langle X_k X_{k'}\rangle \exp{-\mathrm{i}\omega_k (t-s)} \\
= & \sum_{k} \Delta \omega J(\omega_k) \exp{-\mathrm{i}\omega_k (t-s)} \\
= & \alpha(t-s)
In order to use the sheme of the Discrete Fourier Transfrom (DFT) to calculate :math:`X(t)`
:math:`t` has to be disrcetized as well. Some trivial rewriting leads
.. math:: X(t_l) = \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} \sqrt{J(\omega_k)} X_k e^{-\mathrm{i} 2 \pi \frac{k l}{N} \frac{\Delta \omega \Delta t}{ 2 \pi} N}
For the DFT sheme to be applicable :math:`\Delta t` has to be chosen such that
.. math:: 1 = \frac{\Delta \omega \Delta t}{2 \pi} N
holds. Since :math:`J(\omega)` is real it follows that :math:`X(t_l) = X^\ast(t_{N-l})`.
For that reason the stochastic process has only :math:`(N+1)/2 \quad (N/2 + 1)` independent
time grid points for odd (even) :math:`N`.
Looking now from the other side, demanding that the process should run from
:math:`0` to :math:`t_\mathrm{max}` with :math:`n` equally distributed time grid points
:math:`N = 2n-1` points for the DFT have to be considered. This also sets the time
increment :math:`\Delta t = t_\mathrm{max} / (n-1)`.
With that the frequency increment is determined by
.. math:: \Delta \omega = \frac{2 \pi}{\Delta t N}
Implementing the above noted considerations it follows
.. math:: X(l \Delta t) = DFT\left(\sqrt{J(k \Delta \omega)} X_k\right) \qquad k = 0 \; ... \; N-1, \quad l = 0 \; ... \; n
Note: since :math:`\omega_\mathrm{max} = N \Delta \omega = 2 \pi / \Delta t = 2 \pi (n-1) / t_\mathrm{max}`
:param spectral_density: the spectral density :math:`J(\omega)` as callable function object
:param t_max: :math:`[0,t_\mathrm{max}]` is the interval for which the process will be calculated
:param num_grid_points: number :math:`n` of euqally distributed times :math:`t_k` on the intervall :math:`[0,t_\mathrm{max}]`
for which the process will be evaluated
:param num_samples: number of independent processes to be returned
:param seed: seed passed to the random number generator used
:return: returns the tuple (2D array of the set of stochastic processes,
1D array of time grid points). Each row of the stochastic process
array contains one sample of the stochastic process.
#ifdef VERBOSE
print "__ stochastic_process_fft __"
print "pre calculations ..."
#ifdef TIME_IT
# _pp_ t_0 = tm.clock()
n_dft = num_grid_points * 2 - 1
delta_t = t_max / (num_grid_points-1)
delta_omega = 2 * np.pi / delta_t / n_dft
#omega axis
omega = delta_omega*np.arange(n_dft)
#reshape for multiplication with matrix xi
sqrt_spectral_density = np.sqrt(spectral_density(omega)).reshape((1, n_dft))
#ifdef TIME_IT
# _pp_ t_1 = tm.clock()
if seed != None:
#ifdef VERBOSE
print " omega_max : {:.2}".format(delta_omega * n_dft)
print " delta_omega: {:.2}".format(delta_omega)
print "generate samples ..."
#ifdef TIME_IT
# _pp_ t_2 = tm.clock()
#random normal samples
xi = np.random.normal(size = (num_samples,n_dft))
#each row contain a different integrand
weighted_integrand = sqrt_spectral_density * xi * np.sqrt(delta_omega)
#compute integral using fft routine
z_ast = np.fft.rfft(weighted_integrand, axis = 1)
#ifdef TIME_IT
# _pp_ t_3 = tm.clock()
#ifdef TIME_IT
# _pp_ print "-"*50
# _pp_ print "inital array setup : {:.2e}s".format(t_1-t_0)
# _pp_ print "generate samples using fft : {:.2e}s".format(t_3-t_2)
# _pp_ print "-"*50
# _pp_ print "time per sample : {:.2e}s".format( (t_3-t_2) / num_samples )
# _pp_ print "overall time : {:.2e}s".format(t_3-t_0)
# _pp_ print "-"*50
#corresponding time axis
t = np.linspace(0, t_max, num_grid_points)
#ifdef TESTING
# _pp_ t_ = np.fft.rfftfreq(n_dft, delta_omega/2/np.pi)
# _pp_ assert (np.max(np.abs(t-t_)) < 1e-14)
# _pp_ print "passed test: assert np.all(t == t_)"
#ifdef VERBOSE
print "ALL DONE!\n"
return z_ast, t
def auto_correlation(x, s_0_idx = 0):
r"""Computes the auto correlation function for a set of wide-sense stationary stochastic processes
Computes the auto correlation function for the given set :math:`{X_i(t)}` of stochastic processes:
.. math:: \alpha(s, \tau) = \langle X(s+\tau)X^\ast(s) \rangle \qquad \tau = t-s
For wide-sense stationary processes :math:`\alpha` is independent of :math:`s` so by default :math:`s` is set to :math:`s_0`.
:param x: 2D array of the shape (num_samples, num_time_points) containing the set of stochastic processes where each row represents one process
:param s_0_idx: time index of the reference time :math:`s`
:return: 1D array containing the correlation function
# handle type error
if x.ndim != 2:
raise TypeError('expected 2D numpy array, but {} given'.format(type(x)))
num_samples = x.shape[0]
x_s_0 = x[:,s_0_idx].reshape(num_samples,1)
return np.mean(x * np.conj(x_s_0), axis = 0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'this is the stocproc module'