2018-03-21 13:09:49 +01:00

459 lines
15 KiB

import os
import pathlib
import sys
p = pathlib.PosixPath(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path.insert(0, str(p.parent.parent))
import math
import logging
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as sp_int
from scipy.special import gamma as gamma_func
import stocproc as sp
from stocproc import method_fft
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
print("matplotlib not found -> any plotting will crash")
def test_find_integral_boundary():
def f(x):
return np.exp(-(x)**2)
tol = 1e-10
b = sp.method_fft.find_integral_boundary(integrand=f, tol=tol, ref_val=0, x0=+1, max_val=1e6)
a = sp.method_fft.find_integral_boundary(integrand=f, tol=tol, ref_val=0, x0=-1, max_val=1e6)
assert a != b
assert abs(f(a)-tol) < 1e-14
assert abs(f(b)-tol) < 1e-14
b = sp.method_fft.find_integral_boundary(integrand=f, tol=tol, ref_val=0, x0=b+5, max_val=1e6)
a = sp.method_fft.find_integral_boundary(integrand=f, tol=tol, ref_val=0, x0=a-5, max_val=1e6)
assert a != b
assert abs(f(a)-tol) < 1e-14
assert abs(f(b)-tol) < 1e-14
def f2(x):
return np.exp(-(x)**2)*x**2
tol = 1e-10
b = sp.method_fft.find_integral_boundary(integrand=f2, tol=tol, ref_val=1, x0=+1, max_val=1e6)
a = sp.method_fft.find_integral_boundary(integrand=f2, tol=tol, ref_val=-1, x0=-1, max_val=1e6)
assert a != b
assert abs(f2(a) -tol) < 1e-14
assert abs(f2(b)-tol) < 1e-14
b = sp.method_fft.find_integral_boundary(integrand=f2, tol=tol, ref_val=1, x0=b+5, max_val=1e6)
a = sp.method_fft.find_integral_boundary(integrand=f2, tol=tol, ref_val=-1, x0=a-5, max_val=1e6)
assert a != b
assert abs(f2(a)-tol) < 1e-14, "diff {}".format(abs(f2(a)/f2(1)-tol))
assert abs(f2(b)-tol) < 1e-14, "diff {}".format(abs(f2(b)/f2(-1)-tol))
def f3(x):
return np.exp(-(x-5)**2)*x**2
tol = 1e-10
b = sp.method_fft.find_integral_boundary(integrand=f3, tol=tol, ref_val=5, x0=+1, max_val=1e6)
a = sp.method_fft.find_integral_boundary(integrand=f3, tol=tol, ref_val=5, x0=-1, max_val=1e6)
assert a != b
assert abs(f3(a)-tol) < 1e-14
assert abs(f3(b)-tol) < 1e-14
b = sp.method_fft.find_integral_boundary(integrand=f3, tol=tol, ref_val=5, x0=b+5, max_val=1e6)
a = sp.method_fft.find_integral_boundary(integrand=f3, tol=tol, ref_val=5, x0=a-5, max_val=1e6)
assert a != b
assert abs(f3(a)-tol) < 1e-14, "diff {}".format(abs(f3(a)-tol))
assert abs(f3(b)-tol) < 1e-14, "diff {}".format(abs(f3(b)-tol))
## the case where f(xref) < tol ##
def f(x):
return np.exp(-x ** 2)
tol = 1e-3
b = sp.method_fft.find_integral_boundary(integrand=f, tol=tol, ref_val=10, x0=+1, max_val=1e6)
assert abs(f(b) - tol) < 1e-14
a = sp.method_fft.find_integral_boundary(integrand=f, tol=tol, ref_val=-10, x0=-1., max_val=1e6)
assert abs(f(a) - tol) < 1e-14
def fourier_integral_trapz(integrand, a, b, N):
approximates int_a^b dx integrand(x) by the riemann sum with N terms
this function is here and not in method_fft because it has almost no
advantage over the modpoint method. so only for testing purposes.
yl = integrand(np.linspace(a, b, N+1, endpoint=True))
yl[0] = yl[0]/2
yl[-1] = yl[-1]/2
delta_x = (b-a)/N
delta_k = 2*np.pi*N/(b-a)/(N+1)
fft_vals = np.fft.rfft(yl)
tau = np.arange(len(fft_vals))*delta_k
return tau, delta_x*np.exp(-1j*tau*a)*fft_vals
def fourier_integral_simple_test(integrand, a, b, N):
delta_x = (b-a)/N
delta_k = 2*np.pi/(b-a)
x = np.linspace(a, b, N, endpoint = False) + delta_x/2
k = np.arange(N//2+1)*delta_k
k_np = 2*np.pi*np.fft.rfftfreq(N, delta_x)
kdif = np.max(np.abs(k_np[1:] - k[1:])/k[1:])
if kdif > 1e-15:
print("WARNING |rfftfreq - k| = {}".format(kdif))
yl = integrand(x)
res = np.empty(shape=(N//2+1,), dtype=np.complex128)
for i in range(N//2+1):
tmp = yl*np.exp(-1j*x*k[i])
res[i] = delta_x*(math.fsum(tmp.real) + 1j*math.fsum(tmp.imag))
return k, res
def fourier_integral_trapz_simple_test(integrand, a, b, N):
delta_x = (b-a)/N
delta_k = 2*np.pi*N/(b-a)/(N+1)
x = np.linspace(a, b, N+1, endpoint = True)
k = np.arange((N+1)//2+1)*delta_k
yl = integrand(x)
yl[0] = yl[0]/2
yl[-1] = yl[-1]/2
res = np.empty(shape=((N+1)//2+1,), dtype=np.complex128)
for i in range((N+1)//2+1):
tmp = yl*np.exp(-1j*x*k[i])
res[i] = delta_x*(math.fsum(tmp.real) + 1j*math.fsum(tmp.imag))
return k, res
def test_fourier_integral_finite_boundary():
intg = lambda x: x**2
a = -1.23
b = 4.87
## check with analytic result ##
ft_ref = lambda k: (np.exp(-1j*a*k)*(2j - a*k*(2 + 1j*a*k)) + np.exp(-1j*b*k)*(-2j + b*k*(2 + 1j*b*k)))/k**3
N = 2**18
N_test = 100
tau, ft_n = sp.method_fft.fourier_integral_midpoint(intg, a, b, N)
ft_ref_n = ft_ref(tau)
tau = tau[1:N_test]
ft_n = ft_n[1:N_test]
ft_ref_n = ft_ref_n[1:N_test]
rd = np.max(np.abs(ft_n - ft_ref_n)/np.abs(ft_ref_n))
assert rd < 4e-6, "rd = {}".format(rd)
N = 2**18
N_test = 100
tau, ft_n = fourier_integral_trapz(intg, a, b, N)
ft_ref_n = ft_ref(tau)
tau = tau[1:N_test]
ft_n = ft_n[1:N_test]
ft_ref_n = ft_ref_n[1:N_test]
rd = np.max(np.abs(ft_n - ft_ref_n)/np.abs(ft_ref_n))
assert rd < 4e-6, "rd = {}".format(rd)
## check against numeric fourier integral (non FFT) ##
N = 512
tau, ft_n = sp.method_fft.fourier_integral_midpoint(intg, a, b, N)
k, ft_simple = fourier_integral_simple_test(intg, a, b, N)
assert np.max(np.abs(ft_simple-ft_n)) < 1e-11
N = 512
tau, ft_n = fourier_integral_trapz(intg, a, b, N)
k, ft_simple = fourier_integral_trapz_simple_test(intg, a, b, N)
assert np.max(np.abs(ft_simple-ft_n)) < 1e-11
## check midp against simpson ##
N = 1024
tau, ft_n = sp.method_fft.fourier_integral_midpoint(intg, a, b, N)
ft_ref_n = ft_ref(tau)
rd = np.abs(ft_ref_n-ft_n) / np.abs(ft_ref_n)
idx = np.where(np.logical_and(tau < 75, np.isfinite(rd)))
rd = rd[idx]
mrd_midp = np.max(rd)
assert mrd_midp < 9e-3, "mrd_midp = {}".format(mrd_midp)
N = 513
tau, ft_n = sp.method_fft.fourier_integral_simps(intg, a, b, N)
ft_ref_n = ft_ref(tau)
rd = np.abs(ft_ref_n-ft_n) / np.abs(ft_ref_n)
idx = np.where(np.logical_and(tau < 75, np.isfinite(rd)))
rd = rd[idx]
mrd_simps = np.max(rd)
assert mrd_simps < 4e-3, "mrd_simps = {}".format(mrd_midp)
assert mrd_simps < mrd_midp, "mrd_simps ({:.3e}) >= mrd_trapz ({:.3e})".format(mrd_simps, mrd_trapz)
def osd(w, s, wc):
if not isinstance(w, np.ndarray):
if w < 0:
return 0
return w**s*np.exp(-w/wc)
res = np.zeros(shape=w.shape)
w_flat = w.flatten()
idx_pos = np.where(w_flat > 0)
fv_res = res.flat
fv_res[idx_pos] = w_flat[idx_pos]**s*np.exp(-w_flat[idx_pos]/wc)
return res
def test_fourier_integral_infinite_boundary(plot=False):
s = 0.5
wc = 4
intg = lambda x: osd(x, s, wc)
bcf_ref = lambda t: gamma_func(s + 1) * wc**(s+1) * (1 + 1j*wc * t)**(-(s+1))
a,b = sp.method_fft.find_integral_boundary_auto(integrand=intg, tol=1e-12, ref_val=1)
errs = [9e-5, 2e-5, 1.3e-6]
for i, N in enumerate([2**16, 2**18, 2**20]):
tau, bcf_n = sp.method_fft.fourier_integral_midpoint(intg, a, b, N=N)
bcf_ref_n = bcf_ref(tau)
tau_max = 5
idx = np.where(tau <= tau_max)
tau = tau[idx]
bcf_n = bcf_n[idx]
bcf_ref_n = bcf_ref_n[idx]
rd_mp = np.abs(bcf_ref_n-bcf_n)/np.abs(bcf_ref_n)
if plot:
p, = plt.plot(tau, rd_mp, label="trapz N {}".format(N))
tau, bcf_n = sp.method_fft.fourier_integral_simps(intg, a, b=b, N=N-1)
bcf_ref_n = bcf_ref(tau)
idx = np.where(tau <= tau_max)
tau = tau[idx]
bcf_n = bcf_n[idx]
bcf_ref_n = bcf_ref_n[idx]
rd_sm = np.abs(bcf_ref_n-bcf_n)/np.abs(bcf_ref_n)
if plot:
plt.plot(tau, rd_sm, label="simps N {}".format(N), color=p.get_color(), ls='--')
t_ = 3
x_simps, dx = np.linspace(a,b,N-1, endpoint=True, retstep=True)
I = sp_int.simps(intg(x_simps)*np.exp(-1j*x_simps*t_), dx=dx)
err = np.abs(I-bcf_ref(t_))/np.abs(bcf_ref(t_))
assert np.max(rd_mp) < errs[i], "np.max(rd_mp) = {} >= {}".format(np.max(rd_mp), errs[i])
assert np.max(rd_sm) < errs[i], "np.max(rd_sm) = {} >= {}".format(np.max(rd_sm), errs[i])
if plot:
plt.plot(t_, err, marker='o', color='g')
if plot:
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
def test_get_N_a_b_for_accurate_fourier_integral():
_WC_ = 2
intg = lambda w: 1 / (1 + (w - _WC_) ** 2) / np.pi
bcf_ref = lambda t: np.exp(- np.abs(t) - 1j * _WC_ * t)
a, b = sp.method_fft.find_integral_boundary_auto(integrand=intg, tol=1e-2, ref_val=_WC_)
N, a, b = sp.method_fft.get_N_a_b_for_accurate_fourier_integral(intg,
print(N, a, b)
def test_get_N_a_b_for_accurate_fourier_integral_b_only():
s = 0.5
wc = 4
intg = lambda x: osd(x, s, wc)
bcf_ref = lambda t: gamma_func(s + 1) * wc**(s+1) * (1 + 1j*wc * t)**(-(s+1))
a, b = sp.method_fft.find_integral_boundary_auto(integrand=intg, tol=1e-2, ref_val=1)
a = 0
N, a, b = sp.method_fft.get_N_a_b_for_accurate_fourier_integral(intg,
def test_get_dt_for_accurate_interpolation():
s = 0.5
wc = 4
intg = lambda x: osd(x, s, wc)
bcf_ref = lambda t: gamma_func(s + 1) * wc**(s+1) * (1 + 1j*wc * t)**(-(s+1))
dt = sp.method_fft.get_dt_for_accurate_interpolation(t_max=40, tol=1e-4, ft_ref=bcf_ref)
def test_sclicing():
yl = np.ones(10, dtype=int)
yl = sp.method_fft.get_fourier_integral_simps_weighted_values(yl)
assert yl[0] == 2/6
assert yl[1] == 8/6
assert yl[2] == 4/6
assert yl[3] == 8/6
assert yl[4] == 4/6
assert yl[5] == 8/6
assert yl[6] == 4/6
assert yl[7] == 8/6
assert yl[8] == 5/6
assert yl[9] == 3/6
def test_calc_abN():
def testing(intg, bcf_ref, tol, tmax):
diff_method = method_fft._absDiff
a, b = sp.method_fft.find_integral_boundary_auto(integrand=intg, tol=1e-2, ref_val=1)
a, b, N, dx, dt = sp.method_fft.calc_ab_N_dx_dt(integrand=intg,
tau, ft_tau = sp.method_fft.fourier_integral_midpoint(intg, a, b, N)
idx = np.where(tau <= tmax)
ft_ref_tau = bcf_ref(tau[idx])
rd = diff_method(ft_tau[idx], ft_ref_tau)
tau_fine = np.linspace(0, tmax, 1500)
ft_ref_n = bcf_ref(tau_fine)
ft_intp =[idx], y=ft_tau[idx], k=3, noWarning=True)
ft_intp_n = ft_intp(tau_fine)
d = diff_method(ft_intp_n, ft_ref_n)
assert rd < tol
assert d < tol
assert (np.abs(dx * dt * N - np.pi * 2)) < 1e-15
s = 0.5
wc = 4
intg = lambda x: osd(x, s, wc)
bcf_ref = lambda t: gamma_func(s + 1) * wc**(s+1) * (1 + 1j*wc * t)**(-(s+1))
tol = 1e-3
testing(intg, bcf_ref, tol, tmax)
s = 0.5
wc = 40
intg = lambda x: osd(x, s, wc)
bcf_ref = lambda t: gamma_func(s + 1) * wc ** (s + 1) * (1 + 1j * wc * t) ** (-(s + 1))
tol = 1e-3
tmax = 40
testing(intg, bcf_ref, tol, tmax)
def test_SP_TanhSinh():
s = -0.5
wc = 5
tmax = 25
sd = lambda w: w**s*np.exp(-w/wc)
bcf = lambda tau: (wc/(1+1j*wc*tau))**(s+1)*gamma_func(s+1)/np.pi
_sp = sp.StocProc_TanhSinh(spectral_density=sd, t_max=tmax, bcf_ref=bcf, intgr_tol=1e-2, intpl_tol=1e-2, seed=0)
d_tol = [0.09, 0.05]
for j, N in enumerate([1000, 5000]):
t = np.linspace(0, tmax, 500)
idx = 200
c = 0
for i in range(N):
zt = _sp(t)
c += zt*np.conj(zt[idx])
c /= N
d = np.max(np.abs(c - bcf(t-t[idx])))
assert d < d_tol[j]
def sd(w):
s = -0.5
wc = 5
return w**s*np.exp(-w/wc)
def bcf(tau):
s = -0.5
wc = 5
return (wc/(1+1j*wc*tau))**(s+1)*gamma_func(s+1)/np.pi
def test_SP_TanhSinh_dump():
tmax = 25
_sp = sp.StocProc_TanhSinh(spectral_density=sd, t_max=tmax, bcf_ref=bcf, intgr_tol=1e-2, intpl_tol=1e-2, seed=0)
t = np.linspace(0, tmax, 500)
zt = _sp(t)
import pickle
sp_dump = pickle.dumps(_sp)
del _sp
_sp2 = pickle.loads(sp_dump)
zt2 = _sp2(t)
assert np.all(zt == zt2)
N = 1000
t = np.linspace(0, tmax, 500)
idx = 200
c = 0
for i in range(N):
zt = _sp2(t)
c += zt*np.conj(zt[idx])
c /= N
d = np.max(np.abs(c - bcf(t-t[idx])))
assert d < 0.09
if __name__ == "__main__":
# test_find_integral_boundary()
# test_fourier_integral_finite_boundary()
# test_fourier_integral_infinite_boundary(plot=False)
# test_get_N_a_b_for_accurate_fourier_integral()
# test_get_N_a_b_for_accurate_fourier_integral_b_only()
# test_get_dt_for_accurate_interpolation()
# test_sclicing()
# test_calc_abN()
# test_SP_TanhSinh()