import sys import os import numpy as np import math from scipy.special import gamma as gamma_func import scipy.integrate as sp_int from scipy.linalg import eig try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: print("matplotlib not found -> any plotting will crash") import pathlib p = pathlib.PosixPath(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sys.path.insert(0, str(p.parent.parent)) from scipy.special import gamma import stocproc as sp from stocproc import tools from stocproc import method_kle from stocproc import stocproc_c import pickle import logging _S_ = 0.6 _GAMMA_S_PLUS_1 = gamma(_S_ + 1) _WC_ = 2 def oac(tau): """ohmic bath correlation function""" return (1 + 1j * (tau)) ** (-(_S_ + 1)) * _GAMMA_S_PLUS_1 / np.pi def osd(omega): return omega ** _S_ * np.exp(-omega) def lac(t): """lorenzian bath correlation function""" return np.exp(- np.abs(t) - 1j * _WC_ * t) def lsd(w): return 1 / (1 + (w - _WC_) ** 2) def test_weights(plot=False): """ here we check for the correct scaling of the various integration schemas """ def f(x): return x/(1+x**2) tm = 10 meth = [method_kle.get_mid_point_weights_times, method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times, method_kle.get_four_point_weights_times, method_kle.get_gauss_legendre_weights_times, method_kle.get_sinh_tanh_weights_times] cols = ['r', 'b', 'g', 'm', 'c'] errs = [2e-3, 2e-8, 7e-11, 5e-16, 8e-15] I_exact = np.log(tm**2 + 1)/2 ng = 401 for i, _meth in enumerate(meth): t, w = _meth(t_max=tm, num_grid_points=ng) err = abs(I_exact - np.sum(w * f(t))) print(_meth.__name__, err) assert err < errs[i] if plot: for i, _meth in enumerate(meth): xdata = [] ydata = [] for k in np.logspace(0, 2, 50): ng = 4 * int(k) + 1 t, w = _meth(t_max=tm, num_grid_points=ng) I = np.sum(w*f(t)) xdata.append(ng) ydata.append(abs(I - I_exact)) plt.plot(xdata, ydata, marker='o', color=cols[i], label=_meth.__name__) plt.legend(loc = 'lower left') plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.grid() plt.tight_layout() def test_solve_fredholm(): """ here we compare the fredholm eigenvalue problem solver (which maps the non hermetian eigenvalue problem to a hermetian one) with a straigt forward non hermetian eigenvalue solver """ t_max = 15 corr = lac meth = [method_kle.get_mid_point_weights_times, method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times, method_kle.get_four_point_weights_times] ng = 41 for _meth in meth: t, w = _meth(t_max, ng) r = corr(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1)) _eig_val, _eig_vec = method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w) eval, evec = eig(r*w.reshape(1,-1)) max_imag = np.max(np.abs(np.imag(eval))) assert max_imag < 1e-15 # make sure the evals are real eval = np.real(eval) idx_sort = np.argsort(eval)[::-1] eval = eval[idx_sort] evec = evec[:,idx_sort] max_eval_diff = np.max(np.abs(eval - _eig_val)) assert max_eval_diff < 1e-13 # compare evals with fredholm evals for i in range(ng-5): phase = np.arctan2(np.imag(_eig_vec[0,i]), np.real(_eig_vec[0,i])) _eig_vec[:, i] *= np.exp(-1j * phase) norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(w*np.abs(_eig_vec[:, i]) ** 2)) assert abs(1-norm) < 1e-14 # fredholm should return vectors with integral norm 1 phase = np.arctan2(np.imag(evec[0, i]), np.real(evec[0, i])) evec[:, i] *= np.exp(-1j * phase) norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(w* np.abs(evec[:, i])**2)) evec[:, i] /= norm diff_evec = np.max(np.abs(_eig_vec[:,i] - evec[:,i])) assert diff_evec < 1e-10, "diff_evec {} = {} {}".format(i, diff_evec, _meth.__name__) def test_compare_weights_in_solve_fredholm_oac(): """ here we try to examine which integration weights perform best in order to calculate the eigenfunctions -> well it seems to depend on the situation although simpson and gauss-legendre perform well """ t_max = 15 corr = oac ng_ref = 3501 _meth_ref = method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times t, w = _meth_ref(t_max, ng_ref) try: with open("test_fredholm_interpolation.dump", 'rb') as f: ref_data = pickle.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: ref_data = {} key = (tuple(t), tuple(w), corr.__name__) if key in ref_data: eigval_ref, evec_ref = ref_data[key] else: r = corr(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1)) eigval_ref, evec_ref = method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w) ref_data[key] = eigval_ref, evec_ref with open("test_fredholm_interpolation.dump", 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(ref_data, f) method_kle.align_eig_vec(evec_ref) ks = [20, 40, 80, 160] fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(16, 12)) ax = ax.flatten() lines = [] labels = [] eigvec_ref = [] for i in range(ng_ref): eigvec_ref.append(tools.ComplexInterpolatedUnivariateSpline(t, evec_ref[:, i])) meth = [method_kle.get_mid_point_weights_times, method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times, method_kle.get_four_point_weights_times, method_kle.get_gauss_legendre_weights_times, method_kle.get_sinh_tanh_weights_times] cols = ['r', 'b', 'g', 'm', 'c'] for j, k in enumerate(ks): axc = ax[j] ng = 4 * k + 1 for i, _meth in enumerate(meth): t, w = _meth(t_max, ng) r = corr(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1)) _eig_val, _eig_vec = method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w, eig_val_min=0) method_kle.align_eig_vec(_eig_vec) dx = [] dy = [] dy2 = [] for l in range(len(_eig_val)): evr = eigvec_ref[l](t) diff = np.abs(_eig_vec[:, l] - evr) dx.append(l) dy.append(np.max(diff)) dy2.append(abs(_eig_val[l] - eigval_ref[l])) p, = axc.plot(dx, dy, color=cols[i]) axc.plot(dx, dy2, color=cols[i], ls='--') if j == 0: lines.append(p) labels.append(_meth.__name__) t, w = method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times(t_max, ng) r = corr(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1)) _eig_val, _eig_vec = method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w, eig_val_min=0) method_kle.align_eig_vec(_eig_vec) _eig_vec = _eig_vec[1::2, :] t = t[1::2] dx = [] dy = [] dy2 = [] for l in range(len(_eig_val)): evr = eigvec_ref[l](t) diff = np.abs(_eig_vec[:, l] - evr) dx.append(l) dy.append(np.max(diff)) dy2.append(abs(_eig_val[l] - eigval_ref[l])) p, = axc.plot(dx, dy, color='lime') p_lam, = axc.plot(list(range(ng)), eigval_ref[:ng], color='k') if j == 0: lines.append(p) labels.append('simp 2nd') lines.append(p_lam) labels.append('abs(lamnda_i)') axc.grid() axc.set_yscale('log') axc.set_xlim([0, 100]) axc.set_ylim([1e-15, 10]) axc.set_title("ng {}".format(ng)) fig.suptitle("use ref with ng_ref {} and method '{}'".format(ng_ref, _meth_ref.__name__)) fig.legend(handles=lines, labels=labels, ncol=3, loc='lower center') fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) def test_compare_weights_in_solve_fredholm_lac(): """ here we try to examine which integration weights perform best in order to calculate the eigenfunctions -> well it seems to depend on the situation although simpson and gauss-legendre perform well """ t_max = 15 corr = lac ng_ref = 3501 _meth_ref = method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times t, w = _meth_ref(t_max, ng_ref) try: with open("test_fredholm_interpolation.dump", 'rb') as f: ref_data = pickle.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: ref_data = {} key = (tuple(t), tuple(w), corr.__name__) if key in ref_data: eigval_ref, evec_ref = ref_data[key] else: r = corr(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1)) eigval_ref, evec_ref = method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w) ref_data[key] = eigval_ref, evec_ref with open("test_fredholm_interpolation.dump", 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(ref_data, f) method_kle.align_eig_vec(evec_ref) ks = [20,40,80,160] fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(16,12)) ax = ax.flatten() lines = [] labels = [] eigvec_ref = [] for i in range(ng_ref): eigvec_ref.append(tools.ComplexInterpolatedUnivariateSpline(t, evec_ref[:, i])) meth = [method_kle.get_mid_point_weights_times, method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times, method_kle.get_four_point_weights_times, method_kle.get_gauss_legendre_weights_times, method_kle.get_sinh_tanh_weights_times] cols = ['r', 'b', 'g', 'm', 'c'] for j, k in enumerate(ks): axc = ax[j] ng = 4*k+1 for i, _meth in enumerate(meth): t, w = _meth(t_max, ng) r = corr(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1)) _eig_val, _eig_vec = method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w, eig_val_min=0) method_kle.align_eig_vec(_eig_vec) dx = [] dy = [] dy2 = [] for l in range(len(_eig_val)): evr = eigvec_ref[l](t) diff = np.abs(_eig_vec[:,l] - evr) dx.append(l) dy.append(np.max(diff)) dy2.append(abs(_eig_val[l] - eigval_ref[l])) p, = axc.plot(dx, dy, color=cols[i]) axc.plot(dx, dy2, color=cols[i], ls='--') if j == 0: lines.append(p) labels.append(_meth.__name__) t, w = method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times(t_max, ng) r = corr(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1)) _eig_val, _eig_vec = method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w, eig_val_min=0) method_kle.align_eig_vec(_eig_vec) _eig_vec = _eig_vec[1::2, :] t = t[1::2] dx = [] dy = [] dy2 = [] for l in range(len(_eig_val)): evr = eigvec_ref[l](t) diff = np.abs(_eig_vec[:, l] - evr) dx.append(l) dy.append(np.max(diff)) dy2.append(abs(_eig_val[l] - eigval_ref[l])) p, = axc.plot(dx, dy, color='lime') p_lam, = axc.plot(list(range(ng)), eigval_ref[:ng], color='k') if j == 0: lines.append(p) labels.append('simp 2nd') lines.append(p_lam) labels.append('abs(lamnda_i)') axc.grid() axc.set_yscale('log') axc.set_xlim([0,100]) axc.set_ylim([1e-5, 10]) axc.set_title("ng {}".format(ng)) fig.suptitle("use ref with ng_ref {} and method '{}'".format(ng_ref, _meth_ref.__name__)) fig.legend(handles=lines, labels=labels, ncol=3, loc='lower center') fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) def test_fredholm_eigvec_interpolation(): """ for ohmic sd : use 4 point and integral interpolation for lorentzian : use simpson and spline interpolation """ t_max = 15 corr = lac #corr = oac ng_ref = 3501 _meth_ref = method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times t, w = _meth_ref(t_max, ng_ref) try: with open("test_fredholm_interpolation.dump", 'rb') as f: ref_data = pickle.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: ref_data = {} key = (tuple(t), tuple(w), corr.__name__) if key in ref_data: eigval_ref, evec_ref = ref_data[key] else: r = corr(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1)) eigval_ref, evec_ref = method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w) ref_data[key] = eigval_ref, evec_ref with open("test_fredholm_interpolation.dump", 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(ref_data, f) method_kle.align_eig_vec(evec_ref) t_ref = t eigvec_ref = [] for l in range(ng_ref): eigvec_ref.append(tools.ComplexInterpolatedUnivariateSpline(t, evec_ref[:, l])) meth = [method_kle.get_mid_point_weights_times, method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times, method_kle.get_four_point_weights_times, method_kle.get_gauss_legendre_weights_times] cols = ['r', 'b', 'g', 'm', 'c'] def my_intp(ti, corr, w, t, u, lam): return np.sum(corr(ti - t) * w * u) / lam fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(16,12)) ax = ax.flatten() ks = [20,40,80,160] lns, lbs = [], [] for ik, k in enumerate(ks): axc = ax[ik] ng = 4*k+1 for i, _meth in enumerate(meth): print(ik, i) t, w = _meth(t_max, ng) r = corr(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1)) _eig_val, _eig_vec = method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w) method_kle.align_eig_vec(_eig_vec) eigvec_intp = [] for l in range(ng): eigvec_intp.append(tools.ComplexInterpolatedUnivariateSpline(t, _eig_vec[:, l])) ydata_fixed = [] ydata_spline = [] ydata_integr_intp = [] xdata = np.arange(min(ng, 100)) for idx in xdata: evr = eigvec_ref[idx](t) ydata_fixed.append(np.max(np.abs(_eig_vec[:,idx] - evr))) ydata_spline.append(np.max(np.abs(eigvec_intp[idx](t_ref) - evec_ref[:,idx]))) uip = np.asarray([my_intp(ti, corr, w, t, _eig_vec[:,idx], _eig_val[idx]) for ti in t_ref]) ydata_integr_intp.append(np.max(np.abs(uip - evec_ref[:,idx]))) p1, = axc.plot(xdata, ydata_fixed, color=cols[i], label=_meth.__name__) p2, = axc.plot(xdata, ydata_spline, color=cols[i], ls='--') p3, = axc.plot(xdata, ydata_integr_intp, color=cols[i], alpha = 0.5) if ik == 0: lns.append(p1) lbs.append(_meth.__name__) if ik == 0: lines = [p1,p2,p3] labels = ['fixed', 'spline', 'integral interp'] axc.set_yscale('log') axc.set_title("ng {}".format(ng)) axc.set_xlim([0,100]) axc.grid() fig.legend(lines, labels, loc = "lower right", ncol=3) fig.legend(lns, lbs, loc="lower left", ncol=2) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom = 0.15) plt.savefig("test_fredholm_eigvec_interpolation_{}_.pdf".format(corr.__name__)) def test_cython_interpolation(): """ """ t_max = 15 corr = oac meth = method_kle.get_four_point_weights_times def my_intp(ti, corr, w, t, u, lam): return np.sum(u * corr(ti - t) * w) / lam k = 40 ng = 4*k+1 t, w = meth(t_max, ng) r = corr(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1)) _eig_val, _eig_vec = method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w) method_kle.align_eig_vec(_eig_vec) ngfac = 4 tfine = np.linspace(0, t_max, (ng-1)*ngfac+1) bcf_n_plus = corr(tfine - tfine[0]) alpha_k = np.hstack((np.conj(bcf_n_plus[-1:0:-1]), bcf_n_plus)) for i in range(ng//2): evec = _eig_vec[:,i] sqrt_eval = np.sqrt(_eig_val[i]) ui_fine = np.asarray([my_intp(ti, corr, w, t, evec, sqrt_eval) for ti in tfine]) ui_fine2 = stocproc_c.eig_func_interp(delta_t_fac = ngfac, time_axis = t, alpha_k = alpha_k, weights = w, eigen_val = sqrt_eval, eigen_vec = evec) assert np.max(np.abs(ui_fine - ui_fine2)) < 2e-11 def test_reconstr_ac(): t_max = 15 res = method_kle.auto_ng(corr=oac, t_max=t_max, ngfac=2, meth=method_kle.get_mid_point_weights_times, tol=1e-3, diff_method='full', dm_random_samples=10 ** 4) print(type(res)) print(res.shape) def test_opt_fredh(): t_max = 15 corr = lac ng = 1001 t, w = method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times(t_max, ng) r = corr(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1)) eigval, eigvec = method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w, eig_val_min=0) idx = 0 method_kle.opt_fredholm(corr, eigval[idx], t, eigvec[:,idx], method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times, ntimes=3) def test_solve_fredholm2(): _WC_ = 2 def lac(t): return np.exp(- np.abs(t) - 1j*_WC_*t) t_max = 10 ng_fac = 1 idx_ = 102 corr = lac for ng in [51]: tfine, rd = method_kle.get_rel_diff(corr = corr, t_max=t_max, ng=ng, weights_times=method_kle.get_mid_point_weights_times, ng_fac=ng_fac) print(np.max(rd)) plt.imshow(np.log(rd)) #plt.plot(tfine, rd[:, idx_]) #tfine, rd = method_kle.get_rel_diff(corr=corr, t_max=t_max, ng=ng, # weights_times=method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times, ng_fac=ng_fac) #plt.plot(tfine, rd[:, idx_]) #plt.yscale('log') #plt.grid() def test_solve_fredholm_reconstr_ac(): """ here we see that the reconstruction quality is independent of the integration weights differences occur when checking validity of the interpolated time continuous Fredholm equation """ _WC_ = 2 def lac(t): return np.exp(- np.abs(t) - 1j*_WC_*t) t_max = 10 for ng in range(11,500,30): print(ng) t, w = sp.method_kle.get_mid_point_weights_times(t_max, ng) r = lac(t.reshape(-1,1)-t.reshape(1,-1)) _eig_val, _eig_vec = sp.method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w, eig_val_min=0) _eig_vec_ast = np.conj(_eig_vec) # (N_gp, N_ev) tmp = _eig_val.reshape(1, -1) * _eig_vec # (N_gp, N_ev) recs_bcf = np.tensordot(tmp, _eig_vec_ast, axes=([1], [1])) rd = np.max(np.abs(recs_bcf - r) / np.abs(r)) assert rd < 1e-10 t, w = sp.method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times(t_max, ng) r = lac(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1)) _eig_val, _eig_vec = sp.method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w, eig_val_min=0) _eig_vec_ast = np.conj(_eig_vec) # (N_gp, N_ev) tmp = _eig_val.reshape(1, -1) * _eig_vec # (N_gp, N_ev) recs_bcf = np.tensordot(tmp, _eig_vec_ast, axes=([1], [1])) rd = np.max(np.abs(recs_bcf - r) / np.abs(r)) assert rd < 1e-10 def test_solve_fredholm_interp_eigenfunc(plot=False): """ here we take the discrete eigenfunctions of the Fredholm problem and use qubic interpolation to check the integral equality. the difference between the midpoint weights and simpson weights become visible. Although the simpson integration yields on average a better performance there are high fluctuation in the error. """ _WC_ = 2 def lac(t): return np.exp(- np.abs(t) - 1j*_WC_*t) t_max = 10 ng = 81 ngfac = 2 tfine = np.linspace(0, t_max, (ng-1)*ngfac+1) if plot: fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharey=True, sharex=True) ax = ax.flatten() for idx in range(4): t, w = sp.method_kle.get_mid_point_weights_times(t_max, ng) r = lac(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1)) _eig_val, _eig_vec = sp.method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w, eig_val_min=0) u0 = tools.ComplexInterpolatedUnivariateSpline(t, _eig_vec[:,idx]) lam0 = _eig_val[idx] err_mp = [] for ti in tfine: I = tools.complex_quad(lambda s: lac(ti-s)*u0(s), 0, t_max, limit=500) err_mp.append(np.abs(I - lam0*u0(ti))) if plot: axc = ax[idx] axc.plot(tfine, err_mp, color='r', label='midp') t, w = sp.method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times(t_max, ng) r = lac(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1)) _eig_val, _eig_vec = sp.method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w, eig_val_min=0) u0 = tools.ComplexInterpolatedUnivariateSpline(t, _eig_vec[:, idx]) lam0 = _eig_val[idx] err_sp = [] for ti in tfine: I = tools.complex_quad(lambda s: lac(ti - s) * u0(s), 0, t_max, limit=500) err_sp.append(np.abs(I - lam0 * u0(ti))) if plot: axc.plot(tfine, err_sp, color='k', label='simp') axc.set_yscale('log') axc.plot(tfine[::ngfac], err_sp[::ngfac], ls='', marker='x', color='k') axc.set_title("eigen function # {}".format(idx)) assert max(err_mp) > max(err_sp) if plot: fig.suptitle("np.abs(int R(t-s)u_i(s) - lam_i * u_i(t))") if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # test_weights(plot=True) # test_solve_fredholm() # test_compare_weights_in_solve_fredholm_oac() # test_compare_weights_in_solve_fredholm_lac() test_fredholm_eigvec_interpolation() # test_cython_interpolation() # test_reconstr_ac() # test_opt_fredh() # test_solve_fredholm() # test_solve_fredholm_reconstr_ac() # test_solve_fredholm_interp_eigenfunc(plot=True) pass