import sys import os import numpy as np from scipy.linalg import eig try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: print("matplotlib not found -> any plotting will crash") import pathlib p = pathlib.PosixPath(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sys.path.insert(0, str(p.parent.parent)) from scipy.special import gamma from scipy.integrate import quad import stocproc as sp from stocproc import tools from stocproc import method_kle from stocproc import stocproc_c import logging _S_ = 0.6 _GAMMA_S_PLUS_1 = gamma(_S_ + 1) _WC_ = 2 def oac(tau): """ohmic bath correlation function""" return (1 + 1j * (tau)) ** (-(_S_ + 1)) * _GAMMA_S_PLUS_1 / np.pi def osd(omega): return omega ** _S_ * np.exp(-omega) def lac(t): """lorenzian bath correlation function""" return np.exp(- np.abs(t) - 1j * _WC_ * t) def lsd(w): return 1 / (1 + (w - _WC_) ** 2) def my_intp(ti, corr, w, t, u, lam): return np.sum(corr(ti - t) * w * u) / lam def test_weights(plot=False): """ here we check for the correct scaling of the various integration schemas """ def f(x): return x/(1+x**2) tm = 10 meth = [method_kle.get_mid_point_weights_times, method_kle.get_trapezoidal_weights_times, method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times, method_kle.get_four_point_weights_times, method_kle.get_gauss_legendre_weights_times, method_kle.get_tanh_sinh_weights_times] cols = ['r', 'b', 'g', 'm', 'c', 'lime'] errs = [5e-3, 6e-5, 2e-8, 7e-11, 5e-16, 8e-15] I_exact = np.log(tm**2 + 1)/2 ng = 401 for i, _meth in enumerate(meth): t, w = _meth(t_max=tm, num_grid_points=ng) err = abs(I_exact - np.sum(w * f(t))) print(_meth.__name__, err) assert err < errs[i], "err={} >= {}".format(err, errs[i]) if plot: for i, _meth in enumerate(meth): xdata = [] ydata = [] for k in np.logspace(0, 2.5, 30): ng = 4 * int(k) + 1 t, w = _meth(t_max=tm, num_grid_points=ng) I = np.sum(w*f(t)) xdata.append(ng) ydata.append(abs(I - I_exact)) plt.plot(xdata, ydata, marker='o', color=cols[i], label=_meth.__name__) x = np.logspace(1, 3, 50) plt.plot(x, 1 / x, color='0.5') plt.plot(x, 6 / x ** 2, color='0.5') plt.plot(x, 200 / x ** 4, color='0.5') plt.plot(x, 200000 / x ** 6, color='0.5') plt.legend(loc = 'lower left') plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.grid() plt.tight_layout() def test_is_axis_equidistant(): t, w = method_kle.get_mid_point_weights_times(1, 51) assert method_kle.is_axis_equidistant(t) t, w = method_kle.get_trapezoidal_weights_times(1, 51) assert method_kle.is_axis_equidistant(t) t, w = method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times(1, 51) assert method_kle.is_axis_equidistant(t) t, w = method_kle.get_four_point_weights_times(1, 53) assert method_kle.is_axis_equidistant(t) t, w = method_kle.get_gauss_legendre_weights_times(1, 51) assert not method_kle.is_axis_equidistant(t) t, w = method_kle.get_tanh_sinh_weights_times(1, 51) assert not method_kle.is_axis_equidistant(t) def test_subdevide_axis(): t = [0, 1, 3] tf1 = method_kle.subdevide_axis(t, ngfac=1) assert np.max(np.abs(tf1 - np.asarray([0, 1, 3]))) < 1e-15 tf2 = method_kle.subdevide_axis(t, ngfac=2) assert np.max(np.abs(tf2 - np.asarray([0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3]))) < 1e-15 tf3 = method_kle.subdevide_axis(t, ngfac=3) assert np.max(np.abs(tf3 - np.asarray([0, 1 / 3, 2 / 3, 1, 1 + 2 / 3, 1 + 4 / 3, 3]))) < 1e-15 tf4 = method_kle.subdevide_axis(t, ngfac=4) assert np.max(np.abs(tf4 - np.asarray([0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3]))) < 1e-15 def test_analytic_lorentzian_eigenfunctions(): tmax = 15 gamma = 2.3 w = 10.3 num = 10 corr = lambda x: np.exp(-gamma * np.abs(x) - 1j * w * x) lef = tools.LorentzianEigenFunctions(tmax, gamma, w, num) t = np.linspace(0, tmax, 55) for idx in range(num): u = lef.get_eigfunc(idx) u_kernel_re = np.asarray([quad(lambda s: np.real(corr(ti - s) * u(s)), 0, tmax)[0] for ti in t]) u_kernel_im = np.asarray([quad(lambda s: np.imag(corr(ti - s) * u(s)), 0, tmax)[0] for ti in t]) u_kernel = u_kernel_re + 1j * u_kernel_im c = 1 / lef.get_eigval(idx) md = np.max(np.abs(u(t) - c * u_kernel)) assert md < 1e-6 norm = quad(lambda s: np.abs(u(s)) ** 2, 0, tmax)[0] assert abs(1 - norm) < 1e-15 def test_solve_fredholm(): """ here we compare the fredholm eigenvalue problem solver (which maps the non hermetian eigenvalue problem to a hermetian one) with a straigt forward non hermetian eigenvalue solver """ t_max = 15 corr = lac meth = [method_kle.get_mid_point_weights_times, method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times, method_kle.get_four_point_weights_times] ng = 41 for _meth in meth: t, w = _meth(t_max, ng) r = corr(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1)) _eig_val, _eig_vec = method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w) eval, evec = eig(r*w.reshape(1,-1)) max_imag = np.max(np.abs(np.imag(eval))) assert max_imag < 1e-15 # make sure the evals are real eval = np.real(eval) idx_sort = np.argsort(eval)[::-1] eval = eval[idx_sort] evec = evec[:,idx_sort] max_eval_diff = np.max(np.abs(eval - _eig_val)) assert max_eval_diff < 1e-13 # compare evals with fredholm evals for i in range(ng-5): phase = np.arctan2(np.imag(_eig_vec[0,i]), np.real(_eig_vec[0,i])) _eig_vec[:, i] *= np.exp(-1j * phase) norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(w*np.abs(_eig_vec[:, i]) ** 2)) assert abs(1-norm) < 1e-14 # fredholm should return vectors with integral norm 1 phase = np.arctan2(np.imag(evec[0, i]), np.real(evec[0, i])) evec[:, i] *= np.exp(-1j * phase) norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(w* np.abs(evec[:, i])**2)) evec[:, i] /= norm diff_evec = np.max(np.abs(_eig_vec[:,i] - evec[:,i])) assert diff_evec < 1e-10, "diff_evec {} = {} {}".format(i, diff_evec, _meth.__name__) def test_cython_interpolation(): """ """ t_max = 15 corr = oac meth = method_kle.get_four_point_weights_times def my_intp(ti, corr, w, t, u, lam): return np.sum(u * corr(ti - t) * w) / lam k = 40 ng = 4*k+1 t, w = meth(t_max, ng) r = corr(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1)) _eig_val, _eig_vec = method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w) method_kle.align_eig_vec(_eig_vec) ngfac = 4 tfine = np.linspace(0, t_max, (ng-1)*ngfac+1) bcf_n_plus = corr(tfine - tfine[0]) alpha_k = np.hstack((np.conj(bcf_n_plus[-1:0:-1]), bcf_n_plus)) for i in range(ng//2): evec = _eig_vec[:,i] sqrt_eval = np.sqrt(_eig_val[i]) ui_fine = np.asarray([my_intp(ti, corr, w, t, evec, sqrt_eval) for ti in tfine]) ui_fine2 = stocproc_c.eig_func_interp(delta_t_fac = ngfac, time_axis = t, alpha_k = alpha_k, weights = w, eigen_val = sqrt_eval, eigen_vec = evec) assert np.max(np.abs(ui_fine - ui_fine2)) < 2e-11 def test_solve_fredholm_reconstr_ac(): """ here we see that the reconstruction quality is independent of the integration weights differences occur when checking validity of the interpolated time continuous Fredholm equation """ _WC_ = 2 def lac(t): return np.exp(- np.abs(t) - 1j*_WC_*t) t_max = 10 tol = 2e-10 for ng in range(11,500,30): t, w = sp.method_kle.get_mid_point_weights_times(t_max, ng) r = lac(t.reshape(-1,1)-t.reshape(1,-1)) _eig_val, _eig_vec = sp.method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w) _eig_vec_ast = np.conj(_eig_vec) # (N_gp, N_ev) tmp = _eig_val.reshape(1, -1) * _eig_vec # (N_gp, N_ev) recs_bcf = np.tensordot(tmp, _eig_vec_ast, axes=([1], [1])) rd = np.max(np.abs(recs_bcf - r) / np.abs(r)) assert rd < tol, "rd={} >= {}".format(rd, tol) t, w = sp.method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times(t_max, ng) r = lac(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1)) _eig_val, _eig_vec = sp.method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w) _eig_vec_ast = np.conj(_eig_vec) # (N_gp, N_ev) tmp = _eig_val.reshape(1, -1) * _eig_vec # (N_gp, N_ev) recs_bcf = np.tensordot(tmp, _eig_vec_ast, axes=([1], [1])) rd = np.max(np.abs(recs_bcf - r) / np.abs(r)) assert rd < tol, "rd={} >= {}".format(rd, tol) def test_auto_ng(): corr = oac t_max = 8 ng_fac = 1 meth = [method_kle.get_mid_point_weights_times, method_kle.get_trapezoidal_weights_times, method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times, method_kle.get_four_point_weights_times] #method_kle.get_gauss_legendre_weights_times] #method_kle.get_tanh_sinh_weights_times] for _meth in meth: ui, t = method_kle.auto_ng(corr, t_max, ngfac=ng_fac, meth = _meth) print(_meth.__name__, ui.shape) if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) test_weights(plot=False) test_is_axis_equidistant() test_subdevide_axis() test_analytic_lorentzian_eigenfunctions() test_solve_fredholm() test_cython_interpolation() test_solve_fredholm() test_solve_fredholm_reconstr_ac() test_auto_ng() pass