mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 17:21:42 -05:00
made 'ts' routine more robust
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 122 additions and 106 deletions
@ -138,55 +138,69 @@ def wk(h, k):
def yk(h, k):
return float(1 / (mpmath.exp(mpmath.pi / 2 * mpmath.sinh(k * h)) * mpmath.cosh(mpmath.pi / 2 * mpmath.sinh(k * h))))
def fourier_integral_TanhSinh(integrand, w_max, tau, h, kmax):
I, feed_back = fourier_integral_TanhSinh_with_feedback(integrand, w_max, tau, h, kmax)
# def fourier_integral_TanhSinh(integrand, w_max, tau, h, kmax):
# I, feed_back = fourier_integral_TanhSinh_with_feedback(integrand, w_max, tau, h, kmax)
# return I
def get_x_w_and_dt(n, x_max):
t_l, d_t = np.linspace(-3, 3, n, retstep=True)
s_t = np.sinh(t_l) * np.pi / 2
x = x_max / 2 / (np.exp(s_t) * np.cosh(s_t))
w = x_max / 2 * d_t * np.pi * np.cosh(t_l) / 2 / np.cosh(s_t) ** 2
return x, w
def fourier_integral_TanhSinh(f, x_max, n, tau_l):
_intgr = lambda x, tau: f(x)*np.exp(-1j*x*tau)
x, w = get_x_w_and_dt(n, x_max)
I = np.asarray([np.sum(_intgr(x, tau) * w) for tau in tau_l])
return I
def fourier_integral_TanhSinh_with_feedback(integrand, w_max, tau, h, kmax):
integrate from [0, w_max] the function
integrand*exp(-1j*w*ti) for ti = dt*n, n in [0, N]
w = w_max/2 (x + 1) # maps the integral from [-1,1] to the integral [a, b]
weights_k = (0.5 pi cosh(kh)/(cosh(0.5 pi sinh(kh))**2) = weights_minus_k
x_k = 1-y_k = -x_minus_k
y_k = 1/( exp(pi/2 sinh(kh)) cosh(pi/2 np.sinh(kh)))
I = sum_k weights_k * (b-a)/2 * (integrand(w(x_k)) + integrand(w(x_minus_k)))
:param integrand:
:param a:
:param b:
:param dt:
:param N:
k_list = np.arange(kmax+1)
weights_k = [wk(h, ki) for ki in k_list]
y_k = [yk(h, ki) for ki in k_list]
tmp1 = w_max/2
I = []
feed_back = "ok"
for ti in tau:
r = weights_k[0] * integrand(tmp1) * np.exp(-1j * tmp1 * ti)
for i in range(1, kmax+1):
if (y_k[i] * tmp1) == 0:
log.debug("y_k is 0")
feed_back = "max kmax reached"
r_tmp = weights_k[i] * ( integrand(y_k[i] * tmp1) * np.exp(-1j*y_k[i] * tmp1*ti)
+ integrand((2-y_k[i]) * tmp1) * np.exp(-1j*(2-y_k[i]) * tmp1*ti))
if np.isnan(r_tmp):
log.debug("integrand yields nan at {} or {}".format(y_k[i] * tmp1, (2-y_k[i]) * tmp1))
feed_back = "integrand nan"
r += r_tmp
return np.asarray(I), feed_back
# def fourier_integral_TanhSinh_with_feedback(integrand, w_max, tau, h, kmax):
# """
# integrate from [0, w_max] the function
# integrand*exp(-1j*w*ti) for ti = dt*n, n in [0, N]
# w = w_max/2 (x + 1) # maps the integral from [-1,1] to the integral [a, b]
# weights_k = (0.5 pi cosh(kh)/(cosh(0.5 pi sinh(kh))**2) = weights_minus_k
# x_k = 1-y_k = -x_minus_k
# y_k = 1/( exp(pi/2 sinh(kh)) cosh(pi/2 np.sinh(kh)))
# I = sum_k weights_k * (b-a)/2 * (integrand(w(x_k)) + integrand(w(x_minus_k)))
# :param integrand:
# :param a:
# :param b:
# :param dt:
# :param N:
# :return:
# """
# k_list = np.arange(kmax+1)
# weights_k = [wk(h, ki) for ki in k_list]
# y_k = [yk(h, ki) for ki in k_list]
# tmp1 = w_max/2
# I = []
# feed_back = "ok"
# for ti in tau:
# r = weights_k[0] * integrand(tmp1) * np.exp(-1j * tmp1 * ti)
# for i in range(1, kmax+1):
# if (y_k[i] * tmp1) == 0:
# log.debug("y_k is 0")
# feed_back = "max kmax reached"
# break
# r_tmp = weights_k[i] * ( integrand(y_k[i] * tmp1) * np.exp(-1j*y_k[i] * tmp1*ti)
# + integrand((2-y_k[i]) * tmp1) * np.exp(-1j*(2-y_k[i]) * tmp1*ti))
# if np.isnan(r_tmp):
# log.debug("integrand yields nan at {} or {}".format(y_k[i] * tmp1, (2-y_k[i]) * tmp1))
# feed_back = "integrand nan"
# break
# r += r_tmp
# I.append(tmp1*r)
# return np.asarray(I), feed_back
@ -391,7 +405,7 @@ def get_dt_for_accurate_interpolation(t_max, tol, ft_ref, diff_method=_absDiff):
ft_intp_n /= ft_ref_0
d = diff_method(ft_intp_n, ft_ref_n)
log.info("acc interp N {} dt {:.2e} -> diff {:.2e}".format(N, sub_sampl*tau[1], d))
log.info("acc interp N {} dt {:.2e} -> diff {:.2e}".format(N+1, sub_sampl*tau[1], d))
if d < tol:
return t_max/(N/sub_sampl)
@ -454,68 +454,55 @@ class StocProc_TanhSinh(_absStocProc):
raise NotImplementedError
N = int(np.ceil(t_max/dt_tol))
N = int(np.ceil(t_max/dt_tol))+1
log.info("yields N = {}".format(N))
wmax = method_fft.find_integral_boundary(spectral_density, tol=intgr_tol/4, ref_val=1, max_val=1e6, x0=0.777)
h = 0.1
k = 15
kstep = 5
conv_fac = 1
old_d = None
log.info("find h and kmax for TanhSinh integration ...")
while True:
tau = np.asarray([t_max])
num_FT, fb = method_fft.fourier_integral_TanhSinh_with_feedback(integrand=lambda w: spectral_density(w) / np.pi,
d = np.abs(num_FT - bcf_ref(tau)) / np.abs(bcf_ref(0))
print("fb", fb, "d", d)
if fb == 'ok':
k += kstep
log.info("lowest diff with h {:.3e}: {:.3e} < tol ({:.3e}) -> new h {:.3e}".format(h, d[0], intgr_tol, h/2))
h /= 2
k = 15
kstep *= 2
if old_d is None:
old_d = d[0]
if old_d < conv_fac * d[0]:
wmax *= 1.5
log.info("convergence factor of {} not met -> inc wmax to {}".format(conv_fac, wmax))
h = 0.1
k = 15
kstep = 5
old_d = None
old_d = d[0]
if d < intgr_tol:
log.info("intgration tolerance met with h {} and kmax {}".format(h, k))
tau = np.linspace(0, t_max, 35)
n = 16
d = intgr_tol+1
while d > intgr_tol:
n *= 2
I = method_fft.fourier_integral_TanhSinh(f = lambda w: spectral_density(w)/np.pi,
bcf_ref_t = bcf_ref(tau)
d = np.abs(bcf_ref_t-I)/abs(bcf_ref_t[0])
d = np.max(d)
print("n:{} d:{} tol:{}".format(n, d, intgr_tol))
tau = np.linspace(0, (N-1)*dt_tol, N)
num_FT = method_fft.fourier_integral_TanhSinh(
integrand=lambda w: spectral_density(w) / np.pi,
d = np.max(np.abs(num_FT - bcf_ref(tau)) / np.abs(bcf_ref(0)))
assert d < intgr_tol, "d:{}, intgr_tol:{}".format(d, intgr_tol)
log.info("perform numeric check of entire time axis [{},{}] n:{}".format(0, (N-1)*dt_tol, N))
num_FT = method_fft.fourier_integral_TanhSinh(f = lambda w: spectral_density(w)/np.pi,
wk = [method_fft.wk(h, ki) for ki in range(1, k+1)]
wk = np.hstack((wk[::-1], [method_fft.wk(h, 0)], wk))
bcf_ref_t = bcf_ref(tau)
d = np.max(np.abs(num_FT - bcf_ref_t) / np.abs(bcf_ref_t[0]))
if d > intgr_tol:
log.error("numeric check over entire time axis failed")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(tau, num_FT.real, label="ts intr bcf real")
plt.plot(tau, num_FT.imag, label="ts intr bcf imag")
yk = np.asarray([method_fft.yk(h, ki) for ki in range(1, k+1)])
tmp1 = wmax/2
self.omega_k = np.hstack( (yk[::-1] * tmp1, tmp1, (2 - yk) * tmp1))
self.fl = np.sqrt(tmp1*wk*spectral_density(self.omega_k)/np.pi)
plt.plot(tau, bcf_ref_t.real, label="bcf ref real")
plt.plot(tau, bcf_ref_t.imag, label="bcf ref imag")
d_tau = np.abs(num_FT - bcf_ref_t) / np.abs(bcf_ref_t[0])
plt.plot(tau, d_tau)
assert d <= intgr_tol, "d:{}, intgr_tol:{}".format(d, intgr_tol)
yk, wk = method_fft.get_x_w_and_dt(n, wmax)
self.omega_k = yk
self.fl = np.sqrt(wk*spectral_density(self.omega_k)/np.pi)
@ -543,11 +530,26 @@ class StocProc_TanhSinh(_absStocProc):
.. math::
Z(t_l) = sum_k \sqrt{\frac{w_k J(\omega_k)}{\pi}} Y_k e^{-\i \omega_k t_l}
z = np.empty(shape=self.num_grid_points, dtype=np.complex128)
for i, ti in enumerate(self.t):
z[i] = np.sum(self.fl*y*np.exp(-1j*self.omega_k*ti))
# z = np.empty(shape=self.num_grid_points, dtype=np.complex128)
# for i, ti in enumerate(self.t):
# z[i] = np.sum(self.fl*y*np.exp(-1j*self.omega_k*ti))
tmp1 = self.fl * y
tmp2 = -1j * self.omega_k
z = np.fromiter(map(lambda ti: np.sum(tmp1 * np.exp(tmp2 * ti)), self.t), dtype=np.complex128)
return z
def calc_z_map(self, y):
.. math::
Z(t_l) = sum_k \sqrt{\frac{w_k J(\omega_k)}{\pi}} Y_k e^{-\i \omega_k t_l}
# z = np.empty(shape=self.num_grid_points, dtype=np.complex128)
tmp1 = self.fl * y
tmp2 = -1j * self.omega_k
z = map(lambda ti: tmp1 * np.exp(tmp2 * ti), self.t)
return np.asarray(z)
def get_num_y(self):
return len(self.fl)
return len(self.fl)
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