2014-09-18 14:37:18 +02:00
from scipy.integrate import quad
import numpy as np
import numpy.polynomial as pln
import pytest
2015-06-18 10:30:22 +02:00
import os
import sys
path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
import gquad
2014-09-18 14:37:18 +02:00
def scp_laguerre(p1,p2):
f = lambda x: p1(x)*p2(x)*np.exp(-x)
return quad(f, 0, np.inf)
def scp_legendre(p1,p2):
f = lambda x: p1(x)*p2(x)
return quad(f, -1, 1)
def orthogonality(p, scp, tol_0, tol_1):
n = len(p)
for i in range(n):
s = scp(p[i],p[i])
p[i] /= np.sqrt(s[0])
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i,n):
s = scp(p[i],p[j])
print("test <p_{}|p_{}> = {:+.2e}".format(i,j,s[0]))
if i == j:
assert abs(s[0]-1) < tol_1, "error: {}".format(abs(s[0]-1))
assert abs(s[0]) < tol_0, "error: {}".format(abs(s[0]))
def test_orthogonality_laguerre():
n = 12
al = 0
a,b = gquad._recur_laguerre(n, al)
p = gquad.get_poly(a,b)
orthogonality(p, scp=scp_laguerre, tol_0=1e-10, tol_1=1e-10)
def test_orthogonality_legendre():
n = 12
a,b = gquad._recur_legendre(n)
p = gquad.get_poly(a,b)
orthogonality(p, scp=scp_legendre, tol_0=1e-10, tol_1=1e-10)
# due to the lack of python 3 compatible orthpol package
def test_compare_with_orthpol():
n = 50
ipoly = 7 # Laguerre
al = 0
be = 0 # not used
a_op, b_op, ierr = op.drecur(n, ipoly, al, be)
a, b = gquad._recur_laguerre(n, al)
assert np.allclose(a, a_op)
# note: the recur coef b[0] has no influence on the recursion formula,
# because it is multiplied by the polynomial of index -1 which is defined to be zero
# further more this coef does not occur when calculating the nodes and weights
assert np.allclose(b[1:], b_op[1:])
al = 1.2
a_op, b_op, ierr = op.drecur(n, ipoly, al, be)
a, b = gquad._recur_laguerre(n, al)
assert np.allclose(a, a_op)
assert np.allclose(b[1:], b_op[1:])
def test_integration_legendre():
n = 12
num_samples = 10
for tmp in range(num_samples):
low = np.random.rand()
high = np.random.rand()
x, w = gquad.gauss_nodes_weights_legendre(n, low, high)
coeff = 10*np.random.randn(2*n-1)
p = pln.Polynomial(coef=coeff)
a = 0.5
p_a = p(a)
p_a_ = 0
for i, c in enumerate(coeff):
p_a_ += coeff[i]* a**i
assert abs(p_a - p_a_) < 1e-14, "error: {:.2e}".format(abs(p_a - p_a_))
p_int = p.integ(m=1, lbnd=low)(high)
p_int_gauss = np.sum(w*p(x))
diff = abs(p_int - p_int_gauss)
print("diff: {:.2e}".format(diff))
assert diff < 1e-14
def test_compare_with_scipy_laguerre():
n_list = [3,7,11,20,52,100]
al = 0
for n in n_list:
x, w = gquad.gauss_nodes_weights_laguerre(n, al)
x_, w_ = pln.laguerre.laggauss(deg=n)
diff_x = np.abs(x-x_)
diff_w = np.abs(w-w_)
print("degree:", n)
print("max diff x: {:.2e}".format(max(diff_x)))
print("max diff w: {:.2e}".format(max(diff_w)))
assert max(diff_x) < 1e-12
assert max(diff_w) < 1e-12
def test_compare_with_scipy_legendre():
n_list = [3,7,11,20,52,100,200,500]
al = 0
for n in n_list:
x, w = gquad.gauss_nodes_weights_legendre(n)
x_, w_ = pln.legendre.leggauss(deg=n)
diff_x = np.abs(x-x_)
diff_w = np.abs(w-w_)
print("degree:", n)
print("max diff x: {:.2e}".format(max(diff_x)))
print("max diff w: {:.2e}".format(max(diff_w)))
assert max(diff_x) < 1e-12
assert max(diff_w) < 1e-12
if __name__ == "__main__":
# test_orthogonality_laguerre()
# test_orthogonality_legendre()
# test_integration_legendre()
# test_compare_with_scipy_laguerre()