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"""Collect and sort version strings."""
import re
RE_SEMVER = re.compile(r'^v?V?(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?([\w.+-]*)$')
def semvers(names):
"""Parse versions into integers and convert non-integer meta indicators into integers with ord().
Each return list item has an indicator as the first item. 0 for valid versions and 1 for invalid. Can be used to
sort non-version names (e.g. master, feature_branch, etc) after valid versions. No sorting is done in this function
Read multi_sort() docstring for reasoning behind inverted integers in version_ints variable.
:param iter names: List of strings representing versions/tags/branches.
:return: List of parsed versions. E.g. v1.10.0b3 -> [0, 1, 10, 0, ord('b'), ord('3')]
:rtype: list
matches = [(RE_SEMVER.findall(n) or [[]])[0] for n in names]
max_len_ints = 0
max_len_str = 0
# Get max lens for padding.
for match in (m for m in matches if m):
max_len_ints = len(match) # Never changes.
max_len_str = max(max_len_str, len(match[-1]))
if not max_len_ints:
return matches # Nothing to do, all empty.
invalid_template = [1] + [0] * (max_len_ints + max_len_str - 1)
# Parse.
exploded_semver = list()
for match in matches:
if not match:
version_ints = [-int(i or 0) for i in match[:-1]]
ints_of_str = [ord(i) for i in match[-1]] + [0] * (max_len_str - len(match[-1]))
exploded_semver.append([0] + version_ints + ints_of_str)
return exploded_semver
def multi_sort(remotes, sort):
"""Sort `remotes` in place. Allows sorting by multiple conditions.
This is needed because Python 3 no longer supports sorting lists of multiple types. Sort keys must all be of the
same type.
Problem: the user expects versions to be sorted latest first and timelogical to be most recent first (when viewing
the HTML documentation), yet expects alphabetical sorting to be A before Z.
Solution: invert integers (dates and parsed versions).
:param iter remotes: List of dicts from Versions().remotes.
:param iter sort: What to sort by. May be one or more of: alpha, time, semver
exploded_alpha = list()
exploded_semver = list()
# Convert name to int if alpha is in sort.
if 'alpha' in sort:
alpha_max_len = max(len(r['name']) for r in remotes)
for name in (r['name'] for r in remotes):
exploded_alpha.append([ord(i) for i in name] + [0] * (alpha_max_len - len(name)))
# Parse versions if semver is in sort.
if 'semver' in sort:
exploded_semver = semvers(r['name'] for r in remotes)
# Build sort_mapping dict.
sort_mapping = dict()
for i, remote in enumerate(remotes):
key = list()
for sort_by in sort:
if sort_by == 'alpha':
elif sort_by == 'time':
elif sort_by == 'semver':
sort_mapping[id(remote)] = key
# Sort.
remotes.sort(key=lambda k: sort_mapping.get(id(k)))
class Versions(object):
"""Iterable class that holds all versions and handles sorting and filtering. To be fed into Sphinx's Jinja2 env.
:ivar iter remotes: List of dicts for every branch/tag.
:ivar dict context: Current Jinja2 context, provided by Sphinx's html-page-context API hook.
:ivar dict greatest_tag_remote: Tag with the highest version number if it's a valid semver.
:ivar dict recent_branch_remote: Most recently committed branch.
:ivar dict recent_remote: Most recently committed branch/tag.
:ivar dict recent_tag_remote: Most recently committed tag.
def __init__(self, remotes, sort=None, priority=None, invert=False):
:param iter remotes: Output of routines.gather_git_info(). Converted to list of dicts as instance variable.
:param iter sort: List of strings (order matters) to sort remotes by. Strings may be: alpha, time, semver
:param str priority: May be "branches" or "tags". Groups either before the other. Maintains order otherwise.
:param bool invert: Invert sorted/grouped remotes at the end of processing.
self.remotes = [dict(
id='/'.join(r[2:0:-1]), # str; kind/name
sha=r[0], # str
name=r[1], # str
kind=r[2], # str
date=r[3], # int
conf_rel_path=r[4], # str
found_docs=tuple(), # tuple of str
master_doc='contents', # str
root_dir=r[1], # str
) for r in remotes]
self.context = dict()
self.greatest_tag_remote = None
self.recent_branch_remote = None
self.recent_remote = None
self.recent_tag_remote = None
# Sort one or more times.
if sort:
multi_sort(self.remotes, [s.strip().lower() for s in sort])
# Priority.
if priority == 'branches':
self.remotes.sort(key=lambda r: 1 if r['kind'] == 'tags' else 0)
elif priority == 'tags':
self.remotes.sort(key=lambda r: 0 if r['kind'] == 'tags' else 1)
# Invert.
if invert:
# Get significant remotes.
if self.remotes:
remotes = self.remotes[:]
multi_sort(remotes, ('time',))
self.recent_remote = remotes[0]
self.recent_branch_remote = ([r for r in remotes if r['kind'] != 'tags'] or [None])[0]
self.recent_tag_remote = ([r for r in remotes if r['kind'] == 'tags'] or [None])[0]
if self.recent_tag_remote:
multi_sort(remotes, ('semver',))
greatest_tag_remote = [r for r in remotes if r['kind'] == 'tags'][0]
if RE_SEMVER.search(greatest_tag_remote['name']):
self.greatest_tag_remote = greatest_tag_remote
def __bool__(self):
"""True if self.remotes is not empty. Python 3.x."""
return bool(self.remotes)
def __nonzero__(self):
"""True if self.remotes is not empty. Python 2.x."""
return self.__bool__()
def __len__(self):
"""Length of self.remotes."""
return len(self.remotes)
def __getitem__(self, item):
"""Retrieve a version dict from self.remotes by any of its attributes."""
# First assume item is an attribute.
for key in ('id', 'sha', 'name', 'date'):
for remote in self.remotes:
if remote[key] == item:
return remote
# Next assume item is a substring of a sha.
length = len(item)
except TypeError: # Not an int.
length = 0
if length >= 5:
for remote in self.remotes:
if item in remote['sha']:
return remote
# Finally assume it's an index. Raises IndexError if item is int.
return self.remotes[item]
except TypeError:
# Nothing found, IndexError not raised. item was probably a string, raising KeyError.
raise KeyError(item)
def __iter__(self):
"""Yield name and urls of branches and tags."""
for remote in self.remotes:
name = remote['name']
yield name, self.vpathto(name)
def branches(self):
"""Return list of (name and urls) only branches."""
return [(r['name'], self.vpathto(r['name'])) for r in self.remotes if r['kind'] == 'heads']
def tags(self):
"""Return list of (name and urls) only tags."""
return [(r['name'], self.vpathto(r['name'])) for r in self.remotes if r['kind'] == 'tags']
def vhasdoc(self, other_version):
"""Return True if the other version has the current document. Like Sphinx's hasdoc().
:raise KeyError: If other_version doesn't exist.
:param str other_version: Version to link to.
:return: If current document is in the other version.
:rtype: bool
if self.context['current_version'] == other_version:
return True
return self.context['pagename'] in self[other_version]['found_docs']
def vpathto(self, other_version):
"""Return relative path to current document in another version. Like Sphinx's pathto().
If the current document doesn't exist in the other version its master_doc path is returned instead.
:raise KeyError: If other_version doesn't exist.
:param str other_version: Version to link to.
:return: Relative path.
:rtype: str
is_root = self.context['scv_is_root']
pagename = self.context['pagename']
if self.context['current_version'] == other_version and not is_root:
return '{}.html'.format(pagename.split('/')[-1])
other_remote = self[other_version]
other_root_dir = other_remote['root_dir']
components = ['..'] * pagename.count('/')
components += [other_root_dir] if is_root else ['..', other_root_dir]
components += [pagename if self.vhasdoc(other_version) else other_remote['master_doc']]
return '{}.html'.format(__import__('posixpath').join(*components))